972 research outputs found

    Brain connectivity Patterns Dissociate action of specific Acupressure Treatments in Fatigued Breast cancer survivors

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    Funding This work was supported by grants R01 CA151445 and 2UL1 TR000433-06 from the National Institutes of Health. The funding source had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. We thank the expert assistance by Dr. Bradley Foerster in acquisition of 1H-MRS and fMRI data.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Postictal serotonin levels are associated with peri-ictal apnea.

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    ObjectiveTo determine the relationship between serum serotonin (5-HT) levels, ictal central apnea (ICA), and postconvulsive central apnea (PCCA) in epileptic seizures.MethodsWe prospectively evaluated video EEG, plethysmography, capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2), and ECG for 49 patients (49 seizures) enrolled in a multicenter study of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Postictal and interictal venous blood samples were collected after a clinical seizure for measurement of serum 5-HT levels. Seizures were classified according to the International League Against Epilepsy 2017 seizure classification. We analyzed seizures with and without ICA (n = 49) and generalized convulsive seizures (GCS) with and without PCCA (n = 27).ResultsPostictal serum 5-HT levels were increased over interictal levels for seizures without ICA (p = 0.01), compared to seizures with ICA (p = 0.21). In patients with GCS without PCCA, serum 5-HT levels were increased postictally compared to interictal levels (p < 0.001), but not in patients with seizures with PCCA (p = 0.22). Postictal minus interictal 5-HT levels also differed between the 2 groups with and without PCCA (p = 0.03). Increased heart rate was accompanied by increased serum 5-HT levels (postictal minus interictal) after seizures without PCCA (p = 0.03) compared to those with PCCA (p = 0.42).ConclusionsThe data suggest that significant seizure-related increases in serum 5-HT levels are associated with a lower incidence of seizure-related breathing dysfunction, and may reflect physiologic changes that confer a protective effect against deleterious phenomena leading to SUDEP. These results need to be confirmed with a larger sample size study

    Functional MRI Correlates of Carbon Dioxide Chemosensing in Persons With Epilepsy

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    ObjectivesSudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a catastrophic epilepsy outcome for which there are no reliable premortem imaging biomarkers of risk. Percival respiratory depression is seen in monitored SUDEP and near SUDEP cases, and abnormal chemosensing of raised blood carbon dioxide (CO2) is thought to contribute. Damage to brainstem respiratory control and chemosensing structures has been demonstrated in structural imaging and neuropathological studies of SUDEP. We hypothesized that functional MRI (fMRI) correlates of abnormal chemosensing are detectable in brainstems of persons with epilepsy (PWE) and are different from healthy controls (HC).MethodsWe analyzed fMRI BOLD activation and brain connectivity in 10 PWE and 10 age- and sex-matched HCs during precisely metered iso-oxic, hypercapnic breathing challenges. Segmented brainstem responses were of particular interest, along with characterization of functional connectivity metrics between these structures. Regional BOLD activations during hypercapnic challenges were convolved with hemodynamic responses, and the resulting activation maps were passed on to group-level analyses. For the functional connectivity analysis, significant clusters from BOLD results were used as seeds. Each individual seed time-series activation map was extracted for bivariate correlation coefficient analyses to study changes in brain connectivity between PWE and HCs.Results(1) Greater brainstem BOLD activations in PWE were observed compared to HC during hypercapnic challenges in several structures with respiratory/chemosensing properties. Group comparison between PWE vs. HC showed significantly greater activation in the dorsal raphe among PWE (p < 0.05) compared to HCs. (2) PWE had significantly greater seed-seed connectivity and recruited more structures during hypercapnia compared to HC.SignificanceThe results of this study show that BOLD responses to hypercapnia in human brainstem are detectable and different in PWE compared to HC. Increased dorsal raphe BOLD activation in PWE and increased seed-seed connectivity between brainstem and adjacent subcortical areas may indicate abnormal chemosensing in these individuals. Imaging investigation of brainstem respiratory centers involved in respiratory regulation in PWE is an important step toward identifying suspected dysfunction of brainstem breathing control that culminates in SUDEP and deserve further study as potential imaging SUDEP biomarkers

    A One Health Framework for the Evaluation of Rabies Control Programmes: A Case Study from Colombo City, Sri Lanka

