7,040 research outputs found

    Direct Boundary Element Method for Dynamics in a Half-Space

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    An application of the direct boundary element method for solving the response of a linearly elastic half-space with a canyon cut into the surface is presented. This approach uses source solutions for an undamped half-space where the resulting singular integral equations are solved directly without adding any artificial damping. Solutions for the displacements on the canyon surface reveal an artificial resonance phenomenon when solving the exterior problem in the frequency domain. The use of an additional source loading in the boundary element method is shown to eliminate these resonances and yield accurate results. A method for solving the Rayleigh waves generated on the surface of the half-space caused by the canyon is shown

    Eclipse Timings of the Transient Low Mass X-ray Binary EXO0748-676. IV. The Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Eclipses

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    We report our complete database of X-ray eclipse timings of the low mass X-ray binary EXO0748-676 observed by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite. As of this writing we have accumulated 443 full X-ray eclipses, 392 of which have been observed with the Proportional Counter Array on RXTE. These include both observations where an eclipse was specifically targeted and those eclipses found in the RXTE data archive. Eclipse cycle count has been maintained since the discovery of the EXO0748-676 system in February 1985. We describe our observing and analysis techniques for each eclipse and describe improvements we have made since the last compilation by Wolff et al. (2002). The principal result of this paper is the database containing the timing results from a seven-parameter fit to the X-ray light curve for each observed eclipse along with the associated errors in the fitted parameters. Based on the standard O-C analysis, EXO0748-676 has undergone four distinct orbital period epochs since its discovery. In addition, EXO0748-676 shows small-scale events in the O-C curve that are likely due to short-lived changes in the secondary star.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 5 figures. Analysis revised. Tables 1 & 3 update

    A Super-Earth Orbiting the Nearby Sun-like Star HD 1461

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    We present precision radial velocity data that reveal a Super-Earth mass planet and two probable additional planets orbiting the bright nearby G0V star HD 1461. Our 12.8 years of Keck HIRES precision radial velocities indicate the presence of a 7.4M_Earth planet on a 5.77-day orbit. The data also suggest, but cannot yet confirm, the presence of outer planets on low-eccentricity orbits with periods of 446.1 and 5017 days, and projected masses (M sin i) of 27.9 and 87.1M_Earth, respectively. Test integrations of systems consistent with the radial velocity data suggest that the configuration is dynamically stable. We present a 12.2-year time series of photometric observations of HD 1461, which comprise 799 individual measurements, and indicate that it has excellent long-term photometric stability. However, there are small amplitude variations with periods comparable to those of the suspected 2nd and 3rd signals in the radial velocities near 5000 and 446 days, thus casting some suspicion on those periodicities as Keplerian signals. If the 5.77-day companion has a Neptune-like composition, then its expected transit depth is of order ~0.5 millimags. The geometric a priori probability of transits is ~8%. Phase-folding of the ground-based photometry shows no indication that transits of the 5.77-day companion are occurring, but high-precision follow-up of HD 1461 during upcoming transit phase windows will be required to definitively rule out or confirm transits. This new system joins a growing list of solar-type stars in the immediate galactic neighborhood that are accompanied by at least one Neptune- (or lower) mass planets having orbital periods of 50 days or less.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figure

    Application performance of elements in a floating–gate FPAA

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    Field–programmable analog arrays (FPAAs) provide a method for rapidly prototyping analog systems. Currently available commercial and academic FPAAs are typically based on operational amplifiers (or other similar analog primitives) with only a few computational elements per chip. While their specific architectures vary, their small sizes and often restrictive interconnect designs leave current FPAAs limited in functionality, flexibility, and usefulness. In this paper, we explore the use of floating–gate devices as the core programmable element in a signal processing FPAA. A generic FPAA architecture is presented that offers increased functionality and flexibility in realizing analog systems. In addition, the computational analog elements are shown to be widely and accurately programmable while remaining small in area. 1. LOW–POWER SIGNAL PROCESSING The future of FPAAs lie in their ability to speed the implementatio

    Do Physician-based or Hospital-based Provider Service Networks Better Control Medicaid Expenditures?

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    In a recent demonstration project, Florida Medicaid enrollees were required to pick a managed care plan that was either a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or a Provider Service Network (PSN). PSNs are a form of managed care very similar to Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) that provides health care services directly through a provider or network of organizations to a defined population without a “middle man” such as a third party insurance company and health plan. There are two types of PSNs: Physician-based PSNs and Healthcare system-based PSNs. Physician-based PSNs are created and controlled by physicians groups. Healthcare system-based PSNs are based on safety net hospitals and their outpatient clinics. Health system-based PSNs are integrated delivery systems, which are organizations that combine healthcare providers into one organization and may provide more efficient care with lower cost of care due to economies of scale. The objective of this study was to examine the differences in healthcare expenditures by enrollees in physician-based and health system-based PSNs. Using a difference in difference approach our study found that compared to enrollees in physician-based PSNs, enrollees in health system-based PSNs lowered expenditures to a greater extent over time compared to physician-based PSNs. Findings from this study provide important information to states considering implementing alternative delivery models to control Medicaid costs

    Developing large-scale field-programmable analog arrays for rapid prototyping

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    Field-programmable analog arrays (FPAAs) provide a method for rapidly prototyping analog systems. While currently available FPAAs vary in architecture and interconnect design, they are often limited in size and flexibility. For FPAAs to be as useful and marketable as modern digital reconfigurable devices, new technologies must be explored to provide area efficient, accurately programmable analog circuitry that can be easily integrated into a larger digital/mixed signal system. By leveraging recent advances in floating gate transistors, a new generation of FPAAs are achievable that will dramatically advance the current state of the art in terms of size, functionality, and flexibility

