135 research outputs found

    Application of Advanced Panel Threshold Regression Model to Estimate Optimal Capital Structure

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    Modern capital structure theory started in 1958, when Modigliani and Miller (1958)(M&M hereafter) first brought out “Capital Structure Irrelevance Theory”, advocated that the firm value and weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is unaffected by the financial structure of the firm. The goal in this paper is to analyze whether leverage affects firm value for a panel of Persian listed companies during the period 2009 to 2015.. ROA, ROE, EPS and Tobing’s q are adopted as proxy variables for firm value. The result shows that there exists single threshold effect between debt ratio and firm value only when Tobing’s q is selected as the proxy variable for the firm value. The estimated threshold value ( ) is found to be 37.84% and two coefficients ( and ) are all positive with the evidence that the  in the low debt level is significant, while the  in the high debt level is not. Advanced panel threshold regression model is performed to test if there exists an “optimal” debt ratio , which may result in threshold effects and asymmetrical relationships between debt ratio and firm value Keywords: panel threshold regression model, Tobin’s q, Firm Value, Capital Structur

    Study effect of relaxation technique on anxiety and stress in elders with hypertension

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: استرس و اضطراب در زندگی پیچیده امروزی، به خصوص در سالمندان که قدرت تطابق و سازگاری آنان کاهش می یابد می‌تواند باعث عوارض وخیم و جبران ناپذیری در ابعاد سلامت آنان شود. این مطالعه با هدف کاهش میزان اضطراب و استرس افراد به منظور کاهش و یا جلوگیری از عوارض و اثرات منفی ناشی از این عوامل با بکار گیری تکنیک آرامسازی پیشرونده عضلانی در سالمندان مبتلا به هیپرتانسیون انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه نیمه تجربی که در مرکز سالمندان کهریزک تهران در سال 1383 انجام گرفت 55 نفر سالمند مبتلا به فشارخون بالا به روش در دسترس انتخاب و به طور تصادفی به دو گروه آزمون و شاهد تقسیم شدند. در گروه آزمون تکنیک آرامسازی پیشرونده عضلانی به مدت 6 هفته و هفته ای سه بار به مدت 20 دقیقه اجرا گردید. میزان اضطراب و استرس هر دو گروه قبل از مداخله، هفته سوم و در پایان مداخله با استفاده از پرسشنامه DAS (Depression Anexiety Stress) ارزیابی گردید. از آزمون های من ویتنی، ویلکاکسون و آنالیز واریانس تکرار شونده جهت تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات استفاده شد. یافته ها: با بکارگیری آرامسازی پیشرونده عضلانی، میانگین نمره اضطراب و استرس در گروه آزمون از 02/4±8/38 قبل از مداخله به 7/3±3/34، در هفته سوم به 17/5±33 در پایان مداخله رسید (01/0

    The study of welding and U-press machine maintenance and repairing policies with Markov approach: A case study in APM

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    This research aimed to clarify maintenance and repairing policies with Markov approach in the case study of Welding and U-press machines in Ahwaz pipe Mills. Documents and the reports of maintenance and accounting unit of the factory are the tools for collecting data. Sampling is the method of data collection in this study prepared by Welding and U-press machines produced in the production line No. 4 of the factory. The data used in this study were related to the year 2010 when the factory was working at full capacity.  The five research questions were used to describe the subject dimensions relating to the replacement policies: Fixed time, fixed course, group replacement, repairing or replacing. The production line No. 4 of Ahwaz pipe Mills factory is the statistical population of the study. Research approach is Markov chain utilized in pipe mills factory according to the description of maintenance and repairing policies. By using probability matrix of previous data, the future behavior was predicted and the production data was used in data mining to investigate further. The results of this study confirmed that choosing correct maintenance and repairing policies according to the study of system behavior and considering the information facilitate the repair costs and indicated a possible solution is not possible for all situations. And proper policy for the U-Press machines is to replace at the fixed time

    A Knowledge Management Approach To Format The Financial World-Class Policies

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    The range of techniques associated with competitive market structure has expanded rapidly since the inception of AI and ES in the 1980s. Schonberger (1986) integrated these techniques into the generic term world-class policies (WCF). The range and sophistication of these techniques place WCF status beyond the aspirations and competence of many financial institutes. In order to have sufficient level on FWCP, the related Knowledge could manage like the other capital assets KM appeared in this area. Knowledge management is as an open and a dynamic system that use different feedback loops and functions to update and promote the organizational knowledge. For the most part, knowledge management efforts have focused on developing new applications of financial information technology to support the capture, retrieval, and distribution of explicit and implicit knowledge. The paper explores how the concept of knowledge management can be relevant to FWCP decisions, through eighteen case studies based on small to large sized financial institutes experiencing both rapid growth and increasing international competition. The result of this pilot study indicates that the major obstacle to implementing a FWCP decisions is the lack of expertise or resources in conducting the lack of employees’ understanding, education and training in carrying out the process

