195 research outputs found

    The effect of selective rhythmic movements on, hand- foot coordination in girl children with developmental coordination disorder

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    زمینه و هدف: اختلال هماهنگی رشدی وقتی رخ می دهد که در رشد مهارت های حرکتی تاخیر بیافتد یا در انجام حرکات هماهنگ مشکلاتی بروز کند که نتیجه آن عدم توانایی انجام وظایف روزمره است. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی اثر یک دوره حرکت های منتخب ریتمیک بر هماهنگی دست و پای کودکان دارای اختلال هماهنگی رشدی انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این تحقیق نیمه تجریی ابتدا توسط غربالگری از طریق پرسشنامه رشدی ویلسون و سیاهه مشاهده حرکتی آموزگاران از بین 475 دانش آموز دختر دبستانی (6 تا 11 ساله) شهرکرد تعداد 30 کودک دارای ناهنجاری هماهنگی رشدی انتخاب شدند. از این گروه پیش‌ـ آزمون توسط مقیاس رشد حرکتی لینکن‌ـ اوزرتسکی (آیتم‌های مربوط به هماهنگی دست و پا) اخذ شد و سپس با تقسیم تصادفی، در دو گروه تجربی و کنترل قرار گرفتند. گروه تجربی در یک دوره برنامه‌ی منتخب حرکات ریتمیک به مدت 8 هفته (سه جلسه در هفته، هر جلسه 45 دقیقه) شرکت کردند، در انتها مجدداً آیتم‌های مربوط به هماهنگی دست – پا مقیاس رشد حرکتی لینکن‌ـ اوزرتسکی از هر دو گروه اخذ شد. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون آماری تی مستقل تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته‌ها: نتایج نشان داد که در پیش آزمون میانگین هماهنگی دست و پای (گروه تجربی و کنترل) تفاوت معنادار وجود ندارد، اما در پس آزمون میانگین هماهنگی دست و پا در گروه تجربی بیشتر از گروه کنترل بود (01/0


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    The mechanism of rock fragmentation around blastholes is of prior importance in the evaluation of drilling and blasting performance in open pit and underground mines. This paper aims to numerically investigate the crack propagation mechanism around a single blasthole using the distinct element method (DEM). In this study, two specimens with different borehole diameters were considered and the effects of the stress waves on their cracking mechanism were simulated. To validate the numerical model, the length of the radial cracks around each blasthole was measured and compared against an analytical fracture mechanics model. The fractured zones around the blasthole were also compared against previous experimental tests and good agreement was observed. The effect of a single discontinuity on the crack propagation mechanism was also studied and it was found that the discontinuity normal stiffness plays a significant role in the fractured zones around the blasthole. For low values of normal stiffness, the discontinuity surface acted as a free surface, and the shock wave was significantly reflected, while at high values of normal stiffness, cracks propagate across the discontinuity surface.Mehanika loma stijena oko minskih bušotina važan je čimbenik u ocjeni varijabli bušenja i miniranja, bilo na površini ili pod zemljom. U radu je numerički ispitana mehanika širenja lomova u blizini jedne takve bušotine uporabom metode diskretnih elemenata. Simulirana su dva uzorka različitih promjera bušotina te način širenja tlačnih valova i nastanak pukotina. Numerički model provjeren je mjerenjem dužine radijalnih pukotina oko bušotine te usporedbom dobivenih vrijednosti s analitičkim modelom mehanike loma. Zone pucanja oko bušotine uspoređene su s prethodnim eksperimentalnim testovima te je opaženo dobro podudaranje. Također je istražen i utjecaj pojedinačnoga diskontinuiteta na širenje pukotina te je utvrđeno kako čvrstoća diskontinuiteta ima veliku ulogu u opisanim zonama lomova oko bušotina. Kod nižih vrijednosti čvrstoće zone diskontinuiteta djeluju kao slobodne zone gibanja s kojih se tlačni valovi uglavnom reflektiraju. Zone veće čvrstoće ne sprječavaju pukotine da prolaze kroz njih