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>One Health addresses complex challenges to promote the health of all species and the environment by integrating relevant sciences at systems level. Its application to zoonotic diseases is recommended, but few coherent frameworks exist that combine approaches from multiple disciplines. Rabies requires an interdisciplinary approach for effective and efficient management.</p><p>Methodology/Principal Findings</p><p>A framework is proposed to assess the value of rabies interventions holistically. The economic assessment compares additional monetary and non-monetary costs and benefits of an intervention taking into account epidemiological, animal welfare, societal impact and cost data. It is complemented by an ethical assessment. The framework is applied to Colombo City, Sri Lanka, where modified dog rabies intervention measures were implemented in 2007. The two options included for analysis were the control measures in place until 2006 (“baseline scenario”) and the new comprehensive intervention measures (“intervention”) for a four-year duration. Differences in control cost; monetary human health costs after exposure; Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost due to human rabies deaths and the psychological burden following a bite; negative impact on animal welfare; epidemiological indicators; social acceptance of dogs; and ethical considerations were estimated using a mixed method approach including primary and secondary data. Over the four years analysed, the intervention cost US $1.03 million more than the baseline scenario in 2011 prices (adjusted for inflation) and caused a reduction in dog rabies cases; 738 DALYs averted; an increase in acceptability among non-dog owners; a perception of positive changes in society including a decrease in the number of roaming dogs; and a net reduction in the impact on animal welfare from intermediate-high to low-intermediate.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>The findings illustrate the multiple outcomes relevant to stakeholders and allow greater understanding of the value of the implemented rabies control measures, thereby providing a solid foundation for informed decision-making and sustainable control.</p></div

    Understanding the limits of Li-NMC811 half-cells

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    As we push the boundaries of state-of-the-art lithium-ion intercalation materials, such as nickel-rich chemistries, the ability to isolate and understand specific degradation and performance limitations is becoming increasingly important. Half-cells, wherein lithium metal is employed as a dual counter and reference electrode, are commonly used in industry and academia for this purpose. However, the high reactivity of lithium metal drives premature electrolyte degradation and limits cell lifetime, bringing into question the reliability and validity of this cell configuration. Here we explore the limitations of half-cell studies of LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC811) electrodes with commercially relevant loading. We identify the failure mechanism of this cell configuration through a combination of electrochemical, chemical, and spectroscopic techniques and show that the Li has a direct detrimental impact on the NMC811 chemistry. Our measurements show that vinylene carbonate is critical for these half-cell studies and underpins the cycle limits. Furthermore, we demonstrate the use of Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) as an alternative counter electrode for understanding the performance of NMC positive electrode materials, due to its high coulombic efficiency and low reactivity with the organic carbonates routinely employed in lithium-ion battery cell chemistries. These data confirm that NMC811 electrodes can tolerate high voltages (stressed) conditions and that cell failure is mainly a result of crossover effects

    Augmented Central Pain Processing in Vulvodynia

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    Vulvodynia (VVD) is a chronic pain disorder, wherein women display sensitivity to evoked stimuli at the vulva and/or spontaneous vulvar pain. Our previous work suggests generalized hyperalgesia in this population, however little is known about central neurobiological factors that may influence pain in VVD. Here we investigated local (vulvar) and remote (thumb) pressure evoked pain processing in 24 VVD patients compared to 13 age-matched, pain-free healthy controls (HC). As a positive control we also examined thumb pressure pain in 24 fibromyalgia (FM) patients. The VVD and FM patients displayed overlapping insular brain activations that were greater than HC, in response to thumb stimulation (P<0.005 corrected). Compared to HC, VVD participants displayed greater levels of activation during thumb stimulation within the insula, dorsal mid-cingulate, posterior cingulate and thalamus (P<0.005 corrected). Significant differences between VVD subgroups (primary versus secondary and provoked versus unprovoked) were seen within the posterior cingulate with thumb stimulation, and within the precuneus region with vulvar stimulation (provoked versus unprovoked only). The augmented brain activation in VVD patients in response to a stimulus remote from the vulva suggests central neural pathology in this disorder. Moreover, differing central activity between VVD subgroups suggests heterogeneous pathologies within this diagnosis