    The study of welding and U-press machine maintenance and repairing policies with Markov approach: A case study in APM

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    This research aimed to clarify maintenance and repairing policies with Markov approach in the case study of Welding and U-press machines in Ahwaz pipe Mills. Documents and the reports of maintenance and accounting unit of the factory are the tools for collecting data. Sampling is the method of data collection in this study prepared by Welding and U-press machines produced in the production line No. 4 of the factory. The data used in this study were related to the year 2010 when the factory was working at full capacity.  The five research questions were used to describe the subject dimensions relating to the replacement policies: Fixed time, fixed course, group replacement, repairing or replacing. The production line No. 4 of Ahwaz pipe Mills factory is the statistical population of the study. Research approach is Markov chain utilized in pipe mills factory according to the description of maintenance and repairing policies. By using probability matrix of previous data, the future behavior was predicted and the production data was used in data mining to investigate further. The results of this study confirmed that choosing correct maintenance and repairing policies according to the study of system behavior and considering the information facilitate the repair costs and indicated a possible solution is not possible for all situations. And proper policy for the U-Press machines is to replace at the fixed time

    The study of welding and U-press machine maintenance and repairing policies with Markov approach: A case study in APM

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    This research aimed to clarify maintenance and repairing policies with Markov approach in the case study of Welding and U-press machines in Ahwaz pipe Mills. Documents and the reports of maintenance and accounting unit of the factory are the tools for collecting data. Sampling is the method of data collection in this study prepared by Welding and U-press machines produced in the production line No. 4 of the factory. The data used in this study were related to the year 2010 when the factory was working at full capacity.  The five research questions were used to describe the subject dimensions relating to the replacement policies: Fixed time, fixed course, group replacement, repairing or replacing. The production line No. 4 of Ahwaz pipe Mills factory is the statistical population of the study. Research approach is Markov chain utilized in pipe mills factory according to the description of maintenance and repairing policies. By using probability matrix of previous data, the future behavior was predicted and the production data was used in data mining to investigate further. The results of this study confirmed that choosing correct maintenance and repairing policies according to the study of system behavior and considering the information facilitate the repair costs and indicated a possible solution is not possible for all situations. And proper policy for the U-Press machines is to replace at the fixed time

    Evaluation of the effect of self-care program based on the Orem framework on the physical quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients

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    قدمه: بيماري مولتيپل اسكلروزيس يك بيماري مزمن، پي شرونده سلولهاي عصبي مركزي است . غالباًدرافراد جـوان كـهدرمرحلـهفعـال زندگي خودقراردارند ودرباره نقش ومسئوليتهاي خانوادگي خودنگران هستند بروز كردهو كيفيت زندگي آنهارا تحت تأثيرقرارمي دهد. يكي از شاخصهاي موفقيت مداخلات درماني ومراقبتي دربيماري هاي مزمن بهبود كيفيت زندگي است. ايـن مطالعـهبـاهـدف تعيـين تـأثير برنامه خودمراقبتي مبتني برالگوي اورمبرابعاد جسمي كيفيت زندگي بيماران مبتلا بهمولتيپل اسكلروزيس انجام گرفت. روشبررسي: اين مطالعه با طراحي كارآزمايي باليني(Trial Clinical (و با حضور 70 بيمار مبتلا به مولتيپل اسكلروزيس انجام شد. 6 جلسه برنامه آموزشي بر اساس نيازهاي آموزشي بيماران و مبتني بر الگوي اورم در طول چهار ماه توسط بيماران به كار گرفتـه شـد و بـا استفاده از چكليستهاي خودگزارشدهي ميزان به كارگيري برنامهها پيگيري و اندازهگيري گرديد. ابعاد جسمي كيفيت زندگي بيماران گروه آزمون و شاهد قبل و چهار ماه بعد از اجراي برنامه مورد ارزيابي قرار گرفت . دادهها بـا اسـتفاده از آزمـونهـاي آمـاري اسـتنباطي مورد تجزيه و تحليل قرار گرفتند. نتايج: آزمون آماري تي مستقل اختلاف معناداري در ابعاد جسمي كيفيت زندگي بيماران گروه آزمون و شاهد قبل از مدا خلـه نـشان نداد(33/0=P .(در حالي كه همين آزمون اختلاف معناداري در دو گروه بعد از اجراي مداخله نشان داد (001/0=P .(آزمون آماري تـي زوجي نيزتفاوت معناداري در جهت افزايش در ابعاد جـسمي كيفيـت زنـدگي بيمـاران گـروه آزمـون چهـار مـاه بعـد از مداخلـه نـشان داد(001/0=P ،(در حاليكه همين آزمون تفاوت معناداري در ابعاد جسمي كيفيت ز ندگي بيماران گـروه شـاهد بعـد از چهـار مـاه نـشان .(P=0/95)نداد نتيجهگيري: طراحي و به كـارگيري برنامـه خـودمراقبتي مبتنـي بـر الگـوي اورم بـر ابعـاد جـسمي كيفيـت زنـدگي بيمـاران مولتيپـل اسكلروزيس ميتواند مؤثر باشد. لذا اگربرنامهاي بر اساس نيازهاي آموزشي و با توجه به اصول آموزش به بيمار و با رويكرد مدل علمي خودمراقبتي اورم طراحي گردد، مي تواند به عنـوان يـك مداخلـه پرسـتاري در ارتقـا ي ابعـاد جـسمي كيفيـت زنـدگي بيمـاران مولتيپـل اسكلروزيس مؤثرباشد

