412 research outputs found

    Duration of antibody response following vaccination against feline immunodeficiency virus

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    Objectives: Recently, two point-of-care (PoC) feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) antibody test kits (Witness and Anigen Rapid) were reported as being able to differentiate FIV-vaccinated from FIV-infected cats at a single time point, irrespective of the gap between testing and last vaccination (0–7 years). The aim of the current study was to investigate systematically anti-FIV antibody production over time in response to the recommended primary FIV vaccination series. Methods: First, residual plasma from the original study was tested using a laboratory-based ELISA to determine whether negative results with PoC testing were due to reduced as opposed to absent antibodies to gp40. Second, a prospective study was performed using immunologically naive client-owned kittens and cats given a primary FIV vaccination series using a commercially available inactivated whole cell/inactivated whole virus vaccine (Fel-O-Vax FIV, three subcutaneous injections at 4 week intervals) and tested systematically (up to 11 times) over 6 months, using four commercially available PoC FIV antibody kits (SNAP FIV/FeLV Combo [detects antibodies to p15/p24], Witness FeLV/FIV [gp40], Anigen Rapid FIV/FeLV [p24/gp40] and VetScan FeLV/FIV Rapid [p24]). Results: The laboratory-based ELISA showed cats from the original study vaccinated within the previous 0–15 months had detectable levels of antibodies to gp40, despite testing negative with two kits that use gp40 as a capture antigen (Witness and Anigen Rapid kits). The prospective study showed that antibody testing with SNAP Combo and VetScan Rapid was positive in all cats 2 weeks after the second primary FIV vaccination, and remained positive for the duration of the study (12/12 and 10/12 cats positive, respectively). Antibody testing with Witness and Anigen Rapid was also positive in a high proportion of cats 2 weeks after the second primary FIV vaccination (8/12 and 7/12, respectively), but antibody levels declined below the level of detection in most cats (10/12) by 1 month after the third (final) primary FIV vaccination. All cats tested negative using Witness and Anigen Rapid 6 months after the third primary FIV vaccination. Conclusions and relevance: This study has shown that a primary course of FIV vaccination does not interfere with FIV antibody testing in cats using Witness and Anigen Rapid, provided primary vaccination has not occurred within the previous 6 months. Consequently, Witness and Anigen Rapid antibody test kits can be used reliably to determine FIV infection status at the time of annual booster FIV vaccination to help detect ‘vaccine breakthroughs’ and in cats that have not received a primary course of FIV vaccination within the preceding 6 months. The duration of antibody response following annual booster FIV vaccination and the resulting effect on antibody testing using PoC kits needs to be determined by further research. The mechanism(s) for the variation in FIV antibody test kit performance remains unclear

    Information Systems and Healthcare XV: Strategic Fit in Healthcare Integrated Delivery Systems: An Empirical Investigation

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    This study employs 130 health care integrated delivery systems (IDSs) currently active in the U.S. to examine the quality and financial performance impacts of strategic fit for interorganizational networks. Using secondary data from HIMSS Analytics and the American Hospital Directory, this study classifies the IDSs into High-Maturity Organizations and Low-Maturity Organizations based on the corresponding levels of IT integration and organizational maturity achieved at the time of the study. A model of the relationship between strategic fit and both average length of hospital stay and operational cost is then tested for each group. With comparisons across the two levels of IDS development, the results suggest that IDSs that have achieved both high IT integration and organizational maturity exhibit greater improvements to both average length of hospital stay and operational cost than do IDSs at a lower level of IT integration and organizational maturity

    Humanities at Large Next Generation Humanities PhD Planning Grant

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    This summary and assessment of the Humanities at Large project at the University of Rhode Island in fulfillment of the Next Generation PhD Planning Grant describes our exploration of the diversification of Humanities PhD education through cross-disciplinary and experiential learning. Our work focused on ways we could tap our institution’s resources, make connections across and beyond campus, and reimagine Humanities graduate programming at URI

    Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in sheep. IV. Analysis of lactation persistency and extended lactation traits in sheep

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In sheep dairy production, total lactation performance, and length of lactation of lactation are of economic significance. A more persistent lactation has been associated with improved udder health. An extended lactation is defined by a longer period of milkability. This study is the first investigation to examine the presence of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for extended lactation and lactation persistency in sheep.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An (Awassi × Merino) × Merino single-sire backcross family with 172 ewes was used to map QTL for lactation persistency and extended lactation traits on a framework map of 189 loci across all autosomes. The Wood model was fitted to data from multiple lactations to estimate parameters of ovine lactation curves, and these estimates were used to derive measures of lactation persistency and extended lactation traits of milk, protein, fat, lactose, useful yield, and somatic cell score. These derived traits were subjected to QTL analyses using maximum likelihood estimation and regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, one highly significant (LOD > 3.0), four significant (2.0 < LOD < 3.0) and five suggestive (1.7 < LOD < 2.0) QTL were detected across all traits in common by both mapping methods. One additional suggestive QTL was identified using maximum likelihood estimation, and four suggestive (0.01 < P < 0.05) and two significant (P < 0.01) QTL using the regression approach only. All detected QTL had effect sizes in the range of 0.48 to 0.64 SD, corresponding to QTL heritabilities of 3.1 to 8.9%. The comparison of the detected QTL with results in cattle showed conserved linkage regions. Most of the QTL identified for lactation persistency and extended lactation did not coincide. This suggests that persistency and extended lactation for the same as well as different milk yield and component traits are not controlled by the same genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study identified ten novel QTL for lactation persistency and extended lactation in sheep, but results suggest that lactation persistency and extended lactation do not have a major gene in common. These results provide a basis for further validation in extended families and other breeds as well as targeting regions for genome-wide association mapping using high-density SNP arrays.</p

    Plantas medicinales. Volumen II

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    Centro Nacional de Información de Medicamentos (CIMED)Día con día es más la cantidad de productos terapéuticos hechos a base de plantas medicinales, y así mismo, poco a poco, la población ha ido aumentando el uso de los mismos, bajo la creencia que las plantas medicinales son inocuas por se naturales. Lamentablemente, esta flasa creencia muchas veces hace que, inmersos en un tratamiento farmacológico alopático se presenten fallas terapéuticas, ya que al igual que los medicamentos, las plantas medicinales pueden producir efectos secundarios, cuadros de toxicidad y problemas de interacciones con los medicamentos. Es por este motivo, y ante la gran cantidad de productos comerciales que ingresan cada día al Ministerio de Salud buscando un registro para poder ser comercializados en nuestro país, y en respuesta a la demanda mundial de fitofármacos, que le CIMED decidió ampliar la información suministrada sobre Plantas Medicinales en el 2000, al aumentar la cantidad de monografías presentes en el folleto, así como actualizar la información previamente entregada de plantas de mayor y más importante aplicación terapéutica. De igual forma, en el presente material se incluye la información científica sobre algunos suplementos minerales y de carácter hormonal de mayor consulta en nuestro medio. El objetivo de este folleto es actualizar al profesional en cuanto a productos naturales, pues es un deber del farmacéutico poder dar respuesta a las inquietudes de sus pacientes con respecto a cierto producto, así como identificar cualquier problema relacionado con la medicación del paciente, sea éste derivado de tratamientos alopáticos o bien medicina alternativa.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas (INIFAR

    The diagnosis of feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) infection in owned and group-housed rescue cats in Australia

