823 research outputs found

    Using Social Judgment Theory method to examine how experienced occupational therapy driver assessors use information to make fitness-to-drive recommendations

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    Introduction - As people with a range of disabilities strive to increase their community mobility, occupational therapy driver assessors are increasingly required to make complex recommendations regarding fitness-to-drive. However, very little is known about how therapists use information to make decisions. The aim of this study was to model how experienced occupational therapy driver assessors weight and combine information when making fitness-to-drive recommendations and establish their level of decision agreement. Method - Using Social Judgment Theory method, this study examined how 45 experienced occupational therapy driver assessors from the UK, Australia and New Zealand made fitness-to-drive recommendations for a series of 64 case scenarios. Participants completed the task on a dedicated website, and data were analysed using discriminant function analysis and an intraclass correlation coefficient. Results - Accounting for 87% of the variance, the cues central to the fitness-to-drive recommendations made by assessors are the client’s physical skills, cognitive and perceptual skills, road law craft skills, vehicle handling skills and the number of driving instructor interventions. Agreement (consensus) between fitness-to-drive recommendations was very high: intraclass correlation coefficient = .97, 95% confidence interval .96–.98). Conclusion - Findings can be used by both experienced and novice driver assessors to reflect on and strengthen the fitness-to-drive recommendations made to clients.This work was supported by the UK Occupational Therapy Research Foundation, Research Priority Grant scheme, 2012

    Indian health conditions.

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    This volume is a compendium of scholarly analyses of the health conditions that together constitute most of the illness borne by American Indians and Alaska Natives. Topics include; health intervention; cancer; cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; digestive system diseases; infant mortality; infectious diseases; maternal health; mental health and mental illness; musculosketetal system disease; oral disease; end-stage renal disease; respiratory diseases; violence; substance abuse; and accidental injuries. This publication was developed in 1986 and although, the data are several years old, much of the analyses and recommendations are still relevant today. It also serves as an important historical or reference document for the Indian Health Service. Each analysis provides an overview of a particular health condition as it affects the IHS service population nationwide and suggests, recommendations regarding the steps that IHS can take to reduce and eventually eliminate the described health problems

    Surgical physiology of inguinal hernia repair - a study of 200 cases

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    BACKGROUND: Current inguinal hernia operations are generally based on anatomical considerations. Failures of such operations are due to lack of consideration of physiological aspects. Many patients with inguinal hernia are cured as a result of current techniques of operation, though factors that are said to prevent hernia formation are not restored. Therefore, the surgical physiology of inguinal canal needs to be reconsidered. METHODS: A retrospective study is describer of 200 patients operated on for inguinal hernia under local anaesthesia by the author's technique of inguinal hernia repair. RESULTS: The posterior wall of the inguinal canal was weak and without dynamic movement in all patients. Strong aponeurotic extensions were absent in the posterior wall. The muscle arch movement was lost or diminished in all patients. The movement of the muscle arch improved after it was sutured to the upper border of a strip of the external oblique aponeurosis (EOA). The newly formed posterior wall was kept physiologically dynamic by the additional muscle strength provided by external oblique muscle to the weakened muscles of the muscle arch. CONCLUSIONS: A physiologically dynamic and strong posterior inguinal wall, and the shielding and compression action of the muscles and aponeuroses around the inguinal canal are important factors that prevent hernia formation or hernia recurrence after repair. In addition, the squeezing and plugging action of the cremasteric muscle and binding effect of the strong cremasteric fascia, also play an important role in the prevention of hernia

    Smokers' recall of Australian graphic cigarette packet warnings & awareness of associated health effects, 2005-2008

