184 research outputs found

    Saugi liposukcija: klinikinis atvejis ir literatūros apžvalga

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    Introduction. Liposuction is one of the most popular aesthetic surgical procedures. Liposuction is associated with weight loss, but the primary significance of this operation is body lines contouring. According to US plastic surgery statistics for 2018, liposuction surgery was ranked in the top five of cosmetic surgical procedures, and the most common area of suction in the body was the abdomen. One of the most difficult complications after this procedure is perforation of the small or large intestine, with a frequency of 0.014%. In order to avoid this complication, a comprehensive pre-operative, post-operative examination of the patient and ensuring the safety of the operation are important. We presenting a complicated clinical case of liposuction and literature review. Presentation of case report. In July 2019, a 49-year-old patient underwent surgery by plastic surgeons. Abdominal liposuction surgery was performed. On the first postoperative day, the patient complained of diffuse abdominal pain (VAS 7–8 points), but there were no clinical signs of peritonitis. The patient underwent urgent surgery following the development of a clinical picture of sepsis and peritonitis due to tomography. The operation started with diagnostic laparoscopy. On the left side of the abdominal wall, 4–5 mm abdominal wall defects were observed, and the intestinal cavity was rich in intestinal contents. No obvious injuries to the small intestine, colon or other abdominal organs were observed during laparoscopy. Therefore, a laparotomy was performed, during which two perforations of the small intestine were found and sutured. The postoperative period was smooth, with the patient discharged home after 11 bed days. Conclusions. Intestinal perforation after liposuction is a rare but dangerous complication. Although bowel injury is one of the most severe complications. Prevention is possible starting with a detailed clinical examination of the patient in the preoperative period. The postoperative period should be particularly important in light of the patient’s complaints and clinical symptoms. The presented clinical case shows what a complication of abdominal liposuction can be threatening and how important its early diagnosis and vigilance are.Įvadas. Riebalų nusiurbimo operacija, arba liposukcija, yra viena iš populiariausių estetinių chirurginių procedūrų. Ši procedūra neretai sietina su kūno svorio mažinimu, tačiau pirminė operacijos reikšmė – kūno linijų kontūravimas. 2018 m. JAV plastinės chirurgijos statistiniais duomenimis, liposukcijos operacijos patenka į populiariausių kosmetinių chirurginių procedūrų penketuką, o riebalai dažniausiai siurbiami nuo pilvo srities. Viena iš galimų sunkiausių komplikacijų po šios procedūros yra plonosios ar gaubtinės žarnos perforacija (komplikacijų dažnis siekia 0,014 proc.). Siekiant šios komplikacijos išvengti, svarbu ne tik užtikrinti operacijos saugumą, bet ir visapusiškai ištirti pacientą prieš operaciją bei stebėti atlikus operaciją. Straipsnyje pristatomas komplikuotos liposukcijos – plonosios žarnos perforacijos – klinikinis atvejis ir pateikiama analizuojamos srities literatūros apžvalga. Klinikinis atvejis. 2019 m. liepos mėn. plastinės chirurgijos gydytojai operavo 49 m. pacientę. Atlikta juosmens ir pilvo srities riebalų nusiurbimo operacija. Pirmą pooperacinę parą pacientė skundėsi difuziniu pilvo skausmu (VAS 7–8 balai), tačiau kliniškai peritonito požymių nebuvo pastebėta. Vėliau išryškėjo specifinis sepsio klinikinis vaizdas ir, kompiuterine tomografija nustačius peritonitą, pacientė skubiai operuota. Operacija pradėta nuo diagnostinės laparoskopijos. Kairėje pilvo sienos pusėje buvo matyti 4–5 mm pilvo sienos defektų, pilvo ertmėje buvo gausu žarnų turinio. Akivaizdžių plonosios ar gaubtinės žarnos ar kitų pilvo ertmės organų sužalojimų laparoskopijos metu nepastebėta, todėl atlikta laparotomija, kurios metu rastos dvi perforacinės plonosios žarnos angos, jos užsiūtos. Pooperacinis laikotarpis buvo sklandus, po 11 lovadienių pacientė išleista iš ligoninės. Išvados. Žarnų perforacija po liposukcijos yra reta, tačiau grėsminga komplikacija. Žarnos pažeidimas yra viena iš sunkiausių komplikacijų, tačiau prevencija įmanoma. Pirmiausia, būtina detaliai kliniškai ištirti pacientą prieš atliekant operaciją. Pooperaciniu laikotarpiu ypač svarbu atsižvelgti į paciento nusiskundimus ir klinikinius simptomus. Aptartas klinikinis atvejis iliustruoja, kokia grėsminga gali būti pilvo liposukcijos komplikacija ir koks svarbus yra gydytojo budrumas bei ankstyvoji komplikacijos diagnostika

