66 research outputs found
The project is about car number plate recognition. In this project, program
needs to be developed tbat can automatically read the number plate of tbe vehicles.
Car number plate recognition is an image processing technology used to identify
vehicles by their plate [7]. It has been used widely in a number of applications such as
automation car parking system, security parking system, and automated payment toll.
In this project, image processing work will be done by using the image processing
toolbox in MATLAB. In order to identify characters form tbe vehicle's plate, image
processing techniques such as extraction, enhancement, and segmentation of certain
features need to be implemented for identification of the characters
Sejarah dan perkembangan organisasi Benjang Gulat di Ujungberung pada tahun 2000-2021
Kesenian benjang gulat sudah lama hidup dan berkembang dikalangan masyarakat Bandung Timur. Pada tahun 1965-1970 intensitas pagelaran kesenian benjang gulat mengalami masa keemasan dan memunculkan beberapa jawara. Namun disayangkan dengan tingginya intensitas pagelaran kesenian benjang gulat ini malah menimbulkan tawuran antar warga. Semenjak dari peristiwa tersebut kesenian benjang gulat mengalami larangan untuk menyelenggarakan pagelaran tepatnya pada tahun 1977. Pada tahun 2000 para pegiat benjang gulat membentuk sebuah paguyuban untuk mencabut larangan pegelaran kesenian benjang gulat dan akhirnya berhasil. Intensitas pagelaran kesenian benjang kembali mengalami peningkatan. Hal itu bisa dilihat dengan munculnya beberapa acara seperti festival, event, dan adanya kejuaran yang diadakan FORNAS. Dengan adanya kejuaran tersebut kesenian benjang gulat membentuk sebuah organisasi untuk mewadahi dan memberi fasilitas terhadap para pegiat dan pelaku yang berkecimpung dalam dunia kesenian benjang gulat terutama terhadap para atlit benjang. Selain itu, tujuan dari organisasi ini adalah untuk terus melestarikan kesenian benjang gulat dan meregenerasi para atlit benjang agar terus ada.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejarah dan perkembangan organisasi kesenian benjang gulat di Ujungberung pada tahun 2000-2021. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian sejarah yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu heuristik (pengumpulan sumber), kritik (penyeleksian data), interpretasi (penafsiran data), dan historiografi (penulisan sejarah).
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa organisasi benjang gulat di Ujungberung pada tahun 2000-2021 merupakan sebuah organisasi kesenian benjang gulat yang dibentuk untuk menjadi tempat atau wadah bagi para pegiat maupun pelaku yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam kesenian benjang gulat. Organisasi ini pada awalnya dibentuk dari sebuah paguyuban pada tahun 2000 dan mengalami perkembangan menjadi sebuah organisasi pada tahun 2015. Tujuan dibentuknya organisasi ini adalah untuk terus menjaga dan melestarikan kesenian benjang gulat agar tidak hilang oleh zaman serta memberikan kontribusi untuk selalu berupaya meregenerasi para penerus atlit benjang agar terus ada penerusnya. Dengan adanya regenerasi yang dilakukan oleh organisasi kesenian benjang gulat diharapkan terus muncul penerus yang bisa berkontribusi dan memberikan prestasi bagi kesenian benjang gulat agar kesenian ini terus ada dan terjaga hingga generasi berikutnya
Problem-based learning in facilities planning: a pilot implementation
In Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Problem Based Learning (PBL) is proposed as an alternative to lectures in moulding engineering graduates to acquire attributes that are required to excel in today’s k-economy. To investigate if PBL is viable for undergraduates in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, a pilot implementation of PBL in Facilities Planning, a subject required for final year Mechanical Engineering undergraduates with specialization in Industrial Engineering was executed. With 60 students in the class, the whole syllabus of the subject was covered using three main PBL problems. PBL was conducted with the help of industrial partners: a semiconductor company, and a furniture factory. The outcome of the implementation was highly encouraging. Students were able to illustrate good understanding of the content, while progressively exhibiting maturity in their generic skills, such as communication, team-working, self-directed learning and problem-solving. However, several aspects of the execution can be further improved
The project is about car number plate recognition. In this project, program
needs to be developed tbat can automatically read the number plate of tbe vehicles.
Car number plate recognition is an image processing technology used to identify
vehicles by their plate [7]. It has been used widely in a number of applications such as
automation car parking system, security parking system, and automated payment toll.