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    Extent: 11p.Background: In 2006, Australia introduced graphic cigarette packet warnings. The new warnings include one of 14 pictures, many depicting tobacco-related pathology. The warnings were introduced in two sets; Set A in March and Set B from November. This study explores their impact on smokers’ beliefs about smoking related illnesses. This study also examines the varying impact of different warnings, to see whether warnings with visceral images have greater impact on smokers’ beliefs than other images. Methods: Representative samples of South Australian smokers were interviewed in four independent cross-sectional omnibus surveys; in 2005 (n = 504), 2006 (n = 525), 2007 (n = 414) and 2008 (n = 464). Results: Unprompted recall of new graphic cigarette warnings was high in the months following their introduction, demonstrating that smokers’ had been exposed to them. Smokers also demonstrated an increase in awareness about smoking-related diseases specific to the warning messages. Warnings that conveyed new information and had emotive images demonstrated greater impact on recall and smokers’ beliefs than more familiar information and less emotive images. Conclusions: Overall graphic pack warnings have had the intended impact on smokers. Some have greater impact than others. The implications for policy makers in countries introducing similar warnings are that fresh messaging and visceral images have the greatest impact.Caroline L Miller, Pascale G Quester, David J Hill and Janet E Hille

    Lutein supplementation in retinitis pigmentosa: PC-based vision assessment in a randomized double-masked placebo-controlled clinical trial [NCT00029289]

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    BACKGROUND: There is no generally accepted medical or surgical treatment to stop the progressive course of retinitis pigmentosa. Previous studies have suggested lutein as a potential treatment with positive effects on macular pigment density. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of lutein supplementation on preservation of visual function in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) METHODS: In a double-masked randomized placebo-controlled phase I/II clinical trial with a cross-over design, 34 adult patients with RP were randomized to two groups. One group, consisted of 16 participants, received lutein supplementation (10 mg/d for 12 wks followed by 30 mg/d) for the first 24 weeks and then placebo for the following 24 weeks, while the other group included 18 participants for whom placebo (24 weeks) was administered prior to lutein. Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and central visual field were measured at different illumination levels at baseline and every week using a PC-based test at home. RESULTS: For visual acuity (VA) at normal illumination level, treatment with lutein reduced logMAR, i.e. improved VA, but this effect was not statistically significant. The changes in normal (100%), low (4%), and very low (0.1%) illumination log CS were not statistically significant (p-values: 0.34, 0.23, and 0.32, respectively). Lutein had a statistically significant effect on visual field (p-value: 0.038) and this effect increased in the model assuming a 6-week delay in effect of lutein. Comparing the development of vision measures against the natural loss expected to occur over the course of 48 weeks, most measures showed reduced decline, and these reductions were significant for normal illumination VA and CS. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that lutein supplementation improves visual field and also might improve visual acuity slightly, although these results should be interpreted cautiously. As a combined phase I and II clinical trial, this study demonstrated the efficacy and safety of lutein supplementation

    A global method for coupling transport with chemistry in heterogeneous porous media

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    Modeling reactive transport in porous media, using a local chemical equilibrium assumption, leads to a system of advection-diffusion PDE's coupled with algebraic equations. When solving this coupled system, the algebraic equations have to be solved at each grid point for each chemical species and at each time step. This leads to a coupled non-linear system. In this paper a global solution approach that enables to keep the software codes for transport and chemistry distinct is proposed. The method applies the Newton-Krylov framework to the formulation for reactive transport used in operator splitting. The method is formulated in terms of total mobile and total fixed concentrations and uses the chemical solver as a black box, as it only requires that on be able to solve chemical equilibrium problems (and compute derivatives), without having to know the solution method. An additional advantage of the Newton-Krylov method is that the Jacobian is only needed as an operator in a Jacobian matrix times vector product. The proposed method is tested on the MoMaS reactive transport benchmark.Comment: Computational Geosciences (2009) http://www.springerlink.com/content/933p55085742m203/?p=db14bb8c399b49979ba8389a3cae1b0f&pi=1

    Taiwanese Preservice Teachers’ Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Teaching Intention

