15 research outputs found

    Energy Response and Longitudinal Shower Profiles Measured in CMS HCAL and Comparison With Geant4

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    The response of the CMS combined electromagnetic and hadron calorimeter to beams of pions with momenta in the range 5-300 GeV/c has been measured in the H2 test beam at CERN. The raw response with the electromagnetic compartment calibrated to electrons and the hadron compartment calibrated to 300 GeV pions may be represented by sigma = (1.2) sqrt{E} oplus (0.095) E. The fraction of energy visible in the calorimeter ranges from 0.72 at 5 GeV to 0.95 at 300 GeV, indicating a substantial nonlinearity. The intrinsic electron to hadron ratios are fit as a function of energy and found to be in the range 1.3-2.7 for the electromagnetic compartment and 1.4-1.8 for the hadronic compartment. The fits are used to correct the non-linearity of the e pi response to 5% over the entire measured range resulting in a substantially improved resolution at low energy. Longitudinal shower profile have been measured in detail and compared to Geant4 models, LHEP-3.7 and QGSP-2.8. At energies below 30 GeV, the data, LHEP and QGSP are in agreement. Above 30 GeV, LHEP gives a more accurate simulation of the longitudinal shower profile

    Design, Performance and Calibration of the CMS Forward Calorimeter Wedges

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    We report on the test beam results and calibration methods using charged particles of the CMS Forward Calorimeter (HF). The HF calorimeter covers a large pseudorapidity region (3\l |\eta| \le 5), and is essential for large number of physics channels with missing transverse energy. It is also expected to play a prominent role in the measurement of forward tagging jets in weak boson fusion channels. The HF calorimeter is based on steel absorber with embedded fused-silica-core optical fibers where Cherenkov radiation forms the basis of signal generation. Thus, the detector is essentially sensitive only to the electromagnetic shower core and is highly non-compensating (e/h \approx 5). This feature is also manifest in narrow and relatively short showers compared to similar calorimeters based on ionization. The choice of fused-silica optical fibers as active material is dictated by its exceptional radiation hardness. The electromagnetic energy resolution is dominated by photoelectron statistics and can be expressed in the customary form as a/\sqrt{E} + b. The stochastic term a is 198% and the constant term b is 9%. The hadronic energy resolution is largely determined by the fluctuations in the neutral pion production in showers, and when it is expressed as in the electromagnetic case, a = 280% and b = 11%

    The Effect of the Ethnobotanic Activities To Students' Academic Performance and Learning Permanence in the Seventh Grade Science and Technology Lesson

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    Öğrencilerin öğrenme ortamında aktif olmasına dayanan yaklaşımlar, geleneksel yaklaşımlardan farklı anlayışa sahiptir. Bu araştırma, özünde yapılandırmacı yaklaşıma dayanan etnobotanik destekli fen ve teknoloji dersinin öğrencilerin akademik başarısına ve öğrenilenlerin kalıcılığına etkisini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma, 2011-2012 öğretim yılında Rize ilinden random yoluyla seçilen 7. sınıf öğrencileri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veri analizinde t-testi tekniğinin yanı sıra aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma ve p (anlamlılık) değerleri de dikkate alınarak bulgular yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular sonucunda, etnobotanik aktivitelerin uygulandığı deney grubunun, "bitkilerin sınıflandırılması" konusunda geleneksel yönteme göre dersi alan kontrol grubundan daha başarılı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca deneysel işlemlerle öğrenilen bilgilerin kalıcılığı deney grubunda daha yüksek bulunmuşturPhilosophy of modern teaching approach in learning environments is different from traditional approaches. This approach is based on the students to be active in class. This research was carried out to determine the effect of the ethnobotanic activities supported science and technology lesson to students' academic success and retention. Research was conducted with the seventh grade primary school students who randomly selected in Rize province in 2011-2012 academic year. In this research, the pretest-posttest experimental design was used. Data analysis performed by the mean, standard deviation and p (significance) values in addition to t-test technique are also taken into account and the results are interpreted. The findings of the study indicated that the ethnobotanic activities are more effective than traditional methods on 7th grade students' academic performance and learning permanence. Retention of the information learned in the experimental group during process has been higher than the control group

