14,634 research outputs found

    Variable sweep aircraft Patent

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    Development and characteristics of variable sweep wing control system for supersonic aircraf

    The Trapped Polarized Fermi Gas at Unitarity

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    We consider population-imbalanced two-component Fermi gases under external harmonic confinement interacting through short-range two-body potentials with diverging s-wave scattering length. Using the fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo method, the energies of the "normal state" are determined as functions of the population-imbalance and the number of particles. The energies of the trapped system follow, to a good approximation, a universal curve even for fairly small systems. A simple parameterization of the universal curve is presented and related to the equation of state of the bulk system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure

    Moment bounds for the Smoluchowski equation and their consequences

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    We prove uniform bounds on moments X_a = \sum_{m}{m^a f_m(x,t)} of the Smoluchowski coagulation equations with diffusion, valid in any dimension. If the collision propensities \alpha(n,m) of mass n and mass m particles grow more slowly than (n+m)(d(n) + d(m)), and the diffusion rate d(\cdot) is non-increasing and satisfies m^{-b_1} \leq d(m) \leq m^{-b_2} for some b_1 and b_2 satisfying 0 \leq b_2 < b_1 < \infty, then any weak solution satisfies X_a \in L^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^d \times [0,T]) \cap L^1(\mathbb{R}^d \times [0,T]) for every a \in \mathbb{N} and T \in (0,\infty), (provided that certain moments of the initial data are finite). As a consequence, we infer that these conditions are sufficient to ensure uniqueness of a weak solution and its conservation of mass.Comment: 30 page

    An evaluation of helicopter noise and vibration ride qualities criteria

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    Two methods of quantifying helicopter ride quality; absorbed power for vibration only and the NASA ride comfort model for both noise and vibration are discussed. Noise and vibration measurements were obtained on five operational US Army helicopters. The data were converted to both absorbed power and DISC's (discomfort units used in the NASA model) for specific helicopter flight conditions. Both models indicate considerable variation in ride quality between the five helicopters and between flight conditions within each helicopter

    Electrical characterization of a Mapham inverter using pulse testing techniques

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    Electric power requirements for aerospace missions have reached megawatt power levels. Within the next few decades, it is anticipated that a manned lunar base, interplanetary travel, and surface exploration of the Martian surface will become reality. Several research and development projects aimed at demonstrating megawatt power level converters for space applications are currently underway at the NASA Lewis Research Center. Innovative testing techniques will be required to evaluate the components and converters, when developed, at their rated power in the absence of costly power sources, loads, and cooling systems. Facilities capable of testing these components and systems at full power are available, but their use may be cost prohibitive. The use of a multiple pulse testing technique is proposed to determine the electrical characteristics of large megawatt level power systems. Characterization of a Mapham inverter is made using the proposed technique and conclusions are drawn concerning its suitability as an experimental tool to evaluate megawatt level power systems

    Ride quality systems for commuter aircraft

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    The state-of-the-art in Active Ride Augmentation, specifically in terms of its feasibility for commuter aircraft applications. A literature survey was done, and the principal results are presented here through discussion of different Ride Quality Augmentation System (RQAS) designs and advances in related technologies. Recommended follow-on research areas are discussed, and a preliminary RQAS configuration for detailed design and development is proposed

    Design of a digital ride quality augmentation system for commuter aircraft

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    Commuter aircraft typically have low wing loadings, and fly at low altitudes, and so they are susceptible to undesirable accelerations caused by random atmospheric turbulence. Larger commercial aircraft typically have higher wing loadings and fly at altitudes where the turbulence level is lower, and so they provide smoother rides. This project was initiated based on the goal of making the ride of the commuter aircraft as smooth as the ride experienced on the major commercial airliners. The objectives of this project were to design a digital, longitudinal mode ride quality augmentation system (RQAS) for a commuter aircraft, and to investigate the effect of selected parameters on those designs

    Parallelising wavefront applications on general-purpose GPU devices

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    Pipelined wavefront applications form a large portion of the high performance scientific computing workloads at supercomputing centres. This paper investigates the viability of graphics processing units (GPUs) for the acceleration of these codes, using NVIDIA's Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). We identify the optimisations suitable for this new architecture and quantify the characteristics of those wavefront codes that are likely to experience speedups