1,092 research outputs found

    Lifshitz points in blends of AB and BC diblock copolymers

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    We consider micro- and macro-phase separation in blends of AB and BC flexible diblock copolymers. We show that, depending on architecture, a number of phase diagram topologies are possible. Microphase separation or macrophase separation can occur, and there are a variety of possible Lifshitz points. Because of the rich parameter space, Lifshitz points of multiple order are possible. We demonstrate Lifshitz points of first and second order, and argue that, in principle, up to 5th-order Lifshitz points are possible

    Anomalous structural and mechanical properties of solids confined in quasi one dimensional strips

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    We show using computer simulations and mean field theory that a system of particles in two dimensions, when confined laterally by a pair of parallel hard walls within a quasi one dimensional channel, possesses several anomalous structural and mechanical properties not observed in the bulk. Depending on the density ρ\rho and the distance between the walls LyL_y, the system shows structural characteristics analogous to a weakly modulated liquid, a strongly modulated smectic, a triangular solid or a buckled phase. At fixed ρ\rho, a change in LyL_y leads to many reentrant discontinuous transitions involving changes in the number of layers parallel to the confining walls depending crucially on the commensurability of inter-layer spacing with LyL_y. The solid shows resistance to elongation but not to shear. When strained beyond the elastic limit it fails undergoing plastic deformation but surprisingly, as the strain is reversed, the material recovers completely and returns to its original undeformed state. We obtain the phase diagram from mean field theory and finite size simulations and discuss the effect of fluctuations.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; revised version, accepted in J. Chem. Phy

    Micro- vs. macro-phase separation in binary blends of poly(styrene)-poly(isoprene) and poly(isoprene)-poly(ethylene oxide) diblock copolymers

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    In this paper we present an experimentally determined phase diagram of binary blends of the diblock copolymers poly(styrene)-poly(isoprene) and poly(isoprene)-poly(ethylene oxide). At high temperatures, the blends form an isotropic mixture. Upon lowering the temperature, the blend macro-phase separates before micro-phase separation occurs. The observed phase diagram is compared to theoretical predictions based on experimental parameters. In the low-temperature phase the crystallisation of the poly(ethylene oxide) block influences the spacing of the ordered phase

    Multi-scale coarse-graining of diblock copolymer self-assembly: from monomers to ordered micelles

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    Starting from a microscopic lattice model, we investigate clustering, micellization and micelle ordering in semi-dilute solutions of AB diblock copolymers in a selective solvent. To bridge the gap in length scales, from monomers to ordered micellar structures, we implement a two-step coarse graining strategy, whereby the AB copolymers are mapped onto ``ultrasoft'' dumbells with monomer-averaged effective interactions between the centres of mass of the blocks. Monte Carlo simulations of this coarse-grained model yield clear-cut evidence for self-assembly into micelles with a mean aggregation number n of roughly 100 beyond a critical concentration. At a slightly higher concentration the micelles spontaneously undergo a disorder-order transition to a cubic phase. We determine the effective potential between these micelles from first principles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett

    Monte Carlo Study of the Axial Next-Nearest-Neighbor Ising Model

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    The equilibrium phase behavior of microphase-forming substances and models is notoriously difficult to obtain because of the extended metastability of the modulated phases. We develop a simulation method based on thermodynamic integration that avoids this problem and with which we obtain the phase diagram of the canonical three-dimensional axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising model. The equilibrium devil's staircase, magnetization, and susceptibility are obtained. The critical exponents confirm the XY nature of the disorder-modulated phase transition beyond the Lifshitz point. The results identify the limitations of various approximation schemes used to analyze this basic microphase-forming model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Photoassociation spectroscopy of a Spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We report on the high resolution photoassociation spectroscopy of a 87^{87}Rb spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate to the 1g(P3/2)v=1521_\mathrm{g} (P_{3/2}) v = 152 excited molecular states. We demonstrate the use of spin dependent photoassociation to experimentally identify the molecular states and their corresponding initial scattering channel. These identifications are in excellent agreement with the eigenvalues of a hyperfine-rotational Hamiltonian. Using the observed spectra we estimate the change in scattering length and identify photoassociation laser light frequency ranges that maximize the change in the spin-dependent mean-field interaction energy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Moxidectin: an oral treatment for human onchocerciasis

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    Moxidectin is a milbemycin endectocide recently approved for the treatment of human onchocerciasis. Onchocerciasis, earmarked for elimination of transmission, is a filarial infection endemic in Africa, Yemen, and the Amazonian focus straddling Venezuela and Brazil. Concerns over whether the predominant treatment strategy (yearly mass drug administration (MDA) of ivermectin) is sufficient to achieve elimination in all endemic foci have refocussed attention upon alternative treatments. Moxidectin’s stronger and longer microfilarial suppression compared to ivermectin in both phase II and III clinical trials indicates its potential as a novel powerful drug for onchocerciasis elimination

    Viscoelastic Properties of Dynamically Asymmetric Binary Fluids Under Shear Flow

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    We study theoretically the viscoelastic properties of sheared binary fluids that have strong dynamical asymmetry between the two components. The dynamical asymmetry arises due to asymmetry between the viscoelastic stresses, particularly the bulk stress. Our calculations are based on the two-fluid model that incorporates the asymmetric stress distribution. We simulate the phase separation process under an externally imposed shear and compare the asymmetric case with the usual phase separation under a shear flow without viscoelastic effects. We also simulate the behavior of phase separated stable morphologies under applied shear and compute the stress relaxation.Comment: 10 pages text, 9 figure

    A numerical renormalization group study of laser induced freezing

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    We study the phenomenon of laser induced freezing, within a numerical renormalization scheme which allows explicit comparison with a recent defect mediated melting theory. Precise values for the `bare' dislocation fugacities and elastic moduli of the 2-d hard disk system are obtained from a constrained Monte Carlo simulation sampling only configurations {\em without} dislocations. These are used as inputs to appropriate renormalization flow equations to obtain the equilibrium phase diagram which shows excellent agreement with earlier simulation results. We show that the flow equations need to be correct at least up to third order in defect fugacity to reproduce meaningful results.Comment: Minor Corrections; Combined version of Europhys. Lett. 67 (2004) p. 814 and Europhys. Lett. 68 (2004) p. 16