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    This study applies the theory of planned behavior as a basis for exploring the impact of knowledge, values, subjective norms, perceived behavioral controls, and attitudes on the behavioral intention toward science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education among Taiwanese preservice science teachers. Questionnaires (N = 139) collected information on the behavioral intention of preservice science teachers engaging in STEM education. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, path analysis, and analysis of variance. Results revealed that, in terms of direct effects, higher perceived behavioral control and subjective norms were associated with stronger STEM teaching intention. More positive attitude and greater knowledge were indirectly associated with higher subjective norms and perceived behavioral control, which resulted in stronger STEM teaching intention. Additionally, gender did not affect preservice teachers’ intention to adopt STEM teaching approaches. However, preservice teachers whose specialization was in different fields tended to influence their knowledge and perceived behavioral control; these issues require further investigation

    When pharmacotherapeutic recommendations may lead to the reverse effect on physician decision-making

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    For long the medical literature has shown that patients do not always receive appropriate care, including pharmacotherapeutic treatment. To achieve improved patient care, a number of physician-oriented interventions are being delivered internationally in an attempt to implement evidence based medicine in routine daily practice of medical practitioners. The pharmacy profession has taken an active role in the delivery of intervention strategies aimed at promoting evidence based prescribing and improved quality and safety of medicine use. However, the medical literature also supports the notion that valid clinical care recommendations do not always have the desired impact on physician behaviour. We argue that the well-established theory of psychological reactance might at least partially explain instances when physicians do not act upon such recommendations. Reactance theory suggests that when recommended to take a certain action, a motivational state compels us to react in a way that affirms our freedom to choose. Often we choose to do the opposite of what the recommendation is proposing that we do or we just become entrenched in our initial position. The basic concepts of psychological reactance are universal and likely to be applicable to the provision of recommendations to physicians. Making recommendations regarding clinical care, including pharmacotherapy, may carry with it implied threats, as it can be perceived as an attempt to restrict one’s freedom of choice potentially generating reactance and efforts to avoid them. By identifying and taking into account factors likely to promote reactance, physician-oriented interventions could become more effective

    Capturing judgement strategies in risk assessments with improved quality of clinical information: How nurses' strategies differ from the ecological model

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    Background: Nurses' risk assessments of patients at risk of deterioration are sometimes suboptimal. Advances in clinical simulation mean higher quality information can be used as an alternative to traditional paper-based approaches as a means of improving judgement. This paper tests the hypothesis that nurses' judgement strategies and policies change as the quality of information used by nurses in simulation changes. Methods: Sixty-three student nurses and 34 experienced viewed 25 paper-case based and 25 clinically simulated scenarios, derived from real cases, and judged whether the (simulated) patient was at 'risk' of acute deterioration. Criteria of judgement "correctness" came from the same real cases. Information relative weights were calculated to examine judgement policies of individual nurses. Group comparisons of nurses and students under both paper and clinical simulation conditions were undertaken using non parametric statistical tests. Judgment policies were also compared to the ecological statistical model. Cumulative relative weights were calculated to assess how much information nurses used when making judgements. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were generated to examine predictive accuracy amongst the nurses. Results: There were significant variations between nurses' judgement policies and those optimal policies determined by the ecological model. Nurses significantly underused the cues of consciousness level, respiration rate, and systolic blood pressure than the ecological model requires. However, in clinical simulations, they tended to make appropriate use of heart rate, with non-significant difference in the relative weights of heart rate between clinical simulations and the ecological model. Experienced nurses paid substantially more attention to respiration rate in the simulated setting compared to paper cases, while students maintained a similar attentive level to this cue. This led to a non-significant difference in relative weights of respiration rate between experienced nurses and students. Conclusions: Improving the quality of information by clinical simulations significantly impacted on nurses' judgement policies of risk assessments. Nurses' judgement strategies also varied with the increased years of experience. Such variations in processing clinical information may contribute to nurses' suboptimal judgements in clinical practice. Constructing predictive models of common judgement situations, and increasing nurses' awareness of information weightings in such models may help improve judgements made by nurses
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