105 research outputs found

    Solomon Islands National Information Strategy: To Empower All Communities To Better Manage Their Marine Resources

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    Through the Pacific-European Union Marine Partnership (PEUMP) programme, the Solomon Islands National Information Strategy was developed by cChange, a regional nongovernmental organisation. This National Information Strategy was developed in consultation with the Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) and Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM), and its national partners, WorldFish (WF), World Wildlife Fund (WWF-Pacific), and regional partners, the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network International (LMMA). As outlined in the “Pacific Framework for Action on Scaling-up Community-based Fisheries Management” (2021-2025), a national information strategy is a critical component to upscale community-based management in the Pacific islands. This National Information Strategy endeavors to meet that need

    Löftets bindande kraft - en komparativ studie av svensk och amerikansk avtalsrÀtt

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    Ingen rĂ€ttsordning tillskriver alla sorters löften bindande verkan. Det hĂ€r arbetet syftar till att kritiskt granska och jĂ€mföra hur man har valt att avgrĂ€nsa bindande löften frĂ„n oförbindande löften i svensk respektive amerikansk avtalsrĂ€tt. Ett anbud Ă€r enligt svensk rĂ€tt en bindande viljeförklaring. UtgĂ„ngspunkten Ă€r att en viljeförklaring Ă€r bindande om avsĂ€ndaren hade för avsikt att juridiskt binda sig vid förklaringens innehĂ„ll. Bedömningen grundar sig emellertid inte pĂ„ anbudsgivarens subjektiva avsikt utan pĂ„ hur viljeförklaringen objektivt sett framstod för nĂ„gon i anbudstagarens position. Ovan beskrivna princip kallas för tillitsprincipen och avser sĂ€kerstĂ€lla trygghet i omsĂ€ttningen. Vidare krĂ€vs ett visst minimum vad betrĂ€ffar konkretion och adressat, för att ett löfte ska klassificeras som ett anbud. Enligt den sĂ„ kallade löftesprincipen blir anbudsgivaren bunden av sitt löfte redan nĂ€r det kommit till adressatens kĂ€nnedom. Syftet bakom regleringen Ă€r att ge anbudstagaren tid för övervĂ€gande, utan att Ă€ventyra att anbudet kan komma att Ă„terkallas. Den amerikanska avtalsrĂ€tten uppstĂ€ller liknande krav som sin svenska motsvarighet vad gĂ€ller anbudets utformning. Bedömningen grundar sig enligt the objective theory pĂ„ viljeförklaringens yttre uppfattbara fenomen och löftet mĂ„ste vara tillrĂ€ckligt bestĂ€mt betrĂ€ffande innehĂ„ll och adressat. För bundenhet krĂ€vs hĂ€rutöver att löftestagaren har avgivit consideration i utbyte mot löftet. Consideration kan nĂ„got förenklat beskrivas som ett framförhandlat vederlag för löftet, motiverat av löftet, som innebĂ€r en legal detriment för avgivaren. Till följd av detta blir bĂ„da parterna samtidigt bundna av sina löften, nĂ€mligen nĂ€r consideration har avgivits. Denna princip kallas för kontraktsprincipen och syftar till att skydda anbudsgivaren frĂ„n spekulation. I hög utstrĂ€ckning rĂ„der samsyn mellan de bĂ„da rĂ€ttsordningarna kring vilka löften som Ă€r bindande och vilka som inte Ă€r det, men resultatet nĂ„s pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Den amerikanska avtalsrĂ€tten innehĂ„ller ytterligare en komponent, consideration, vilket gör den mer generell. Consideration Ă€r emellertid ett vĂ€ldigt komplicerat och trubbigt instrument för att tillskriva löften bindande verkan och den svenska modellen framstĂ„r enligt mig som en mer praktisk lösning.No legal system enforces all sorts of promises. The objective of his essay is to analyse and compare the general basis for enforcing promises in Swedish and American contract law. In Swedish contract law, an offer is a manifestation of intent to be legally bound by the offer. However, contract law is concerned only with what intent was objectively manifested, which may not necessarily correspond with the offeror’s subjective intent. This regulation is considered to protect the offeree and ensure the turnover in commerce. A promise also needs a certain degree of definiteness regarding terms and addressee to qualify as an offer. According to löftesprincipen, the offeror is bound by the offer the moment it comes to the offeree’s knowledge. This principle of irrevocable offers provides the offeree with time to decide whether to accept the offer or not, without the risk of the offer being revoked. In American contract law, the requirements for a valid offer is in essence the same as in Swedish contract law. According to the objective theory, the necessary assent is judged objectively upon the parties’ manifestations, and the offer needs to be sufficiently defined regarding terms and addressee. However, for a promise to be enforceable, it also has to be supported by consideration. Consideration can be thought of as a legal detriment suffered by one person in exchange for another person’s promise. As a consequence of this doctrine, the moment when each party becomes bound is the same, i.e. when consideration is given. This order serves to prevent the offeree from speculating in price fluctuations at the expense of the offeror. Both legal systems generally enforce the same types of promises, but uses different techniques in doing so. American contract law contains one additional ingredient, consideration, which provides for a more general basis for enforcing promises. However, consideration is an unnecessarily complicated way of separating enforceable promises from unenforceable one’s. In my view, the Swedish solution seems to be more practical

    Prefabricerade betongbroar, ett lönsamt koncept? - En fallstudie av NCC Montagebro

