1,029 research outputs found

    Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Bentuk Baku Pada Masyarakat Poleang Barat

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    conversmost of the errors that appear in a piece of writing or spoken speech are caused by the presence of language spelling problems, errors in interpretation, the use of non-standard words that do not match their function. The purpose of studying language learners' language errors is to identify elements of the target language that cause language learning difficulties and to find explanations about the causes of language difficulties that result in language errors. The method used to identify language errors in the West Poleang community is a qualitative descriptive method with a note-taking technique. Ation Spoken language errors made by language users include errors at the phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic levels. Mistakes made unconsciously due to lack of understanding of the phoneme structure and morphemes of the language being used

    Kesalahan Penggunaan Kata “TANYA” pada Kalimat Berita Masyarakat Penutur di Poleang Barat

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    Latar Belakang: Kurangnya keterampilan berbahasa menjadi salah satu hambatan dalam proses komunikasi. Wujud dari kurangnya keterampilan berbahasa itu antara lain disebabkan oleh kesalahan-kesalahan berbahasa. Tujuan: Untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk kesalahan berbahasa lisan yang sering dilakukan masyarakat penutur di Poleang Barat. Metode: Menggunakan metode simak dan teknik deskriptif kualitatif-preskriptif, yaitu dengan mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan hasil temuan di lapangan dan memberi solusi atau pemecahan atas masalah yang terdapat dalam pemakaian bahasa Indonesia pada masyarakat penutur di Poleang Barat. Hasil: Kesalahan penggunaan kata “Tanya” pada kalimat langsung yang bertujuan menyampaikan atau melaporkan terjadi karena kerancuan berpikir oleh penutur yang memposisikan dirinya pada dua kondisi, satu kondisi sebagai penyampai berita, kondisi yang lain sebagai penggali berita. Kesalahan penggunaan kata “Tanya” karena kehadiran kedua pernyataan ini senantiasa beriringan. Kesimpulan: Kesalahan berbahasa terjadi karena ketidakmampuan penutur bahasa membedakan jenis kalimat berita dengan jenis kalimat tanya. Secara semantik, makna atau arti dalam bahasa kedua jenis kalimat tersebut bersinonim


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    Kelurahan Mannongkoki di kabupaten Takalar merupakan sentra industri mebel kayu lokal, namun kebanyakan produk mebel yang dibuat adalah mebel tradisional tanpa ukiran.Terdapat ratusan kelompok usaha mebel kayu, namun hanya dua unit usaha yang dapat membuat mebel ukir, oleh sebab itu kedua unit usaha mebel tersebut kesulitan dalam memenuhi perminataan pembeli terhadap mebel ukir. Permasalahannya adalah kekurangan tenaga utama pengukir kayu, sehingga jumlah produk yang dihasilkan sangat terbatas dan belum mampu memenuhi permintaan pembeli. Permasalahan lainnya adalah mebel ukir yang dibuat terkadang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan pembeli, sebab pembeli menginginkan mebel dengan ukiran baru. Oleh sebab itu, upaya pembinaan dan pelatihan mengukir untuk menambah tenaga pengukir yang dimiliki perlu dilakukan. Selain itu, perlu menawarkan ukiran baru bernuanasa lokal, agar mebel ukir yang dibuat dapat menarik minat pembeli dan sekaligus menampilkan identitas lokal dengan ukiran baru yang dikembangkan dari ikon budaya lokal khususnya di Kabupeten Takalar. Melalui PKM Perajin Mebel Mannongkoki dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan agar dapat menambah tenaga pengukir. Hasil PKM menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya pemuda lokal dapat dilatih membuat dan mengeksplorasi ornament sesuai kreativitasnya, bahkan dapat menerapkan sebagai ukiran pada kayu, namun masih perlu kesungguhan dan komitmen agar dapat menekuni pekerjaan sebagai pengukir. Hasil PKM juga telah menambah tenaga pengukir menjadi 4 orang dan telah menerapkan ornament lokal sebagai salah satu alternatif produk yang dijual

    The human skeletal muscle in vivo : The use of microdialysis to study glucose metabolism and insulin resistance

