161 research outputs found

    The impact of Agriculture Land Development Programme (ALDP) of Orang Asli resettlement plan scheme (RPS) in Pahang, Malaysia

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    In the 1960s, Malaysia like other newly independent nations used modernisation of agriculture systems as a priority for its rural development plan. Orang Asli, as one of the target groups were e xposed to commercial and cash crops to replace their traditional ways of farming. The government believed the best way to improve the economic conditions of rural people was to introduce the oil palm, rubber, temperate crops and other commercial plants. The Agriculture Land Development Programme(ALDP) is one of the programmes under the Economic Development Programme implemented by Department of Orang Asli Development (JAKOA) to address the high incidence of poverty among Orang Asli population. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify the level of impact of ALDP and (2) to determine the relationship between selected demographic factor and the impact of ALDP. This study only focuses on Orang Asli who were involved in ALDP oil palm plantation scheme in all RPS in Pahang. This is a descriptive study using the quantitative method of a questionnaire as a tool to collect data from the respondents. This study involved 170 respondents who received monthly dividends between RM400 until RM800. The results of the study revealed that the level of impact is moderate in all aspects discussed. Meanwhile, the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation result showed that income category and land size have significant positive relationship with level of ALDP impact. Some recommendation was made due to results of study for future improvements of ALDP

    Effect of variety and planting density on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in northern Sudan

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       An experiment was conducted for two seasons (2009/10 and 2010/11) at Hudeiba Research Station Farm to study the effects of variety and planting density on growth and yield of irrigated chickpea. Two chickpea varieties, namely, Hawata (semi- erect) and FLIP-98- 55C (erect) were sown in mid November in each season at five planting densities, viz: 17, 22, 33, 44 and 66 plants/m2 (1.7 x 105, 2.2 x 105, 3.3 x 105, 4.4 x 105 and 6.6 x 105 plants/ha). The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The results showed that Hawata was significantly earlier in number of days to 50 % flowering than FLIP- 98- 55C by 17 and 11 days, whereas, FLIP- 98- 55C was 17 cm and 20 cm taller with respect to the first season and 19 cm and 20 cm with respect to the second season than variety Hawata. ٌHawata highly significantly (P≤0.001) out-yielded FLIP-98- 55C by 53 % and 110 % in the first and second seasons, respectively, due to larger number of seeds and higher yield per plant than FLIP-98-55C, however, FLIP- 98- 55C gave higher 100- seed weight in both seasons than Hawata. On the other hand, planting density of 33 plants/m2 significantly (P < 0.05) resulted in the highest seed yield of chickpea on both seasons. In conclusion, the highest seed yields were obtained by the two varieties at 33 plants/m2.         يعتبر محصول الحمص من المحاصيل البقولية الأساسية وغذاء هام للإنسان والحيوان في السودان. عليه تم إجراء تجربة خلال موسمي 2009\10 –\2010\11 في محطة بحوث الحديبة التي تقع في شمال السودان في المناخ  شبه الصحراوي. وذلك بغرض دراسة تأثير الصنف والكثافة النباتية في نمو وإنتاج الحمص المروي. استخدم الصنف حواته (شبه قائم) والصنف (فلب–FLIP-89 55C ) قائم (مستجلب من المركز الدولي لبحوث المناطق الجافة  (ICARDA) وزرع الصنفين باستخدام خمسة معاملات من الكثافة النباتية (17، 22، 33،  44 و66 نبات/ متر2) والتي تعادل (170000، 220000،0، 330000، 440000 و660000 نبات/هكتار). أُستخدم تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاث مكررات. أوضحت النتائج تأثير عالي المعنوية للصنف ومعنوي للكثافة النباتية والتفاعل بين الصنف والكثافة في كلا الموسمين. الصنف حواتة مبكر في الإزهار بحوالي 17 و11 يوم في الموسم الأول والثاني علي التوالي بينما الصنف فلب تميز بالطول ب 17 و20 سم عن حواتة و10 و20 سم ارتفاع القرن الأول من سطح التربة عن حواتة. ومن ناحية أخري كان تأثير الكثافة النباتية ثابت ولكنه معنوي في 50% من عدد أيام الأزهار وطول النبات في الموسم الثاني فقط. أعطى الصنف حواته عدد أعلي من البذور للنبات في الموسمين وإنتاجية النبات الواحد في الموسم الثاني فقط عن الصنف فلب والذي تفوق عليه في وزن المائة حبة في كلا الموسمين. أوضحت النتائج أن عدد الحبوب بالنبات وإنتاجية النبات الواحد نقصت بزيادة الكثافة النباتية. كما أوضحت النتائج تفوق الصنف حواتة (3807 و3315 كجم/هكتار) عن الصنف فلب بسبة 53 و110 % في الموسم الأول والثاني علي التوالي، بينما زيادة الكثافة النباتية من 17 نبات إلي 33 نبات في المتر المربع أدي لزيادة معنوية في إنتاج بذور الحمص في كلا الموسمين (3429 و3050 كجم/هكتار). بلغت الإنتاجية أعلي قيمة لها في الكثافة النباتية 33 نبات في المتر المربع في كلا الموسمين وبذا نوصي بزراعة الحمص علي مسافة  60 و 10 سم في السراب والحفر علي التوالي أي ما يعادل 25 كجم بذور/ فدان. &nbsp