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    The prediction of the advance rate of a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) in hard rock conditions is one of the most important concerns for estimating the time and costs of a tunnel project. In this paper, in the first step, a model based on Rock Engineering Systems (RES) is proposed to predict geotechnical risks (representing media characteristics) in rock TBM tunnelling. Fifteen main parameters that influence the geotechnical hazards were used in the modelling. In establishing an interaction matrix and also a parameter rating, the views of five experts were taken into account. The Vulnerability Index (VI) (geotechnical risk levels) for 2058 datasets out of 2168 sets of data from 53 geological zones in 11 km of the Zagros long tunnel was obtained. In the second step, based on the machine operating parameters such as torque, cutter head rotation per minute, cutter normal force and media characteristics (represented by VIs), which were used as input parameters and advance rate was used as an output parameter, while using 2058 datasets, linear and non-linear multiple regression analyses were carried out. 110 datasets (out of 2168 datasets), which were not used in the modelling, were applied to evaluate the performance of regression models and other models in literature and the results were compared. The obtained results showed that the new linear model proposed with R2=0.83 and RMSE=0.12 has a better performance than the other models.Predviđanje brzine napredovanja tunelskoga bušaćeg stroja u tvrdim stijenama jedna je od najvažnijih stvari kod procjene vremena i troškova izradbe tunela. Prikazana je priprema stijenskoga inženjerskog sustava, modela kojim se predviđa geotehnički rizik (ovisan o svojstvima stijena) kod izradbe tunela bušaćim strojevima. Uporabljeno je 15 varijabli koje utječu na spomenuti rizik. Na temelju 5 ekspertnih mišljenja postavljena je interakcijska matrica i rangiranje varijabli. Indeks ranjivosti, kao izvedenica geotehničkoga rizika, izračunan je za 2058 (od ukupno 2168) skupova podataka, uzorkovanih u 55 geoloških zona kroz 11 km dugačak tunel Zagros. U sljedećemu koraku proučeni su operativni parametri strojeva poput okretnoga momenta, rotacije glave sjekača po minuti, sile na glavi te svojstava stijena (prikazanih indeksom ranjivosti). Oni su bili ulazne varijable, a iznos napredovanja izlazna. Na temelju 2058 podataka izračunane su linearne i nelinearne višestruke regresije. Dodatnih 110 podataka (nisu korišteni za modeliranje) uporabljeni su za provjeru regresijskih (i drugih) modela. Rezultati su pokazali kako novi linearni model, s vrijednostima R2 = 0,83 i RMSE = 0,12, ima bolja svojstva nego drugi razmatrani modeli


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    This study aims to analyze the level of geotechnical risks and predict the advance rate in rock Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) tunnelling, using a multi-stage fuzzy logic modelling. Twelve parameters, affecting the geotechnical hazard scenario occurrence, which were clustered into five groups, were used as input parameters and the risk level was used as an output parameter. Also, based on the relation between the risk levels and advance rates, a predictive model for advance rate prediction was proposed. To validate the performance of modelling carried out, data from 58 geological zones in section two of the Zagros tunnel, Iran were used. The obtained results showed that by using the fuzzy logic-based model, in most zones, the risk levels estimated are in good agreement with field observations. Moreover, as expected, the high coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.91 between the risk level estimated and the average advance rate achieved in 58 analyzed zones, confirms the ability of the model proposed to predict the level of geotechnical risks. Furthermore, R2= 0.93, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.62 and Variance Accounted For (VAF) of 97.51 between the measured and predicted advance rates show the good performance of the new predictive model developed for the advance rate estimation.U radu je analiziran stupanj geotehničkoga rizika i iznosa napredovanja kod bušenja tunela u stijenama metodom strojnoga bušenja tunela. Pri tomu je uporabljeno višestupanjsko modeliranje neizravnom logikom. Promatrano je 12 varijabli koje utječu na pojavu geotehničkoga rizika. One su svrstane u 5 skupina obilježenih vrijednostima rizika. Predviđen je model napredovanja bušenjem, na temelju rizika i brzine bušenja. Model je provjeren podatcima iz 58 geoloških zona koje su opažene tijekom bušenja sekcije broj 2 u tunelu Zagros (Iran). Rezultati pokazuju kako je primjena neizravne logike u većini zona dovela do procjene rizika koja je u skladu s terenskim opažanjima. Nadalje, velik iznos koeficijenta determinacije (0,91) između procijenjenoga rizika i prosječnoga stupnja napredovanja u 58 zona potvrdio je primjenjivost modela za predviđanje geotehničkoga rizika. Osim toga, vrijednosti R2 = 0,93, srednje kvadratne pogrješke 0,62 i varijance 97,51 između izmjerenoga i predviđenoga iznosa napredovanja pokazale su se vrlo uporabljivim za izradbu novoga modela predviđanja stupnja napredovanja