    Differences in transcription between free-living and CO_2-activated third-stage larvae of Haemonchus contortus

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    Background: The disease caused by Haemonchus contortus, a blood-feeding nematode of small ruminants, is of major economic importance worldwide. The infective third-stage larva (L3) of this gastric nematode is enclosed in a cuticle (sheath) and, once ingested with herbage by the host, undergoes an exsheathment process that marks the transition from the free-living (L3) to the parasitic (xL3) stage. This study explored changes in gene transcription associated with this transition and predicted, based on comparative analysis, functional roles for key transcripts in the metabolic pathways linked to larval development. Results: Totals of 101,305 (L3) and 105,553 (xL3) expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were determined using 454 sequencing technology, and then assembled and annotated; the most abundant transcripts encoded transthyretin-like, calcium-binding EF-hand, NAD(P)-binding and nucleotide-binding proteins as well as homologues of Ancylostoma-secreted proteins (ASPs). Using an in silico-subtractive analysis, 560 and 685 sequences were shown to be uniquely represented in the L3 and xL3 stages, respectively; the transcripts encoded ribosomal proteins, collagens and elongation factors (in L3), and mainly peptidases and other enzymes of amino acid catabolism (in xL3). Caenorhabditis elegans orthologues of transcripts that were uniquely transcribed in each L3 and xL3 were predicted to interact with a total of 535 other genes, all of which were involved in embryonic development. Conclusion: The present study indicated that some key transcriptional alterations taking place during the transition from the L3 to the xL3 stage of H. contortus involve genes predicted to be linked to the development of neuronal tissue (L3 and xL3), formation of the cuticle (L3) and digestion of host haemoglobin (xL3). Future efforts using next-generation sequencing and bioinformatic technologies should provide the efficiency and depth of coverage required for the determination of the complete transcriptomes of different developmental stages and/or tissues of H. contortus as well as the genome of this important parasitic nematode. Such advances should lead to a significantly improved understanding of the molecular biology of H. contortus and, from an applied perspective, to novel methods of intervention

    Imaging X-ray crystal spectrometer for laser-produced plasmas

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    X-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) is a powerful technique for measuring state variables in dense plasmas. In this paper, we report on the development of a one-dimensional imaging spectrometer for use in characterizing spatially nonuniform, dense plasmas using XRTS. Diffraction of scattered x-rays from a toroidally curved crystal images along a one-dimensional spatial profile while simultaneously spectrally resolving along the other. An imaging spectrometer was fielded at the Trident laser at Los Alamos National Laboratory, yielding a FWHM spatial resolution of 3 mm. A geometrical analysis is performed yielding a simple analytical expression for the throughput of the imaging spectrometer scheme. The SHADOW code is used to perform a ray tracing analysis on the spectrometer fielded at the Trident Laser Facility understand the alignment tolerances on the spatial and spectral resolutions. The analytical expression for the throughput was found to agree well with the results from the ray tracing.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90829/1/1748-0221_6_04_P04004.pd

    Mass and dust in the disk of a spiral lens galaxy

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    Gravitational lensing is a potentially important probe of spiral galaxy structure, but only a few cases of lensing by spiral galaxies are known. We present Hubble Space Telescope and Magellan observations of the two-image quasar PMN J2004-1349, revealing that the lens galaxy is a spiral galaxy. One of the quasar images passes through a spiral arm of the galaxy and suffers 3 magnitudes of V-band extinction. Using simple lens models, we show that the mass quadrupole is well-aligned with the observed galaxy disk. A more detailed model with components representing the bulge and disk gives a bulge-to-disk mass ratio of 0.16 +/- 0.05. The addition of a spherical dark halo, tailored to produce an overall flat rotation curve, does not change this conclusion.Comment: ApJ, in press [9pp, 7 figs

    A qualitative examination of women\u27s self-presentation and social physique anxiety during injury rehabilitation

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    Objective To understand women\u27s self-presentation experiences in the rehabilitation setting, and their attitudes and preferences toward the social and physical features of the rehabilitation environment. Design Qualitative study. Setting Outpatient physiotherapy clinic. Participants Ten women (age 18 to 64) with high social physique anxiety (Social Physique Anxiety Scale score ≥25) referred for physiotherapy following acute injury. Main outcome measures Semi-structured interviews were conducted prior to commencement of treatment, and again after a third treatment session. Results Participants experienced extensive self-presentational concerns that were intensified due to the nature of the physiotherapy environment. The women reported that their self-presentational anxiety did not diminish over time, and was related to others’ negative perceptions regarding their physical appearance and inability to perform exercises as well as expected. The presence of men or younger women in the clinic was identified as a barrier to appointment attendance, along with open concept clinic settings, which were associated with the most potential for evaluation. Mirrors and windows in the physiotherapy clinic were highlighted as anxiety provoking. The women suggested that they would feel apprehensive about advocating for themselves if they felt uncomfortable with the area in which they were receiving treatment, and instead used avoidance coping strategies (e.g., hiding behind equipment, preventing eye contact) to manage their anxiety. Conclusions Physique-anxious women experience extensive self-presentational concerns in the rehabilitation environment, which could affect treatment adherence. Modifying the treatment setting, providing protective self-presentational strategies such as positive self-talk, and open patient–therapist communication could be implemented to help mitigate these concerns
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