868 research outputs found

    A new proportionality-based back-calculation approach, which employs traditional forms of growth equations, improves estimates of length at age

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    The performance of a new proportionality-based back-calculation approach, describing the relationship among length, otolith size, and age using traditional growth curves and assuming a bivariate distribution of deviations from those curves, was evaluated. Cross-validation was used for six teleost species to compare predictions of expected lengths or otolith sizes at age, given otolith size or length, respectively, with those of other proportionality-based approaches that incorporate age. For four species, and particularly Acanthopagrus butcheri when using a biological intercept, better estimates were produced using the new model than were produced using the regression equations in the other back-calculation approaches. Back-calculated lengths for A. butcheri estimated using this model were more consistent with observed lengths, particularly when employing a biological intercept, than those obtained using other proportionality-based approaches and also a constraint-based approach known to produce reliable estimates. By selecting somatic and otolith growth curves from a suite of alternatives to better describe the relationships among length, otolith size, and age, the new approach is likely to produce more reliable estimates of back-calculated length for other species

    Albert Samain

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    The study submitted under the title "Albert Samain" has as its object to give a general account of Samain's published writings, poetry and prose, to assess to the different parts of his work their relative merit, and in so doing to express an opinion upon the literary value of the poet's work. The study is divided into three sections, dealing respectively with the poems ("Au Jardin de l'Infante", "Aux Flancs du Vase", "Le Chariot d'r'" Poemes Inacheves); the "Contes"; and the two-act tragedy in verse, "Polypheme". A much more detailed examination lias been made of the "Contes" than of the other parts of Samainrs work, because they are relatively unknown, because little has been written about them, and because it seems to me that they constitute one of the finest parts of Samain's work. The section dealing with the poems is subdivided into a number of parts, in which Samain's various poetic styles are discussed (e.g., symbolist poems, elegiac love-poems, pseudo-Greek idylls) and in which some space is devoted to Samain's undoubted imitation of other writers; and the relative value of these poems written in various styles is indicated. The sections dealing with the "Contes" and "Polypheme" are subdivided alike under the headings Sources; Style; Psychology; Underlying Philosophy; and an effort has been made to show that in the two works the treatment of the subjects is essentially the same. In the course of the examination of the "Contes" I have endeavoured to justify my preference for them by concrete proofs of their beauties. In the short conclusion to the thesis, some judgment has been attempted upon the merits and the limitations of Samain's work considered as a whole.<p

    Operationalising a metric of nitrogen impacts on biodiversity for the UK response to a data request from the Coordination Centre for Effects

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    As a signatory party to the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP), the UK has been requested to provide biodiversity metrics for use in assessing impacts of atmospheric nitrogen (N) pollution. Models of soil and vegetation responses to N pollution can predict changes in habitat suitability for many plant and lichen species. Metrics are required to relate changes in a set of species to biodiversity targets. In a previous study, the suitability of the habitat for a set of positive indicator-species was found to be the measure, out of potential outputs from models currently applicable to the UK, which was most clearly related to the assessment methods of habitat specialists at the Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies (SNCBs). This report describes the calculation of values for a metric, based on this principle, for a set of example habitats under different N pollution scenarios. The examples are mainly from Natura-2000 sites, and are defined at EUNIS Level 3 (e.g. F4.1 Wet heath). Values for the biodiversity metric were shown to be greater on all sites in the “Background” scenario than in the scenario with greater N and S pollution, illustrating a positive response of biodiversity to reduced pollution. Results of the study were submitted in response to the ‘Call for Data 2012-14’ by the CLTRAP Co-ordination Centre for Effects (CCE), and presented at the 24th CCE Workshop in April 2014. Metrics calculated on a similar basis were also presented by the Netherlands, Switzerland and Denmark. Such metrics indicate biodiversity status more accurately than other types of metric such as Simpson index or similarity to a reference community, so it was decided to adopt habitat-suitability for positive indicator-species as a common basis for a biodiversity metric in this context. Further work is needed to determine the typical range of metric values in different habitats, and threshold values for damage and recovery. Requirements are likely to be specified in detail in the next CCE Call for Data. The current study shows that a biodiversity metric based on habitat-suitability for positive indicator-species is a useful and responsive method for summarising outputs of models of air pollution impacts on ecosystems

    Meta-transcriptomic discovery of a divergent circovirus and a chaphamaparvovirus in captive reptiles with proliferative respiratory syndrome

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    Viral pathogens are being increasingly described in association with mass morbidity and mortality events in reptiles. However, our knowledge of reptile viruses remains limited. Herein, we describe the meta-transcriptomic investigation of a mass morbidity and mortality event in a colony of central bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) in 2014. Severe, extensive proliferation of the respiratory epithelium was consistently found in affected dragons. Similar proliferative lung lesions were identified in bearded dragons from the same colony in 2020 in association with increased intermittent mortality. Total RNA sequencing identified two divergent DNA viruses: a reptile-infecting circovirus, denoted bearded dragon circovirus (BDCV), and the first exogeneous reptilian chaphamaparvovirus—bearded dragon chaphamaparvovirus (BDchPV). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that BDCV was most closely related to bat-associated circoviruses, exhibiting 70% amino acid sequence identity in the Replicase (Rep) protein. In contrast, in the nonstructural (NS) protein, the newly discovered BDchPV showed approximately 31%–35% identity to parvoviruses obtained from tilapia fish and crocodiles in China. Subsequent specific PCR assays revealed BDCV and BDchPV in both diseased and apparently normal captive reptiles, although only BDCV was found in those animals with proliferative pulmonary lesions and respiratory disease. This study expands our understanding of viral diversity in captive reptiles

