256 research outputs found

    Persepsi Siswa Tentang Kegiatan Praktikum Biologi di Laboratorium SMA Negeri Se-kota Jambi

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa tentang kegiatan praktikum biologi di laboratorium SMA Negeri se-Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus sampai Oktober 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri se-kota Jambi dan sampel sebanyak 286 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan di SMA Negeri se-kota Jambi mengenai persepsi siswa tentang kegiatan praktikum biologi menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan praktikum biologi di SMA Negeri se-kota Jambi telah berlangsung dengan baik sebesar 64,34% dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 184 orang, kegiatan praktikum biologi berlangsung cukup baik sebesar 33,92% dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 97 orang, dan kegiatan praktikum biologi yang tidak berlangsung dengan baik (buruk) sebesar 1,75% dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 5 orang. Kegiatan praktikum biologi di laboratorium SMA Negeri se-kota Jambi untuk tahap persiapan kegiatan praktikum dikategorikan baik sebesar 72,20%, tahap pelaksanaan (kerja) praktikum dikategorikan baik sebesar 67,22%, dan tahap penutup kegiatan praktikum dikategorikan baik sebesar 72,99%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan kegiatan praktikum biologi di SMA Negeri se-kota Jambi sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Ikan Di Sungai Enim Kabupaten Muaraenim Provinsi Sumatera Selatan |Fish Diversity in River Enim, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatera Province]

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    Study mi fish diversity was conducted from September 2002 until February 2003. The aim Of study is to determine fish species living in River Enim. Survey method and purposive random sampling were used. Fish sampling using some equipments, such as cast net, drift gillnet. hook and line, and bamboo trap. The result indicated that there were 28 species in 11 families, and four orders. Family Cyprmidae has the most numerous fish (14 species), followed by Cobitidae (4 species) and Balitoridae (2 species). The other families have one species only

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kota Semarang Nomor 14 Tahun 2011 Tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Semarang 2011-2031 (Studi Kasus Penataan Ruang Kawasan Simongan)

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    Landscaping area is the process of spatial planning and space utilization to control the development of the region. Spatial planning Semarang itself is set in Semarang City Regional Regulation No. 14 of 2011 on Spatial Planning Semarang City Year 2011-2031. Implementation of these regulations is difficult to do, as it happens in Simongan Region, District of West Semarang. Simongan region is mentioned as a settlement area of allotment, the trade and services and not as an industrial area. But in fact there are 12 companies located in the region. There is resistance from employers, factory workers and the public against this policy because the policy had an impact on the social and economic fields. Hampered by the problem of financial resources. However Semarang City Government still taking action to not issue a business license for industry in Region Simongan industry for entrepreneurs willing to relocate. There are several factors that affect the implementation of this policy, the resources, the strategy of implementing actors, characteristics of institutions and authorities, public response and target groups as well as compliance with the target group. It should be done reexamining the region by involving community, business, academia and experts structuring policy space in order to be accepted by all parties and in accordance with the existing problems at the site

    The Effect of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds in Diet on Body Weight Gain and Meat Quality of Goat

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    The aims of study were to evaluate the use of fermented of oil palm fronds (FOPF) on body weightgain and meat quality of goat. This experiment was arranged in Completely Randomized Design with 3treatments i.e. R1 (grass 0%: FOPF 100%), R2 (grass 50%: FOPF 50%) and R3 (grass 100%: FOPF 0%)and 5 replications. The parameters of the study were feed intake, average daily gain (ADG), weight andpercentage of carcass and meat quality. The results indicated that feed intake and meat quality of goatwas not affected by treatment, but the average daily gain, carcass weight, and percentage of carcass, wasaffected by the differences of percentage of FOPF in the pellet complete feed. The best ration was in theR1 ration (grass 0%: FOPF 100%) that significantly different (P<0.05) from the other rations. The feedintake tended to be higher in goat fed R1 (895.87 g/d) compared to those in goat with the R2 (854.38g/d) and R3 (851.53 g/d). The average daily gain and carcass weight were higher in goat fed R1 rationcompared to those in goat fed R2 and R3. Consequently, the carcass percentage in R1 was higher thanthose in R2 and R3. The carcass percentage was ranged from 38.41-41.38%. The Ribeye area was higherin goat fed R1 (9.73 cm2) than R2 (8.34 cm2) and R3 (7.76 cm2). In this study, the protein content ofgoat meat was ranged from 19.06 to 20.71%, lipid content was ranged from 0.703 to 1.106% and watercontent was range from 72.45% to 74.12%, in which were not different among the treatments. It can beconcluded that the use of FOPF in a complete feed could improve performance and meat quality of goat