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    A field study was undertaken to (i) measure the prevalence of feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) exposure and FeLV infection in a cross-section of healthy Australian pet cats; and (ii) investigate the outcomes following natural FeLV exposure in two Australian rescue facilities. Group 1 (n = 440) consisted of healthy client-owned cats with outdoor access, predominantly from eastern Australia. Groups 2 (n = 38) and 3 (n = 51) consisted of a mixture of healthy and sick cats, group-housed in two separate rescue facilities in Sydney, Australia, tested following identification of index cases of FeLV infection in cats sourced from these facilities. Diagnostic testing for FeLV exposure/infection included p27 antigen testing using three different point-of-care FeLV kits and a laboratory-based ELISA, real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) testing to detect FeLV proviral DNA in leukocytes, real-time reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) testing to detect FeLV RNA in plasma, and neutralising antibody (NAb) testing. Cats were classified as FeLV-uninfected (FeLV-unexposed and presumptively FeLV-abortive infections) or FeLV-infected (presumptively regressive and presumptively progressive infections). In Group 1, 370 FeLV-unexposed cats (370/440, 84%), 47 abortive infections (47/440, 11%), nine regressive infections (9/440, 2%), and two progressive infections (2/440, 0.5%) were identified, and 12 FeLV-uninfected cats (12/440, 3%) were unclassifiable as FeLV-unexposed or abortive infections due to insufficient samples available for NAb testing. In Groups 2 and 3, 31 FeLV-unexposed cats (31/89, 35%), eight abortive infections (8/89, 9%), 22 regressive infections (22/89; 25%), and 19 progressive infections (19/89; 21%) were discovered, and nine FeLV-uninfected cats (9/89; 10%) were unclassifiable due to insufficient samples available for NAb testing. One of the presumptively progressively-infected cats in Group 3 was likely a focal FeLV infection. Two other presumptively progressively-infected cats in Group 3 may have been classified as regressive infections with repeated testing, highlighting the difficulties associated with FeLV diagnosis when sampling cats at a single time point, even with results from a panel of FeLV tests. These results serve as a reminder to Australian veterinarians that the threat of FeLV to the general pet cat population remains high, thus vigilant FeLV testing, separate housing for FeLV-infected cats, and FeLV vaccination of at-risk cats is important, particularly in group-housed cats in shelters and rescue facilities, where outbreaks of FeLV infection can occur

    Hipertensión arterial: Fisiopatología y tratamiento

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    Centro Nacional de Información de Medicamentos (CIMED)La hipertensión arterial es un padecimiento crónico que se caracteriza por el aumento sostenido de la presión arterial. En la mayoría de los casos las causas de la hipertensión no son conocidas, este tipo de hipertensión se conoce como hipertensión arterial esencial; existe otro tipo de hipertensión arterial, la secundaria, es aquella donde hay una causa directa en el aumento de la presión sanguínea. La hipertensión arterial por lo general es asintomática, sin embargo, se reconocen ciertos síntomas como cefalea, mareos, palpitaciones e irritación. Esta enfermedad afecta a un grupo grande de la población mundial. Solo en Estados Unidos, cerca de 60 millones la padecen. En Costa Rica, la hipertensión es una enfermedad que afecta a un porcentaje significativo de su población. Aquí se abordará este padecimiento en dos partes: la primera describe la fisiopatología, su clasificación y los algoritmos más recientes sobre el tratamiento de esta enfermedad en pacientes, en general, así como también en los grupos de población especiales (diabéticos, niños, mujeres embarazadas); también, se presenta un recuento de los principales grupos de agentes terapéuticos, sus características farmacológicas, farmacocinéticas y otros aspectos relevantes. En la segunda parte, se presentan las monografías de los agentes terapéuticos, las cuales incluyen cuadros y tablas de fácil consulta en la farmacia. Controlar la hipertensión, tanto con terapia farmacológica como con medidas no farmacológicas (modificación en el estilo de vida), evita las complicaciones y permite aumentar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Por esto, es importante el conocimiento adecuado de la terapia integral, así como los mecanismos por los cuales se altera la presión arterial, con el fin de brindar un mejor consejo farmacéutico a los pacientes y a la población en general.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas (INIFAR

