318 research outputs found

    A szeizmikus eseményeket kísérő elektromágneses jelenségek vizsgálata = Investigation of electromagnetic phenomena connecting to seismic events

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    'A szeizmikus eseményeket kísérő elektromágneses jelenségek vizsgálata'' eredményei a 2002-2005 időszakban: A címben foglalt cél elérése érdekében végzett kutatás eredményei három csoportba foglalhatók: 1) A munka során elért eredmények új képet körvonalaznak a Föld (és más bolygók) ULF-VLF e.m. környezetéről, s ebben nagyon fontos a Demeter (CNES) műhold adatai értékelésével azonosított több, eddig nem ismert e.m. jelenség, valamint az ezek értékeléséhez kifejlesztett új elméleti e.m. hullámterjedési modellek. 2) Sikerült megoldani az e.m. környezet folyamatos monitorozása biztosításához az automatikus whistler detektálást és értékelést (AWDA rendszer), az automatikus trimpi detektálást, továbbá a felszíni hő-infra tranziensek megtalálásához a műholdas távérzékelt adatok automatikus georeferálását és e munkával szimultán egyes felszíni hő-tranizensek vizsgálatát. 3) A Demeter műhold adatai értékelésével felismert új jelenségek közül sikerült megadni az ún. "tüskés" whistlerek (SpW) és egy sajátos, ismétlődő whistler-csoport keletkezési mechanizmusát, az egy földi mérésben (Agra) és a Demeter adataiban talált ún. X-jelenség valószínű keletkezési mechanizmusát és bekapcsolódni a valószínűleg szeizmikus eseményekhez kapcsolódó, zajszerű e.m. kilövelések vizsgálatába. - A munka további következménye az, hogy az itt elért eredmények alapján sikerült bekapcsolódni az ESA-JAXA BepiColombo misszióba, s további kiemelt projektek előkészítésébe is. | The results of the project titled as ""Investigations of electromagnetic phenomena connecting to seismic events"" in the 2002-2005 period: 1) The results of this work produce a new picture of the e.m. environment of the Earth (and other planets), in which the e.m. events, which were found in the data measured by Demeter satellite (CNES) and were unknown earlier, have an important role. The new theoretical e.m. wave propagation models developed for the interpretation of these new e.m. phenomena are important, too. 2) The continuous monitoring of the e.m. environment is the key of this research and application. The following systems were developed: automatic whistler detector and analyser system (the AWDA system), automatic trimpi detector, and for finding of the surface heath-transients an automatic geocoding system of satellite RS data and the investigation of heath-transients were fulfilled. 3) The interpretation of the phenomena were successful in the following cases: the generation of the spiky whistlers (SpW), the generation of a type of whistler groups having special structure, the generation of the X-events appearing in Demeter data and in a single ground based measurement, and to take part in the investigation of a type of noise-like e.m. events which probably have relation to seismic events. - Based on these results it is possible to take part in the ESA-JAXA BepiColombo Mercury-mission and in the preparation of other future core missions

    Szervkonzerválás gépi perfúzióval: új lehetőségek a hasi szervek transzplantációjában = Machine perfusion: new opportunities in abdominal organ transplantation

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    Absztrakt: A modern transzplantációban a marginális szervek gépi perfúziója jelenthet egy lehetséges választ a várólistán lévő betegek növekvő halálozása és morbiditása miatt világszerte fokozódó szervigényre. A szervek beültetését megelőző aktív szervkonzerválás, a tárolás körülményeinek optimalizálása az utóbbi évek transzplantációs kutatásainak középpontjába került. A gépi perfúzió lehetőséget teremthet a szervek prezervációs károsodásának csökkentésére, rekondicionálására, a funkcionális paraméterek és biomarkerek beültetést megelőző értékelésére, a konzerválás időtartamának növelésére, valamint további terápiás eljárások egyidejű alkalmazására. Az új technológiák célja a transzplantációt követő szervfunkció javítása és a biztonsággal beültethető donorszervek számának növelése. A gépi perfúzió rövid és hosszú távú eredményeit multicentrikus vizsgálatok kutatják, a különböző módszerek előnyeiről számos kérdés maradt még megválaszolatlan. Közleményünkben összegezzük a gépi szervkonzerválás eddigi vívmányait, a közelmúlt legfontosabb preklinikai és klinikai kutatási eredményeit, melyek alapján a gépi perfúziót a transzplantáció újabb mérföldkövének tekinthetjük. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1882–1890. | Abstract: Machine perfusion of marginal grafts might be a possible solution to organ shortage and a promising tool for reducing waiting list morbidity and mortality. In recent years, optimizing the circumstances of organ preservation prior to implantation via machine perfusion has become a hot topic of research. Machine perfusion offers a platform for organ reconditioning, assessment of cell viability and function, pharmacological preconditioning, prolongation of preservation time (ischemia time) and finally reducing graft injury. The objective of the new technology is to increase the pool of transplantable organs safely. Multicentric prospective studies have been evaluating the short and long term outcomes of different methods, however, several questions still remain unanswered. This review summarizes the recent advances in the field of machine perfusion, focusing on preclinical and clinical results. Machine perfusion seems to be a new milestone in the modern era of solid organ transplantation. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1882–1890

