104 research outputs found


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    Abstract   The decrease of muscle mass and strength in elderly people will affect the functional capacity and increase the risk of sarcopenia. One factor that can affect the loss of muscle mass and strength in elderly is the decrease in nutrition intake i.e macronutrient especially protein and branched chain amino acids (BCAA). Therefore, elderly people need greater protein and BCAA intakes compare to younger adult to support good health and prevent the progressive decline in muscle mass and strength due to aging process. Keywords: protein intake, branched chain amino acids intake, muscle strength     Abstrak   Pada lanjut usia (lansia) terjadi penurunan massa dan kekuatan otot yang memengaruhi kapasitas fungsional sehingga meningkatkan risiko sarkopenia. Salah satu faktor yang dinilai dapat memengaruhi penurunan massa dan kekuatan otot pada lansia adalah menurunnya asupan protein dan asam amino rantai cabang (AARC). Oleh sebab itu lansia membutuhkan asupan protein dan AARC yang lebih besar daripada dewasa muda untuk mendukung kesehatan yang baik dan mencegah penurunan progresif massa dan kekuatan otot akibat proses penuaan. Keywords: asupan protein, asupan asam amino rantai cabang (AARC), kekuatan oto

    Hubungan antara Asupan Makronutrien dan Status Nutrisi Dengan Kekuatan Otot Pada Lansia di Panti Werdha Jakarta

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    Background: The decrease of muscle mass and strength in elderly people will affect the functional capacity and increase the risk of sarcopenia. One factor that can affect the loss of muscle mass and strength in elderly is the decrease in nutrition intake i.e macronutrient especially protein and branched chain amino acids (BCAA). The aim of this study is to examine the association between muscle strength intake with macronutrient intake and nutritional status in elderly people. Methods: The methodology of this research is a cross-sectional study with 52 elderly people from April-May 2016. Macronutrient intake is obtained from 2x24 hours food records. Anthropometric measurement is performed by using Seca electrodigital scale and knee height caliper. Blood sampling to measure prealbumin was performed after the subjects fasted for ± 8 hours, and muscle strength was measured with a Jamar’s handgrip dynamometer. Results: The results show significant possitive correlation between handgrip strength with energy intake( r=0,32 dan p=0,02) and carbohydrate intake (r=0,46 dan p=0,01). However, fat intake, protein intake, BCAA intake, serum prealbumin, and BMI have no correlation with handgrip strength. Conclusion: This study concludes that energy intake, especially from carbohydrate intake, can affect muscle strength in elderly. Keywords: macronutrient intake, nutritional status, serum prealbumin, muscle strengh


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    ABSTRACT The process of growth and development can be considered from two aspects that describe physical changes and developments that describe a more complex structure and function of the body. This activity aims to screen the nutritional status of children and educate parents about the effect of gadgets on children's development. The outreach activities which were planned to be carried out directly  due to the COVID 19 pandemic conditions were changed to a Health Webinar which was held on September 27, 2020 with 103 participants. The webinar participants in this activity did not only come from Jambi city but also from outside Jambi province such as Malang, Bali, Java, Surabaya, Aceh, Banyuwangi, Palembang, Surakarta, Jakarta, and Bangka Belitung.   Keywords: nutritional status, growth and development, gadgets   ABSTRAK Proses tumbuh kembang dapat diperhatikan dari dua aspek yaitu tumbuh yang menggambarkan perubahan fisik dan perkembangan yang menggambarkan kemampuan struktur dan fungsi tubuh yang lebih komplek. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan skrining status gizi pada anak dan mengedukasi para orangtua tentang pengaruh gadget pada perkembangan anak. Kegiatan penyuluhan yang rencananya akan dilakukan secara langsung tetapi karena kondisi pandemi COVID 19 dialihkan menjadi Webinar Kesehatan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 September 2020 dengan jumlah peserta 103 orang. Peserta webinar pada kegiatan ini bukan hanya berasal dari kota Jambi tapi juga dari luar provinsi Jambi seperti Malang, Bali, Jawa, Surabaya, Aceh, Banyuwangi, Palembang, Surakarta, Jakarta, dan Bangka Belitung.   Kata kunci : status gizi, tumbuh kembang, gadge