    Concepts émergents dans le référentiel de compétences CanMEDS pour les médecins

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    Background: The CanMEDS physician competency framework will be updated in 2025. The revision occurs during a time of disruption and transformation to society, healthcare, and medical education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and growing acknowledgement of the impacts of colonialism, systemic discrimination, climate change, and emerging technologies on healthcare and training. To inform this revision, we sought to identify emerging concepts in the literature related to physician competencies. Methods: Emerging concepts were defined as ideas discussed in the literature related to the roles and competencies of physicians that are absent or underrepresented in the 2015 CanMEDS framework. We conducted a literature scan, title and abstract review, and thematic analysis to identify emerging concepts. Metadata for all articles published in five medical education journals between October 1, 2018 and October 1, 2021 were extracted. Fifteen authors performed a title and abstract review to identify and label underrepresented concepts. Two authors thematically analyzed the results to identify emerging concepts. A member check was conducted. Results: 1017 of 4973 (20.5%) of the included articles discussed an emerging concept. The thematic analysis identified ten themes: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice; Anti-racism; Physician Humanism; Data-Informed Medicine; Complex Adaptive Systems; Clinical Learning Environment; Virtual Care; Clinical Reasoning; Adaptive Expertise; and Planetary Health. All themes were endorsed by the authorship team as emerging concepts. Conclusion: This literature scan identified ten emerging concepts to inform the 2025 revision of the CanMEDS physician competency framework. Open publication of this work will promote greater transparency in the revision process and support an ongoing dialogue on physician competence. Writing groups have been recruited to elaborate on each of the emerging concepts and how they could be further incorporated into CanMEDS 2025.Contexte : Le référentiel de compétences CanMEDS pour les médecins sera mis à jour en 2025. Cette révision intervient à un moment où la société, les soins de santé et l’enseignement médical sont bouleversés et en pleine mutation à cause de la pandémie de la COVID-19; on est aussi à l’heure où l’on reconnaît de plus en plus les effets du colonialisme, de la discrimination systémique, des changements climatiques et des nouvelles technologies sur les soins de santé et la formation des médecins. Pour éclairer cette révision, nous avons tenté d’extraire de la littérature scientifique les concepts émergents se rapportant aux compétences des médecins. Méthodes : Les concepts émergents ont été définis comme des idées ayant trait aux rôles et aux compétences des médecins qui sont débattues dans la littérature, mais qui sont absentes ou sous-représentées dans le cadre CanMEDS 2015. Nous avons réalisé une recherche documentaire, un examen des titres et des résumés, et une analyse thématique pour repérer les concepts émergents. Les métadonnées de tous les articles publiés dans cinq revues d’éducation médicale entre le 1er octobre 2018 et le 1er octobre 2021 ont été extraites. Quinze auteurs ont effectué un examen des titres et des résumés pour relever et étiqueter les concepts sous-représentés. Deux auteurs ont procédé à une analyse thématique des résultats pour dégager les concepts émergents. Une vérification a été faite par les membres de l’équipe. Résultats : Parmi les 4973 articles dépouillés, 1017 (20,5 %) abordaient un concept émergent. Les dix thèmes suivants sont ressortis de l’analyse thématique : l’équité, la diversité, l’inclusion et la justice sociale; l’antiracisme; humanisme des médecin; la médecine fondée sur les données; les systèmes adaptatifs complexes; l’environnement de l’apprentissage clinique; les soins virtuels; le raisonnement clinique; l’expertise adaptative; et la santé planétaire. L’ensemble de ces thèmes ont été approuvés comme concepts émergents par l’équipe de rédaction. Conclusion : Cet examen de la littérature a permis de relever dix concepts émergents qui peuvent servir à éclairer la révision du référentiel de compétences CanMEDS pour les médecins qui aura lieu en 2025. La publication en libre accès de ce travail favorisera la transparence du processus de révision et le dialogue continu sur les compétences des médecins. Des groupes de rédaction ont été recrutés pour développer chacun des concepts émergents et pour examiner la façon dont ils pourraient être intégrés dans la version du référentiel CanMEDS de 2025

