761 research outputs found

    Should we discount the welfare of future generations? : Ramsey and Suppes versus Koopmans and Arrow

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    Ramsey famously pronounced that discounting “future enjoyments” would be ethically indefensible. Suppes enunciated an equity criterion implying that all individuals’ welfare should be treated equally. By contrast, Arrow (1999a, b) accepted, perhaps rather reluctantly, the logical force of Koopmans’ argument that no satisfactory preference ordering on a sufficiently unrestricted domain of infinite utility streams satisfies equal treatment. In this paper, we first derive an equitable utilitarian objective based on a version of the Vickrey–Harsanyi original position, extended to allow a variable and uncertain population with no finite bound. Following the work of Chichilnisky and others on sustainability, slightly weakening the conditions of Koopmans and co-authors allows intergenerational equity to be satisfied. In fact, assuming that the expected total number of individuals who ever live is finite, and that each individual’s utility is bounded both above and below, there is a coherent equitable objective based on expected total utility. Moreover, it implies the “extinction discounting rule” advocated by, inter alia, the Stern Review on climate change

    Fundamental utilitarianism and intergenerational equity with extinction discounting

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    Ramsey famously condemned discounting “future enjoyments” as “ethically indefensible”. Suppes enunciated an equity criterion which, when social choice is utilitarian, implies giving equal weight to all individuals’ utilities. By contrast, Arrow (Contemporary economic issues. International Economic Association Series. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 1999a; Discounting and Intergenerational Effects, Resources for the Future Press, Washington DC, 1999b) accepted, perhaps reluctantly, what he called Koopmans’ (Econometrica 28(2):287–309, 1960) “strong argument” implying that no equitable preference ordering exists for a sufficiently unrestricted domain of infinite utility streams. Here we derive an equitable utilitarian objective for a finite population based on a version of the Vickrey–Harsanyi original position, where there is an equal probability of becoming each person. For a potentially infinite population facing an exogenous stochastic process of extinction, an equitable extinction biased original position requires equal conditional probabilities, given that the individual’s generation survives the extinction process. Such a position is well-defined if and only if survival probabilities decline fast enough for the expected total number of individuals who can ever live to be finite. Then, provided that each individual’s utility is bounded both above and below, maximizing expected “extinction discounted” total utility—as advocated, inter alia, by the Stern Review on climate change—provides a coherent and dynamically consistent equitable objective, even when the population size of each generation can be chosen

    Pascal en Grande-Bretagne (1980-1992)

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    Il est Ă©vident que Pascal ne figure pas parmi les auteurs les plus Ă©tudiĂ©s en Grande-Bretagne, mais la parution depuis 1980 de quelques ouvrages et articles significatifs montre la diversitĂ© des Ă©tudes britanniques consacrĂ©es Ă  Pascal. De 1980 Ă  1992 cinq livres ayant pour sujet l’Ɠuvre de Pascal ont Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©s en Grande-Bretagne. Quoique deux thĂšses seulement aient Ă©tĂ© soutenues pendant ce temps-lĂ , plusieurs articles d’universitaires travaillant en Grande-Bretagne ont paru. Deux Ă©tudes gĂ©n..

    Bavardages et masculinités au xviie siÚcle

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    Cet article concerne l’étroite connexion entre les commĂ©rages et l’expression du dĂ©sir homosexuel masculin dans la France du xviie siĂšcle. Traditionnellement associĂ©s aux qualitĂ©s nĂ©gatives imputĂ©es aux femmes ou utilisĂ©s comme vĂ©hicule secret du dĂ©roulement des rivalitĂ©s sociales et politiques, les commĂ©rages sont ici montrĂ©s comme ayant eu une fonction positive et importante : offrir un espace Ă  des groupes qui n’avaient autrement pas la permission de s’exprimer.This article concerns the close connection between gossip and the expression of male same-sex desire in seventeenth-century France. Traditionally associated with the negative qualities imputed to women or serving as a covert vehicle for the playing out of social and political rivalries, gossip is here shown to have had an important and positive function: affording a space for groups which were not otherwise allowed a voice

    PascalÊŸs PensĂ©es and BaudelaireÊŸs Les fleurs du mal : a study of the parallels and development of the theme of ÊșennuiÊș

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    From Introduction: Upon first reading the writings of both Pascal and Baudelaire, one cannot help being struck by a sensation of awe at the penetrating insight into the human condition possessed by both writers. A further exploration of the realms of Pascalian and Baudelairian thought considerably strengthens this initial reaction into a recognition that both authors were men of equal moral and spiritual intensity. Despite their outward differences, both sought to attain a deep understanding of human nature, but without attempting to offer any excuses on behalf of man. Furthermore, the two writers employ an identical term to describe the condition of humanity: "ennui". Although the word exists in the writings of contemporaries of both Pascal and Baudelaire, no other author makes such full, unique and significant use of ennui. As this thesis will hopefully prove, Baudelaire was indeed directly and positively influenced by Pascal. However, it is not our intention to concentrate upon such an influence; rather, we wish to indicate the parallels and development of the theme of ennui, so central to each man's outlook, in their respective writings. Evidently, it would be beyond the boundaries of this thesis if we were to try to analyse closely the entire creative output of Pascal and Baudelaire; and so, although their other works will act as points of reference, the two books which are generally regarded as their masterpieces will be used as the basis of the unfinished Christian "Apologie" which was projected by Pascal, now known as the PensĂ©es (1670), and Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal (1857 and 1861

    Assessing Peer Leader Skill Acquisition and Group Dynamics in a First-Year Calculus Course

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    Peer-led team learning (PLTL), specifically the model known as ‘Workshops’, has been shown to contribute positively and significantly to student success in STEM courses across subjects (Gosser et al., 2001). Our research adds to the SOTL literature describing the effectiveness of Workshops by reporting on the changes in student leaders. We examine the level to which leaders acquired new skills in effective teaching and describe the pedagogical interactions in the groups they led as a result of the combination of training and experience facilitating first-year Calculus Workshop sections. This was a semester-long study on twenty-two Workshop leaders for two multi-section, introductory calculus courses at a small research university. Our method is a novel overlay of two metrics that allows, with some forethought, a robust analysis of Workshop leader outcomes that would complement any assessment of PLTL implementation faculty might choose to undertake

    A Nonhomologous End-Joining Mutant for Neurospora sitophila Research

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    Disruption of the nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway has been shown to increase the efficiency of transgene integration into targeted genomic locations of Neurospora crassa and other fungi. Here, we report that a similar phenomenon occurs in a second Neurospora species: N. sitophila. Specifically, we show that deletion of N. sitophila mus-51 increases the efficiency of targeted-transgene integration, presumably by disrupting NHEJ. Researchers interested in obtaining the N. sitophila mus-51∆ strains described in this study can obtain them from the Fungal Genetics Stock Center (FGSC, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS)
