101 research outputs found


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    By examining mitochondrial DNA phylogeny using 2424bp of sequence data 12S rRNA, tRNAval, and 16S rRNA genes, we evaluated the taxonomic relationships among Javan litter frogs Leptobrachium hasseltii from southern Sumatra, Java, and Bali. Leptobrachium hasseltii formed a well-supported monophyletic group, which comprised two major clades. One major clade represented the southern Sumatran and Javan populations and the other consisted of the population from Bali. The Javan and southern Sumatran clade included two subclades: the West Javan-southern Sumatran group and the Central Javan group. The genetic divergence between the two major clades (Bali vs. Java-Sumatra) suggested their separation happen at species level. Further studies using morphological and acoustic data are needed to determine the taxonomic status of Bali population


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    Chalcorana chalconota was firstly described as Hyla chalconotus Schlegel from Java, and widely recognized as Rana chalconota Boulenger. This ranid frog species has widespread distribution in Southeast Asia. Molecular studies revealed that Rana chalconota is a complex species and consisted of several cryptic species. Among Sundaland population, this group was split into five species (C. chalconota sensu stricto, C. parvaccola, C. rufipes, C. raniceps, C. megalonesa), and together with C. labialis and C. eschatia, they nested in a monophyletic group. During herpetological survey in West Java, we collected two morphotypes of Rana chalconota from Pasir Angin, Bogor and evaluated their taxonomy status using morphology approach and molecular data with 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene. The results revealed two morphotypes belong to C. chalconota sensu stricto and C. megalonesa. The genetic distance of C. megalonesa between Java population and Sarawak (Borneo) population ranged from 2.4 to 2.6% that still below the threshold of species delimitation on the 16S rRNA gene. Therefore, these two populations are conspecific. This discovery of C. megalonesa in Java has contributed to increase the number of species of amphibians in Java to become 46 species.


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    AbstrakTaman Wisata Alam (TWA) Jering Menduyung merupakan salah satu kawasan hutan konservasi di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendata dan membandingkan keanekaragaman jenis amfibi (Anura) berdasarkan tipe habitat berbeda di Taman Wisata Alam Jering Menduyung, Bangka Barat. Pengamatan dilakukan di empat tipe habitat berbeda, yaitu hutan dataran rendah, rawa, perkebunan, dan mangrove. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah kombinasi Visual Encounter Survey dengan Purposive Sampling serta Line Transect. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap tipe habitat memiliki komposisi Anura yang berbeda-beda. Jumlah total Anura yang ditemukan adalah 11 jenis dari 5 famili dengan jumlah sebanyak 169 individu. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis Shannon-Wiener dan kemerataan jenis tertinggi terdapat di habitat rawa dengan nilai H’= 1,48 dan E= 0,76. Indeks kekayaan jenis Margalef tertinggi terdapat di habitat hutan dataran rendah (DMg= 1,48). Kesamaan komunitas tertinggi ditemukan pada habitat rawa dengan perkebunan (IS= 71,47%). Kondisi ini menjelaskan bahwa pada Agustus-September 2019 saat penelitian dilakukan, habitat di TWA Jering Menduyung saat ini masih menjamin pertumbuhan dan perkembangbiakan Anura.Abstract Jering Menduyung Nature Tourism Park (NTP) is one of the conservation forest areas in the Bangka Belitung Islands. The purpose of this study was to record and compare the diversity of Amphibians (Anura) according to their habitat types in Jering Menduyung Nature Tourism Park, West Bangka Regency. The observations were taken in four different habitat types, which were lowland forests, swamps, mixplantations, and mangroves. The method used was Visual Encounter Survey combined with purposive sampling and line transect. The results showed that each habitat type has a different composition of Anura. The total number of Anura found was 11 species of 5 families, with a total of 169 individuals. Diversity index and evenness index (E) were highest in the swamp habitat with H'= 1.48 and E= 0.76. Species richness (DMg) was highest in the lowland forest habitat (DMg= 1.69). The highest community similarity was found in the swamps and plantations (IS= 71.47%). This condition explains that in August-September 2019 when the research was conducted, the habitat in TWA Jering Menduyung currently still guaranteed the growth and breeding of Anura


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    Leptobrachium from Southeast Asian populations previously were recognized as a single speciesLeptobrachium hasseltii Tschudi. Taxonomic reassessment revealed that Leptobrachium consists of somecryptic species due to similarities in their morphological appearance but diverse in molecular characters.Among the Indonesian populations, Leptobrachium was split into seven species (L. hasseltii, L. nigrops,L. waysepuntiense, L. hendricksoni, L. ingeri, L. abbotti, and L. montanum). Specifically, L. hasseltii isseparated into two groups; the Sumatran-Javan and the Bali populations. In this study, we analyzed themorphological data of 100 individuals of Leptobrachium to evaluate their morphological differences.The morphological differences expressed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and principal componentanalysis (PCA) revealed significant differences between each Leptobrachium and four morphologicalcharacters suitable for species identification (the iris color, color pattern, humeral and femoral gland).The morphological differences also showed that the Bali population probably is undescribed species