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    ABSTRACT Background: Obesity is a condition that is often associated with an increased risk of severe COVID-19 infection or even death. Overweight and Obesity indicate inflammatory status and immune dysfunction, so it is necessary to take immunonutrients to prevent a decrease in the immune system. Aims and Objective: This study aims to determine dietary patterns and intake of immunonutrients, physical activity, and body composition in overweight and obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This study is a descriptive survey with a sample of 100 people who are overweight and obese. Data on food intake and immunonutrition were obtained from the 3x24 hour food record and SQ FFQ, physical activity data from the IPAQ questionnaire, while body composition was measured using the BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) tool. Results: In this study, most of the subjects were female (59%) and aged 17-25 years (76%). Most of the food intake in this study was in the poor category (94%), while the intake of immunonutrients in the sufficient category was only protein (61%) and iron (32%). While physical activity in research subjects mostly in the less category (56%). The body composition of the subjects of this study was found to be 81% more fat mass, 59% less muscle mass, 70% less water composition and 75% normal viceral fat. Conclusion: In this study, most of the physical activity and muscle mass were lacking. It is important to provide further education regarding physical activity in overweight and obesity.   Keyword: Imunonutrition, Physical activity and Body Compotition   Abstrak Latar Belakang: Obesitas merupakan kondisi yang sering dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko  infeksi COVID-19 berat atau bahkan kematian. Overweight  dan Obesitas menunjukkan status inflamasi dan disfungsi imunitas, sehingga memerlukan asupan imunonutrisi untuk mencegah penurunan dari sistem imunitas. Maksud dan Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola diet dan asupan imunonutrien, aktivitas fisik, dan komposisi tubuh pada Overweight dan obesitas selama pandemi COVID-19. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan sampel sebanyak 100 orang Overweight dan obesitas. Data asupan makanan dan imunonutrisi diperoleh dari food record 3x24 jam dan SQ FFQ, data aktivitas fisik dari kuesioner IPAQ, sedangkan komposisi tubuh diukur menggunakan alat BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis). Hasil: Pada penelitian ini sebagian besar subjek berjenis kelamin perempuan (59%) dan berusia 17-25 tahun (76%). Sebagian besar asupan makanan pada penelitian ini berada pada kategori kurang (94%), sedangkan asupan imunonutrien pada kategori cukup hanya protein (61%) dan zat besi (32%). Sedangkan aktivitas fisik pada subjek penelitian sebagian besar dalam kategori kurang (56%). Komposisi tubuh subjek penelitian ini ditemukan 81% lebih banyak massa lemak, 59% lebih sedikit massa otot, 70% lebih sedikit komposisi air dan 75% lemak viceral normal. Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan sebagian besar aktivitas fisik kurang dan massa otot  kurang. Pentingnya untuk memberikan edukasi lebih lanjut terkait aktivitas fisik pada overweight dan obesitas.   Kata Kunci: Imunitas, Aktivitas Fisik dan Komposisi Tubu


