11 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Zero Gap MIP*

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    The class MIP\mathsf{MIP}^* is the set of languages decidable by multiprover interactive proofs with quantum entangled provers. It was recently shown by Ji, Natarajan, Vidick, Wright and Yuen that MIP\mathsf{MIP}^* is equal to RE\mathsf{RE}, the set of recursively enumerable languages. In particular this shows that the complexity of approximating the quantum value of a non-local game GG is equivalent to the complexity of the Halting problem. In this paper we investigate the complexity of deciding whether the quantum value of a non-local game GG is exactly 11. This problem corresponds to a complexity class that we call zero gap MIP\mathsf{MIP}^*, denoted by MIP0\mathsf{MIP}^*_0, where there is no promise gap between the verifier's acceptance probabilities in the YES and NO cases. We prove that MIP0\mathsf{MIP}^*_0 extends beyond the first level of the arithmetical hierarchy (which includes RE\mathsf{RE} and its complement coRE\mathsf{coRE}), and in fact is equal to Π20\Pi_2^0, the class of languages that can be decided by quantified formulas of the form yzR(x,y,z)\forall y \, \exists z \, R(x,y,z). Combined with the previously known result that MIP0co\mathsf{MIP}^{co}_0 (the commuting operator variant of MIP0\mathsf{MIP}^*_0) is equal to coRE\mathsf{coRE}, our result further highlights the fascinating connection between various models of quantum multiprover interactive proofs and different classes in computability theory.Comment: Fixed typos and edited protocol to more smoothly follow from reference

    Repetition in Words

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    The main topic of this thesis is combinatorics on words. The field of combinatorics on words dates back at least to the beginning of the 20th century when Axel Thue constructed an infinite squarefree sequence over a ternary alphabet. From this celebrated result also emerged the subfield of repetition in words which is the main focus of this thesis. One basic tool in the study of repetition in words is the iteration of morphisms. In Chapter 1, we introduce this tool among other basic notions. In Chapter 2, we see applications of iterated morphisms in several examples. The second half of the chapter contains a survey of results concerning Dejean's conjecture. In Chapter 3, we generalize Dejean's conjecture to circular factors. We see several applications of iterated morphism in this chapter. We continue our study of repetition in words in Chapter 4, where we study the length of the shortest repetition-free word in regular languages. Finally, in Chapter 5, we conclude by presenting a number of open problems

    A generalization of CHSH and the algebraic structure of optimal strategies

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    Self-testing has been a rich area of study in quantum information theory. It allows an experimenter to interact classically with a black box quantum system and to test that a specific entangled state was present and a specific set of measurements were performed. Recently, self-testing has been central to high-profile results in complexity theory as seen in the work on entangled games PCP of Natarajan and Vidick (FOCS 2018), iterated compression by Fitzsimons et al. (STOC 2019), and NEEXP in MIP* due to Natarajan and Wright (FOCS 2019). In this work, we introduce an algebraic generalization of CHSH by viewing it as a linear constraint system (LCS) game, exhibiting self-testing properties that are qualitatively different. These provide the first example of non-local games that self-test non-Pauli operators resolving an open questions posed by Coladangelo and Stark (QIP 2017). Our games also provide a self-test for states other than the maximally entangled state, and hence resolves the open question posed by Cleve and Mittal (ICALP 2012). Additionally, our games have 11 bit question and logn\log n bit answer lengths making them suitable candidates for complexity theoretic application. This work is the first step towards a general theory of self-testing arbitrary groups. In order to obtain our results, we exploit connections between sum of squares proofs, non-commutative ring theory, and the Gowers-Hatami theorem from approximate representation theory. A crucial part of our analysis is to introduce a sum of squares framework that generalizes the \emph{solution group} of Cleve, Liu, and Slofstra (Journal of Mathematical Physics 2017) to the non-pseudo-telepathic regime. Finally, we give the first example of a game that is not a self-test. Our results suggest a richer landscape of self-testing phenomena than previously considered.Comment: Incorporated reviewers comments and fixed typo

    Decision algorithms for Fibonacci-automatic Words, I: Basic results

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    We implement a decision procedure for answering questions about a class of infinite words that might be called (for lack of a better name) “Fibonacci-automatic”. This class includes, for example, the famous Fibonacci word f = f0f1f2··· = 01001010··· , the fixed point of the morphism 0 → 01 and 1 → 0. We then recover many results about the Fibonacci word from the literature (and improve some of them), such as assertions about the occurrences in f of squares, cubes, palindromes, and so forth

    Decision algorithms for Fibonacci-automatic Words, I: Basic results

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    We implement a decision procedure for answering questions about a class of infinite words that might be called (for lack of a better name) “Fibonacci-automatic”. This class includes, for example, the famous Fibonacci word f = f0f1f2··· = 01001010··· , the fixed point of the morphism 0 → 01 and 1 → 0. We then recover many results about the Fibonacci word from the literature (and improve some of them), such as assertions about the occurrences in f of squares, cubes, palindromes, and so forth