63 research outputs found

    Laughing with and at Patients : The Roles of Laughter in Confrontations in Addiction Group Therapy

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    In Minnesota treatment, the therapists aim at breaking clients\u27 denial to encourage them to accept their addiction. However, the confrontation is risky since, instead of making the patient ready for a change, it may strengthen resistance against the diagnosis of addiction and the treatment recommendations. We will explore the role of laughter in confrontational practices. The study is based on conversation analysis of group therapy sessions in an inpatient addiction treatment clinic in Finland (7.5 hours of data altogether). The laughter prevails in three different kinds of practice: laughing off the troubles, strengthening the confrontation by laughing at the patient, and ameliorating the confrontation. Laughter is a flexible device for preventing or resolving the possible risks of confrontation

    ”Kaikki oppilaiden puhe on pedagogisesti perusteltua”

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    Arvioitu teos:Inkeri Lehtimaja: Puheen suuntia luokkahuoneessa. Oppilaat osallistujina ylÀkoulun suomi toisena kielenÀ -tunnilla. Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto 2012. 246 s. ISBN 978-952-10-7582-7 (nid.), 978-952-10-7583-4 (pdf)


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    Kirja-arvioPerÀkylÀ, Anssi: AIDS counselling. Institutional interaction and clinical practic

    VuorottelujÀsennys ryhmÀterapiassa

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    The organisation of turn-taking in group therapy (englanti)3/1999 (103)Mia Halonen ([email protected])THE ORGANISATION OF TURN-TAKING IN GROUP THERAPY Taking turns to speak is the basis of any conversation. In the article the writer examines the organisation of turn-taking in one type of institutional speech environment: AA-based alcoholism group therapy known as myllyhoito (similar to Minnesota-model treatment or 12-step treatment). The rules observed for speaking during group therapy create a framework for the therapy session, with each patient being reserved the opportunity to speak without interruption about matters of their choice. The situation is thus one in which the patients have long successive turns. The turn-constructional unit in the therapy session consists of a long uninterrupted turn, the end of which is indicated by the speaker him/herself. The opportunity is thus provided for a change in turn, a transition relevance place (TRP).When the changes of turn are examined in the material, it transpires, however, that the next speaker does not begin his/her turn directly if the previous turn is not functionally completed -- if a problem brought up is left unresolved. Turn-taking does not therefore progress automatically according to the rules but instead is negotiated locally; the participants are more inclined to use the opportunity created by the rules to engage in therapy than to comply with the rules as such. When compliance with the rules would conflict with the progress of the therapy, the participants tend to choose the latter. The rules of institutional speech are not created or followed for their own sake, but because they facilitate the matter at hand.The article also considers turn-taking in general as a subject of research. As in the example of myllyhoito group therapy, research into turn-taking can enable the relationship between the institution and the rules regulating it to be examined: for example, how the rules of turn-taking create a structure within which the institution's tasks can be carried out. Rules of turn-taking would seem to be one element which can be used to establish a framework for desired situations. The length of turns in a given type of situation, for instance, is directly related to the pre-allocation of turns: the more precisely the turns are pre-allocated in advance, the longer are the turns that the situation will tolerate

    Monen nÀkökulman diskurssianalyysia

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    Kirja-arvioSchiffrin, Deborah: Approaches to discours

