21 research outputs found

    Meramal bacaan maksimum harian nitrogen dioksida menerusi pendekatan kalut

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    Peramalan ke atas bahan pencemar udara Nitrogen Dioksida (NO2) adalah sangat penting kerana udara yang mengandungi NO2 memberi kesan bahaya kepada kesihatan manusia dan boleh menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit kronik seperti emphysema dan bronkitis kronik. Data siri masa NO2 yang dikaji dicerap mengikut jam di stesen yang terletak di kawasan perindustrian, iaitu Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Peramalan melalui pendekatan kalut melibatkan dua langkah, iaitu pembinaan semula ruang fasa dan proses peramalan. Sebelum model peramalan dibina, data siri masa diuji terlebih dahulu untuk mengenal pasti kehadiran dinamik kalut. Melalui plot ruang fasa dan kaedah Cao, didapati bahawa sifat kalut hadir dalam siri masa NO2. Bagi langkah peramalan, kaedah penghampiran purata setempat digunakan untuk meramal siri masa NO2. Keputusan peramalan menunjukkan nilai pekali korelasi yang sangat memuaskan, iaitu 0.7635. Sebagai inovasi dalam kajian ini, peramalan dilakukan terhadap nilai bacaan maksimum data pada setiap hari. Peramalan nilai maksimum harian data siri masa NO2 menunjukkan hasil peramalan yang cemerlang dengan nilai pekali korelasi 0.9139. Secara keseluruhan, hasil peramalan bagi kedua-kedua kaedah ini sangat memuaskan. Oleh itu, peramalan nilai maksimum harian data siri masa boleh dicadangkan untuk meramal data siri masa bahan pencemar yang lain, iaitu PM10, SO2, O3 dan CO. Diharapkan dengan penemuan ini dapat membantu pihak bertanggungjawab seperti Jabatan Alam Sekitar dalam mengawal pencemaran NO2 terutamanya di kawasan perindustrian

    Significance of Speech Intelligibility Assessors in Medium Classroom Using Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    When there are constraints on the resources-equipment, manpower and time-to conduct speech intelligibility tests, the most reliable or significant SI assessor for many different types of rooms is always sought for. The purpose of this study was to determine the most significant speech intelligibility assessor in four medium classrooms. The speech intelligibility assessors tested were RT60, C50, D50, and STIPA. The data were acquired by means of sound recorder that recorded six Malay words spoken by a trained male speaker, in four medium classrooms.The recorded speech signals were analyzed by DIRAC software. The data of four speech intelligibility assessors have to be normalized before it can be analyzed by AHP. In conclusion, C50 has shown the most consistent prediction of speech intelligibility in all sampled classrooms. On the other hand, as the room gets larger, RT60 becomes significant for determining speech intelligibility in these sampled classrooms

    Employees contentment in an organization

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    In an attempt to stay competitive in the ever growing challenging education world, higher institutions are often trying to develop creative and innovative ways in which to improve their organizations performance. One way to attain this is, by looking into their employees’ job contentment level. It is believed that job contentment level has a direct association with employees’ achievement and organizations success. Hence, by having a better understanding of their perceived job contentment level, an institution should be able to increase its work quality and productivity. This paper will present the findings of the study which aims to determine the main facet affecting employees’ job contentment level based on Job Satisfaction Index [1] such as pay, promotion, supervision, benefit, contingent reward, operating condition, co-workers, nature of work and communication. It is also aimed to determine whether gender could influence job contentment level in a higher learning institution

    Kinetic analysis of Malaysia type biomasses via thermogravimetric analyser (TGA)

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    The kinetic behaviour of biomass pyrolysis samples was successfully studied via thermogravimetric analysis. The biomass samples were empty fruit bunch, oil palm trunk, rice husk, coconut copra, sawdust, coconut shell, sugarcane bagasse, and wood bark. The analysis was performed in a nitrogen atmosphere from 30 to 700°C. The effect of heating rate on kinetic behaviour of biomass at two different high heating rates was evaluated at 40°C/min (HR1) and 80°C/min (HR2). The kinetic parameters of biomass samples such as pre-exponential factor (s-1), activation energy (kJ/mol), and reaction order (n) were determined using one-step global kinetic model. The wood bark sample has the lowest activation energy (38.14 kJ/mol), while coconut copra was reported for the highest activation energy (145.42 kJ/mol). High positive activation energy was achieved at a higher heating rate (HR2) than at lower heating rate (HR1) for biomass samples

    Adulticide Efficacy of Artemisia vulgaris L. against Aedes aegypti L.