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    Examensarbetets syfte Àr att visa skillnader mellan det traditionella platsgjutna byggandet av broar gentemot prefabbroar. Fokus ligger pÄ arbetsmiljö, kvalitet, miljö, tid och kostnad samt bestÀllarnas instÀllning mot prefabricerade betongbroar. Att undersöka var produktionen av betongelement Àr lÀmpligast. JÀmförelsen sker mellan tillverkning in situ eller i fabrik samt utreda framtidsutsikterna för prefabsystem

    Securing sustainable access to aquatic foods

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    Global nutrition needs are increasing and aquatic foods have recently been identified as crucial in addressing many of the world’s urgent challenges, including hunger and malnutrition. This synthesis highlights the importance of aquatic foods as a source of protein, micronutrients and income, its potential to meet increasing food demands, as well as the challenges in aquatic food production and harvesting.Most importantly, it provides an overview of management initiatives and innovative solutions for secured sustainable access to aquatic foods in the future. Aquatic foods provide micronutrient-rich foods for 3.3 billion people and support the livelihoods of more than 800 million people. Small-scale fisheries, in particular, play a key role in supporting the diversity and nutritional benefits of aquatic foods. However, the capture and production of aquatic foods is not always sustainable, and access to these foods may be unequal. At the water-land nexus, new ways of producing aquatic foods hold the potential to reduce the climate footprint in the food system.The governance of, and investment in, aquatic food systems needs to aim to preserve, support and improve aquatic species diversity and to improve access to this highly nutritious food. These efforts need to include multiple stakeholders, such as fishers, community agencies, policy makers and researchers, and be firmly established in both the latest research and in a local/regional context - ecologically and socially. By incorporating different aspects of aquatic foods, this synthesis aims to inspire and inform the reader about the importance of these systems, and means for a sustainable way forward

    Pencapaian Utama Kajian Separuh Penggal RMK-9 (2006-2007)

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    Growing trade networks through globalization have expanded governance of local environments to encompass multiple scales. The governing role of market actors, such as traders and consumers in importing countries, has been recognized and embraced for sustainable seafood sourcing and trade. The perceptions that affect the conduct of these actors are a potential influence on governance of distal environments. In this paper we investigate the perceptions of sea cucumber traders in China. Sea cucumbers are an important global fishery commodity predominantly traded to China, the world\u27s largest seafood market, and seven traded species are endangered globally. We examine what traders and consumers in China perceive as important issues in seafood markets, and where they perceive the responsibility for sustainable fisheries to lie, to interpret what scope there is for sustainability to become an important issue in China\u27s seafood markets. We find that clusters of perceptions about cultural status, quality, health and food safety, and country of origin influence decisions that consumers make. These norms are rooted in sociocultural practice and drive current trade strategies. While traders do want to mitigate risks and secure supplies, food safety, product quality and country of origin are viewed as more important concerns than stock sustainability. Responsibility for sustainable fishing is perceived to be that of national governments in production countries. Trading practices and consumer perceptions together pose a serious challenge to sustainable seafood markets, further confounded by clandestine cross-border gray trade into China

    Following the fish inland: understanding fish distribution networks for rural development and nutrition security

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    © 2019, International Society for Plant Pathology and Springer Nature B.V. In developing countries, small-scale fisheries are both a pivotal source of livelihood and essential for the nutritional intake of larger food insecure populations. Distribution networks that move fish from landing sites to coastal and inland consumers offer entry points to address livelihood enhancement and food security objectives of rural development initiatives. To be able to utilize fish distribution networks to address national development targets, a sound understanding of how local systems function and are organized is imperative. Here we present an in-depth examination of a domestic market chain in Timor-Leste that supplies small-pelagic fish to coastal and inland communities. We present the market chain’s different commodity flows and its distributive reach, and show how social organization strongly influences people’s access to fish, by determining availability and affordability. We suggest there is potential to advance Timor-Leste’s food and nutrition security targets by engaging with local influential actors and existing social relations across fish distribution networks. We argue that in addition to developing improvements to fish distribution infrastructure, utilizing existing or locally familiar practices, organization and social capital offers opportunity for long term self-sufficiency. Livelihood and food security improvement initiatives involving natural resource-dependent communities are more likely to succeed if they incorporate rural development perspectives, which frame directly targeted interventions (‘intentional’ development) within broader structural contexts (‘immanent’ development)

    Unpacking pathways to diversified livelihoods from projects in Pacific Island coastal fisheries

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    Livelihood diversification has become an integral focus of policies and investments aiming to reduce poverty, vulnerability, and pressure on fishery resources in coastal communities around the globe. In this regard, coastal fisheries in the Pacific Islands have long been a sector where livelihood diversification has featured prominently. Yet, despite the widespread promotion and international investment in this strategy, the ability of externally funded livelihood diversification projects to facilitate improved resource management and rural development outcomes often remains inconsistent. We argue these inconsistencies can be attributed to a conceptual ambiguity stemming from a lack of attention and awareness to the complexity of livelihood diversification. There is still much to learn about the process of livelihood diversification, both in its theoretical conceptualizations and its practical applications. Herein, we utilize a common diversity framework to clarify some of this ambiguity by distinguishing three diversification pathways. These pathways are illustrated using an ideal–typical Pacific Island coastal household and supported by examples provided in the literature that detail livelihood diversification projects in the Pacific. Through this perspective, we seek a more nuanced understanding of what is meant within the policy and practice goal of livelihood diversification. Thereby enabling more targeted and deliberate planning for development investments that facilitates outcomes in support of sustainable livelihoods