    Keskustelukumppanin kehuminen suomalaisessa keskustelussa

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    Artikkelissa tarkastellaan suomalaisen arkikeskustelun kehuja kolmen peruskysymyksen kautta: 1) millaisia kehut ovat rakenteeltaan, 2) miten kehut otetaan vastaan ja 3) millaisissa tilanteissa kehuja esitetÀÀn ja mitĂ€ niillĂ€ tehdÀÀn? Tutkimus on metodiltaan keskustelunanalyyttinen: kehuja analysoidaan osana aitojen keskustelujen toiminnallista kudosta. Kehu mÀÀritellÀÀn tutkimuksessa vastaanottajaan tavalla tai toisella kohdistuvaksi myönteiseksi arvioksi. Kehu voi arvioida vastaanottajaa monella tavalla: kehuttavana voi olla esimerkiksi puhekumppanin luonne, hĂ€nen toimintansa tietyssĂ€ tilanteessa tai vaatetus, hiukset tai asunto. Aineistona on sekĂ€ nauhoitetuista arkikeskusteluista poimittuja kehusekvenssejĂ€ (51) ettĂ€ opiskelijoiden tekemiĂ€ kenttĂ€muistiinpanoja (65 sekvenssiĂ€).Kehuja esitetÀÀn toistuvasti samanlaisin rakentein, joista yleisimpiĂ€ ovat kopula- ja omistuslause. Vaikka kehujen kielellinen rakenne on osittain hyvinkin konventionaalinen, aineisto myös osoittaa, ettĂ€ kehun kielellinen rakenne on monin tavoin sidoksissa keskustelun paikalliseen kontekstiin: esimerkiksi siihen, minkĂ€laisessa toimintaympĂ€ristössĂ€ kehuva lausuma esiintyy ja mitĂ€ kehulla tehdÀÀn. Kaiken kaikkiaan puheaktipersoonia nĂ€kyy vĂ€ltettĂ€vĂ€n suomalaisissa peruskehuissa. Vaikuttaa siltĂ€, ettĂ€ ensimmĂ€isen persoonan kĂ€yttö liittyisi tilanteisiin, joissa tavalla tai toisella kĂ€sitellÀÀn keskustelijoiden vĂ€lisiĂ€ suhteita; toista persoonaa taas nĂ€kyy kĂ€ytettĂ€vĂ€n erityisesti huoltenkerrontakonteksteissa.Kehujen vastaanotoissa on aineiston perusteella olennaista hyvĂ€ksymisen yleisyys ja hyvĂ€ksymisen vahvuus. PÀÀosa kehuista hyvĂ€ksytÀÀn, ja vastaanottaja osoittaa usein myös jo itse ajatelleensa asiaa ja pÀÀtyneensĂ€ samanlaiseen myönteiseen arvioon kuin kehuja. TĂ€mĂ€ piirre viittaa siihen, ettĂ€ suomalaisissa vastaanotoissa pyritÀÀn samanmielisyyteen. Pyrkimys itsekehun vĂ€lttĂ€miseen tulee toisena ja nĂ€kyy selityksenĂ€; muuten kehun voimakas hyvĂ€ksyntĂ€ voisi synnyttÀÀ tulkinnan itsekehusta, jota usein pidetÀÀn ongelmallisena.Kehut syntyvĂ€t usein spontaanisti ja varmastikin ilman taka-ajatuksia: kehutaan keskustelukumppanin vaatetta, koska se on hieno, tai tĂ€mĂ€n valmistamaa ruokaa, koska se on hyvÀÀ. Toisaalta joissakin tilanteissa kehuminen kuuluu asiaan. Aineiston analyysi tuo esiin joitakin tĂ€llaisia konventionaalisia tilanteita, esimerkiksi uuden vaatteen tai kampauksen huomaamisen, uuden asunnon nĂ€kemisen ja tarjotun ruoan maistamisen. Toisaalta kehuilla nĂ€yttÀÀ olevan myös sÀÀnnönmukaisia kĂ€yttöjĂ€ muiden puhetoimintojen ohessa. Esimerkiksi kehulla voidaan valmistella pyyntöÀ. Kehuja voidaan myös kalastella: keskustelukumppania voidaan kehua kontekstissa, jossa vastakehu on sosiaalisesti odotuksenmukaista, ja toisaalta esimerkiksi uusia tavaroita voidaan myös esitellĂ€ tai itseĂ€ moittia kehun saamisen toivossa.---Compliments in everyday Finnish conversation The article analyses compliments in everyday Finnish conversation and aims to answer three basic questions: 1) how are compliments constructed on a lexico-syntactic level, 2) how are they responded to, and 3) in what contexts are they used and what functions do they fulfil in these contexts. The study employs the methods of Conversation Analysis, and thus, compliments are analysed as they occur in real contexts, in connection with other conversational actions.In this study, compliments are defined as positive assessments of the recipient; the compliments can be about several issues – the co-participant’s personality, looks, actions in certain situations, or about things in his/her possession (e.g. clothing, apartment). The data comprises both audio-/videotaped naturally occurring conversations (51 compliment sequences) and field notes made by students (65 compliment sequences).Compliments in the data are recurrently presented in simple syntactic structures, copula clauses (e.g. tÀÀ on hyvÀÀ ‘this is good’) and verbless descriptions (hyvÀÀ piirakkaa ‘good pie’) being the most frequent among them. Thus, the structure of a compliment is often quite conventionalised and formulaic. However, the structure is affected by the conversational context in a variety of ways. Typical of the compliments in Finnish conversation is that they very seldom include explicit reference to the speaker or the recipient. When 1st-person reference is used, the compliment occurs in a sequence where the interpersonal relationship of the participants is being negotiated, while 2nd-­person references typically occur in ‘troubles-telling’ sequences.Compliments in the data are, for the most part, responded to in an accepting manner, and furthermore, acceptance is often presented in a rather straightforward manner. In addition, the respondent often displays an epistemic stance that shows that s/he has already come to the same positive evaluation on her/his own. This indicates that, in Finnish conversations, speakers demonstrate a preference for agreement rather than disagreement. The avoidance of self-praise is also present in the compliment responses, but it comes second in relation to the expression of agreement. The tendency towards an avoidance of self-praise is manifested in different kinds of accounts featured in the compliment responses.Compliments in the data occur in a wide variety of contexts, and often seem quite spontaneous. In addition, there are various contexts in which the occurrence of compliments is conventionalised: they are produced when eating food prepared by the hosts of a dinner, when noticing a new piece of clothing on the co-conversationalist, when first visiting a friend’s new flat, etc. The data also reveals that compliments can be systematically used in favour of other conversational actions, such as requests. Compliments can be used as a device to make requesting a smoother action. Furthermore, on some occasions, compliments are produced as a response to some prior action (e.g. self-deprecating assessments, topicalisation of a possibly compliment-worthy issue or assessment-seeking questions). In some of these contexts, the first speaker can be seen as ‘fishing’ for a compliment

    Äidinkielet koulutuksessa: Kielten tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen - Unescon kansainvĂ€lisen Ă€idinkielen pĂ€ivĂ€n seminaari 19.2.2010

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    Unescon kansainvÀlisen Àidinkielen pÀivÀn seminaari jÀrjestettiin 19.2.2010 HelsingissÀ Tieteiden talolla. EsityksissÀ ja keskusteluissa kÀsiteltiin erityisesti maahanmuuttajakieliÀ ja suomen kieltÀ toisena kielenÀ.http://www.kieliverkosto.fi/journalnonPeerReviewe