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    We describe a new species of water snake genus Hypsiscopus that was formerly placed in the genus Enhydris from Towuti Lake, South Sulawesi, based on six specimens collected in 2003 and a specimen collected in 2019. The new species has several significant differences from other species in the genus Hypsiscopus (H. matannensis, H. plumbea, and H. murphyi) in possessing laterally compressed tail, higher number of scale rows in mid body, higher number of ventral scales, lower number of subcaudal scales, and distinct color pattern. The new species is likely distributed only in the Towuti Lake, and has higher level endemicity compared to H. matannensis. Further studies on the population and distribution are needed to evaluate its conservation status

    Morphological Variations of The Genus Huia Yang,1991 in Region of Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra

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    Huia is a frog belonging to the family Ranidae which has a wide distribution in the world, including in Indonesia. Huia in Indonesia consists of 4 species spread from Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan, namely Huia masonii, Huia cavitympanum, Huia modligianii, and Huia sumatrana. Huia was originally incorporated into the genus Amolops and divided into 3 different sub-genus. The method used was quantitative descriptive as the data obtained in the form of descriptions of the morphometric and meristic characters PAST 3 analyzed software of wet specimens from the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense. The aims were to determine the morphological variations in Huia characters due to the interesting distribution patterns of species, that were scattered on each island.. The results obtained show that there were morphological variations but have not shown significant grouping with the dominant character of each population of the entire genus Huia in Indonesia

    Variasi Suara Panggilan Kodok Hylarana Nicobariensis (Stoliczka, 1870) Dari Lima Populasi Berbeda Di Indonesia (Anura: Ranidae)

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    Hylarana nicobariensis (Stoliczka, 1870) is a very common frog, which has a wide distribution, covering the southern part of Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Bali and Palawan in the Philippines. The presence of this frog is very easy to be recognized by listening its shrill call that is sounded loudly all day. Detailed descriptions of H. nicobariensis's calls from Ulu Gombak in Peninsular Malaysia and Danum Valley in Sarawak have been published by Jehle and Arak (1998), which are some call characters of the frog from the two locations are significantly different. To determine the call characters that can distinguish among populations of this frog, advertisement calls of five different populations (Batukaru, Curup, Limau Manis, Curug Nangka and Lake Ecology Park) were analyzed. The characters of the call waves on the five populations are different in the structure of sub-pulses, dominant frequency and lower frequency. Among the five populations, the population from Lake Ecology Park is the most different in the terms of the dominant frequency (3996.95 ± 124.74 Hz) and lower frequency (1692.51 ± 80.77 Hz), of this population both these characters occupy the highest level compared to four other populations; however individuals from Curup occupy the lowest level on dominant frequency (2919.67 ± 67.76 Hz) and lower frequency (832.96 ± 32.42 Hz)

    Evaluation on the LegalTrade of Tokay gecko (Lacertidae; Gekkonidae; Gekko geckoLinnaeus, 1758) in Indonesia

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    Tokaygecko(Gekko gecko)is alarge-sized gecko from the genus of Gekko, whichis most commonly found from South Asia, southern China, and Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, these species are common to inhabit human-modified habitat in Sumatera, Borneo, Java, Bali, Lesser Sundas, Sulawesi, and Moluccas. In recent years, the demand for Tokay gekkowith high use-value in both national and in-ternational markets has increased, one of which is used for traditional medicine. This situation raised the concern on the decreasing of the wild population and the validity of captive breeding programs that produced a large number of individuals. Several reports had estimated millions of individuals have been exported from Indonesia either legally or illegally, however, the exact number never been re-ported. The purpose of this study is toevaluate the trend on the harvested Tokay gecko and its origin based on the source code information. The data were collected from government records, including specimens harvested from the wild and spec-imens produced from captivity during 2013-2018 (six years). The results showed that the legally exported specimens were sourced from wild (W) and captive breeding (C or F). The total numbers of individuals exported from the wild harvest are 97.146, and all export realization is below the wild harvest quota. However, there are the large numbersof individuals exported and declared as specimens produced from the captive breeding facilities (6.965.000 with source code F, and 1.236.000 with source code C). More importantly, the highlevel of specimens producedfrom captive breeding facilities is unlikely to match with the biological capacity of this species. Therefore, we predict that specimens labeled captive breeding were likely sourced from the wild

    Where did Venomous Snakes Strike? A Spatial Statistical Analysis of Snakebite Cases in Bondowoso Regency, Indonesia

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    Snakebite envenomation in Indonesia is a health burden that receives no attention from stakeholders. The high mortality and morbidity rate caused by snakebite in Indonesia is estimated from regional reports. The true burden of this issue in Indonesia needs to be revealed even starting from a small part of the country. Medical records from a Hospital in Bondowoso Regency were the data source of the snakebite cases. Three spatial statistical summaries were applied to analyze the spatial pattern of snakebite incidents. The comparison between statistical functions and the theoretical model of random distributions shows a significant clustering pattern of the events. The pattern indicates that five subdistricts in Bondowoso have a substantial number of snakebite cases more than other regions. This finding shows the potential application of spatial statistics for the snakebite combating strategy in this area by identifying the priority locations of the snakebite cases