    Analysis of municipal solid waste generation and composition at administrative building cafe in Universiti Putra Malaysia: a case study

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    Increasing solid waste is one of the most crucial environmental problems in Malaysia. Improper management of solid waste will cause many problems. Increasing solid waste, lack of segregation from the source, and lack of knowledge and awareness about recycling have only worsened the problem. Knowledge of solid waste generation and composition is necessary for accurate decision making in the management strategy of municipal solid waste. The objectives of this study were to measure solid waste generation and analyse and compare the composition of solid waste in two different cafés at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Solid waste samples were collected every day except for Saturdays and Sundays over a three-week period and were sorted and classified into several weighed compositions such as food waste, plastic, paper, aluminium cans, glass, metal, textiles, wood, and more. Results showed that total municipal solid waste generated during three weeks of sampling at Forestry café and Park View café were 325.75 kg, or an average of 21.72 kg/day, and 2979.70 kg, or 198.65 kg/day, respectively. There is significant difference in data collection between the two locations. From the result, it shows that organic waste was the main component in municipal solid waste composition for both cafés, where it is 81% for Forestry Café and 96% for Park View Café, followed by the other compositions. The high organic waste indicates the necessity for frequent collection and removal, as well as having a good prospect for organic waste recycling through composting. Based on this information, a proper waste management system can be introduced to treat the solid waste more efficiently

    Transformational leadership, school culture and risk management practices at elementary schools in Malaysia

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    This study involves a quantitative investigation on risk management practices and its relationship with transformational leadership and school culture. A quantitative study will be conducted at selected primary schools in Malaysia. The selection of the schools will be on random basis covering both urban and rural. The survey will be conducted among school teachers. Basically two quantitative survey instruments will be used in order to collect data for the research: principal transformational leadership, school culture and risk management practices. Responses from individual teachers will be averaged based on each item and factor to create the school-wide data that's needed for this study. The findings from this study will contribute to the body of knowledge in risk management and practices at schools. It provides guidance on skills required by school leaders for effective risk management practices in schools

    Living Arrangement and Life Satisfaction in Older Malaysians: The Mediating Role of Social Support Function

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    Background This cross-sectional and correlational survey examines the association between different types of living arrangements and life satisfaction in older Malaysians, while taking into account the mediating effects of social support function. Methodology and Findings A total of 1880 of older adults were selected by multistage stratified sampling. Life satisfaction and social support were measured with the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale and Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey. The result shows living with children as the commonest type of living arrangement for older adults in peninsular Malaysia. Compared to living alone, living only with a spouse especially and then co-residency with children were both associated with better life satisfaction (p<.01) and social support function (p<.01). The mediating effect of social support function enhanced the relation between living arrangements and life satisfaction. Conclusion This study revealed that types of living arrangement directly, and indirectly through social support function, play an important role in predicting life satisfaction for older adults in Malaysia. This study makes remarkable contributions to the Convoy model in older Malaysians

    Sustainable paddy cultivation technique: System of rice intensification for high production and profit

