397 research outputs found

    Molecular Modeling Simulation Study of Interactions in Starch/Poly(acrylic acid) Blend

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    In this work we have studied the nature of interactions between starch and poly(acrylic acid) by using semi-empirical AM1 and PM3 methods. Theoretical computations involved the determination of optimal geometries, binding energies and vibrational frequencies of the blended polymers. Calculations are performed for four pairs of complexes of glucose (Glu) in starch and acrylic acid (mAA) in poly(acrylic acid) PAA. Based on results of calculation, the binding energies show negative values, which indicate that the interactions of glucose and acrylic acid are favorable at the lower energy. This means that the interactions of starch and PAA are stable. Vibrational frequency analysis of hydroxyl OH and carboxyl C=O groups of the 1Glu–1mAA, 1Glu–2mAA and 1Glu–3mAA complexes with single hydrogen bond showed that the stretching of these groups shifts to a lower wave number due to the formation of hydrogen bonds. Keywords:Polymer blends, AM1, PM3

    Decolorization of Phenol Red Dye by Immobilized Laccase in Chitosan Beads Using Laccase - Mediator - System Model

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     يصف هدا العمل قصر الصبغة الحمراء من خلال تقييد  انزيم اللاكييز بالكايتوسان.  يتكون انزيم اللاكييزالتجاري من فطر العفن الابيض (Tvlac) حيث  يقيد بطريقة سهلة التحضير بحبيبات الكايتوسان المنشط  بالكلوترالديهايد . لقد تم تعزيز  توصيف الكايتوسان المحضر باستخدام تقنيات الـ  FTIR وال .SEMلقد قيد (46.2  وحدة/ مل) من انزيم  Laccase تماما في حبيبات الكايتوسان المحضره   بنسبة 0.8%  (v:v) من الكلوترالدهيد خلال (24) ساعة, استخدمت العوامل الوسطية الصناعية(HBT) والطبيعيةvanillin) ) لتعزيز عملية قصر  صبغة الفينول الاحمر من خلال انزيم اللاكييز المقيد. حيث وجد ان عملية القصر لحبيبات الكايتوسان تصل الى قيمتها العظمى %89 خلال180  دقيقة في حين تصل عملية القصر لحبيبات الانزيم المقيد بلكايتوسان الى(100%) خلال 120 دقيقة ولكن باستخدام HBT  وال vanillin  كمواد وسطية تصل عملية القصر 100% في 25 دقيقة و50 دقيقة على التوالي .ومن ناحية اخرى اعادة استخدام حبيبات  الانزيم المقيد بلكايتوسان  اعطت   نتيجة قصر 100% عند اول دورة ومن ثم بدت تتناقص تدريجيا النتائج مع عدد الدورات الى ان تصل الى فعالية 70% بعد 9 مرات للإعادة الاستخدام في عميلة قصر الصيغة.This work describes the enhancement of phenol red decolorization through immobilizing of laccase in chitosan and enzyme recycling. Commercial laccase from white rot fungus, Trametesversicolor (Tvlac), was immobilizedin to freshly prepared chitosan beads by using glutaraldehyde as a cross linker. Characterization of prepared chitosan was confirmed by FTIR and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Tvlac (46.2 U/mL) immobilized into chitosan beads at 0.8 % glutaraldehyde (v/v) within 24 hrs. Synthetic (HBT) and natural (vanillin) mediators were used to enhance dye decolorizoation. It was found that 89 % of phenol red was decolorized by chitosan beads within 180 min. in the absence of enzyme and mediator, while decolorization percentage of the dye was completed (100%) at 120 min. when chitosan immobilizedlaccase was applied. Moreover, the decolorization was completed within 25 and 50 min. in the presence of chitosan immobilized laccase and of HBT or vanillin respectively. On the other hand, the recycling of chitosan immobilized laccase was still decolorize phenol red and continued up to ninth cycle to reach  70% of dye decolorization

    Resveratrol: Properties, Sources, Production and Their Medical Applications A Review