    Analysis of Education in Multi-Grade Classes of COVID-19 Pandemic Conditions: A Case Study in Markazi Province

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the education in multi-grade classes in the days of coronary heart disease and virtual education. For this purpose, a qualitative approach and a descriptive phenomenological method were used. The statistical population includes 187 teachers of multi-grade primary schools in the years 2020-2021 in Markazi province. 5 teachers were purposefully selected, then 10 other teachers were identified and studied by introducing the previous ones by snowball sampling. Were located. The data of this study were saturated from interviews with 15 people. Semi-organized interviews were used to collect data. Analyzing the data with a clause pattern and during 7 steps including: careful study of interviews, extraction of main themes, formulation of known meanings, classification of codes, integration of codes, clarification of the structure of the phenomenon, final validation; Done. Findings of the research were divided into 5 main themes including restructuring of multigrade classrooms, students, parents, teachers and educational facilities and 17 sub-themes. The results show that in the days of the outbreak of coronary heart disease, education in multi-grade classes has been removed from being multi-grade and as a result, the benefits of this type of training have been reduced. Also, the limitations of e-learning in multi-grade classes due to lack of access to smartphones and the Internet have become more apparent

    Reasons for irregular use of ferrous sulfate tablet in women referred to health centers in Bourojen city, 2005-2006

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: خانم های باردار و شیرده از جمله گروههای در معرض خطر ‌کم خونی فقر آهن می باشند. با وجود برنامه مدون در ارتباط با مصرف قرص آهن توسط مادران، آمار به دست آمده نشان میدهد حدود 67 درصد زنان باردار و شیرده قرص آهن را صحیح و منظم مصرف نمی کنند. لذا این مطالعه با هدف بررسی علل مصرف نامنظم قرص آهن در خانم های باردار و شیرده مراجعه کننده به مراکز بهداشتی درمانی شهر بروجن انجام شد. روش بررسی:در این مطالعه توصیفی – تحلیلی که در مراکز بهداشتی درمانی شهر بروجن در سال 85-1384 انجام گرفت، 270 نفر خانم که در دوره 16 هفتگی حاملگی الی 2 ماهگی پس از زایمان قرار داشتند به روش دردسترس انتخاب و طی مصاحبه حضوری به سؤالات پرسشنامه حاوی اطلاعات دموگرافیک، چگونگی مصرف قرص آهن، نگرش و عملکرد مادران در این خصوص پاسخ دادند. از آزمونهای کای دو، من ویتنی و ویلکاکسون و کروسکال والیس جهت تجزیه و تحلیل آْماری اطلاعات استفاده شد. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد که 1/33 مادران قرص آهن را مرتب و منظم مصرف می کردند، 8/56 نامنظم و 2/10 اصلا مصرف نمی‌کردند. بین مصرف نامنظم قرص آهن و سطح اقتصادی - اجتماعی خانواده و تعداد زایمان ارتبــاط معنی داری وجود نداشت. از علل مصرف نامنظم قرص آهن 4/48 مادران فراموش کردن وعده های مصرف دارو، 4/12 تهوع و استفراغ حاملگی و 4/16 عدم آگاهی نسبت به لزوم مصرف آهن را ذکر کردند. بین تعداد زایمان و یا حاملگی، سن فرد و شاغل بودن با آگاهی، نگرش و عملکرد آنان ارتباط معنی دار وجود نداشت (05/0

    Pathology of Strategies in Trading of Flower and Plant: A Case Study in Export Market of Flower and Plant in Khuzestan

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    Flower and plant market is considered as one of relatively ingenious potentials and its capability as the non-petroleum good has a considerable profit. Based on purpose, this research is regarded as the applied research and based on data and nature, this research is descriptive-analytic. The population consists of importers and exporters of ornamental flower and plant in Khuzestan Province. This research aims to study the current function of exporters in the internal and foreign market regarding the rivals’ strategies of marketing and its evaluation and the reasons for inefficiency of flower and plant industry. Results show that there is a meaningful relation between the effect of development strategies and confrontation with entry strategies; entry strategy is the effective factor on world trade