    Flexural behaviour of plain concrete prism strengthened by textile fine grained mortar

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    This paper presents a flexural strength study of concrete incorporated with textile fine grained mortar (TFGM) as a strengthening laminate. TFGM is a combination of fine grained mortar (FGM) with alkali resistant glass fabric (AR glass). Fine grained sand with 600 m maximum size was used in FGM and fly ash (FA) or rice husk ash (RHA) has been used as a partial substitute for ordinary Portland cement (OPC). The potential of TFGM as strengthening laminate was tested under monolithic load with three point flexure loading. The TFGM were laid in layers of two, four, six, and eight. Results shown a promising flexure enhancement of up to three times of unstrengthened concrete when eight layers of both RHA and FA were laid. Load bearing capacity and ductility of the samples increased about 200% and 61%, respectively, compared to control samples as well. The outcome shows a highly potential use of agro-waste as cement replacement to produce load bearing structural component

    Infantile acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia with T(1:22) in a non-down syndrome child.

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    Megakaryoblastic leukaemia is the commonest form of leukaemia occuring in Down syndrome infants. However, it’s subtype with translocation t(1;22)(p13;q13)is uncommon comprising <1% of all cases and reported to exclusively occur in infant without Down syndrome. It has a female predominance and carries apoor prognosis. We described this rare form of leukaemia in a 9-month-old girl who presented with bruises, massive hepatosplenomegaly and multiple cervical and inguinal lymphadenopathy. The blood film showed severe anaemia with ovalostomatocytosis, thrombocytopenia and mild leucocytosis. The bone marrow aspirate showed numerous blasts showing high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio and agranular cytoplasm with cytoplasmic blebs. Peroxidase staining was negative. The immunophenotyping of the blasts showed positive expression of CD117, CD13, CD33 and CD61 which confirmed the diagnosis of acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia. Interestingly, the cytogenetic finding of translocation t(1;22) which is most common in acute megaloblastic leukaemia in infants without Down syndrome was found in this case. She received the AML trial 15 ADE protocol chemotherapy regime and developed severe neutropenic sepsis and respiratory distress requiring ventilatory support and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). She recovered wellmafter the first course of chemotherapy and was discharged. Unfortunately, she was not brought in for follow-up chemotherapy and presented a few months later with relapsed AML. She was re-started on ADE protocol and currently is on oral thioguanine for maintenance therapy

    'Kampung' in Kahayan Urban Riverside Area, Palangka Raya City, Indonesia

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    The reality urban property in Indonesia is complex and varied and rarely fits the perceptions of outsiders. If we are to offer appropriate assistance to poor people struggling against the crisis, we must first build a good understanding of the lives of those we aim to assist. This study concerns with this issue and aims better understand how people respond when incomes decline, jobs are increasingly scarce, and spending on food and services increases. This study aims to give a complete picture of the situation in the field, particularly on the way in which the urban poor ‘kampung’ respond to city development. It presents various mechanisms and coping strategies developed by the poor situation. Research method used a combined method (mix-used method) based on field observation and questioner with 100 sample represented on Kampung Pahandut. This research consist of three stages of research: (i) preparation stage; (ii) the field observation stage; and (iii) post field observation stage. The analysis used lesson learn from people of Kampung Pahandut in economic aspects. This economic aspect of kampung can prove of integration between kampung to city to supported of sustainable kampung urban riverside area in the future. &nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords: Analysis, Formal, Informal, Integration, Kampung, Palangka Raya, Settlement, Urba
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