29 research outputs found

    La structure et la sémantique des groupes de mots termes physiques de français

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    The article analyzes the morphology and semantics of binary term-phrases and formation of genericspecies relationships during their creation. We have identified the basic prepositions that complement the characterizing function of the dependent component of phrase. The basic structures of consistent, radial, combined subordination in ternary term-phrases were determined. We discuss reasons of quasistability of the multicomponent term-phrases

    Mechanism of Photoluminescence in Erbium-Doped Chalcogenide

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    The monograph describes the technique of the synthesis of glasses and the method of the growth of erbium-doped single crystals. The photoluminescence spectra of Ag0.05Ga0.05Ge0.95S2-Er2S3 glasses and glasses from the Ga2S3-La2S3-Er2S3 system have been investigated in the visible and near-infrared ranges. According to the energy transitions in the erbium ions, a radiation mechanism for conversion and up-conversion luminescence has been established. The role of structural ordering and the influence of defects on the radiation efficiency of Er3+ ions have been investigated. The spectra of photoluminescence of (Ga54.59In44.66Er0.75)2S300 and (Ga69.75La29.75Er0.5)2S300 single crystals have been studied. The efficiency of the radiation of the amorphous and crystalline materials has been compared. Also, the temperature dependence of the integral intensity of the radiation of glasses and single crystals has been studied. It is established that in a limited temperature range, these materials can be used for the manufacture of non-contact optical thermosensors

    Фотолюмінесценція стекол 70Ga2S3 – 30La2S3 легованих Ербієм

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    Glasses of the composition (70–X) mol.% Ga2S3 - 30 mol.% La2S3 - X Er2S3 (at X = 0, 1, 3) were synthesized  and the optical absorption spectra at room temperature were studied. Photoluminescence spectra in the 2.53 - 0.73eV range at 300 and 80K were investigated. Intense PL maxima at 2.25, 1.88, 1.45, 1.26, 1.13, 0.81 eV were found which correspond to transitions in the f-shell of erbium ions. The redistribution of the intensity of PL peaks with temperature was analyzed based on the energy transition diagram of erbium ions.Синтезовано стекла (70-X) mol % Ga2S3 - 30 mol % La2S3 - X Er2S3 (при Х = 0, 1, 3) та досліджено спектри оптичного поглинання за кімнатної температури. Проаналізовано спектри фотолюмінесценції в діапазоні 2,53 - 0,73 еВ при температурі 300 та 80 К. Встановлено інтенсивні ФЛ максимуми 2,25, 1,88, 1,45, 1,26, 1,13, 0,81 еВ, що відповідають переходам в f-оболонці іонів Ербію. На основі діаграми енергетичних переходів в іонах Ербію проаналізовано перерозподіл інтенсивності між максимумами ФЛ при зміні температури

    Urbach’s edge of glassy HgSe-GeSe₂ alloys: static disorder and temperature dependence of optical absorption

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    Results of investigations of spectral characteristics in the fundamental absorption range for the glass-like alloys HgSe - GeSe₂ are represented. To explain the phenomenon of anomaly growth of the static disorder, the model of deforming tensions is discussed. The hypothesis concerning a sharp change of physical-and-chemical properties for the transition over the double eutectic point on the stable phase diagram of the HgSe - GeSe₂ system with a changing glass-creating matrix is suggested

    The structure of glassy HgS–GeS₂

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    The glass HgS(x)-GeS2(₁₀₀-x) (0 ≤ x ≤ 50) was subjected to X-ray analysis. The radial distribution functions were calculated using the integral Fourier transformation based on X-ray scattering curves. The average interatomic distances within the first and second coordination spheres were determined. It is suggested that the transformational changes of scattering curves are related to the emergence of heterogeneity due to Hg₄GeS₆ inclusions

    Regulation of the transcription factor EB-PGC1α axis by beclin-1 controls mitochondrial quality and cardiomyocyte death under stress

