1,409 research outputs found

    A Full Balance Sheet Two-modes Optimal Switching problem

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    We formulate and solve a finite horizon full balance sheet two-modes optimal switching problem related to trade-off strategies between expected profit and cost yields. Given the current mode, this model allows for either a switch to the other mode or termination of the project, and this happens for both sides of the balance sheet. A novelty in this model is that the related obstacles are nonlinear in the underlying yields, whereas, they are linear in the standard optimal switching problem. The optimal switching problem is formulated in terms of a system of Snell envelopes for the profit and cost yields which act as obstacles to each other. We prove existence of a continuous minimal solution of this system using an approximation scheme and fully characterize the optimal switching strategy.Comment: 23 pages. To appear in Stochastic

    DroTrack: High-speed Drone-based Object Tracking Under Uncertainty

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    We present DroTrack, a high-speed visual single-object tracking framework for drone-captured video sequences. Most of the existing object tracking methods are designed to tackle well-known challenges, such as occlusion and cluttered backgrounds. The complex motion of drones, i.e., multiple degrees of freedom in three-dimensional space, causes high uncertainty. The uncertainty problem leads to inaccurate location predictions and fuzziness in scale estimations. DroTrack solves such issues by discovering the dependency between object representation and motion geometry. We implement an effective object segmentation based on Fuzzy C Means (FCM). We incorporate the spatial information into the membership function to cluster the most discriminative segments. We then enhance the object segmentation by using a pre-trained Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model. DroTrack also leverages the geometrical angular motion to estimate a reliable object scale. We discuss the experimental results and performance evaluation using two datasets of 51,462 drone-captured frames. The combination of the FCM segmentation and the angular scaling increased DroTrack precision by up to 9%9\% and decreased the centre location error by 162162 pixels on average. DroTrack outperforms all the high-speed trackers and achieves comparable results in comparison to deep learning trackers. DroTrack offers high frame rates up to 1000 frame per second (fps) with the best location precision, more than a set of state-of-the-art real-time trackers.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, FUZZ-IEEE 202

    Pengaruh Perputaran Modal Dan Likuiditas Terhadap Profitabilitas Dan Harga Saham

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    The research aim to examine (1) whether the cash, receivables, inventories turnover, current ratio,acid test ratio and cash ratio simultaneously and partially affect the NPM, ROA, ROE and stockprice, (2) whether those variables also positively and significantly effect on stock prices through theNPM, ROA and ROE. This study used the secondary data which taken from BEI at MuhammadiyahUniversity of Malang. The number of companies were only 7 in 2008 to 2011 and listed at the StockExchange. The sampling was total sampling. Analysis techniques used path analysis. The resultsshowed that the cash, receivables, inventories turnover, current ratio, acid test ratio and cash ratiowere not significant simultaneously effect on NPM but positive and significant effect on ROA andROE. Whereas ROA and ROE positive and significantly effect on stock prices. Partially, cash, receivablesturnover and acid test ratio were not significant and negative effect on NPM. Inventory turnover,current ratio and cash ratio were not positive effect. Cash, receivables and inventories turnoverwere not significant and negative effect to ROA whereas current ratio, acid test ratio and cash ratiowere either. Cash, receivables turnover and acid test ratio were not significant negative effect onstock prices through the NPM, ROA and ROE

