139 research outputs found

    Generation of tunable subpicosecond light pulses in the midinfrared between 4.5 and 11.5 Mum

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    Stable subpicosecond infrared pulses in the spectral region of 4.5-11.5 ,um are generated by difference-frequency mixing in AgGaS2. The system uses femtosecond pulses from a Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier and from a tunable traveling-wave dye laser. The infrared pulses have a duration of 400 fs, an energy of more than 10 nJ, and a repetition rate of 1 kHz

    Highly sensitive multichannel spectrometer for subpicosecond spectroscopy in the midinfrared

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    A spectrometer system is presented for time-resolved probing in the midinfrared between 5 and 11 /tLmw ith a temporal resolution of better than 400 fs. Multichannel detection with HgCdTe detector arrays consisting of ten elements in combination with a high repetition rate permits one to record weak absorbance changes with an accuracy of 0.1 mOD

    Subpicosecond emission studies of bacterial reaction centers

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    Erectile response to intracavernous injection of vasoactive drugs after penile prosthesis removal

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    Two patients with a history of penile prosthesis removal presented for non-prosthetic treatment of their erectile dysfunction. The first patient had a penile implant for two years before it was removed and showed extensive cavernosal fibrosis. He did not respond to intracavernosal injection of vasoactive drugs. The second patient had the prosthesis for four weeks. He showed no evidence of cavernosal fibrosis and responded well to the intracavernous injection. He has been in an iniracavernous autoinjection program for more than one year without complications

    Subpicosecond emission studies of bacterial reaction centers

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    The spontaneous emission of reaction centers from native and mutated Rhodobacter sphaeroides and from wild type Chloroflexus aurantiacus is investigated by fluorescence up-conversion with high temporal resolution. The time constant of 0.9 ps previously observed in transient absorption experiments on wild type reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides does not appear in the emission experiment. However, all investigated reaction centers display a biexponential decay of the emission with time constants in the 2 ps to 25 ps range. The experimental results are discussed within the frame of different reaction models including a possible sample heterogeneity or a transient electron transfer to the inactive pigment branch

    Charakterisierung des Liganden des antiviralen Rezeptors Retinoic Acid-Inducible Gene I

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