    Blood Pressure Estimation from Electrocardiogram and Photoplethysmography Signals Using Continuous Wavelet Transform and Convolutional Neural Network

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    Cuff-less and continuous blood pressure (BP) measurement has recently become an active research area in the field of remote healthcare monitoring. There is a growing demand for automated BP estimation and monitoring for various long-term and chronic conditions. Automated BP monitoring can produce a good amount of rich health data, which increases the chance of early diagnosis and treatments that are critical for a long-term condition such as hypertension and Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). However, mining and processing this vast amount of data is challenging, which is aimed to address in this research. We employed a continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to estimate the BP. The electrocardiogram (ECG), photoplethysmography (PPG) and arterial blood pressure (ABP) signals were extracted from the online Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC III) database. The scalogram of each signal was created and used for training and testing our proposed CNN model that can implicitly learn to extract the descriptive features from the training data. This study achieved a promising BP estimation approach has been achieved without employing engineered feature extraction that is comparable with previous works. Experimental results demonstrated a low root mean squere error (RMSE) rate of 3.36 mmHg and a high accuracy of 86.3% for BP estimations. The proposed CNN-based model can be considered as a reliable and feasible approach to estimate BP for continuous remote healthcare monitoring

    Correlates of sexual satisfaction among Iranians women attending South Tehran health centers: A cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Introduction: Sexual activity not only is a crucial physiologic need, but also it has been associated with religious, mystical, and historical concepts. The aim of this study was to assess Iranian women’s sexual satisfaction and its correlating factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study at South Tehran health centers (STHCs), which were affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Tehran, Iran). A convenience sample consist of 405 women who were married, had at least sixth-grade literacy level, were not addicted to opioids or alcohol, had no history of infertility, psychiatric, and physical disorders, and referred to STHCs to receive Primary Health Care services. Main outcome measures were women’s demographics, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction were assessed by a questionnaire. Results: Most women (58.2%) had moderate sexual satisfaction. A significant direct association was shown between sexual satisfaction and couple’s educational level (P < 0.001), partner’s higher income (P = 0.037), regular menstruation (P = 0.005), and degree of woman’s love toward her partner (P < 0.001). There was a significant indirect association between sexual satisfaction and gravidity number (P = 0.029), and number of offspring (P = 0.006). Having sexual intercourse at least once a week (P = 0.003), equal sex request (P = 0.028), accepting partner’s request pleasingly (P < 0.001), experiencing sexual arousal (P < 0.001), and lubrication (P < 0.001) was directly associated with sexual satisfaction. Dyspareunia (P < 0.001) and difficulty to reach orgasm (P < 0.001) showed significant indirect association. Conclusion: Women sexual satisfaction associates with interpersonal and sexual factors. Creating opportunity for midwives in health centers to consult with couples, assess their quality of sexual function, educate them, and refer them to specialists if needed, is strongly recommended for healthcare systems of Iran

    Assessment of the Physico-Chemical Parameters of Surface Water Samples in Birjand Flood Plain, Iran

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    The physico-chemical status of twelve surface water samples from the Birjand flood plain of eastern Iran during the November 2010 were assessed. The sampling points were selected on the basis of their importance. The physico-chemical parameter like, pH, temperature (T), electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+ ), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), sulphate (SO42-), phosphate (PO43-), bicarbonate (HCO3–), carbonate (CO32–), nitrite (NO2–), nitrate (NO3–), dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of surface water were determined. Results showed that the quality of surface water not suitable for drinking, with references to the concentrations of EC, TDS, TH, Na+, HCO3-, and BOD5 which are more than the prescribed limits, in most sites. Results also indicated that there were correlations among the measured parameters