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    ABSTRACT   Background: Fluids are one of the essential nutritional elements in the body. The Indonesian Regional Dehydration Study (THIRST) finds that 46.1% of Indonesians are mildly dehydrated and the number is higher in adolescents at 49.5%. The RISKESDAS report in 2013 states that some teenage groups in Indonesia are also experiencing overweight and the number continues to increase every year. This study aims to determine the fluid intake and nutritional status in medical students of Jambi University in 2017.   Method: This research is a descriptive research with cross-sectional approach conducted in August-September 2017. The number of samples was 90 people. Data of fluid intake was obtained from the filling of 3x24 hour fluid diary and nutritional status based on Body Mass Index (BMI).   Results: The results show the average fluid intake of the study subjects was 2100 ml / day, but  74.4% are categorized as insufficient fluid intake. The average nutritional status of research subjects based on BMI was 22.36 kg / m2, with the normal nutritional status was 45.6%, above normal was 40%, and below normal was 14.4%.   Conclusions: Most of the study subjects were included in the category of insufficient fluid intake and overweight occurred more in women.   Keywords: Fluid intake, Nutrition Status, Medical Student   ABSTRAK   Latar Belakang : Cairan merupakan salah satu unsur gizi esensial dalam tubuh. Hasil penelitian The Indonesian Regional Dehydration Study (THIRST) menyebutkan bahwa 46,1% penduduk Indonesia mengalami dehidrasi ringan dan jumlah tersebut lebih tinggi pada remaja yaitu 49,5%. Laporan RISKESDAS tahun 2013 menyebutkan bahwa sebagian kelompok remaja di Indonesia juga mengalami gizi lebih dan angka tersebut terus mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Gambaran Asupan Cairan dan Status Gizi Pada Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Jambi Tahun 2017. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan pada Agustus-September 2017. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 orang. Data asupan cairan diperoleh dari pengisian fluid diary 3x24 jam dan status gizi berdasarkan indeks massa tubuh (IMT).   Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata asupan cairan subjek penelitian yaitu 2100 ml/hari, akan tetapi sebagian besar termasuk dalam kategori asupan cairan kurang yaitu sebanyak 74,4%. Sedangkan status gizi subjek penelitian berdasarkan IMT didapatkan rerata 22,36 kg/m2 dengan status gizi normal sebesar 45,6%, status gizi lebih sebesar 40%, dan status gizi kurang sebesar 14,4%.   Kesimpulan : Sebagian besar subjek penelitian termasuk dalam kategori asupan cairan kurang dan status gizi lebih lebih bayak terjadi pada perempuan .     Kata kunci : Asupan Cairan, Status Gizi, Mahasiswa Kedoktera


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    Background: Problem-based Learning (PBL) is characterized by tutorial learning method where learning triggered using structured scenarios to initiate and stimulate student discussion in a small group, with facilitation by a tutor. Student performance during tutorial should be assessed by the tutor. Sim et al. from the University of Malaya developed PBL Tutorial Instrument measuring participation and communication ability, cooperation/team building skills, understanding/ reasoning skills, knowledge/skills gathering information. PBL Instrument Objective: This study aims to construct a new valid tutorial assessment instrument through adaptation and modification of the previous instrument developed by Sim et al.   Method: This study consisted of 3 stages: forward translation, backward translation, and expert review. Forward translation is the process of translating instruments from English to Indonesian language. The results of the forward translation are given to different translators for a backward translation process. Instrument then submitted to seven experts to be validated and provide suggestions regarding the content and sentences used in the instrument items. The content validation process is carried out using the CVI and S-CVI score. Results: Forward and backward translation results shows that 20 items in the instrument were confirmed to be consistent with the original instrument. However, the first round of content validity process resulted I-CVI score for every item is ≥ 0.86 and the S-CVI score 0.99. Several experts suggested revision for item sentences corresponding with actual PBL implementation in the institution. Items were revised then the same experts then re-validated the revised instrument. Result showed the I-CVI and S-CVI score are 1.00. Conclusion: This research produced a valid Indonesian language version of the PBL assessment instrument, so that it can be used as an instrument to evaluate student performance in tutorial. Pilot studies need to be carried out further to obtain an analysis of the validity and reliability of the instrument. Keyword: instrument, PBL Tutorial, assessmen

    Pemeriksaan Status Gizi dan Edukasi Nutrisi Pada Pasien Hipertensi

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    Prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Hampir sebagian besar (50%)  pasien hipertensi memiliki faktor risiko kardiovaskuler , yaitu diabetes, dislipidemia, overweight dan obesitas, hiperurisemia dan sindroma metabolik. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi resiko terjadinya komplikasi kardiovaskuler pada penyakit hipertensi  adalah dengan melakukan pemantauan status gizi dan pengaturan pola makan pada pasien hipertensi. Pada pasien hipertensi pengaturan pola makan bertujuan untuk menstabilkan tekanan darah, mencegah komplikasi organ-organ vital, mencegah penyakit stroke dan PJK, mencegah kematian dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien hipertens


