19 research outputs found

    The impact of boundary layer height on air pollution concentrations in London – early results from the ClearfLo project.

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    The ClearfLo projects aims to understand the processes generating pollutants like ozone, NOx and particulate matter and their interaction with the urban atmospheric boundary layer. ClearfLo (www.clearflo.ac.uk) is a large multi-institution NERC-funded project that is establishing integrated measurements of the meteorology, composition and particulate loading of London’s urban atmosphere, complemented by an ambitious modeling programme. The project established a new long-term measurement infrastructure in London encompassing measurement capabilities at street level and at elevated sites. These measurements were accompanied by high resolution mod- eling with the UK Met Office Unified model and WRF. This combined measuring/modelling approach enables us to identify the seasonal cycle in the meteorology and composition, together with the controlling processes. Two intensive observation periods in January/February 2012 and during the Olympics in summer 2012 measured London’s atmosphere with higher level of detail. Data from these IOPs will enable us (i) to determine the vertical structure and evolution of the urban atmosphere (ii) to determine the chemical controls on ozone production, particularly the role of biogenic emissions and (iii) to determine the processes controlling the evolution of the size,distribution and composition of particulate matter. We present results from the wintertime IOP in London focusing on a wintertime pollution episode during January 2012. We compare measured concentrations from top of BT Tower in central London with rural background measurements and determine the processes leading to the urban increment in pollutant concentrations. Therefore, we combine high-resolution simulations with the Met Office Unified Model for London and mixing layer heights derived from lidar measurements with air quality measurements in central London in order to quantify the role the boundary layer depth plays for London’s concentrations

    Sources and contributions of wood smoke during winter in London: Assessing local and regional influences

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    Determining the contribution of wood smoke to air pollution in large cities such as London is becoming increasingly important due to the changing nature of domestic heating in urban areas. During winter, biomass burning emissions have been identified as a major cause of exceedances of European air quality limits. The aim of this work was to quantify the contribution of biomass burning in London to concentrations of PM2:5 and determine whether local emissions or regional contributions were the main source of biomass smoke. To achieve this, a number of biomass burning chemical tracers were analysed at a site within central London and two sites in surrounding rural areas. Concentrations of levoglucosan, elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC) and KC were generally well correlated across the three sites. At all the sites, biomass burning was found to be a source of OC and EC, with the largest contribution of EC from traffic emissions, while for OC the dominant fraction included contributions from secondary organic aerosols, primary biogenic and cooking sources. Source apportionment of the EC and OC was found to give reasonable estimation of the total carbon from non-fossil and fossil fuel sources based upon comparison with estimates derived from 14C analysis. Aethalometer-derived black carbon data were also apportioned into the contributions frombiomass burning and traffic and showed trends similar to those observed for EC. Mean wood smoke mass at the sites was estimated to range from 0.78 to 1.0 μgm-3 during the campaign in January–February 2012. Measurements on a 160m tower in London suggested a similar ratio of brown to black carbon (reflecting wood burning and traffic respectively) in regional and London air. Peaks in the levoglucosan and KC concentrations were observed to coincide with low ambient temperature, consistent with domestic heating as a major contributing local source in London. Overall, the source of biomass smoke in London was concluded to be a background regional source overlaid by contributions from local domestic burning emissions. This could have implications when considering future emission control strategies during winter and may be the focus of future work in order to better determine the contributing local sources

    Temporal evolution of the main processes that control indoor pollution in an office microenvironment: A case study

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    The aim of this study is to examine the relative contribution of the outdoor concentration, the ventilation rate, the geometric characteristics of the indoor environment (i.e., extent of indoor surfaces and indoor volume), the deposition, and chemical reactions to the indoor air quality of the office microenvironment. For this case study, the NO, NO2, and O3 concentrations indoors and outdoors and TVOCs and CO2 concentrations indoors were measured in an office microenvironment in Athens, Greece, that was ventilated both naturally and mechanically. The calculated ventilation and loss rates and the measured outdoor concentrations of NO, NO2, and O 3 were set as input to Multi-chamber Indoor Air Quality Model in order to study the temporal variation of the indoor NO, NO2, and O3 concentrations. Results showed that when the ventilation rate and outdoor concentration are high, the relative contribution of the transport process contributes significantly, while the chemical process depends on the contemporary interplay between the indoor O3, NO, and NO2 concentrations and lighting levels. The significance of each process was further examined by performing sensitivity tests, and it was found that the most important parameters were the deposition velocities, the UV infiltration rates (which determines the indoor chemical reaction rates), the ventilation rates, and the filtration (when a mechanical ventilation system is used). The effect of the hydrocarbon chemistry was not significant. © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009