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    Aedes aegypti is the vector of various arthropod-borne diseases such as dengue fever, chikungunya and currently, zika. This study aimed to evaluate Artemisia vulgarisas other adulticides for controlling Ae. aegypti. Indonesian ministry of health hasbeen reported that more than 70.000 dengue fever human cases have occurred in 2015 covering 34 provinces which mean that dengue fever has spread now into all national territories. Eradication of Aedes still largely depends on insecticides, which is the most cost-effective strategy, and often inefficient due to resistance development in exposed Aedes population This study was designed to use of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bioassay standard. CDC bottles were coated with the ethanolic solution of extract with a concentration of 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, and 100000 g per bottle. F0 mosquitoes were used for all experiments. Death and surviving mosquitoes were evaluated based on CDC standard assay. The test was performed with 10-25 adult mosquitoes every bottle and each concentration was repeated in triplicates. The results showed that LC50 and LC90 were 5790 g and 52110 g respectively after 120 minutes exposure to the extract. There was no mortality in ethanol control group. A. vulgaris significantly (P < 0.05) have adulticidal activity against Ae. aegypti. However, A. vulgaris have been reported to have larvacidal activity against Ae. Aegypti. These results indicated clearly that A. Vulgaris might act as the candidate of bioinsecticides for controlling Ae. aegypti. Keywords: Aedes aegypti, Artemisia vulgaris, adulticide,bio insecticide

    Public perception on Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Bill 2007 towards sustainable waste management in Malaysia

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    Lack of appropriate policy is the main constraint to sustainable waste management in Malaysia. As a result, the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Bill (SWPCM) was approved in 2007. Its aims are to provide an act and regulate the manag ement of solid waste and public cleansing in order to maintain proper sanitation in the country. The Bill provides for the administrative bodies authorized in MSW management and the tribunal for solid waste management services. The objective of this paper is to investigate the perception of the public in regards to the current waste management system in the country and future waste management, particularly in relation to SWPCM Bill 2007. To accomplish this, questionnaires consisting of 45 questions were randomly distributed to 694 respondents to obtain 96% confidence level. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS. Results indicated that 86% of the public is satisfied with the current waste management system. The high satisfactory level probably is related to the fact that only reliable waste management contractors are appointed and renewed after an interim period. Contracts of waste managers with high number of complaints will not be renewed and they are directed to stop their collection services. Since the passing of the Bill, government had declared that unsatisfactory contractors will be terminated from their contract once the SWPCM Bill 2007 is enforced. However, 13% is dissatisfied with the collection frequency. The public (67-78%) has relatively high knowledge on the waste management issues such as final disposal option of the municipal solid waste and others. However, the majority of the public (69%) are not aware of the existence of SWPCM Bill 2007 and its passing by the parliament in August 2007. This is mainly due to the absence of notification to the general public from the ministry level. Responses from public regarding the deposit refund system was mainly negative where majority (87%) disagreed to pay deposit for returnable packaging materials as allocated in Part X of the Bill. This is due to the fact that the system is currently absent in the country and its introduction will affect the consumers’ economy as they will lose the deposits if they did not return the materials to the manufacturer. The majority (64%) of the respondents agreed with the regulation of segregation at source. This probably is due to the high awareness on waste disposal issues. Various campaigns were aired in mass-media indicating the deteriorating quality of the environment due to the indiscriminate disposal of MSW into landfill. Nevertheless, 97% are confident that the Bill will improve the current waste management system and able to promote a more sustainable solid waste management system for the country

    Kajian rintis peramalan siri masa SO2 melalui pendekatan kalut di kawasan bandar

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    Pencemaran udara adalah suatu krisis yang boleh membahayakan jika terdedah kepadanya dalam kepekatan yang tinggi. Terdedah kepada bahan pencemar boleh memberikan kesan kepada manusia dan juga alam sekitar. Kajian rintis ini dijalankan untuk mengesan dinamik kalut pada siri masa SO2, dan menggunakan kaedah yang ditambah baik untuk memilih parameter k. Data siri masa SO2 dalam kajian ini telah dicerap di Shah Alam pada bulan Oktober 2017. Pengesanan dinamik kalut dalam siri masa SO2 berjaya dikesan melalui kaedah plot ruang fasa dan kaedah Cao. Penentuan tiga parameter , dan mk dilakukan sebelum proses peramalan. Nilai dan m melalui penetapan 1 dan kaedah Cao. Nilai k ditentukan dengan kaedah plot graf k melawan pekali korelasi ()pk . Nilai k yang menghasilkan nilai pk yang maksimum akan direkodkan. Proses peramalan dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga kaedah, iaitu Kaedah Penghampiran Purata Setempat (KPPS), Kaedah Penghampiran Linear Setempat (KPLS) dan Kaedah Penghampiran Linear Setempat Ditambah Baik (KPLSD). Peramalan menggunakan KPLSD menunjukkan prestasi peramalan yang terbaik dengan gabungan parameter 1, 6m dan 18k yang menghasilkan 0.7831pk . Ini menunjukkan peramalan ke atas siri masa SO2 boleh dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kalut. Penambahbaikan ke atas penentuan nilai k juga boleh meningkatkan prestasi model peramalan ke atas siri masa SO2 di Malaysia