    Demokratik Halk Partisi program ve tüzüğü

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    De inloopkamer civiel in de praktijk

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    Oral Culture and Âşik (Troubadour) Veysel

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    DergiPark: 326060trakyasobedBu çalışmada Âşık Veysel ve şiirleri sözlü kültür çerçevesinde ele alınıp incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla önce sözlü kültürün temel özellikleri “hafıza”, “şiir” ve “müzik” bağlamında tartışılmış, buna bağlı olarak sözlü kültürün zihinsel işleyişe etkisi “eleştiri” kavramı üzerinden gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ardından Âşık Veysel’in içinde yetiştiği kültürel ortam hakkında bilgiler verilmiş ve bu ortamın sözlü kültürle olan bağlantısına dikkat çekilmiştir. Bir sonraki bölümde ise Âşık Veysel hakkında sözlü kültürün temel özellikleri göz önünde bulundurularak kimi tespitler yapılmış ve Türkiye’de Âşık Veysel hakkında yapılan çalışmalar eleştirel bir değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. Son olarak da bu makalede ortaya koyulan çerçeveye dayanılarak Âşık Veysel’le ilgili birçok önyargı ve yanlış anlamanın kolaylıkla düzeltilebileceği ileri sürülmüştürIn this study, Âşık (Troubadour) Veysel and his poems are studied in the context of oral culture. For this purpose, firstly the basic properties of oral culture are discussed through the concepts of “memory”, “poem” and “music”. In accordance with the mentioned purpose, the impact of oral culture on the human mind is shown via the concept of “critique”. Furthermore, some essential information is given about the cultural environment in which Âşık Veysel grew up and its connection to the oral culture is discussed. In the next section, some considerations are made on Âşık Veysel by examining the basic properties of oral culture, and thus the works that are written on him are discussed critically. Lastly, it has been suggested that on the basis of the general framework stated in this study, most of the misunderstandings and prejudgments can easily be solve


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    (Untangling) The History Of PR: Propaganda Relations

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    For a bit of background, I had the honor of taking an elective with one of our most distinguished teachers, Dr. Wesley Kirkpatrick, during my senior year of high school. This course was simply titled, Shoah, which is translated to The Holocaust in Hebrew. This course was one of the most eye-opening and rewarding experiences of my life since it strengthened my fervor for studying history. Dr. Kirkpatrick made it a strict point that we were to watch the Shoah documentary in its entirety, which is roughly nine hours long. When advisors and family members asked me about my thesis sophomore year, I knew that I wanted to combine my public relations major with my interest in World War II. This is how (Untangling) The History of PR: Propaganda Relations was born; although it did not happen overnight, I knew that discussing propaganda history and how it ties into modern times with social media was a solid first step. The remainder of this paper will showcase the creative process I took while creating this podcast and its website. I decided to take the creative route regarding this thesis since history and propaganda deserve to be discussed in public, accessibly, and with the potential to reach a wider audience, rather than merely written in an Honors thesis downloaded by very few. This artist statement is meant to contextualize and clarify the process, intentions, and goals of this Honors thesis, which is represented in the voices, conversations, references, and reflections of myself and the experts I interviewed. It points to the artistic creation that resulted from this project, which is the interactive podcast and website that I will discuss in great length below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FirfB4jSK8Y&feature=youtu.b