    On the estimation of characteristic indoor air quality parameters using analytical and numerical methods

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    Indoor exposure to air contaminants penetrating from the outdoor environment depends on a number of key processes and parameters such as the ventilation rate, the geometric characteristics of the indoor environment, the outdoor concentration and the indoor removal mechanisms. In this study two alternative methods are used, an analytical and a numerical one, in order to study the time lag and the reduction of the variances of the indoor concentrations, and to estimate the deposition rate of the air contaminants in the indoor environment employing both indoor and outdoor measurements of air contaminants. The analytical method is based on a solution of the mass balance equation involving an outdoor concentration pulse which varies sinusoidally with the time, while the numerical method involves the application of the MIAQ indoor air quality model assuming a triangular pulse. The ratio of the fluctuation of the indoor concentrations to the outdoor ones and the time lag were estimated for different values of the deposition velocity, the ventilation rate and the duration of the outdoor pulse. Results have showed that the time lag between the indoor and outdoor concentrations is inversely proportional to the deposition and ventilation rates, while is proportional to the duration of the outdoor pulse. The decrease of the ventilation and the deposition rate results in a rapid decrement of the variance ratio of indoor to outdoor concentrations and to an increment of the variance ratio, respectively. The methods presented here can be applied for gaseous species as well as for particulate matter. The nomograms and theoretical relationships that resulted from the simulation results and the analytical methods respectively were used in order to study indoor air phenomena. In particular they were used for the estimation of SO2 deposition rate. Implications of the studied parameters to exposure studies were estimated by calculating the ratio of the indoor exposure to the exposure outdoors. Limitations of the methods were explored by testing various scenarios which are usually met in the indoor environment. Strong indoor emissions, intense chemistry and varying ventilation rates (opening and closing of the windows) were found to radically influence the time lag and fluctuation ratios. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    On the estimation of characteristic indoor air quality parameters using analytical and numerical methods

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    Indoor exposure to air contaminants penetrating from the outdoor environment depends on a number of key processes and parameters such as the ventilation rate, the geometric characteristics of the indoor environment, the outdoor concentration and the indoor removal mechanisms. In this study two alternative methods are used, an analytical and a numerical one, in order to study the time lag and the reduction of the variances of the indoor concentrations, and to estimate the deposition rate of the air contaminants in the indoor environment employing both indoor and outdoor measurements of air contaminants. The analytical method is based on a solution of the mass balance equation involving an outdoor concentration pulse which varies sinusoidally with the time, while the numerical method involves the application of the MIAQ indoor air quality model assuming a triangular pulse. The ratio of the fluctuation of the indoor concentrations to the outdoor ones and the time lag were estimated for different values of the deposition velocity, the ventilation rate and the duration of the outdoor pulse. Results have showed that the time lag between the indoor and outdoor concentrations is inversely proportional to the deposition and ventilation rates, while is proportional to the duration of the outdoor pulse. The decrease of the ventilation and the deposition rate results in a rapid decrement of the variance ratio of indoor to outdoor concentrations and to an increment of the variance ratio, respectively. The methods presented here can be applied for gaseous species as well as for particulate matter. The nomograms and theoretical relationships that resulted from the simulation results and the analytical methods respectively were used in order to study indoor air phenomena. In particular they were used for the estimation of SO2 deposition rate. Implications of the studied parameters to exposure studies were estimated by calculating the ratio of the indoor exposure to the exposure outdoors. Limitations of the methods were explored by testing various scenarios which are usually met in the indoor environment. Strong indoor emissions, intense chemistry and varying ventilation rates (opening and closing of the windows) were found to radically influence the time lag and fluctuation ratios. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Studying geometric structures in meso-scale flows

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    Geometric shapes of coherent structures such as ramp or cliff like signals, step changes and waves, are commonly observed in meteorological temporal series and dominate the turbulent energy and mass exchange between the atmospheric surface layer and the layers above, and also relate with low-dimensional chaotic systems. In this work a simple linear technique to extract geometrical shapes has been applied at a dataset which was obtained at a location experiencing a number of different mesoscale modes. It was found that the temperature field appears much better organized than the wind field, and that cliff-ramp structures are dominant in the temperature time series. The occurrence of structural shapes was related with the dominant flow patterns and the status of the flow field. Temperature positive cliff-ramps and ramp-cliffs appear mainly during night time and under weak flow field, while temperature step and sine structures do not show a clear preference for the period of day, flow or temperature pattern. Uniformly stable, weak flow conditions dominate across all the wind speed structures. A detailed analysis of the flow field during two case studies revealed that structural shapes might be part of larger flow structures, such as a sea-breeze front or down-slope winds. During stagnant conditions structural shapes that were associated with deceleration of the flow were observed, whilst during ventilation conditions shapes related with the acceleration of the flow. © 2014 Halios, Helmis and Asimakopoulos