    Electromyography (EMG) for assessment in low back pain; erector spinae muscle

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    The purpose of electromyography (EMG) study is to identify which position of surface EMG sensor attached to erector spinae muscle related with lower back pain by squat and stoop lifting technique. This is to avoid lower back pain (LBP) occur during Manual Materials Handling (MMH). There are only one types of upper extremity muscle were chosen to be monitored in this study which is erector spinae (ES) muscle with different electrodes placement on the surface electromyography (sEMG) sensor. However, each of the lifting styles come out with the different reading of root mean square (RMS) frequency for each muscle chosen. In this study, the two subjects consist of two females with normal body mass index (BMI) range from 18.5 to 24.9 with same physical measurement, was selected in order to perform both styles of lifting which are squatting and stooping. For every session the subject will undertake 15 repetitions with 15 minutes rest in between for each movement. In furtherance of to get the analysis muscle activity, proEMG software is used. The results of study for subject female 1 showed that the squat technique had higher levels of muscle activation compared to stoop technique on left erector spinae (LES) muscle. However, the LES muscle activation for subject 2 is greater at stoop activity. On the contrary, squat technique had lower fatigue analysis compared to stoop technique for both subjects on LES muscle. Conclusion, squat technique is better than stoop technique but stoop lift is more natural and spontaneously used for MMH

    Analisis perlakuan akuntansi aset tetap

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kesesuian perlakuan akuntansi aset tetap pada PT. Better Teknik Indonesia dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK ETAP) Bab 15 tentang aset tetap. Rumusan masalah yang diajukan adalah apakah perlakuan akuntansi aset tetap pada PT. Better Teknik Indonesia telah sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK ETAP) Bab 15 tentang aset tetap. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK ETAP) bab 15 tentang Aset Tetap yang meliputi standar pengakuan, pengukuran, pelepasan dan penyajian aset tetap dalam laporan keuangan. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui penelitian lapangan dengan mengamati langsung objek yang akan diteliti dan dokumentasi dengan melakukan analisis terhadap catatan dan dokumen yang dimiliki oleh organisasi yang terpilih sebagai objek penelitian, yaitu PT. Better Teknik Indonesia. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa perhitungan beban penyusutan PT. Better Teknik Indonesia belum sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi keuangan Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK ETAP) bab 15, karena perusahaan mencatat nilai beban penyusutan sebesar satu tahun penuh pada awal tahun perolehan aset tetap, tanpa mempertimbangkan tanggal dan perolehan aset tetap tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan nilai aset yang disajikan oleh perusahaan disajikan terlalu rendah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Nilai buku aset perusahaan pada tahun 2016 sebelum dilakukan koreksi adalah Rp 9.031.567.787. Koreksi yang dilakukan terhadap akumulasi aset tetap adalah sebesar Rp 193.990.932. Koreksi ini mempengaruhi nilai aset tetap perusahaan sehingga nilai buku aset tetap perusahaan yang disajikan setelah koreksi adalah sebesar Rp 9.225.558.71

    Marine debris composition and abundance: a case study of selected beaches in Port Dickson, Malaysia

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    Malaysia has a long coastline and is well known for its beautiful beaches which play different roles, depending on the characteristics and location. With increasing population and rapid development, the beaches are experiencing threats from pollution. One of the most visible threats is due to solid waste disposal. A scientific quantitative dataset of marine debris in Malaysia is, however, very rare. Therefore, a study on marine debris was conducted on two beaches in Port Dickson, Malaysia, from January to March 2010. The objective of the study was to compare the density of waste on two selected beaches with different economic activities.Teluk Kemang and Pasir Panjang are recreational and fishing beaches, respectively. Pasir Panjang received at least 2 units of debris for every 2 m 2 (0.495 ± 0.108 items m -2), weighing 46.079 ± 12.507 g m -2. Debris found in Teluk Kemang was lower than that of Pasir Panjang with 1 unit of waste for every 2 m 2 (0.262 ± 0.045 items m -2), weighing 2.067 ± 1.238 g m -2. Based on the number of items, plastics were the most abundant type of debris at 64% in Teluk Kemang and 46% in Pasir Panjang. In terms of weight, paper was higher (48%) than plastic (43%) in Teluk Kemang, while the highest percentage of debris found on Pasir Panjang beach was bulky waste (54%). The number of items and weight of debris were higher in Pasir Panjang due to the abundance of huge and heavy abandoned nets from fishing activities left on the beach. Daily clean-ups of Teluk Kemang, a popular recreational beach, contributed to significantly lower amounts of debris found there. On the whole, types of waste found on both beaches were similar. However, the percentage and amount of each waste's type varied between the two beaches. The results indicated that the density of waste is highly dependable on the economic activities of the relevant beaches. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC