4 research outputs found


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    Rudat dance used to perform in traditional Sasak culture called Begawe, roah-thankful ceremonial culture based on primitif way. This nowadays left by millenial and Zillenial. Then pursued to state the problem that how to utilization of the Rudat Dance for the Mandalika Moto GP Event. This research find that Rudat can be perform to be useful Dance for this International event. This research finding indicated two types of Rudat can be used to be shown in tourism persfective. Therefore Rudat can be developed to be one of the target traditional culture to utilized by all stakeholders those who envolved to promote rudat as one of attractive for tourism event


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji pariwisata perkotaan (urban tourism) sebagai sebagai daya tarik wisata di Kota Mataram.  Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yaitu diperoleh melalui wawancara dan observasi di lapangan, dan data sekunder diperoleh dengan studi pustaka. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis data deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil analisis yang dilakukan potensi wisata perkotaan (urban tourism) di Kota mataram yaitu: kantor gubernur nusa tenggara barat, taman sangkareang, taman udayana, taman selagalas, taman mayura, monumen bahari mataram, monumen bumi gora, museum negeri nusa tenggara barat, kawasan wisata kuliner rembiga, masjid raya hubbul wathan islamic centre, pura meru, makam bintaro, makam van ham, makan loang baloq, lombok epicentrum mall (LEM), mataram mall , transmart carrefour mataram, mataram craft centre (MCC), pasar cakranegara, arena buah cakranegara, tempat karaoke, kawasan kota tua, kawasan pantai loang baloq, pantai gading, pantai ampenan, kerajinan cukli di rungkang jangkuk kota mataram, kemilau mutiara sekarbela di kampung sekarbela. Sedangkan ketersediaan komponen produk pariwisata dalam di kota mataram telah tersedia dan memadai, seperti keberadaan terminal bus antar kota-antar provinsi, kondisi jalan yang baik, tersedianya bandara internasional serta adanya instansi pemerintah dibidang kepariwisataan yang dapat mengelola dan mengembangkan daya tarik wisata di Kota Mataram. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, pemerintah daerah dan swasta dapat bersinergi dalam membangun pariwisata perkotaan di kota mataram. Selain itu kepada pengelola daya tarik wisata dapat memberikan edukasi kepada pengunjung untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan tempat yang dikunjungi

    Aligning tourism area life cycle and product life cycle in avoiding decline stage: Case study on West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

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    The peak of the tourism industry in West Nusa Tenggara before the COVID-19 pandemic suggested that its position was already in the stagnation stage according to TALC (Tourism Area Life Cycle). Also, the stage can be aligned with PLC (Product Life Cycle) which is known as the maturity stage. This research extracted opinions from tourism industry stakeholders by using multiple FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and summarized the result into a recommendation to avoid the declining stage of the tourism industry, especially in West Nusa Tenggara. One of the main conclusive answers is optimizing e-tourism at an innovative pace. However, this step does not only need good commitment, support, and collaborative intention from whole stakeholders but also good preparation from local human resources to support its sustainability. This preparation should be fulfilled by local vocational higher education in West Nusa Tenggara which is known as Tourism Polytechnic Lombok

    Overcoming local human resources barriers in tourism industry : Case study on West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

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    Tourism industry in Indonesia is hindered by barriers in its development. There are internal barriers (denial from immigrant, old tradition) and also external barriers (new skill, Covid-19 pandemic) that affect its governance. All of them stem from human resources problems that should be overcome immediately. Using funding from the Ministry of Tourism, this research aims to address said barriers and overcome human resources problems in the tourism industry, especially in Nusa Tenggara Barat. The researchers who are based in Tourism Polytechnic Lombok seek the answers from vocational higher education overview. The answers are gathered by summarizing from the Focus Group Discussion process and also benchmarking with another tourism polytechnic in Indonesia. The results are as follows: (1) NTB, as a unique combination of the tourism industry, has big potential and upcoming modern destination (Mandalika) which should become better in the future, (2) Internal barriers factor can be overcome by optimizing local human resources, (3) In problem-solving of external barrier factor, Tourism Polytechnic should also provide IT skills to support e-tourism implementation, and (4) Human resources problem in the tourism industry has a root cause in early vocational higher education which holds important factors in overcoming the problems