5 research outputs found

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Flavonoid dari Ekstrak Etanol Buah Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.) dengan Metode Spektrofotometri Uv-vis

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    Star fruits (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) from family of oxalidaceae is a plant which has potential as an antibacterial Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Flavonoid are the active compounds from the extract of star fruit which has potential as an antibacterial. Star fruit were extracting by ethanol 96 % using maceration. Extract were identified using thin layer chromatography (TLC) with eluent analytic n-butanol- glacial acetic acid- water (6:1:3). Preparative isolation using thin layer chromatography resulting three bands. Each band was centrifuged to obtain isolates. Physics isolates were analyzing using spectrophotometer UV Vis and chemically using color test (shift reagent). UV Vis spectrum results with shift reagent from isolates 1, suspected as isoflavone compound with OH groups in position 6,7,4 and OH groups in O- ring A, in isolates 2 was not flavonoid compound and predicted as other polyphenolic compound and in isolates 3 suspected of flavone compound with OH groups in position 5,6,7 and OH groups in O-ring

    The Ways to Teach children in decision making based on parents educational level

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    Every parent worldwide wants their children to make decisions in dealing with problems and determine their future career; however, various things can influence them in making decisions during their growing up process. This study aims to find out how to train children aged 3-7 years to make decisions based on parents educational level in the City of Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, that is because teaching children in making decisions at a young age is an effort to teach kids to think ahead for the great choices in their lifetime. A qualitative descriptive design with a case study method was used to obtain information. Some eight families were chosen as the subject in this study based on the purposive sampling technique. The collection of the data is through observation and in-depth interviews. The researcher employed the triangulation technique to validate data by involving multiple sources such as interviewing the informant parents, teacher, and friends and observation to data gained from the interview. Data analysis is carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Parents with a low educational level tend to impose their children on decision making. Furthermore, parents with a middle educational level generally provide limited decisions and choices to their children— meanwhile, parents with higher educational levels training their children by promoting two-way communication


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    This study aims to determine the strategy of Islamic Education teachers in developing students' spiritual intelligence online at SMAN 1 Pantai Lunci. This type of research is qualitative using descriptive qualitative methods. The subjects of this study were PAI teachers while the informants in this study were students, BK teachers, and parents of students. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation. The data validation technique used source triangulation and technique triangulation. The data analysis technique was carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the PAI teacher strategy in developing students' spiritual intelligence online at SMAN 1 Pantai Lunci is an independent learning strategy by going through several stages, namely determining learning objectives, delivering learning materials, and giving independent assignments in the form of summarizing the Angel Always with Me material which contains the value of faith and reading the Qur'an which contains the value of worship, then independent activities and the last stage is to do an evaluation.Keywords: Spiritual Intelligence, PAI Learning, Teacher Strategy


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    Some scholars argue that a farmer's mental attitude, including the main worker or laborer, is a subsintence attitude. The above opinion, it seems not entirely acceptable, especially if faced with the reality of the lives of working women or rattan workers in Dusun Baru, South Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The research of qualitative research with phenomenological study is aimed to find out work ethic of working woman labor in Dusun Baru Central Kalimantan. The result of the research shows that there are two categories of their work ethic level, namely work ethic, first, “Uluwat bawi ji rubber bagawi” (Dayak Bakumpai Language) means woman having high work ethic, with the following characteristics: have high working hours (ranged between 38 to 45 hours per week), clever with respect to time, work quality oriented, able to see and take advantage of existing opportunities, have today's principles must be better than yesterday and tomorrow should be better than today, view that education for children is very important and life must be frugal. Both “Bawi jijida hawas ban bagawi” (Dayak Bakumpai Language), meaning low woman work ethos, with characteristics as follows: The number of working hours is low (ranging between 18 to 28 hours per week), not able to take advantage of time, less creative viewing and taking advantage of opportunities that do not have a better foresight Sebagian ahli berpendapat bahwa sikap mental petani, termasuk pekerja atau buruh yang utama, adalah sikap subsintens. Pendapat di atas, tampaknya tidak seluruhya dapat diterima, terutama jika dihadapkan dengan realitas kehidupan wanita pekerja atau buruh rotan di Desa Baru Kecamatan Dusun Selatan, Kabupaten Barito Selatan, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian penelitian kualitatif dengan kajian fenomenologis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui etos kerja wanita pekerja/buruh rotan di Desa Baru Kalimantan Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada dua kategori tingkatan etos kerja mereka, yakni etos kerja, pertama, uluh bawi ji karetap bagawi (Bahasa Dayak Bakumpai) artinya wanita yang memiliki etos kerja tinggi, dengan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut: memiliki jam kerja yang tinggi ( berkisar antara 38 sampai 45 jam per minggu), pandai menghargai waktu, berorientasi pada kualitas kerja, mampu melihat dan memanfaatkan peluang yang ada, memiliki prinsip hari ini harus lebih baik dari kemaren dan besok harus lebih baik dari hari ini, berpandangan bahwa pendidikan bagi anak sangat penting dan hidup harus hemat. Kedua Bawi jijida hawas cangkal bagawi (Bahasa Dayak Bakumpai), artinya wanita yang rendah etos kerjanya, dengan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut: Jumlah jam kerja rendah (berkisar antara 18 sampai dengan 28 jam perminggu), tidak mampu memanfaatkan waktu, kurang kreatif melihat dan memanfaatkan peluang yang ada tidak memiliki pandangan ke depan yang lebih bai