11 research outputs found

    Upaya Who (World Health Organization) dalam Menanggulangi Kanker di Korea Selatan melalui Cancer Control Programme

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    This research describes the effort of WHO (World Health Organization) within overcome cancer in Republic of Korea through its programme, Cancer Control Programme. Cancer main health problem in Republic of Korea. The cancer incidence and mortality number in Republic of Korea every year has been increasing. The annual number of cancer deaths has been increasing, it lead cause of death in Korea since 1983, and steadily as Korea becomes an aged society. The purpose of this study to find out the role of WHO within controlling cancer in Republic of Korea.This research is using descriptive and library research methods.The data and information obtained from books, journals and websites. This research uses pluralism perspective and international organization theory to explain effort of WHO in Republic of Korea.The result of this research shows that cancer as a world health problem makes WHO try to reduced the cancer incidence and mortality through its program, Cancer Control Programme.This program promotes national cancer control policies plans and programmes, integrated to noncommunicable diseases and other related problems. National Cancer Control Programme is part of Cancer Control Programme which a public health programme designed to reduce the number of cancer cases and deaths. By using implementation plan, the 5-year survival rate of cancer patients in Korea has improved to 62%.Keyword : WHO, Cancer in Republic of Korea, Cancer Control Programm

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Sains melalui Kegiatan Pencampuran Warna pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    The general objective of this research is: Upgrades Color Mixing Science through activities in Childhood 5-6 Years in TK IT Anak Shaleh Mempawah. This study was done to improve the learning process of science through color mixing in children aged 5-6 years in TK IT Anak Shaleh Mempawah. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. At each cycle conducted two (2) meetings. The method used is descriptive method with a form of action research on 20 people with the research procedure consisted of: preparation, execution, observation or observation, and reflection. This is evident from the first cycle of meetings 1 and 2 children do not have the ability to mention the kinds of colors and the children can not show the result of mixing red and blue, as well as the child has not been able to show the result of mixing blue and yellow, ie with enough categories while at the second cycle of the second meeting all the children thoroughly in mentioning the types of color and children can show the result of mixing red and blue, as well as children can show the result of mixing blue and yellow that good category. Suggestions in this study, teachers should be creative on a prop in science, science lesson preparation and giving rewards to the child

    Pengenalan Alat Musik Tradisional Melalui Metode Demonstrasi Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    The background of this study the majority of children in Kindergarten (TK) LKIA III Pontianak yet many are familiar with traditional musical instruments. The common problem of this research is the demonstration of how the use of a method for the introduction of a traditional musical instrument in children aged 5-6 ?. This type of research is classroom action research (PTK), whereas the method used is descriptive method. The research concludes that by using demonstration can introduce traditional musical instruments in children aged 5-6 years. The introduction of the traditional musical instruments by children can be given as follows: a.Katagori less or (MB) experienced a reduction in the number of children an average of 1 child in the first cycle to no child shall in cycle II (6.25%) , b.Katagori either or (BSH) experienced a reduction in the number of children an average of 7 children in the first cycle to an average of 4 children in the second cycle (18.75%). c.Katagori very good (BSB) of the amount 9 children, to an average of 12 children cycled II (up 18.75%).

    The Effect of Long-term Grazing Sheep in the Cotton Stubble on the Blood Biochemicals and Free Gossypol Residues

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of long-term grazing sheep in cotton stubble on variation of biochemistry components and free gossypol residual in the blood. The survey found that 15% ewe of grazing group suffered miscarriage or premature birth, compared with the captive group ewes without this phenomenon. Blood test result shows that the free gossypol concentration in serum of grazing group was significantly higher than in indoor captive feeding group (P<0.01). In order to ensure the health of sheep grazing on cotton stubble and improve breeding rate, there is a need to do further reasonable research of grazing and feeding methods


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    Niche signals maintain stem cells in a prolonged quiescence or transiently activate them for proper regeneration. Altering balanced niche signalling can lead to regenerative disorders. Melanocytic skin nevi in human often display excessive hair growth, suggesting hair stem cell hyperactivity. Here, using genetic mouse models of nevi, we show that dermal clusters of senescent melanocytes drive epithelial hair stem cells to exit quiescence and change their transcriptome and composition, potently enhancing hair renewal. Nevus melanocytes activate a distinct secretome, enriched for signalling factors. Osteopontin, the leading nevus signalling factor, is both necessary and sufficient to induce hair growth. Injection of osteopontin or its genetic overexpression is sufficient to induce robust hair growth in mice, whereas germline and conditional deletions of either osteopontin or CD44, its cognate receptor on epithelial hair cells, rescue enhanced hair growth induced by dermal nevus melanocytes. Osteopontin is overexpressed in human hairy nevi, and it stimulates new growth of human hair follicles. Although broad accumulation of senescent cells, such as upon ageing or genotoxic stress, is detrimental for the regenerative capacity of tissue, we show that signalling by senescent cell clusters can potently enhance the activity of adjacent intact stem cells and stimulate tissue renewal. This finding identifies senescent cells and their secretome as an attractive therapeutic target in regenerative disorders

    Signalling by senescent melanocytes hyperactivates hair growth.

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    International audienceNiche signals maintain stem cells in a prolonged quiescence or transiently activate them for proper regeneration. Altering balanced niche signalling can lead to regenerative disorders. Melanocytic skin nevi in human often display excessive hair growth, suggesting hair stem cell hyperactivity. Here, using genetic mouse models of nevi, we show that dermal clusters of senescent melanocytes drive epithelial hair stem cells to exit quiescence and change their transcriptome and composition, potently enhancing hair renewal. Nevus melanocytes activate a distinct secretome, enriched for signalling factors. Osteopontin, the leading nevus signalling factor, is both necessary and sufficient to induce hair growth. Injection of osteopontin or its genetic overexpression is sufficient to induce robust hair growth in mice, whereas germline and conditional deletions of either osteopontin or CD44, its cognate receptor on epithelial hair cells, rescue enhanced hair growth induced by dermal nevus melanocytes. Osteopontin is overexpressed in human hairy nevi, and it stimulates new growth of human hair follicles. Although broad accumulation of senescent cells, such as upon ageing or genotoxic stress, is detrimental for the regenerative capacity of tissue, we show that signalling by senescent cell clusters can potently enhance the activity of adjacent intact stem cells and stimulate tissue renewal. This finding identifies senescent cells and their secretome as an attractive therapeutic target in regenerative disorders