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    In cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and upregulation of the hypoxia-inducible protein BNIP3 result in mitochondrial permeabilization, but impairment in autophagic removal of damaged mitochondria provokes programmed cardiomyocyte death. BNIP3 expression and ROS generation result in upregulation of beclin-1, a protein associated with transcriptional suppression of autophagy-lysosome proteins and reduced activation of transcription factor EB (TFEB), a master regulator of the autophagy-lysosome machinery. Partial beclin-1 knockdown transcriptionally stimulates lysosome biogenesis and autophagy via mTOR inhibition and activation of TFEB, enhancing removal of depolarized mitochondria. TFEB activation concomitantly stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis via PGC1α induction to restore normally polarized mitochondria and attenuate BNIP3- and hypoxia-reoxygenation-induced cell death. Conversely, overexpression of beclin-1 activates mTOR to inhibit TFEB, resulting in declines in lysosome numbers and suppression of PGC1α transcription. Importantly, knockdown of endogenous TFEB or PGC1α results in a complete or partial loss, respectively, of the cytoprotective effects of partial beclin-1 knockdown, indicating a critical role for both mitochondrial autophagy and biogenesis in ensuring cellular viability. These studies uncover a transcriptional feedback loop for beclin-1-mediated regulation of TFEB activation and implicate a central role for TFEB in coordinating mitochondrial autophagy with biogenesis to restore normally polarized mitochondria and prevent ischemia-reperfusion-induced cardiomyocyte death

    Оптичне поглинання халькогенідних стекол Ga2S3-La2S3, легованих ербієм

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    The glasses of the La2S3–Er2S3–Ga2S3 system were synthesized from the melted samples which where quenched in to the cold 25-% solution of NaCl. Their optical absorption spectra were studied in the range of 1.2–2.9 eV at 80 K. For doped erbium glasses, there are narrow absorption bands with maxima at 2.53, 2.35, 2.27, 1.88, 1.54, 1.26 eV. With increasing of the content of La2S3 (30 - 40 mol. %) the bandgap width decreases (Eg = 2.83 - 2.73 eV) and the Urbach parameter increases (DE = 151 - 238 meV). These changes are determined by the structural disorder in the glasses.Стекла системи La2S3–Er2S3–Ga2S3 були синтезовані з розплавлених зразків які були загартовані в холодному 25% розчині NaCl. Досліджено їх спектри оптичного поглинання в інтервалі 1,2 - 2,9 еВ при 80 К. Для стекол легованих Ербієм виникають вузькі смуги поглинання із максимумами 2,53; 2,35; 2,27; 1,88; 1,54; 1,26 еВ. Збільшення вмісту La2S3 (30 - 40 мол.%) зумовлює зменшення ширини забороненої зони ( Eg = 2,83 - 2,73 еВ) та зростання характеристичного параметру Урбаха (DE = 151 - 238 меВ), що визначає структурну невпорядкованість стекол.&nbsp

    Efficiency of Infrared Luminescence in Glasses of Ag0.05 Ga0.05 Ge0.95 S 2-Er2 S 3 at Excitation Wavelengths 532 and 980 nm

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    Склоподібні сплави активовані іонами рідкісноземельних елементів (РЗЕ) становлять значний інтерес для розвитку оптичного зв’язку при виготовленні оптичних підсилювачів і мікролазерів. Особливу увагу приділяють стеклам, легованих ербієм, оскільки довжина хвилі випромінювання іонів ербію (1,54 мкм) є оптимальною для передачі інформації по волоконно-оптичних лініях зв’язку. У спектральному діапазоні 1450 1650 нм при кімнатній температурі досліджено спектри люмінесценції і оптичного поглинання стекол (100 X)Ag0.05 Ga0.05 Ge0.95 S 2 (X)Er2 S 3, де Х = 0,42, 0,25, 0,18 мол. % . Збудження люмінесценції пров едено довжиною хвилі 532 і 980 нм при різній потужності збудження. Вищу інтенсивність люмінесценції при однаковій потужності збудження зафіксовано при зб = 980 нм. Зафіксовану нелінійну залежність інтенсивності фотолюмінесценції від потужності збудження обумовлено апконверсійними процесами. ; Glassy alloys activated by the ions of rare-earth elements (RE) are of considerable interest for development of optical communication and photonics for fabrication of optical amplifiers and microlasers. Special attention has been turned to the glasses that doped with erbium, as wavelength of emission of erbium ions (1.54 μm) is optimum for transferring information via fiber-optic communication lines. Photoluminescence and optical absorption spectra of the glasses (100 X)Ag0.05 Ga0.05 Ge0.95 S 2 (X)Er2 S 3, where Х = 0.42, 0.25, 0.18 mol% Er2 S 3 were investigated in the spectral range 1450 1650 nm at room temperature. Excitation of luminescence was carried out using wavelengths of 532 and 980 nm at various power of excitation. Higher intensity of the luminescence was observed at ex =980 nm at equal power of © Давидюк Г. Є., Галян В. В., Кевшин А. Г., Шевчук М. В., Воронюк С. В., 2012 Науковий вісник Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки 48 excitation. Observed nonlinear dependence of the photoluminescence intensity on power of excitation is due to upconversion processes