    Studying the effect of indoor sources and ventilation on the concentrations of particulates in dining halls

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    The impact of ventilation on indoor particulate pollution is highlighted by numerous studies. The aim of the present study is to examine the influence of ventilation on the levels of particulate concentrations found in dining halls where a large number of students are accommodated. Indoor particulate sources were also quantified and their influence on the particulate concentrations was examined. Measurements were conducted in four University dining halls, which are located in different parts of the city of Athens. Indoor and outdoor CO 2, PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations along with the number of occupants and smokers were measured in each dining hall during the accommodation of the students. Measurements were repeated for five working days in each dining hall. Ventilation rates were estimated by applying a methodology that involves the solution of the mass balance equation for the CO2 concentrations. The indoor particulate production rates were estimated by performing consecutive numerical experiments with the Multi Chamber Indoor Air Quality Model (MIAQ). Median CO2 concentrations ranged between 1043 μg m-3 and 1590 μg m -3 and ventilation rates ranged between 0.58 h-1 and 5.15 h-1. The respective values for PM1 ranged between 8.6 μg m-3 and 22 μg m-3, for PM2.5 between 17 μg m-3 and 60 μg m-3 and for PM10 between 24 μg m-3 and 78 μg m-3. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the log transformed ventilation rates and the PM10 concentrations were found to be -0.6. Median values of the total production rates were found to range between 100 μg min-1 and 5500 μg min-1 and are highly correlated with the number of occupants (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.86). Examination of the origin of the particulate sources indicated that, in the majority of cases, re-suspension is more significant than combustion sources. Significant short-term variation (one hour time interval) of the various sources was also observed. Even though the production rates were significantly elevated, the measured particulate concentrations were moderate due to the high air change rates obtained. These findings support the results of other studies that highlight the significance of ventilation in environments where indoor sources are prominent

    An experimental study of the indoor air quality in areas of different use

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    The purpose of the present work was to study experimentally the indoor air quality status regarding PM10, PM2.5, TVOCs, CO2, NOx, SO2 and O3 in selected differently used areas. A flat on the third floor of a multi-storey building, located at a suburban area north-east of the centre of Athens and close to a heavily trafficked road and two offices of the Environmental Physics Department building at the University campus, in a suburban area were selected for the purpose of the measurements. The experimental campaigns covered several days in each area in order to include different indoor conditions and outdoor concentration levels. Total VOCs and CO2 were measured on a continuous basis at selected locations only in the indoor environment with two sets of portable samplers. Indoor and outdoor NOx, SO2 and O3 were measured with analysers. PM10 and PM2.5 24 hour averaged measurements were taken with the aid of two sets of indoor particle samplers. Experimental results obtained from Offices 1 and 2 indicate that the indoor air quality in both offices is satisfactory with respect to NOx, SO2 and O3. PM10 concentrations are well above the specified limits on days of smoking or closure of windows in both offices. The indoor air quality in Office 1 seems satisfactory with respect to CO2 and total VOCs concentrations measured, even on days when smoking was taking place and windows were kept closed while all occupants were present. In Office 2, both CO2 and total VOCs concentrations are elevated, even on days when the windows were open or smoking was not taking place, but do not exceed the specified limits, indicating poor air renewal. Experimental data obtained from the residence indicate firstly that NOx, SO2 and O3 concentrations in the indoor environment depend directly on the outdoor levels as they presented the same diurnal variation, while the indoor values were lower than the outdoor ones. Surprisingly enough, the total VOCs concentrations in the living room presented high values when windows were kept open indicating strong presence of outdoor sources. Furthermore, activities such as cooking, cleaning, smoking and use of indoor air fresheners further increased the total VOCs levels. Regarding CO2 concentrations, they were almost constant indicating acceptable but not satisfactory renewal of the indoor air. Finally, PM10 concentration measurements were most of the time below the specified limits, with some exceptions mainly related to window opening and cooking. © 2008 Global NEST Printed in Greece. All rights reserved