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    The aim of this thesis was to further develop the microdialysis technique for studies of glucose metabolism and insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle in vivo and to use this technique to explore the effect of exercise on muscle glucose metabolism and insulin action. The first two studies were conducted to explore the possibility of using a perfusion flow rate low enough to obtain complete equilibrium between the interstitial and perfusion fluids and if the colloid included in the perfusion fluid for this purpose affected the metabolite concentrations in the dialysate. The following three studies focus on glucose metabolism and insulin resistance by examining the extent to which insulin and/or the insulin-mimetic trace element vanadate added to the perfusion fluid exerted local effects on the glucose metabolism in healthy and in insulin-resistant human skeletal muscle, at rest and following a single bout of exercise. It was found that to obtain complete equilibration between the perfusion fluid and the interstitial fluid in human skeletal muscle, a perfusion flow rate as low as 0.16 µl/min is necessary with the presently used catheters (Study I). At these low perfusion flow rates a colloid needs to be included in the perfusion fluid in order to keep the fluid balance and in this thesis it was shown that the colloid dextran-70 does not affect the metabolite concentrations in the collected dialysates (Study II). A high cut-off microdialysis membrane can be used to infuse insulin into human skeletal muscle and to record its effect on metabolite concentrations (Study III). When the insulin-mimetic agent vanadate was infused into human skeletal muscle (Study IV), it was found to decrease the interstitial glucose concentration in a similar way as insulin, but in contrast to insulin, the effect of vanadate was not diminished in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle and was not affected by exercise (Study V). In insulin-resistant human skeletal muscle, the effect of insulin tended to be larger following a single 2-h bout of exercise than in resting muscle (-32 % versus -20%, p<0.09) (Study V). The insulin effect in resting muscle of healthy individuals was 30 % (Study III). In conclusion, the studies in the present thesis support the hypothesis that it will be possible in the future to measure insulin resistance in skeletal muscle with microdialysis and to use the technique to explore the effect on skeletal muscle of different therapeutic options in the treatment of type-2 diabetes. On this line, the present results indicate that a single bout of exercise normalizes the insulin effect on the interstitial glucose concentration in insulinresistant human skeletal muscle

    Eric Hermelin and mystical hermeneutics: interpretation beyond itself

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    Eric Hermelin (1860-1944) translated more than 10.000 pages Persian Sufi poetry, German texts by Jakob Böhme and Latin texts by Emmanuel Swedenborg. In the translation process Hermelin shaped his strategies and perceptions in ways which served their patterns of desire, and what they constructed reflected and served their own unique identity. Added up, the devices which constitute strategies of reading set in motion by the selfs defense of its identity are: Defenses, Expectations, Fantasies, and Transformations. Hermelin's mystical hermeneutics produced not only understanding of texts, but often no less produced an increased awareness, with appropriate hermeneutical sensitivity, of self-perception and self-identity. A self-awareness and a strengthening of an individual and corporate identity as one who has a stake in the texts and that to which they bear witness constitutes an important reader-effect in this case of Sufi poetry. But without any principle of suspicion, in Gadamer's terminology a premature fusion of horizons will take place before Hermelin has listened in openness with respect for the tension between the horizons of the text and the horizon of Hermelin. The textual horizon has col-lapsed into that of Hermelin's narrative biography, and is unable to do more than to speak back his own valnes and desires. Something socio-pragmatical was after all woven into the controversial bon vivant, when he used literary works to replicate himself. At the same time, the texts spoke from beyond the self

    Witch accusations, rapes and burnings in South Africa

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    With new different power systems in Africa, the whole concept of learning, authority and power is affected. To have authority means in many cases to have inherent power which exceeds the power of others. So called wizards,wachawi, in Tanzania have been found guilty of killing their victims and taking parts from the bodies to obtain and secure power.The basic ingredients in the medicines which the wachawi use consists of elements taken from the human body on one hand and parts from animals and trees on the other hand. The parts of the body which are obtainable easily are nails, hair and emission of the body. The shadow of a person is also utilized by taking some of the soil over which the shadow had fallen. Other potent parts such as the sex organs, bone from legs or skin from different parts of the body and the nose or tongue are known to be utilized by the wachawi
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