    Analisis Kontrastif Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Jepang (Kajian Sintaktis Dan Semantis)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini: 1) mendeskripsikan struktur kalimat kausatif BI dan BJ, 2) mendeskripsikan makna dan fungsi kalimat kausatif BI dan BJ, 3) mendeskripsikan persamaan dan perbedaan pengungkapan kausatif BI dan BJ. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif-kontrastif. Data diambil dari ragam bahasa tulis. Sumber data adalah novel, buku tatabahasa, media cetak, artikel di internet, dan kalimat buatan peneliti. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengungkap kausatif BI dimarkahi olef afiks me-kan, me-i, memper-, meper-kan, memper-i, n-in, dan sufiks -in. Masing-masing afiks dan sufiks memiliki aturan khusus untuk menunjukkan makna kausatif. Pada BJ bentuk ~saseru sudah dapat dipastikan hanya memiliki makna kausatif. Persamaan makna kausatif kedua bahasa yaitu kausatif morfologis kedua bahasa sama-sama mengekspresikan makna X dengan sengaja menyebabkan Y melakukan suatu tindakan. Sementara itu, kausatif leksikal kedua bahasa mengekspresikan makna X melakukan tindakan terhadap Y tanpa mempertimbangkan kemauan Y. Pada kausatif tipe leksikal BI dan BJ memiliki makna manipulatif. Kausatif morfologis BI dan BJ menunjukkan makna bahwa X melakukan sesuatu terhadap Y secara sengaja. Pengungkap kausatif yang mengandung kontak fisik dalam BJ dimiliki oleh pengungkap kausatif leksikal, dan dalam BI dimiliki oleh pengungkap morfologis dan leksikal. Perbedaan makna kausatif terlihat dari keterlibatan X. Pada kausatif morfologis BJ menunjukkan X menyebabkan Y melakukan suatu tindakan dengan cara verbal dan tidak ada kontak fisik. Sementara kausatif morfologis dalam BI menunjukkan ada kontak fisik dan tidak ada kontak fisik. Selain itu, kalimat kausatif BJ ada enam belas makna dan BI memiliki delapan makna. Kausatif BI maupun BJ memilki persamaan fungsi yakni, kausatif morfologis dan leksikal berfungsi X menyebabkan sesuatu pada Y. Perbedaan fungsi kausatif BI dan BJ sangat banyak. Kausatif BI memiliki delapan fungsi. Sedangkan kausatif BJ memiliki enam belas fungsi.---------- The purpose of this study: 1) a description of the structure of Indonesian and Japanese causative sentence, 2) a description of the meaning and function of Indonesian and Japanese causative sentence, 3) description about similarities and differences of expression of Indonesian and Japanese causative sentence. This research method is descriptive-contrastive research methods. Data taken from the variety of written language. Data source is novels, grammar books, printed media, articles on the Internet, and artificial sentence from researchers. These results indicate that the marker of Indonesian causative sentence is affixes such as, me-kan, me-i, memper-, meper-kan, memeper-i, n-in, and suffix-in. Each affixes and suffix have specific rules to indicate a causative meaning. While the form ~ saseru of japanese it can be ascertained only have a causative meaning. The similarities of causative meaning from both languages are morphologically causative of both languages are express the meaning of X with intent to cause Y to perform an action. Meanwhile, the lexical causative of both language expressing the meaning of X do something to Y without considering the willingness of Y. The lexical causative Indonesian and Japanese language has meaning manipulative. Indonesian and Japanese morphological causative shows the meaning that X did something to Y by purpose. The marker of causative that containing physical contact in Japanese owned by lexical causative, and the marker of Indonesian causative that containing physical contact owned by morphological and lexical. Differences of causative meaning showed by involvement of X. The Japanese morphological causative show X causes Y to do something by verbal and no physical contact way. While the morphological causative in Indonesian showed physical contact and no physical contact. In addition, the Japanese causative sentence has sixteen meanings while Indonesian eight meanings. Indonesian or Japanese causative has a similar function, morphological and lexical causative has function that X causes something to Y. The difference are very much. Indonesian causative has eight functions. While the causative Japanese causative has sixteen functions

    Gear dan Sulur Tanaman Rambat sebagai Inspirasi Penciptaan Karya Ukir Kayu Bertemakan Perkembangan Teknologi

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    Berawal dari pemikiran penulis mengenai perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat namun kelestarian alam semakin menghawatirkan membuat penulis ingin menyuarakan aspirasi lewat karya seni. Untuk itu penulis membuat suatu karya dengan menggabungkan antara teknologi dan alam yang diwujudkan ke dalam karya ukiran kayu, dengan harapan dapat memberi pemahaman kepada masyarakat tentang keadaan alam yang kelestariannya semakin menghawatirkan.Karya ukir kayu dibuat oleh penulis merupakan karya ukir yang menggunakan efek gerakan. Visual karya ukir tersebut berbentuk gear dan sulur-sulur tanaman rambat. Penggunaan visual gear dan sulur tanaman rambat tersebut adalah sebagai simbolisasi teknologi dan alam. Penambahan efek gerak dimaksudkan untuk memperkuat konsep-konsep yang coba dihadirkan oleh penulis. Efek gerak pada karya menggunakan mesin sebagai komponen penggerak, sehingga melibatkan listrik sebagai energi utamanya. Penciptaan karya ukir kayu bertemakan perkembangan teknologi tersebut memiliki proses bertahap mulai dari pemilihan bahan, pemilihan bentuk visual, proses pembentukan karya, finishing, hingga proses perakitan. Penciptaan karya tersebut memerlukan keuletan serta ketelitian yang tinggi karena karya yang diciptakan memiliki kerumitan dan keakuratan ukuran serta posisi jarak yang benar-benar harus diperhitungkan.Karya yang dibuat berjumlah tiga buah. Dua karya berbentuk dua dimensi dan satu karya berbentuk tiga dimensi yang masing-masing ditambahi dengan efek gerak yang berbeda sesuai dengan bentuk obyek karya. Penambahan efek gerak pada karya dimaksudkan menjadi satu pembaharuan terhadap seni kriya kayu kedepannya. Metode penciptaan oleh penulis ialah metode eksplorasi, metode tersebut memiliki tahap berfikir kreatif dan memerlukan penguasaan teknik yang matang. Teknik yang dipakai dalam menciptakan karya merupakan gabungan dari teknik Rancapan, Buledan, Krawingan, Krawangan, Menyusun, dan Takokan. Finishing pada karya berupa pewarnaan menggunakan cat duco dan coating melamin. Melalui proses yang bertahap, terciptalah karya ukir kayu dengan sentuhan efek gerak yang mengusung tema perkembangan teknologi