In this project, image processing work will be done by using the image processing
toolbox in MATLAB. In order to identify characters form tbe vehicle's plate, image
processing techniques such as extraction, enhancement, and segmentation of certain
features need to be implemented for identification of the characters
Nonlinear model identification of a shock absorber dynamics
The paper discusses on the technique of modeling a nonlinear dynamics of a commercially available automotive shock absorber. The damper was tested on the damper test bench to obtain its dynamic characteristics. The characteristics include the force-displacement and the force-velocity diagrams. From the result obtained experimentally it clearly showed that the automotive damper behaves nonlinearly. The plot also indicates the hysteresis of the damper at different frequency levels. From the force-velocity graphs a backbone model was then developed and plot. Based on this graph three types of non-parametric model namely the linear model, polynomial model and the power model were then obtained through curve fitting method. The models were then verified by using another set of experimentally obtained data. Based on these models quarter car simulations were conducted. From the simulation it was clear that the linear model showed a large difference in terms of vertical displacement of the sprung mass at the natural frequency compared to the polynomial and the power models
A review and survey of Problem-Based Learning application in Engineering Education
This paper gives a review of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) applied in engineering courses worldwide, and a survey of academic staff who have implemented PBL in engineering classes in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The review of PBL application illustrates the extent of acceptance and success of PBL in schools of engineering in the international arena. The survey, on the other hand, illustrates the acceptance of PBL among engineering lecturers and the possibility of applying PBL in Malaysia. The main purpose of the survey is to obtain feedback on PBL regarding the impressions, set-backs and constraints faced, as well as innovations and tips for successful implementation from the faculty members involved
Enhancing learning through cooperative learning: UTM experience
Lecture-based classes are the predominant teaching method in all levels of education. This teaching style, undoubtedly is able to deliver knowledge to students and produce graduates. However, this teaching technique is usually unable to invoke higher level of cognitive skills. With an ever-growing volume of knowledge that must be covered in engineering education, an alternative technique must be used to enhance learning. Co-operative learning is a proven teaching technique that is able to enhance students’ learning through active learning. This technique has been widely accepted in engineering education in the United States, Europe, United Kingdom and Australia. In UTM, lecturers from different faculties of engineering implement cooperative learning in their classes. The main aim is to induce better retention, in-depth understanding and mastery of knowledge among students. This paper shows how cooperative learning successfully enhance students' learning by looking at the performance of their grades in different engineering classes
Neuroticism polygenic risk score predicts 20-year burden of depressive symptoms for Whites but not Blacks
Background. Black-White differences are reported in social, psychological, behavioral, medical, and biological correlates of depression. This study was conducted to compare Black and White older adults for the association between neuroticism polygenic risk score (N-PRS) and chronicity of depressive symptoms over 20 years.
Methods. Data came from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 1990 – 2012, a nationally representative sample of Americans above age 50. Current analysis followed 9,249 individuals (7,924 Whites and 1,325 Blacks) for up to 22 years. Depressive symptoms were measured every two years between 1992 and 2012 using the 8-item Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D-8). The independent variable was N-PRS. The dependent variable was average depressive symptoms between 1992 and 2012. Linear regression was used for data analysis.
Results. In the pooled sample, higher N-PRS was associated with higher average depressive symptoms over the 20-year follow up period [b=0.01, 95%CI=0.00 to 0.04], net of all covariates. We also found an interaction between race and N-PRS [b=-0.02, 95%CI=-0.03 to 0.00], suggesting a stronger effect of N-PRS on 20-year average depressive symptoms for Whites than Blacks. Based on our race-specific linear regression models, higher N-PRS was associated with higher depressive symptoms from 1992 to 2012 for Whites [b=0.01, 95%CI=0.01 to 0.02] but not Blacks [b=0.00, 95%CI=-0.02 to 0.02].
Conclusion. Black and White older adults may differ in the salience of the existing N-PRS for depressive symptoms, which better reflects the burden of depression for Whites than Blacks. This may be because the existing PRSs are derived from mostly or exclusively White samples, limiting their applicability in other race groups. Racial variation in psychosocial, clinical, and biological correlates of depression needs further research
Organization support for cloud computing implementation success in education system: scale development and validity in Delphi
Cloud computing (CC) support for learning systems has been viewed as one of the most discussed issues that promise to modernize computing by providing visualized resources as a service over the internet. To be stable in cloud computing acquisition requires an education institution to address many of the same concerns they face in implementing an Information System (IS) service. Currently, there is still lack of CC implementation standard and organizational support that impacted VLE system performance. Previous research has reported that the influence of the CC implementation decision depends on the impact of various factors studied. Nonetheless, organizational support is the least factor mentioned especially studies from Malaysia. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to develop a validated scale of organizational support in implementation decision activities towards CC implementation success. In this paper, the Delphi process adopted to measure consensus among nominal group technique (also known as the expert panel). Key methodological issues in using the methods are discussed, along with the distinct contribution of consensus methods as aids to decision making in education service development. The study has adapted stages of proses flow of scale development and validation of measurement items according to legitimate measures in the Delphi technique. The measurement scales formed are based on literature review and field studies conducted to increase the reliability and validity values. Organizational support constructs were divided into top management support, firm size, awareness, Technology Readiness and cost effectiveness. A total of 5 items have been successfully set up for further validatio
Descriptive Report on Teachers Skills in Developing Sociable Learning Model at Kindergarten in Bandung
The sociable learning model is a newly built model and is applied in the implementation of community service. Meanwhile, teachers’ experience regarding the model only occurs during training. The inquiry about teacher achievement in implementing the sociable learning model needs to be done to see the teachers’ achievements in developing learning programs by applying the sociable learning models. Such efforts must be made to provide an overview of the training’s success. Descriptive research is conducted using qualitative methods involving several teachers from seven kindergartens located in the city of Bandung. Based on the research findings, the teachers' skills in making the lesson plan are relatively good, as well as their performance in applying sociable learning models in Kindergartens although some of them experience difficulties in designing rule-agreement activities in their lesson plans. By looking at the results of those achievements, it can be concluded that the training has been fairly successful. However, the teachers still need to adapt further to the concept of sociable learning models so that they can design better rule-agreement activities
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