    An unusual VLF signature structure recorded by the DEMETER satellite

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    A type of electromagnetic phenomenon has been found in the electric VLF data measured by the low Earth orbit DEMETER satellite, which was nonidentified earlier as a different class of electromagnetic VLF events. The phenomenon, termed as “swallow-tailed whistler” (STW) after its shape, seems to be similar to a whistler, but following the main trace, an additional trace appears with monotonously increasing frequency. The secondary trace, lasting less than 80 ms within the recorded 20 kHz bandwidth joins at a given Starting Furcation Frequency. In a 7 month long time interval three series of strong STWs were found in a geographically confined search zone. Further, 10 weak STW periods have been identified by a thorough review of a 2 month long recording. Several STWs were found by the investigation of randomly selected DEMETER burst VLF recording acquired globally. On the basis of comparisons with previous studies, we can exclude that this phenomenon is generated by plasma processes in the vicinity of the satellite though the formation mechanism of this (ionospheric) signal is so far unclear. It is possible that this event type appeared in earlier records too, however, without identification

    Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia Accelerates Tumor Delivery and Improves Anticancer Activity of Doxorubicin Encapsulated in Lyso-Thermosensitive Liposomes in 4T1-Tumor-Bearing Mice

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    Modulated electro-hyperthermia (mEHT) is an adjuvant cancer therapy that enables tumor-selective heating (+2.5 °C). In this study, we investigated whether mEHT accelerates the tumor-specific delivery of doxorubicin (DOX) from lyso-thermosensitive liposomal doxorubicin (LTLD) and improves its anticancer efficacy in mice bearing a triple-negative breast cancer cell line (4T1). The 4T1 cells were orthotopically injected into Balb/C mice, and mEHT was performed on days 9, 12, and 15 after the implantation. DOX, LTLD, or PEGylated liposomal DOX (PLD) were administered for comparison. The tumor size and DOX accumulation in the tumor were measured. The cleaved caspase-3 (cC3) and cell proliferation were evaluated by cC3 or Ki67 immunohistochemistry and Western blot. The LTLD+mEHT combination was more effective at inhibiting tumor growth than the free DOX and PLD, demonstrated by reductions in both the tumor volume and tumor weight. LTLD+mEHT resulted in the highest DOX accumulation in the tumor one hour after treatment. Tumor cell damage was associated with cC3 in the damaged area, and with a reduction in Ki67 in the living area. These changes were significantly the strongest in the LTLD+mEHT-treated tumors. The body weight loss was similar in all mice treated with any DOX formulation, suggesting no difference in toxicity. In conclusion, LTLD combined with mEHT represents a novel approach for DOX delivery into cancer tissue

    Measurement of electrons from semileptonic heavy-flavor hadron decays in pp collisions at s =2.76TeV

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    The pT-differential production cross section of electrons from semileptonic decays of heavy-flavor hadrons has been measured at mid-rapidity in proton-proton collisions at √s = 2.76 TeV in the trans- verse momentum range 0.5 < pT < 12 GeV/c with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The analysis was performed using minimum bias events and events triggered by the electromagnetic calorime- ter. Predictions from perturbative QCD calculations agree with the data within the theoretical and experimental uncertainties

    Event-shape engineering for inclusive spectra and elliptic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at root(NN)-N-S=2.76 TeV

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    We report on results obtained with the Event Shape Engineering technique applied to Pb–Pb colli- sions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV. By selecting events in the same centrality interval, but with very different average flow, different initial state conditions can be studied. We find the effect of the event-shape selection on the elliptic flow coefficient v2 to be almost independent of transverse momentum pT, as expected if this effect is due to fluctuations in the initial geometry of the system. Charged hadron, pion, kaon, and proton transverse momentum distributions are found to be harder in events with higher-than-average elliptic flow, indicating an interplay between radial and elliptic flow

    Measurement of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02TeV

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    The production of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays was measured as a function of transverse momentum (p(T)) in minimum-bias p-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV using the ALICE detector at the LHC. The measurement covers the p(T) interval 0.5 < p(T) < 12 GeV/c and the rapidity range -1.065 < y(cms) < 0.135 in the centre-of-mass reference frame. The contribution of electrons from background sources was subtracted using an invariant mass approach. The nuclear modification factor R-pPb was calculated by comparing the p(T)-differential invariant cross section in p-Pb collisions to a pp reference at the same centre-of-mass energy, which was obtained by interpolating measurements at root s = 2.76 TeV and root s= 7 TeV. The R-pPb is consistent with unity within uncertainties of about 25%, which become larger for p(T) below 1 GeV/c. The measurement shows that heavy-flavour production is consistent with binary scaling, so that a suppression in the high-p(T) yield in Pb-Pb collisions has to be attributed to effects induced by the hot medium produced in the final state. The data in p-Pb collisions are described by recent model calculations that include cold nuclear matter effects. (C) 2015 CERN for the benefit of the ALICE Collaboration. Published by Elsevier B.V