21 research outputs found

    Mucosal Mast Cells Response in the Jejunum of Ascaridia galli-Infected Laying Hens

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    Intestinal defense mechanism against helminthes parasitic nematode to be associated with mucosal mast cells reaction. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of infection by Ascaridia galli parasite to trigger mucosal defense based on mucosal mast cells response in laying hens. Amount of ten head laying hens 12-wk old were divided into two groups containing five chickens of each. The first group, chickens were left as un-infected controls. The second group, chickens were infected orally with 1,000 embryonated eggs of A. galli.  Mucosal mast cell responses were assayed by in situ jejunal mast cell counts in stained serial histological sections with Alcian blue (pH 0.3) and Safranin-O (pH 0.1) of the jejunum. Mucosal mast cells response were observed and counted on days 14 post infection. The result showed that A. galli infection was able to increase significantly (P<0.05) mast cells response. This research concluded that the A. galli infection can trigger the involment of mucosal mast cells response in jejunal defense of laying hens against parasitic diseases caused by A. galli

    The Ability of Immunoglobulin Yolk Recognized the Antigen in the Tissue of Ascaridia galli

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    Antigen-antibody reaction is an important tool for the analysis of localization of target molecules, including antigenic protein within worm tissues. The purpose of the present research was to demonstrate the ability of immunoglobulin yolk (IgY) anti-excretory/secretory recognized the antigen in the tissue of Ascaridia galli by mean of immunohistochemistry method. The excretory/secretory protein was procured from A. galli and concentrated by mean of vivaspin 30,000 MWCO. IgY was produced by egg yolks of immunized chickens with excretory/secretory, and purified using fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) method. A. galli adult worms were cut in transversal and longitudinal section of the center and anterior region. Slides were incubated with both primary IgY for overnight at 4 oC and secondary antibody rabbit anti-chicken IgY HRP-conjugate for one hour at room temperature. The slides were stained with 3-amino, 9-ethylcarbazole (AEC) chromogen, counterstained with Lillie Mayer Haematoxylin, and mounted in glyserin aqueous mount.  Antigen-antibody reaction was investigated under a microscope. The result showed that antigen was appeared in the tissues such as cuticle, epicuticle, buccal cavity, and eggs inside the uterine of A. galli. This research concluded that IgY stimulated by the excretory/secretory was able to recognized the antigen scattered in the tissues of A. galli so the IgY could be applied for immunodiagnostic

    Prevalence of F. Gigantica and Pathological Changes in Liver of Simeulue Buffalo

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    The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of fasciolosis of Simeulue's buffalo using macroscopic approach by observing pathological changes in the liver. The sample were obtained from slaughterhouse in Sinabang. A number of 60 livers were obtained on July to September 2015 based on post mortem examination. From this sample, a total of 57 livers were found positive indication of infested by F. gigantica (95%). The length and width of F. gigantica was 25 mm and 7 mm. The body was flat as a leaf, blunt on posterior, gray, brown, transparant and do not have a real shoulder shapes. The liver which were not infested with F. gigantica showed sharp edges and a very high degree of elasticity. On the other hand, in the infested liver was found F. gigantica in the bile duct and showed a color of pale, the dark brown exudate as well as objects looks like gravel. The buffaloes sample were supplied to the abattoir from the paddy fields or oil palm plantations area. In comparison, the buffaloes raised in both areas were not different on the pathological changes of liver. In conclusion, this study showed that simeulue's buffalo is very prevalence to F. gigantica

    Poultry Sellers' Perception and Their Effort for Prevention Strategy on Avian Influenza in Banda Aceh, Indonesia

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    A study was conducted to examine some poultry sellers' perception of the Avian influenza (birdflu) in nine locations (Ulee Kareng, Batoh, Lamnyong, Kampong Baru, Peunayong, Setui, Kampong Ateuk, and Neusu) in Banda Aceh Municipality, Indonesia. Primary data were obtained with the use of a structured questionnaire administared to ninety nine (99) respondents selected using proportional stratified random sampling, between November to December 2011. Information was obtained using the questionnaire sheets contain questions: knowladge, attitude, availability of facilities, and the effort of Avian influenza prevention strategy. Data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The result showed that only 52% of the poultry sellers' had good knowledge of early symptomps of Avian influenza. Amount 59% of the poultry sellers' had good attitudes. Result also showed that 73% of respondents had good facilities that was available in live poultry market area, but only 70% of respondents were good awareness about the effort of Avian influenza prevention strategy. In addition, the respondents who had more knowledge, good attitudes, and/or good facilities were also those who actually acted more preventively. Based on the result we concluded that the poultry sellers' perception on prevention strategy for infection of birdflu in Banda Aceh categorized as poor. It is suggested that compliance with preventive measures may be enhanced through behavioural modification and building awareness through communication, training, workshop programs to the live poultry market sellers' in Banda Ace