    The Effects of Conceptual change approach on primary school students’ affective attributes in Science and Technology Course

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    Araştırmanın amacı, kavramsal değişim yaklaşımının Fen ve Teknoloji dersinde öğrencilerin fen bilimlerine yönelik tutumlarına ve motivasyonlarına etkisini araştırmaktır. Çalışma grubunu, 2010-2011 eğitim - öğretim yılında Kırşehir İl merkezinde bulunan ve bir ilkokulda okuyan 50 beşinci sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak, tutum ve motivasyon ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın genel sonucu olarak, kavramsal değişim yaklaşımı uygulamaları sonucunda, deney grubu öğrencilerinin motivasyonlarında anlamlı bir değişiklik gözlenirken, deney ve kontrol gruplarındaki öğrencilerin tutumlarında bir değişiklik gözlenmemiştir.This study is aimed to investigate effects of conceptual change method on students’ attitudes toward science, and motivation in Science and Technology Course. The research took place at a primary school in Kırşehir province, 2010-2011 education years. The research sample consisted of 50 fifth-grade students. Attitude Inventory and Motivation Inventory were used to collect the data. The research findings revealed that there was significant difference in terms of students’ motivation at treatment group and there was no significant difference in terms of students’ attitude at all groups

    Indoor Event Detection with Sound Data

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    The Effects of Conceptual Change Approach on Primary School Students' Achievement According to Their Learning Styles in Science and Technology Course

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    Araştırmanın amacı, öğrencilerin "Canlıların Dünyasını Gezelim, Tanıyalım" ile "Işık ve Ses" ünitelerindeki konularda, öğrenme stillerine göre kavramsal değişim yaklaşımı içerisine giren kavramsal değişim metinlerinin ve kavram haritalarının, öğrenci başarısına etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmanınçalışma grubunu, 2010-2011 eğitim - öğretim yılında Kırşehir İl merkezinde bulunan 1 tane ilköğretim okulunun 5. sınıfında öğrenim gören 50 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma 'deneysel desen' modelinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak, her iki ünite için araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen başarı testleri ve Kolb öğrenme stilleri envanteri kullanılmıştır. Başarı testi madde analizi sonuçları (KR-20) birinci ünite için 0,84 ve ikinci ünite için 0.88 olarak bulunmuştur. Ayrıca Kolb öğrenme stilleri envanterinin dört boyutuna ait güvenirlik katsayıları (Cronbach ?) 0,73 ile 0,83 arasında değişmektedir.Araştırma sonucu, kavramsal değişim yaklaşımının ilköğretim programına uygun öğretime göre, her dört öğrenme stillerine sahip öğrencilerin kavram başarı puanlarını artırmada bir etkiye sahip olmadığını göstermektedir.The aim of the research was to investigate effects of conceptual change passages and concept maps parts of conceptual change teaching method on the students' achievement according to learning styles in "Let's Travel and See Living Creatures World" and "Light and Sound" themes. The research took place in one primary school in Kırşehir province, 2010-2011 education years. The research sample consisted of 50 fifth-grade students. Achievement tests and Kolb Learning Styles Inventory were used to collect the data. Achievement test's data analyses results (KR-20) were found for the first theme is 0,84 and for the second theme is 0,88. Also Kolb Learning Styles Inventory's four dimensions of reliability scores are between 0,73 and 0,83. From this result, it would be implied that it would not be the effectiveness of science teaching on students by means of using students' learning styles as instructional tool


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    A gamma-ray burst (GRB) optical photometric follow-up system at TUBITAK (Scientic and Technological Research Council of Turkey) National Observatory (TUG) has been planned. It uses the 0.6-m Telescope (T60) and can automatically respond to GRB Coordinates Network (GCN) alerts. The telescopes slew relatively fast, being able to point to a new target field within 30 s upon a request. Whenever available, the 1 m T100 and 2.5 m RTT150 telescopes will be used in the future. As an example in 2015, the GRB software system (will be server side) at T60-telescope responded to GRB alert and started the observation as early as 129 s after the GRB trigger autonomously