398 research outputs found

    Observations of Fire Behavior on a Grass Slope During a Wind Reversal

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    This experiment studied fire-atmospheric interactions and wildland fire behavior on a slope. A grass slope was instrumented with both in situ and remote instruments to record both meteorological conditions and the fire behavior. A headfire was lit and allowed to burn upslope through the instruments. The data collected were analyzed to determine the fire behavior, specifically fire spread (direction and rate) and flame characteristics (length, height, and angle). During the first several minutes of the experiment, fire behavior was as expected with an upslope rate of spread at 0.1 m s-1 and flame lengths between 1 m and 4 m. However, the rest of the fire burned much more slowly than expected with an upslope rate of spread of 0.02 m s-1 and flame lengths of only between 0.25 m and 2 m. Backing fire behavior was observed. Lidar analysis indicated that an upper level wind surfaced during the experiment and a wind reversal occurred. During the initial part of the fire the wind was 45 degrees from upslope, so the wind and slope were mostly in alignment. During the second part of the fire, the wind was downslope, so the wind and slope were in opposition. From this experiment, we can conclude that the wind speed and direction can overcome the influence of slope on fire behavior

    A Phenomenological Study of Introverted Leaders

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    Society is comprised of individuals with different personality types who are frequently referred to as extraverted or introverted. Research has suggested individuals fall somewhere along the continuum of extraversion to introversion. Based on statistics, introverts are thought to comprise between 33% to 50% of the greater population, but introverts only comprise 4% of the management teams leading companies. The literature has vast amounts of information about leadership and extraversion but limited information about introversion and leadership. From the literature, what is not clear is how the introspective tendencies of introverted leaders may influence the strategic planning, decision making, or other associated business practices of companies. Knowing how to study the impact introverted leaders may have on business practices begins with understanding how the introverted leaders experience the workplace. This phenomenological study was conducted to describe the experiences introverted leaders have of their work environments. The study involved recorded interviews with introverted leaders of companies. The transcribed interview videos were coded which led to the identification of four themes, which are received positive feedback, were quality focused, understood the importance of relationships, and had knowledge of others\u27 different expectations. Introverted leaders can use the findings from this study to initiate discussions about their experiences with their colleagues. Businesses and organizations can use the findings from this study to evaluate the range of potential characteristics that actual leaders possess regardless of the leaders\u27 personality type

    Consumer Learning to Promote Behavioral Intention Toward IT Innovation: Is Word of Mouth Needed?

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    Adoption of innovation is an on-going process involving persuasive communication and learning. However, the idea of marketing of IT innovation from consumer learning perspective has long been neglected. Based on consumer learning theory, we develop a model suggesting that word of mouth (WOM) stimulates individual consumers’ learning and in turn affect their intention to adopt mobile payment. Data about users and potential users of mobile payment was collected from China through a questionnaire survey. The results indicate that consumers first sense the WOM and obtain relevant information from the surrounding environment. Their information searching will affect their perceived knowledge and self-efficacy about mobile payment. Then attitude about mobile payment is formed, which in turn, affects their behavioral intention toward mobile payment. Differences of model path coefficients between users and potential users of mobile payment are explored, and implications and limitations are also discussed

    Knowledge Management and Churchman\u27s Inquirers: Evidence of Supporting Research

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    This paper examines current knowledge management research with respect to Churchman\u27s (1971) inquiring systems. Given that two of the most important constructs in knowledge management are knowledge creation and organizational learning, these systems should reflect the characteristics of inquiring systems as defined by Churchman (1971) and subsequently conceptualized by Mason and Mitroff (1973) and Hall, Paradice, and Courtney (2003), and should support inquiring organizations as conceptualized by Courtney, Croasdell, and Paradice (1998). This paper presents a case for using Churchman’s inquiring systems as a lens through which to view knowledge management research and examines extant research for areas appropriate for such a framework. Understanding Churchman’s inquirers and their characteristics may be critical to the direction and focus of future knowledge management research

    Early Identification of Technology Leaders in Organizations

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    Following the work of Spreitzer and colleagues in which they identified aspects of personality and skills necessary to make a successful executive, the authors of this study hope to explore what traits are shared between international executives (as used in Spreitzer’s study) and technology leaders of organizations. The authors will also attempt to discover traits or skills that would be equally important in determining an effective technology leader. Important traits have been documented in both practitioner and academic research and have been presented in the following paper. A Delphi study will be conducted to find if these traits truly capture the facets of the technology leader
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