    Metabotropic glutamate receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors [351]) are a family of G protein-coupled receptors activated by the neurotransmitter glutamate [140]. The mGlu family is composed of eight members (named mGlu1 to mGlu8) which are divided in three groups based on similarities of agonist pharmacology, primary sequence and G protein coupling to effector: Group-I (mGlu1 and mGlu5), Group-II (mGlu2 and mGlu3) and Group-III (mGlu4, mGlu6, mGlu7 and mGlu8) (see Further reading).Structurally, mGlu are composed of three juxtaposed domains: a core G protein-activating seven-transmembrane domain (TM), common to all GPCRs, is linked via a rigid cysteine-rich domain (CRD) to the Venus Flytrap domain (VFTD), a large bi-lobed extracellular domain where glutamate binds. mGlu form constitutive dimers, cross-linked by a disulfide bridge. The structures of the VFTD of mGlu1, mGlu2, mGlu3, mGlu5 and mGlu7 have been solved [200, 275, 268, 403]. The structure of the 7 transmembrane (TM) domains of both mGlu1 and mGlu5 have been solved, and confirm a general helical organisation similar to that of other GPCRs, although the helices appear more compacted [88, 433, 62]. Recent advances in cryo-electron microscopy have provided structures of full-length mGlu receptor homodimers [217, 191] and heterodimers [91]. Studies have revealed the possible formation of heterodimers between either group-I receptors, or within and between group-II and -III receptors [89]. First characterised in transfected cells, co-localisation and specific pharmacological properties suggest the existence of such heterodimers in the brain [270, 440, 145, 283, 259, 218]. Beyond heteromerisation with other mGlu receptor subtypes, increasing evidence suggests mGlu receptors form heteromers and larger order complexes with class A GPCRs (reviewed in [140]). The endogenous ligands of mGlu are L-glutamic acid, L-serine-O-phosphate, N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) and L-cysteine sulphinic acid. Group-I mGlu receptors may be activated by 3,5-DHPG and (S)-3HPG [30] and antagonised by (S)-hexylhomoibotenic acid [235]. Group-II mGlu receptors may be activated by LY389795 [269], LY379268 [269], eglumegad [354, 434], DCG-IV and (2R,3R)-APDC [355], and antagonised by eGlu [170] and LY307452 [425, 105]. Group-III mGlu receptors may be activated by L-AP4 and (R,S)-4-PPG [130]. An example of an antagonist selective for mGlu receptors is LY341495, which blocks mGlu2 and mGlu3 at low nanomolar concentrations, mGlu8 at high nanomolar concentrations, and mGlu4, mGlu5, and mGlu7 in the micromolar range [185]. In addition to orthosteric ligands that directly interact with the glutamate recognition site, allosteric modulators that bind within the TM domain have been described. Negative allosteric modulators are listed separately. The positive allosteric modulators most often act as &#8216;potentiators&#8217; of an orthosteric agonist response, without significantly activating the receptor in the absence of agonist

    Metabotropic glutamate receptors in GtoPdb v.2021.3

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    Metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors [347]) are a family of G protein-coupled receptors activated by the neurotransmitter glutamate [138]. The mGlu family is composed of eight members (named mGlu1 to mGlu8) which are divided in three groups based on similarities of agonist pharmacology, primary sequence and G protein coupling to effector: Group-I (mGlu1 and mGlu5), Group-II (mGlu2 and mGlu3) and Group-III (mGlu4, mGlu6, mGlu7 and mGlu8) (see Further reading).Structurally, mGlu are composed of three juxtaposed domains: a core G protein-activating seven-transmembrane domain (TM), common to all GPCRs, is linked via a rigid cysteine-rich domain (CRD) to the Venus Flytrap domain (VFTD), a large bi-lobed extracellular domain where glutamate binds. mGlu form constitutive dimers, cross-linked by a disulfide bridge. The structures of the VFTD of mGlu1, mGlu2, mGlu3, mGlu5 and mGlu7 have been solved [198, 271, 264, 399]. The structure of the 7 transmembrane (TM) domains of both mGlu1 and mGlu5 have been solved, and confirm a general helical organization similar to that of other GPCRs, although the helices appear more compacted [87, 429, 61]. Recent advances in cryo-electron microscopy have provided structures of full-length mGlu receptor dimers [189]. Studies have revealed the possible formation of heterodimers between either group-I receptors, or within and between group-II and -III receptors [88]. First well characterized in transfected cells, co-localization and specific pharmacological properties also suggest the existence of such heterodimers in the brain [266].[436, 143, 279]. Beyond heteromerization with other mGlu receptor subtypes, increasing evidence suggests mGlu receptors form heteromers and larger order complexes with class A GPCRs (reviewed in [138]). The endogenous ligands of mGlu are L-glutamic acid, L-serine-O-phosphate, N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) and L-cysteine sulphinic acid. Group-I mGlu receptors may be activated by 3,5-DHPG and (S)-3HPG [30] and antagonized by (S)-hexylhomoibotenic acid [232]. Group-II mGlu receptors may be activated by LY389795 [265], LY379268 [265], eglumegad [350, 430], DCG-IV and (2R,3R)-APDC [351], and antagonised by eGlu [168] and LY307452 [421, 103]. Group-III mGlu receptors may be activated by L-AP4 and (R,S)-4-PPG [128]. An example of an antagonist selective for mGlu receptors is LY341495, which blocks mGlu2 and mGlu3 at low nanomolar concentrations, mGlu8 at high nanomolar concentrations, and mGlu4, mGlu5, and mGlu7 in the micromolar range [183]. In addition to orthosteric ligands that directly interact with the glutamate recognition site, allosteric modulators that bind within the TM domain have been described. Negative allosteric modulators are listed separately. The positive allosteric modulators most often act as &#8216;potentiators&#8217; of an orthosteric agonist response, without significantly activating the receptor in the absence of agonist

