846 research outputs found

    Long-range coupling of prefrontal cortex and visual (MT) or polysensory (STP) cortical areas in motion perception

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    To investigate how, where and when moving auditory cues interact with the perception of object-motion during self-motion, we conducted psychophysical, MEG, and fMRI experiments in which the subjects viewed nine textured objects during simulated forward self-motion. On each trial, one object was randomly assigned its own looming motion within the scene. Subjects reported which of four labeled objects had independent motion within the scene in two conditions: (1) visual information only and (2) with additional moving- auditory cue. In MEG, comparison of the two conditions showed: (i) MT activity is similar across conditions, (ii) late after the stimulus presentation there is additional activity in the auditory cue condition ventral to MT, (iii) with the auditory cue, the right auditory cortex (AC) shows early activity together with STS, (iv) these two activities have different time courses and the STS signals occur later in the epoch together with frontal activity in the right hemisphere, (v) for the visual-only condition activity in PPC (posterior parietal cortex) is stronger than in the auditory-cue condition. fMRI conducted for visual-only condition reveals activations in a network of parietal and frontal areas and in MT. In addition, Dynamic Granger Causality analysis showed for auditory cues a strong connection of the AC with STP but not with MT suggesting binding of visual and auditory information at STP. Also, while in the visual-only condition PFC is connected with MT, in the auditory-cue condition PFC is connected to STP (superior temporal polysensory) area. These results indicate that PFC allocates attention to the “object” as a whole, in STP to a moving visual-auditory object, and in MT to a moving visual object.Accepted manuscrip

    Deficit of temporal dynamics of detection of a moving object during egomotion in a stroke patient: a psychophysical and MEG study

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    To investigate the temporal dynamics underlying object motion detection during egomotion, we used psychophysics and MEG with a motion discrimination task. The display contained nine spheres moving for 1 second, eight moved consistent with forward observer translation, and one (the target) with independent motion within the scene (approaching or receding). Observers's task was to detect the target. Seven healthy subjects (7HS) and patient PF with an infarct involving the left occipital-temporal cortex participated in both the psychophysical and MEG study. Psychophysical results showed that PF was severely impaired on this task. He was also impaired on the discrimination of radial motion (with even poorer performance on contraction) and 2D direction as well as on detecting motion discontinuity. We used anatomically constrained MEG and dynamic Granger causality to investigate the direction and dynamics of connectivity between the functional areas involved in the object-motion task and compared the results of 7HS and PF. The dynamics of the causal connections among the motion responsive cortical areas (MT, STS, IPS) during the first 200 ms of the stimulus was similar in all subjects. However, in the later part of the stimulus (>200 ms) PF did not show significant causal connections among these areas. Also the 7HS had a strong, probably attention modulatory connection, between MPFC and MT, which was completely absent in PF. In PF and the 7HS, analysis of onset latencies revealed two stages of activations: early after motion onset (200–400 ms) bilateral activations in MT, IPS, and STS, followed (>500 ms) by activity in the postcentral sulcus and middle prefrontal cortex (MPFC). We suggest that the interaction of these early and late onset areas is critical to object motion detection during self-motion, and disrupted connections among late onset areas may have contributed to the perceptual deficits of patient PF.Published versio

    The Unique Determination of Neuronal Currents in the Brain via Magnetoencephalography

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    The problem of determining the neuronal current inside the brain from measurements of the induced magnetic field outside the head is discussed under the assumption that the space occupied by the brain is approximately spherical. By inverting the Geselowitz equation, the part of the current which can be reconstructed from the measurements is precisely determined. This actually consists of only certain moments of one of the two functions specifying the tangential part of the current. The other function specifying the tangential part of the current as well as the radial part of the current are completely arbitrary. However, it is also shown that with the assumption of energy minimization, the current can be reconstructed uniquely. A numerical implementation of this unique reconstruction is also presented

    Can video playback provide social information for foraging blue tits?