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    مقدمة: وصف الريسفيراترول ((RVS لأول مرة من قبل Takaoka  سنة 1939  في جذور Veratrum grandiflorum طرق العمل: هو من الفينولات الطبيعية  3,5,4′-trihydroxy-trans-stilben)) الموجودة في أكثر من سبعين نباتًا ، خاصة في قشور وبذور العنب والنبيذ الأحمر والأغذية البشرية الأخرى. تم تخليق الرابطة المزدوجة لـ RSV بواسطة تكثيف   Wittig. بينما يتم الإنتاج الحيوي من حمض فينيل بروبانويد الذي يحتوي على أحماض سيناميك و 4-كوماريك مشتقة من الأحماض الأمينية . يعمل RSV مرارًا وتكرارًا على تأجيل معدل العدوى ، على سبيل المثال ، تصلب الشرايين ومرض القلب والأوعية الدموية ومرض السكري من النوع 2 والأورام الخبيثة والأمراض التنكسية العصبية. الاستنتاجات: تعاملت معظم الدراسات مع RSV كمضاد للأكسدة وعلاج للأضرار التأكسدية التي تسبب الضرر في الجسم الحي ، مثل مرض السكري والتنكس العصبي وأمراض القلب والسرطان والشيخوخة. تشتهر RSV بكفاءتها القوية  كمضاد للأاكسدة. في هذا البحث ،  تم  ايضاح  مصادر RSV ،  كما تم تضمين كيفية إنتاج و خصائص RSV .بالإضافة إلى البيانات السابقة التي تمت مراجعتها والتي تناولت استخدام RSV كمادة علاجية لإدارة شيخوخة الجلد وعلاج السرطان والسكري وضغط الدم وكداعم للدماغ.Background: Resveratrol(RVS) was described at first by Takaoka in 1939 as a bioactive part in the Veratrum grandiflorum plant roots. Materials and Methods: RVS a (3,5,4′-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) a natural phenols which were founded in over than seventy plants, especially in grapes' skins and seeds, red wines and other human nourishments. The double bond of RSV has been  synthesized by a Wittig condensation. While, bioproduction is launched from phenylpropanoid acid having cinnamic and 4-coumaric acids which were derived from amino acids. RSV over and over deferred the rate of infections, for example, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular sickness, diabetes type 2, malignancy and neurodegenerative illnesses. Results: Most of the studies dealt with RSV as an antioxidant and treatment for oxidative damage that causes damage in vivo, such as diabetes, neurodegeneration, heart disease, cancer and aging. RSV is several known for its powerful scavenging efficiency. Conclusion: In this research, sources,production and features of RSV are included as well as the previous data that was reviewed that dealt with the use of RSV as a therapeutic substance for managing aging skin, cancer treatment, diabetes, blood pressure and brain suppor

    Colorectal cancer during pregnancy in a Sudanese female

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    We report a new case of uncommon but not rare condition of colorectal cancer during pregnancy in 33 years old Sudanese female at her 16th weeks of gestation presented with bloody diarrhea and intermittent left side abdominal pain. Initially she was diagnosed as a case of dysentery which was treated by antibiotics. Condition was diagnosed by colonoscopy and histopathology as colonic cancer, located in the sigmoid colon 50 cm from anal verge. A review of literature found that 276 cases of colon cancer associated with pregnancy have been reported. Pregnancy affects the clinical presentation, evaluation, therapy, and prognosis of colon cancer. Patients usually present with misdiagnosed symptoms. Diagnostic delays often lead to the tragic demise of a young woman from a potentially curable disease and of an otherwise viable fetus. This delay in diagnosis is a major contributing factor to the poor prognosis associated with this disease. Synchronous colon cancer during pregnancy presents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for clinicians because there are no generally accepted guidelines regarding diagnosis or treatment. This article reviews this uncommon condition with a focus on the features of colon cancer inpregnancy to facilitate earlier diagnosis, to modify investigations, to optimize the therapy, and to improve the maternal and fetal outcomes.Keywords: Colorectal cancer; Pregnancy; CEA, FOLFO

    Free Convection of Ag/H2O Nanofluid in Square Cavity with Different Position and Orientation of Egg Shaped Cylinder

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    A numerical simulation was conducted to study the free convection of Ag/H2O nanofluid between a square cavity with cold walls and an egg shaped cylinder with a hot wall. Utilizing the egg equation, dimensionless governing equations were solved using the Galerkin Finite Element Method (GFEM). In this work, several parameters were studied, i.e. Rayleigh number (103 ≤ Ra ≤ 106), volume fraction (0 ≤ φ ≤ 0.05), position (-0.2 ≤ Y ≤ 0.2), and orientation angle (-90° ≤ γ ≤ 90°). The numerical results are presented as streamline contours, isotherm contours, and local and average Nusselt numbers. Moreover, the results were used to analyze the fluids’ structure, temperature distribution, and heat transfer rate. The numerical results confirmed that the stream intensity value increased with an increase of the Rayleigh number as well as the movement of the cylinder towards the bottom wall for all values of the orientation angle. Variation of the vertical position of the cylinder inside the cavity had a noticeable effect on , which increased by 50% at γ = -90°, and by 58% at γ = -45°. However, at Y = -0.2,  increased by 58% at γ = -45° and decreased by 7% at γ = -90°. The highest heat transfer rate was obtained at high Rayleigh number (Ra = 106), volume fraction (φ = 0.05), negative position (Y = -0.2), and the highest positive orientation angle (γ = 90°)