    Evolutionary History of Rabies in Ghana

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    Rabies virus (RABV) is enzootic throughout Africa, with the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) being the principal vector. Dog rabies is estimated to cause 24,000 human deaths per year in Africa, however, this estimate is still considered to be conservative. Two sub-Saharan African RABV lineages have been detected in West Africa. Lineage 2 is present throughout West Africa, whereas Africa 1a dominates in northern and eastern Africa, but has been detected in Nigeria and Gabon, and Africa 1b was previously absent from West Africa. We confirmed the presence of RABV in a cohort of 76 brain samples obtained from rabid animals in Ghana collected over an eighteen-month period (2007–2009). Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences obtained confirmed all viruses to be RABV, belonging to lineages previously detected in sub-Saharan Africa. However, unlike earlier reported studies that suggested a single lineage (Africa 2) circulates in West Africa, we identified viruses belonging to the Africa 2 lineage and both Africa 1 (a and b) sub-lineages. Phylogeographic Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis of a 405 bp fragment of the RABV nucleoprotein gene from the 76 new sequences derived from Ghanaian animals suggest that within the Africa 2 lineage three clades co-circulate with their origins in other West African countries. Africa 1a is probably a western extension of a clade circulating in central Africa and the Africa 1b virus a probable recent introduction from eastern Africa. We also developed and tested a novel reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay for the detection of RABV in African laboratories. This RT-LAMP was shown to detect both Africa 1 and 2 viruses, including its adaptation to a lateral flow device format for product visualization. These data suggest that RABV epidemiology is more complex than previously thought in West Africa and that there have been repeated introductions of RABV into Ghana. This analysis highlights the potential problems of individual developing nations implementing rabies control programmes in the absence of a regional programme

    Brain Connectivity Patterns Dissociate Action of Specific Acupressure Treatments in Fatigued Breast Cancer Survivors

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    Persistent fatigue is a pernicious symptom in many cancer survivors. Existing treatments are limited or ineffective and often lack any underlying biologic rationale. Acupressure is emerging as a promising new intervention for persistent cancer-related fatigue; however, the underlying mechanisms of action are unknown. Our previous investigations suggested that fatigued breast cancer survivors have alterations in brain neurochemistry within the posterior insula and disturbed functional connectivity to the default mode network (DMN), as compared to non-fatigued breast cancer survivors. Here, we investigated if insula and DMN connectivity were modulated by self-administered acupressure by randomizing breast cancer survivors (n = 19) to two distinct treatments: relaxing acupressure or stimulating acupressure. All participants underwent proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the posterior insula and functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging at baseline and immediately following 6 weeks of acupressure self-treatment. As compared to baseline measures, relaxing acupressure decreased posterior insula to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex connectivity, whereas stimulating acupressure enhanced this connectivity (p &lt; 0.05 corrected). For relaxing but not stimulating acupressure, reduced connectivity was associated with sleep improvement. In addition, connectivity of the DMN to the superior colliculus was increased with relaxing acupressure and decreased with stimulating acupressure, whereas DMN connectivity to the bilateral pulvinar was increased with stimulating and decreased with relaxing acupressure (p &lt; 0.05 corrected). These data suggest that self-administered acupressure at different acupoints has specificity in relation to their mechanisms of action in fatigued breast cancer survivors