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    Video playback is becoming a common method for manipulating social stimuli in experiments. Parid tits are one of the most commonly studied groups of wild birds. However, it is not yet clear if tits respond to video playback or how their behavioural responses should be measured. Behaviours may also differ depending on what they observe demonstrators encountering. Here we present blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) videos of demonstrators discovering palatable or aversive prey (injected with bitter-tasting Bitrex) from coloured feeding cups. First we quantify variation in demonstrators' responses to the prey items: aversive prey provoked high rates of beak wiping and head shaking. We then show that focal blue tits respond differently to the presence of a demonstrator on a video screen, depending on whether demonstrators discover palatable or aversive prey. Focal birds faced the video screen more during aversive prey presentations, and made more head turns. Regardless of prey type, focal birds also hopped more frequently during the presence of a demonstrator (compared to a control video of a different coloured feeding cup in an empty cage). Finally, we tested if demonstrators' behaviour affected focal birds' food preferences by giving individuals a choice to forage from the same cup as a demonstrator, or from the cup in the control video. We found that only half of the individuals made their choice in accordance to social information in the videos, i.e., their foraging choices were not different from random. Individuals that chose in accordance with a demonstrator, however, made their choice faster than individuals that chose an alternative cup. Together, our results suggest that video playback can provide social cues to blue tits, but individuals vary greatly in how they use this information in their foraging decisions.Peer reviewe

    Applying mass spectrometric methods to study androgen biosynthesis and metabolism in prostate cancer

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    Recent development of gas chromatography and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS) has provided novel tools to define sex steroid concentrations. These new methods overcome several of the problems associated with immunoassays for sex steroids. With the novel MS-based applications we are now able to measure small concentrations of the steroid hormones reliably and with high accuracy in both body fluids and tissue homogenates. The sensitivity of the tandem mass spectrometry assays allows us also for the first time to reliably measure picomolar or even femtomolar concentrations of estrogens and androgens. Furthermore, due to a high sensitivity and specificity of MS technology, we are also able to measure low concentrations of steroid hormones of interest in the presence of pharmacological concentration of other steroids and structurally closely related compounds. Both of these features are essential for multiple preclinical models for prostate cancer. The MS assays are also valuable for the simultaneous measurement of multiple steroids and their metabolites in small sample volumes in serum and tissue biopsies of prostate cancer patients before and after drug interventions. As a result, novel information about steroid hormone synthesis and metabolic pathways in prostate cancer has been obtained. In our recent studies, we have extensively applied a GC-MS/MS method to study androgen biosynthesis and metabolism in VCaP prostate cancer xenografts in mice. In the present review, we shortly summarize some of the benefits of the GC-MS/MS and novel LC-MS/MS assays, and provide examples of their use in defining novel mechanisms of androgen action in prostate cancer

    Visualizing multi-dimensional pareto-optimal fronts with a 3D virtual reality system

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    In multiobjective optimization, there are several targets that are in conflict, and thus they all cannot reach their optimum simultaneously. Hence, the solutions of the problem form a set of compromised trade-off solutions (a Pareto-optimal front or Pareto-optimal solutions) from which the best solution for the particular problem can be chosen. However, finding that best compromise solution is not an easy task for the human mind. Pareto-optimal fronts are often visualized for this purpose because in this way a comparison between solutions according to their location on the Pareto-optimal front becomes somewhat easier. Visualizing a Pareto-optimal front is straightforward when there are only two targets (or objective functions), but visualizing a front for more than two objective functions becomes a difficult task. In this paper, we introduce a new and innovative method of using three-dimensional virtual reality (VR) facilities to present multi-dimensional Pareto-optimal fronts. Rotation, zooming and other navigation possibilities of VR facilities make easy to compare different trade-off solutions, and fewer solutions need to be explored in order to understand the interrelationships among conflicting objective functions. In addition, it can be used to highlight and characterize interesting features of specific Pareto-optimal solutions, such as whether a particular solution is close to a constraint boundary or whether a solution lies on a relatively steep trade-off region. Based on these additional visual aids for analyzing trade-off solutions, a preferred compromise solution may be easier to choose than by other means
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