    Polymerization of Ethylene Catalyzed by Vanadium(III) Complexes

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    Thirty five  complexes of 1,2- bis(benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole)benzene,  1,2-bis(benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole)-4-methyl-benzene, 1,2-bis  (benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole)4-bromobenzene, 1, 2-bis(benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole) 4- chlorobenzene,  and 2, 6-bis(benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole) pyridine compounds with V (III) metal centers were synthesized, characterized, activated with methylalumoxane (MAO) and then tested for catalytic ethylene polymerization. The catalysts generally show moderate to good activities compared to the benchmark catalyst Cp2ZrCl2. The activities of the various catalysts were found to be function of the hetero atoms in the ligand frameworks and also strongly influenced by the bridging unit of the ligand. The highest activity was obtained with 36 / MAO (442 kg PE / mol cat. h). The produced polyethylenes showed high molecular weights (up to 2.7 × 106 g/mol) and broad molecular weight distributions (PD = 1.4 - 16.6). Thermal analysis of polyethylenes produced with vanadium complexes revealed that the catalyst systems were capable to produce high density polyethylenes with melting temperatures > 135 °C and crystallization temperatures range from 117-120 °C with high degree of crystallinity. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v9i3.98

    Polymerization of Ethylene Catalyzed by Vanadium(III) Complexes

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    Thirty five  complexes of 1,2- bis(benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole)benzene,  1,2-bis(benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole)-4-methyl-benzene, 1,2-bis  (benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole)4-bromobenzene, 1, 2-bis(benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole) 4- chlorobenzene,  and 2, 6-bis(benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole) pyridine compounds with V (III) metal centers were synthesized, characterized, activated with methylalumoxane (MAO) and then tested for catalytic ethylene polymerization. The catalysts generally show moderate to good activities compared to the benchmark catalyst Cp2ZrCl2. The activities of the various catalysts were found to be function of the hetero atoms in the ligand frameworks and also strongly influenced by the bridging unit of the ligand. The highest activity was obtained with 36 / MAO (442 kg PE / mol cat. h). The produced polyethylenes showed high molecular weights (up to 2.7 × 106 g/mol) and broad molecular weight distributions (PD = 1.4 - 16.6). Thermal analysis of polyethylenes produced with vanadium complexes revealed that the catalyst systems were capable to produce high density polyethylenes with melting temperatures > 135 °C and crystallization temperatures range from 117-120 °C with high degree of crystallinity. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v9i3.98

    Bis (benzothiazolyl) benzene and Bis (benzothiazolyl)-4-methyl benzene) Transition Metal Complexes as Catalysts for Ethylene Polymerization: Synthesis, Characterization and Polymerization Activity

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    A series of 16 complexes of 1,2-bis(benzothiazolyl) benzene and 1,2-bis(benzothiazolyl)-4-methyl benzene compounds with Ti(IV), Zr(IV), V(III), Fe(III), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) were synthesized and characterized. After activation with methylalumoxane (MAO), these complexes showed variable activities towards ethylene polymerization. The polymerization activities of the catalyst system 3, 5, 7 and 15 /MAO were investigated under different polymerization conditions. The highest activity 625 [Kg PE / mol Cat. H] is obtained by the catalyst system 5/MAO at 50 °C and cocatalyst concentration of 1000 equivalents. The produced resins showed high molecular weights associated with broad or even bimodal molecular weight distributions for all catalysts systems except the polymers produced with nickel catalysts 9 and 17/MAO. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v9i1.94