    Anomalous Superconducting Properties and Field Induced Magnetism in CeCoIn5

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    In the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 (Tc=2.3K) the critical field is large, anisotropic and displays hysteresis. The magnitude of the critical-field anisotropy in the a-c plane can be as large as 70 kOe and depends on orientation. Critical field measurements in the (110) plane suggest 2D superconductivity, whereas conventional effective mass anisotropy is observed in the (100) plane. Two distinct field-induced magnetic phases are observed: Ha appears deep in the superconducting phase, while Hb intersects Hc2 at T=1.4 K and extends well above Tc. These observations suggest the possible realization of a direct transition from ferromagnetism to Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity in CeCoIn5.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Power, norms and institutional change in the European Union: the protection of the free movement of goods

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    How do institutions of the European Union change? Using an institutionalist approach, this article highlights the interplay between power, cognitive limits, and the normative order that underpins institutional settings and assesses their impact upon the process of institutional change. Empirical evidence from recent attempts to reinforce the protection of the free movement of goods in the EU suggests that, under conditions of uncertainty, actors with ambiguous preferences assess attempts at institutional change on the basis of the historically defined normative order which holds a given institutional structure together. Hence, path dependent and incremental change occurs even when more ambitious and functionally superior proposals are on offer

    Cross Section Measurements of Charged Pion Photoproduction in Hydrogen and Deuterium from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV

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    The differential cross section for the gamma +n --> pi- + p and the gamma + p --> pi+ n processes were measured at Jefferson Lab. The photon energies ranged from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV, corresponding to center-of-mass energies from 1.7 to 3.4 GeV. The pion center-of-mass angles varied from 50 degree to 110 degree. The pi- and pi+ photoproduction data both exhibit a global scaling behavior at high energies and high transverse momenta, consistent with the constituent counting rule prediction and the existing pi+ data. The data suggest possible substructure of the scaling behavior, which might be oscillations around the scaling value. The data show an enhancement in the scaled cross section at center-of-mass energy near 2.2 GeV. The differential cross section ratios at high energies and high transverse momenta can be described by calculations based on one-hard-gluon-exchange diagrams.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figure

    The Relationship Between the Extent of Indentation and Impact Damage in Carbon-Fibre Reinforced-Plastic Composites after a Low-Velocity Impact

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    The present paper investigates the low-velocity impact behaviour of carbon-fibre reinforced-plastic (CFRP) composite panels and the damage incurred when they are subjected to a single impact. The relationship between the depth of permanent surface indentation that results and the associated area of interlaminar delamination damage is investigated for two different thicknesses of composite panels. In particular, the delamination damage area increases with impact energy for both thicknesses of composite panel that were studied. Likewise, the indentation depth also increases with increasing impact energy, again for both thicknesses of CFRP panels. It is shown that the indentation depth, at the centre of the indentation, may be used to provide an indication of the extent of delamination damage within the CFRP panel after impact. Indeed, from plotting the indentation depth versus the interlaminar delamination normalised by the thickness of the panel area there is shown to be a unique 'master' relationship, with a positive intercept indicating that the indentation damage seems to result before delamination damage initiates. Thus, for both thicknesses of CFRP panels, it is suggested that the indentation process is a precursor to interlaminar delamination damage

    Modelling the effects of patch-plug configuration on the impact performance of patch-repaired composite laminates

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    The patch-plug configuration has been widely used to repair composite structures and restore the structural integrity of damaged composites. In the present research, single-sided CFRP patch-repaired panels, with different patch-plug configurations, are prepared. This is where a circular-shaped damaged area has been removed and a CFRP patch has been adhesively-bonded onto the panel. In some cases, a CFRP plug is inserted into the hole, caused by removal of the damaged area, before the patch is applied. Such patch-repaired panels, and the pristine CFRP panel, are subjected to a low-velocity impact at an energy of 7.5 J. These impacted pristine and repaired panels are then examined using ultrasonic C-scan and optical microscopy to inspect the impact-associated permanent indentation, interlaminar and intralaminar damage. A finite element analysis (FEA) model, which significantly extends a previously validated elastic-plastic (E-P) numerical damage model, has been developed to predict the impact behaviour of the pristine CFRP panel and the various designs of patch-repaired CFRP panels. The comparison between the experimental and numerical results for all the studied cases shows the maximum deviations for the loading response and the damage area are 12% and 15%, respectively. The good agreement between the experimentally-measured impact properties and those predicted using the numerical model demonstrates that the model is a useful design tool

    Experimental and numerical investigations on the impact behaviour of pristine and patch-repaired composite laminates

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    The present paper investigates the impact behaviour of both pristine carbon-fibre-reinforced-plastic (CFRP) composite laminates and repaired CFRP laminates. For the patch-repaired CFRP specimen, the pristine CFRP panel specimen has been damaged by cutting out a central disc of the CFRP material and then repaired using an adhesively bonded patch of CFRP to cover the hole. Drop-weight, impact tests are performed on these two types of specimens and a numerical elastic-plastic, three-dimensional damage model is developed and employed to simulate the impact behaviour of both types of specimen. This numerical model is meso-scale in nature and assumes that cracks initiate in the CFRP at a nano-scale, in the matrix around fibres, and trigger sub-micrometre intralaminar matrix cracks during the impact event. These localized regions of intralaminar cracking then lead to interlaminar, i.e. delamination, cracking between the neighbouring plies which possess different fibre orientations. These meso-scale, intralaminar and interlaminar, damage processes are modelled using the numerical finite-element analysis model with each individual ply treated as a continuum. Good agreement is found between the results from the experimental studies and the predictions from the numerical simulations. This article is part of the theme issue 'Nanocracks in nature and industry'