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    ABSTRACK Background: Cervical cancer is a malignant disease that infects the cervix caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). HPV infection is the main cause of cervical cancer. HPV types 16 and 18 are responsible for about 70% of all cervical cancer cases worldwide. HPV infection and the development of cancerous lesions can be influenced by many factors including promiscuous sexual behavior, having many children, low socioeconomic status and sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, various conditions such as characteristics of forgotten patients with this disease must be identified. Objectivesss: To describe the characteristics of cervical cancer patients at Raden Mattaher Hospital Jambi. Methods: This research is a descriptive study. Collecting data by purposive sampling. With inclusion criteria, namely all medical record sheets of cervical cancer patients at Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital in 2018-2020 and exclusion criteria, namely patients who do not have medical record data, incomplete medical record sheets and medical record sheets that are not in the medical record section. Raden Mattaher General Hospital Jambi Province. Statistical analysis was carried out descriptively where the results of the study were presented in a frequency distribution table for each characteristic. Results: 56 samples that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. The characteristics of the patients were maternal age 46-55 years (42.9%), elementary education (31.1%), not having a job/IRT (78.6%), marital status (96.4%), parity 3 (66.1%), vaginal bleeding (58.9%), advanced stage (76.8%), chemotherapy (67.9%), BPJS cost sources (100.0%), normal nutrition (48.2%), histopathological picture of squamouse cell carcinoma (76.8%). Conclusion: characteristics of patients aged 46-55 years old, elementary school education, not having a job/IRT, marital status, parity 3, vaginal bleeding, advanced stage, chemotherapy, BPJS cost sources, normal nutrition histopathological picture of squamouse cell carcinoma. Keywords: Cervical cancer, risk factor, and HPV.   ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kanker serviks merupakan penyakit keganasan menginfeksi bagian leher rahim yang diakibatkan oleh Human Papiloma Virus (HPV). infeksi HPV  menjadi penyebab utama kanker serviks. HPV tipe 16 dan 18 bertanggung jawab atas sekitar 70% dari semua kasus kanker serviks di seluruh dunia. .Infeksi HPV dan perkembangan lesi kanker dapat dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor termasuk perilaku seks bebas, memiliki banyak anak, sosial ekonomi yang rendah dan penyakit menular seksual. Oleh sebab itu, berbagai kondisi seperti karakteristik pasien yang diduga berkaitan dengan penyakit ini harus dapat diidentifikasi. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik pasien kanker serviks di RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Pengambilan data dengan purposive sampling. Dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu semua lembar rekam medik pasien kanker serviks di RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi pada tahun 2018-2020 dan kriteria eksklusi yaitu pasien yang tidak memiliki data rekam medik, lembar rekam medik yang tidak lengkap dan lembar rekam medik yang tidak berada di bagian rekam medik Rumah Sakit Umum Raden Mattaher Provinsi Jambi. Analisis statistik dilakukan secara deskriptif dimana hasil penelitian disajikan tabel distribusi frekuensi untuk setiap karakteristiknya. Hasil: dari 56 sampel yang memenuhi criteria inklusi dan ekslusi penelitian. Didapatkan karakteristik pasien usia ibu 46-55 tahun (42,9%), pendidikan SD (31,1%), tidak memiliki pekerjaan/IRT (78,6%), status perkawinan kawin (96,4%), paritas ≥3 (66,1%), pendarahan pervaginam (58,9%), stadium lanjut (76,8%), kemoterapi (67,9%), sumber biaya BPJS (100,0%), gizi normal (48,2%), gambaran histopatologi squamouse cell carcinoma (76,8%). Kesimpulan: karakteristik pasien usia ibu 46-55 tahun, pendidikan SD, tidak memiliki pekerjaan/IRT, status perkawinan kawin, paritas ≥3, pendarahan pervaginam, stadium lanjut, kemoterapi, sumber biaya BPJS, gizi normal gambaran histopatologi squamouse cell carcinoma. Kata kunci: Kanker serviks, faktor resiko, dan HP