    Screening Yield of HIV Antigen/Antibody Combination and Pooled HIV RNA Testing for Acute HIV Infection in a High-Prevalence Population

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    Although acute HIV infection contributes disproportionately to onward HIV transmission, HIV testing has not routinely included screening for acute HIV infection. To evaluate the performance of an HIV antigen/antibody (Ag/Ab) combination assay to detect acute HIV infection compared with pooled HIV RNA testing. Multisite, prospective, within-individual comparison study conducted between September 2011 and October 2013 in 7 sexually transmitted infection clinics and 5 community-based programs in New York, California, and North Carolina. Participants were 12 years or older and seeking HIV testing, without known HIV infection. All participants with a negative rapid HIV test result were screened for acute HIV infection with an HIV Ag/Ab combination assay (index test) and pooled human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) RNA testing. HIV RNA testing was the reference standard, with positive reference standard result defined as detectable HIV-1 RNA on an individual RNA test. Number and proportion with acute HIV infections detected. Among 86,836 participants with complete test results (median age, 29 years; 75.0% men; 51.8% men who have sex with men), established HIV infection was diagnosed in 1158 participants (1.33%) and acute HIV infection was diagnosed in 168 participants (0.19%). Acute HIV infection was detected in 134 participants with HIV Ag/Ab combination testing (0.15% [95% CI, 0.13%-0.18%]; sensitivity, 79.8% [95% CI, 72.9%-85.6%]; specificity, 99.9% [95% CI, 99.9%-99.9%]; positive predictive value, 59.0% [95% CI, 52.3%-65.5%]) and in 164 participants with pooled HIV RNA testing (0.19% [95% CI, 0.16%-0.22%]; sensitivity, 97.6% [95% CI, 94.0%-99.4%]; specificity, 100% [95% CI, 100%-100%]; positive predictive value, 96.5% [95% CI, 92.5%-98.7%]; sensitivity comparison, P < .001). Overall HIV Ag/Ab combination testing detected 82% of acute HIV infections detectable by pooled HIV RNA testing. Compared with rapid HIV testing alone, HIV Ag/Ab combination testing increased the relative HIV diagnostic yield (both established and acute HIV infections) by 10.4% (95% CI, 8.8%-12.2%) and pooled HIV RNA testing increased the relative HIV diagnostic yield by 12.4% (95% CI, 10.7%-14.3%). In a high-prevalence population, HIV screening using an HIV Ag/Ab combination assay following a negative rapid test detected 82% of acute HIV infections detectable by pooled HIV RNA testing, with a positive predictive value of 59%. Further research is needed to evaluate this strategy in lower-prevalence populations and in persons using preexposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention

    Children\u27s Sleep during COVID-19: How Sleep Influences Surviving and Thriving in Families

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    Objective The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to disrupt the lives of families and may have implications for children with existing sleep problems. As such, we aimed to: (1) characterize sleep changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in children who had previously been identified as having sleep problems, (2) identify factors contributing to sleep changes due to COVID-19 safety measures, and (3) understand parents and children s needs to support sleep during the pandemic. Methods Eighty-five Canadian parents with children aged 4 14 years participated in this explanatory sequential, mixed-methods study using an online survey of children s and parents sleep, with a subset of 16 parents, selected based on changes in their children s sleep, participating in semi-structured interviews. Families had previously participated in the Better Nights, Better Days (BNBD) randomized controlled trial. Results While some parents perceived their child s sleep quality improved during the COVID-19 pandemic (14.1%, n 12), many parents perceived their child s sleep had worsened (40.0%, n 34). Parents attributed children s worsened sleep to increased screen time, anxiety, and decreased exercise. Findings from semi-structured interviews highlighted the effect of disrupted routines on sleep and stress, and that stress reciprocally influenced children s and parents sleep. Conclusions The sleep of many Canadian children was affected by the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the disruption of routines influencing children s sleep. eHealth interventions, such as BNBD with modifications that address the COVID-19 context, could help families address these challenges
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