12 research outputs found

    Time for an Update? A Look at Current Guidelines for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis After Hip and Knee Arthroplasty and Hip Fracture

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    Venous thromboembolism is a well-established complication of total hip and knee arthroplasty and hip fracture surgery. Clinical practice guidelines have been proposed to help clinicians provide prophylaxis against this risk. However, most guidelines reference data that are becoming outdated because of new advances in perioperative protocols. Recent data would suggest that aspirin may be appropriate for most patients after total hip and knee replacement and a more potent chemoprophylaxis for higher risk patients. Low-molecular-weight heparin remains the recommended choice after hip fracture surgery, although there is a paucity of recent literature in this patient population. There are randomized trials currently underway in the arthroplasty population that may guide clinicians in the appropriate choice of chemoprophylaxis. These studies should inform updates to the current clinical practice guidelines

    The Reproducibility of a Kinematically-Derived Axis of the Knee versus Digitized Anatomical Landmarks using a Knee Navigation System

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    Component position is critical to longevity of knee arthroplasties. Femoral component rotation is typically referenced from the transepicondylar axis (TEA), the anterior-posterior (AP) axis or the posterior condylar axis. Other studies have shown high variability in locating the TEA while proposing digitization of other landmarks such as the AP axis as a less-variable reference. This study uses a navigation system to compare the reproducibility of computing a kinematically-derived, navigated knee axis (NKA) to digitizing the TEA and AP axis. Twelve knees from unembalmed cadavers were tested. Four arthroplasty surgeons digitized the femoral epicondyles and the AP axis direction as well as flexed and extended the knee repeatedly to allow for NKA determination. The variance of the NKA axis determined under neutral loading conditions was smaller than the variance of the TEA axis when the kinematics were measured in the closed surgical condition (P<0.001). However, varus, valgus, and internal loading of the leg increased the variability of the NKA. Distraction of the leg during knee flexion and extension preserved the low variability of the NKA. In conclusion, a kinematically-derived NKA under neutral or distraction loading is more reproducible than the TEA and AP axis determined by digitization

    Application of a Causal Discovery Algorithm to the Analysis of Arthroplasty Registry Data

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    Improving the quality of care for hip arthroplasty (replacement) patients requires the systematic evaluation of clinical performance of implants and the identification of “outlier” devices that have an especially high risk of reoperation (“revision”). Postmarket surveillance of arthroplasty implants, which rests on the analysis of large patient registries, has been effective in identifying outlier implants such as the ASR metal-on-metal hip resurfacing device that was recalled. Although identifying an implant as an outlier implies a causal relationship between the implant and revision risk, traditional signal detection methods use classical biostatistical methods. The field of probabilistic graphical modeling of causal relationships has developed tools for rigorous analysis of causal relationships in observational data. The purpose of this study was to evaluate one causal discovery algorithm (PC) to determine its suitability for hip arthroplasty implant signal detection. Simulated data were generated using distributions of patient and implant characteristics, and causal discovery was performed using the TETRAD software package. Two sizes of registries were simulated: (1) a statewide registry in Michigan and (2) a nationwide registry in the United Kingdom. The results showed that the algorithm performed better for the simulation of a large national registry. The conclusion is that the causal discovery algorithm used in this study may be a useful tool for implant signal detection for large arthroplasty registries; regional registries may only be able to only detect implants that perform especially poorly

    Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Implant Revision Risk to 5 Years From a State-wide Arthroplasty Registry in Michigan

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    Background: Information on the revision risk of implants is useful for improving the quality of care for elective hip and knee arthroplasty. The purpose of this study was to report on the revision risk of implants using a state-wide registry in the United States. Methods: The Michigan Arthroplasty Registry Collaborative Quality Initiative systematically collects data on elective primary and revision hip and knee arthroplasty cases in Michigan. It contained data on 139,970 hip and 245,499 knee arthroplasty cases from February 15, 2012, to December 31, 2021. Kaplan-Meier estimates of revision risk were computed using time to first revision as the dependent variable, and the results were computed and expressed as the cumulative percent revision (CPR). CPR estimates were computed for all implants having at least 500 cases in the Michigan Arthroplasty Registry Collaborative Quality Initiative dataset. Results: At 5-years postoperatively, elective primary conventional total hip arthroplasty implant stem/cup combinations had CPR values from 0.95% (0.39%-2.30%, 95% confidence intervals [CI]) to 5.77% (4.22%-7.85%, 95% CI), and elective primary total knee arthroplasty CPR ranged from 1.10% (0.64%-1.89%, 95% CI) to 12.52% (8.37%-18.50%, 95% CI). Unicondylar knee arthroplasty CPR at 5-years went from 4.23% (3.54%-5.06%, 95% CI) to 7.13% (6.20%-8.20%, 95% CI). Conclusions: The wide variation in CPR points to the need for surgeons to choose implants wisely to improve quality of care

    Identification of implant outliers in joint replacement registries

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    Recent concerns surrounding joint replacements that have a higher than expected rate of revision have led to stricter controls by regulatory authorities with regards to the introduction of new devices into the marketplace. Implant post-market surveillance remains important, and joint replacement registries are ideally placed to perform this role. This review examined if and how joint replacement registries identified outlier prostheses, outlined problems and suggested solutions to improve post-market surveillance. A search was performed of all joint replacement registries that had electronic or published reports detailing the outcomes of joint replacement. These reports were examined for registry identification of outlier prostheses. Five registries publicly identified outlier prostheses in their reports and the methods by which this was performed, and three others had internal reports. Identification of outlier prostheses is one area that may improve overall joint replacement outcomes; however, further research is needed to determine the optimum methods for identification, including the threshold, the comparator and the numbers required for notification of devices. Co-operation of registries at a global level may lead to earlier identification of devices and thereby further improve the results of joint replacement. </p

    Extraverted Children Are More Biased by Bowl Sizes than Introverts

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    <p>Extraverted children are hypothesized to be most at risk for over-serving and overeating due to environmental cues - such as the size of dinnerware. A within-subject field study of elementary school students found that extraverted children served themselves 33.1% more cereal in larger bowls (16-oz) than in smaller (12-oz) bowls, whereas introverted children were unaffected by bowl size (+5.6%, ns). However, when children were asked by adults how much cereal they wanted to eat, both extraverted and introverted children requested more cereal when given a large versus small bowl. Insofar as extraverted children appear to be more biased by environmental cues, this pilot study suggests different serving styles are recommended for parents and other caregivers. They should serve extraverts, but allow introverts to serve themselves. Still, since the average child still served 23.2% more when serving themselves than when served by an adult, it might be best for caregivers to do the serving whenever possible - especially for extraverted children.</p>