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    Abstract Adequate nutrition is an important factor in the development of the immune system to maintain its normal function. Maintaining a healthy diet during the Covid-19 Pandemic is very important because it can improve a good immune system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases and infections such as Covid 19 and its further complications. This activity aims to increase public knowledge and awareness of the importance of maintaining optimal nutritional intake during Covid 19. Keywords: Nutrition, Covid 19, infection   Abstrak Nutrisi yang adekuat merupakan faktor penting dalam perkembangan sistem imun untuk menjaga fungsi sistem imun berjalan dengan normal normal. Mempertahankan  pola makan yang sehat selama Pandemi Covid 19 sangat penting karena  dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan menurunkan risiko infeksi seperti Covid 19 maupun komplikasinya lebih lanjut. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaram masyarakat akan pentingnya menjaga asupan nutrisi yang optimal selama Covid 19. Kata kunci : Nutrisi, Covid 19, infeks


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    ABSTRACT Background: Overweight and obesity has been known as a risk factor to get covid-19 and complication or severe covid-19. Due to government regulation like quarantine, people more susceptible to increased their weight in the pandemic covid-19 time. As It make people had difficulty to exercise outside their house and could increase dietary intake of unhealthy food. Aims and objective: our study aimed to investigate the association of dietary intake, nutritional status and physical activity with covid-19 in the overweight and obesity adult population. Method: we conducted a cross sectional study among adult with overweight and obesity in Jambi City. Dietary intake, nutritional status, physical activity and covid 19 data were collected using a FFQ semiquantitatif, GPAQ and structured questionaire respectively. The survey conducted from September to Oktober 2021. Results: A total 156 respondents have been included in the study, Most of the subjects age was between 18 -25 years (69,2%), and females (55,8%). Obesity was observed in 82,1% of the subjects with 78,2% subjects ate more than the recommendation,  only 30,1% subjects had inactivity and 19,2% subjects had covid-19. There were 20 subjects (80%) who had covid-19 with over intake and obesity but it was not significant statistically. The physical activity also not related significantly to covid-19.   Conclusions: In this study we found no significant association between the dietary intake, nutritional status, and physical activity with covid-19, however our data need to be confirmed and investigate in the future with more extensive population studies.   Keyword: Covid-19, Dietary intake, Obesity, Physical activity   ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas diketahui meningkatkan risiko terkena Covid-19 dan komplikasi dari penyakit covid-19, atau Covid-19 yang parah.  Peraturan pemerintah seperti karantina, mengakibatkan masyarakat lebih mudah untuk meningkatkan berat badannya selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Karena peraturan tersebut menyebabkan masyarakat kesulitan berolahraga di luar rumah dan dapat meningkatkan konsumsi makanan yang tidak sehat. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara asupan makan, status gizi, dan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian Covid-19 pada orang dewasa overweight dan obesitas. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang pada orang dewasa overweight and obesitas di Kota Jambi. Data asupan makan, status gizi, aktivitas fisik, dan kejadian Covid-19 dikumpulkan menggunakan FFQ semikuantitatif, GPAQ, dan kuesioner terstruktur. Pengambilan data berlangsung dari bulan September hingga Oktober 2021. Hasil: Total responden yang mengikuti penelitian ini sebanyak 156 orang, sebagian besar responden penelitian berusia 18-25 tahun (69,2%) dan berjenis kelamin perempuan (55,8%). Obesitas di temukan pada 82,1% responden dengan 78,2% responden asupan makannya lebih, responden yang kurang aktif hanya 30,1% dan 19,2% responden pernah terkena penyakit covid-19. Terdapat 20 responden (80%) yang terkena covid-19 dengan asupan makan lebih dan obesitas tetapi hasil ini tidak signifikan secara statistik. Aktivitas fisik juga tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan covid-19. Kesimpulan: Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara asupan makan, status gizi, dan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian Covid-19 pada orang dewasa overweight dan obesitas (nilai P > 0,05).   Kata kunci: Asupan makan, aktivitas fisik, covid-19, obesita
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