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    One of the agriculture innovation practice that can increase rice production without using synthetic materials besides reducing production cost of paddy cultivation is System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Based on previous studies conducted in many rice growing areas in India, Indonesia and Timor Leste, SRI practice have shown success in increasing rice production as well as reduced use of agriculture inputs, thus reducing production costs

    Youth Voice in Nigerian School-based Management Committees

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    In Nigeria, School-Based Management Committees (SBMCs) aim to provide an opportunity for all stakeholders, particularly the vulnerable groups in the school’s host communities such as young people and women to partake in school governance. Research on the experiences of youth voice in the committees is scant, however, as much of the existing literature on SBMCs focuses on program outcomes. Using qualitative research interviews, observations, and document analysis, this study addressed this gap by exploring how youth participate and express themselves in two SBMCs in Niger State, Nigeria. The findings, which were derived from 19 youth and adult participants, were drawn from SBMC members out of which 12 were youth between the ages 13 and 25, while 7 were adults aged 40 and above. The participants revealed that youth committee members expressed their voice in the committees through participating in a number of committee activities. Specifically, the youth participated in decision-making during meetings, aided in the construction of committee projects, undertook administrative/managerial functions and monitored the committee’s projects. They also participated in revenue generation, planning, school visits and supervision, advocacy, and sensitization campaigns


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    This study was conducted through the seasons of 2013 and 2014 to determine the optimum bud loads/ vine for Autumn Royal seedless "grapevines. Three years old uniform vines were uniform chosen and pruned to four levels of bud load, namely (32, 42, 52 and 60 buds/ vine). With fruiting spur at 2, 3 and 4 buds per spur The results showed that the percentage of bursted buds was decreased significantly by increasing bud load /vine in the two seasons of the study. Data also indicated that 42 buds/ vine were more suitable for Autumn Royal seedlessgrapevines to produce good yield and fruit quality. On the other hand, 32 buds/vine or 60 buds/vine were unfavorable science it produced rather clusters. In addition, pruning Autumn Royal seedless "grapevines to 42buds /vine by leaving 21 spur  with 2 eyes/spur or leaving 14 spur with 3 eyes per spur resulted a high yield and good quality, reduced cluster compactness and reduced shoot berries %,  gave the greatest cluster weight, berry firmness, adherence, T.S.S and anthocyanin content. Increasing bud load increased number of cluster/vine and yield but reduced cluster weight. Vines pruned to 32 buds / vine gave the greatest C/N ratio of the canes. Whereas vines pruned to 60 buds / vine showed higher percent of T.A than the other levels of bud load and cane length

    New Advances in Fast Methods of 2D NMR Experiments

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    Although nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a potent analytical tool for identification, quantification, and structural elucidation, it suffers from inherently low sensitivity limitations. This chapter focuses on recently reported methods that enable quick acquisition of NMR spectra, as well as new methods of faster, efficient, and informative two-dimensional (2D) NMR methods. Fast and efficient data acquisition has risen in response to an increasing need to investigate chemical and biological processes in real time. Several new techniques have been successfully introduced. One example of this is band-selective optimized-flip-angle short-transient (SOFAST) NMR, which has opened the door to studying the kinetics of biological processes such as the phosphorylation of proteins. The fast recording of NMR spectra allows researchers to investigate time sensitive molecules that have limited stability under experimental conditions. The increasing awareness that molecular structures are dynamic, rather than static, has pushed some researchers to find alternatives to standard, time-consuming methods of 15N relaxation observables acquisition

    Socio-cultural barriers to youth voice in Nigerian school-based management committees: a multi-case analysis

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    This study explores the challenges of implementing youth voice in school-based management committees (SBMC) in Nigeria. SBMC are a form of youth-adult partnership that involve communities in the management of local primary schools. The program aims to provide community members, including vulnerable groups such as young people who traditionally lack a voice in community leadership structures, opportunities to partake in school governance. The current study used a qualitative case study approach by interviewing 19 committee members from two SBMCs in Niger State. Thematic analysis from interviews revealed that differential treatment of people of different ages, traditional power structures, the lack of a participatory culture in decision-making, and conventional role divisions impeded the practice of youth voice in the early stages of the SBMCs. The findings provide important insight from an understudied cultural setting on the need to consider sociocultural barriers to youth voice in community-based initiatives