    First report of grapevine dieback caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum in Basrah, Southern Iraq

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    In Basrah, grapevines suffer from dieback. Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum were isolated from diseased grapevines, Vitis vinifera L. and identified based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. The results of the pathogenicity test conducted under greenhouse conditions for L. theobromae and N. dimidiatum reveal that both species were the causal agents of grapevines diebacks in Basrah, Southern Iraq. A brief description is provided for the isolated species.Key words: grapevine, dieback, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, internal transcribed spacer (ITS), rDNA, Iraq

    The relation between ST-segment resolution and in-hospital mortality after primary percutaneous coronary interventions

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    Objective: The resolution of ST-segment elevation (>50%) indicates successful reperfusion with thrombolytic therapy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relation of ST-segment resolution post-primary percutaneous cardiac intervention (PCI) with in-hospital mortality and coronary thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) blood flow. Methods: This study is a single-centred retrospective study. The study enrolled 100 patients who were referred to the Nasiriya Heart Centre for primary PCI. We measured the ST segment amplitude in the lead with the highest elevation prior to primary PCI and assessed the ST-segment elevation post-primary PCI. The ratio of ST-segment resolution was calculated and considered complete if reaches ≥70% from the initial ST-segment elevation. We assessed the association of ST-segment resolution with in-hospital mortality. Results: Analysis of the electrocardiogram (ECG) showed that 21 patients (21%) had complete ST-segment (≥ 70%) resolution. No significant association was shown between ST-segment resolution and in-hospital mortality. Two out of 21 patients with complete ST-segment resolution died in the hospital and 6 out of 79 patients with incomplete ST-segment resolution died (P=0.77). There is no significant association between ST-segment resolution and coronary TIMI flow grades. In patients with complete ST-segment resolution, 19 patients had TIMI III flow and 2 patients had TIMI II flow. In patients with incomplete ST-segment resolution, 72 patients had TIMI III flow, 6 patients had TIMI II flow; and 1 patient had no-reflow (P=0.84). Conclusion: Complete ST-segment resolution in post-primary PCI settings has no significant association with in-hospital mortality. Absent or incomplete ST-segment resolution is not necessarily an indicator of coronary artery re-occlusion after primary PCI

    TAQWA: Teaching Adolescents Quality Wadhu/Ablution contactlessly using deep learning

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    This research presents a unique and innovative approach to teaching young children the proper steps of ablution (wazoo/wudu) by utilizing a non-invasive sensing system integrated with deep learning algorithms. However, most existing ablution detection systems rely on cameras, which raise privacy concerns, face challenges with lighting conditions, and require complex training with long video sequences. We conducted experiments with a group of youngsters to evaluate the system’s effectiveness, demonstrating its potential in fostering a deeper appreciation and comprehension of religious practices among young learners. This innovative privacy-preserving ablution system employs state-of-the-art UWB-radar technology with advanced Deep Learning (DL) techniques to effectively address the challenges mentioned above. The core focus of this system is to categorize the four fundamental ablution steps: Wash Face 3x, Wash Hand 3x, Wash Head 1x, and Wash Feet 3x. By transforming the collected data into spectrograms and harnessing the sophisticated DL models VGG16 and VGG19, the proposed system accurately detects these ablution steps, achieving an impressive maximum accuracy of 97.92% across all categories with the utilization of VGG16

    A Comparative Study of Total and Bioavailable Cadmium and Zinc Concentrations and Distributions among Different Land Use Types within Baghdad City

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    Total and bioavailable levels of Cd and Zn in topsoil (0–20) cm taken from four different land use types (residential, commercial, industrial and mixed) of the urban area of Bagdad, Iraq, were analyzed by the flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. This was with a view to appraising the influence of a variety of anthropogenic activities on heavy metal contamination of the urban soil. Results showed that the range of Cd and Zn were (0.00-6.35) mg/kg and (5.20-219.95) mg/kg respectively. As compared with the calculated world average of unpolluted soils, cadmium displays higher concentrations while the zinc concentration was within this common world range. The level of pollution was assessed using geoaccumulation index (Igeo), for all land use types Igeo decreasing order, followed the order of (Cd> Zn). The relative bioavailability for Cd, and Zn has been observed as 2.46-5 % and 2.80-9.78 % respectively. It can be concluded that, although total concentrations of the examined heavy metals were generally high, but at the same time the bioavailable ones were relatively low. This can be an indicator that with the recent environmental factors (alkaline to sub-alkaline soil pH), the toxicity of heavy metals to humans was in its minimum level