2,673 research outputs found

    Numerical integration of coupled Korteweg-de Vries System

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    We introduce a numerical method for general coupled Korteweg-de Vries systems. The scheme is valid for solving Cauchy problems for arbitrary number of equations with arbitrary constant coefficients. The numerical scheme takes its legality by proving its stability and convergence which gives the conditions and the appropriate choice of the grid sizes. The method is applied to Hirota-Satsuma (HS) system and compared with its known explicit solution investigating the influence of initial conditions and grid sizes on accuracy. We also illustrate the method to show the effects of constants with a transition to non-integrable cases.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Tindakan terhadap Perilaku Pemanfaatan Alat Kontrasepsi Pria pada Tenaga Pendidik dan Kependidikan di Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari Tahun 2016

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    Masalah kependudukan merupakan masalah yang dihadapi oleh semua Negara termasuk Indonesia.Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) melakukanpenekanan jumlah angka kelahiran dengan pengelolaan dan pelaksaan program Keluarga Berencana (KB).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan alat kontrasepsi pria pada tenaga pendidik dankependidikan di Universitas Halu Oleo Tahun 2016 ditinjau dari pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan. Jenispenelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan Rancangan Cross SentionalStudy. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan pria usia subur yangberkerja di Universitas Halu Oleo yang berjumlah 600 orang. Jumlah besar sampel dalam penelitian inisebanyak 86 orang yang diambil secara simpel random sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel secara acaksederhana, sedangkan untuk menentukan besar sampel mengunakan rumus sloving. Hasil penelitianmenunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan dengan perilaku pemanfaatanalat kontrasepsi pria pada tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan di Universitas Halu Oleo Kota Kendari tahun 2016dengan pengetahuan nilai ρvalue(0,026)< (0,05.), sikap nilai ρvalue(0,014)< (0,05.), dan tindakan nilai ρvalue(0,039)< (0,05.)

    Effects of choice feeding a completed feed and corn on the performance of broilers

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    Poultry feeding systems are likely to change for increased efficiency of production. An experiment was conducted to compare the response of broilers to choice feeding of corn with a standard broiler ration. The treatments consisted of providing broiler feed as the only feed (SINGLE FEED) and access to corn as a choice to a complete broiler feed (CHOICE FEEDING). Weights and feed consumption were obtained at weekly intervals. Samples at the conclusion of the experiment were taken to determine the weight of abdominal fat. Results showed that there was no significant difference in term of liveweight between the two feeding regimes. However, birds given a choice of the broiler feed and corn had better feed efficiency which is reflected by the lower total feed intake. Corn intake was 23.1% of total feed intake in the choice fed birds. In term of carcass colour, birds fed corn as a choice was observed to have a deeper yellow skin colour than the birds fed with broiler feed only

    Superconducting YBCO and BSCCO thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition and post annealing / Jannah A. N. and Halim S. A.

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    The YBCO and BSCCO superconducting thin films have been grown on MgO (100) by pulsed laser deposition from a sintered YBa2Cu3Oy and Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy target. Post annealing after deposition at 850OC in 30 minutes resulted in BSCCO superconducting films with zero resistance at 52 K. YBCO film annealed for 2 hours is non-superconducting but it is improved by increasing the time to 4 hours and 5 hours at 920OC . X-Ray diffraction pattern shows a predominance of 001 peaks for BSCCO film and no improvement of crystallinity after annealed for YBCO film

    Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Uang Komite Menggunakan Borland Delphi 7 pada SMA Negeri 5 Kota Ternate

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    Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan akuntabilitas, pengendalian internal dan keamanan pengelolaan uang komite dengan mengurangi subyektifitas personal yang melaksanakan pencatatan dan membatasi kesalaan pencatatan. Untuk dapat mengurangi subyektifitas personal dalam pencatatan dan membatasi kesalahan pencatatan dapat dilakukan dengan sistem pencatatan yang terkomputerisasi, SMA Negeri 5 Kota Ternate merupakan salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) yang ada di Maluku Utara khususnya di Kota Ternate, dalam proses pengelolaan uang komite masih manual dan belum terkomputerisasi dimana proses pencatatan pengelolaan uang komite yang dicatat pada buku, buku merupakan media yang mudah rusak sehingga data yang ditulis pada buku tersebut bisa hilang dan terhapus, sehingga di anggap kurang efektif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada SMA Negeri 5 Kota Ternate, Sistem ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah pegawai untuk melakukan pengelolaan uang komite siswa secara terkomputerisasi serta meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pada Siswa di SMA Negeri 5 Kota Ternat

    Views Husband\u27s Wife Worked In Desapetapahan Jaya Kecamatan Tapungkabupaten Kampar

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    This study entitled “Views on Wife Husband Work in DesaPetapahan Jaya Kecamatan TapungKabupaten Kampar”. This research was conducted in DesaPetapahan Jaya Kecamatan TapungKabupaten Kampar. The purpose of this study was to determine why the wife works full-time in DesaPetapahan Jaya Kecamatan TapungKabupaten Kampar. Topics focus of this research was how the wife of the husband who worked full-time in DesaPetapahan Jaya Kecamatan TapungKabupaten Kampar. Object Research is a married couple who worked as many as five pairs of husband and wife in DesaPetapahan Jaya Kecamatan TapungKabupaten Kampar”. The author uses qualitative descriptive method and the data were analyzed quantitatively and using the technique of taking Puspoive sampling. Instruments Data were observation, interviews and documentation. Research conducted in Desa Petapahan Jaya Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kampar Regarding the views Husband Wife Works produces analysis or research results as follows:Husband and wife assume very negligent in caring for the purposes of her husband and children. The wife often overlook some quality time with her husband and her children because they are busy with routine work that can not be tolerated by the husband, wife thought that the husband becomes just like status in a course of their marriage. Because liabilities, functions and roles of the wife is not working as it should, harshness wife\u27s desire to keep working often led to keretaka relationship between them. Often large families were subjected to the conflict between husband and wife