7,257 research outputs found

    Glucose Tolerance in Lambs As Affected by Type of Ration

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    Metabolism of glucose is little understood in the ruminant animal. It has been demonstrated that little or no carbohydrate passes into the intestinal tract of adult ruminants on an all roughage ration (Heald 1951). Soluble carbohydrates of roughages are fermented to volatile fatty acids in the rumen. Available data show that 70% of total cellulose digestion occurs in the rumen and 30% in the cecum and large intestine with little or no cellulose digestion occurring in the small intestine (Hale, et al. 1947 and Gray 1951). The end products of cellulose digestion are the volatile fatty acids and not glucose. It has been estimated that up to 80% of the metabolizable energy of the feed is provided by the volatile fatty acids (McClymont, 1952). On an all roughage ration the source of blood glucose must, therefore, be from propionic acid which is liberally produced by rumen fermentation

    Atom in a coherently controlled squeezed vacuum

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    A broadband squeezed vacuum photon field is characterized by a complex squeezing function. We show that by controlling the wavelength dependence of its phase it is possible to change the dynamics of the atomic polarization interacting with the squeezed vacuum. Such a phase modulation effectively produces a finite range temporal interaction kernel between the two quadratures of the atomic polarization yielding the change in the decay rates as well as the appearance of additional oscillation frequencies. We show that decay rates slower than the spontaneous decay rate can be achieved even for a squeezed bath in the classic regime. For linear and quadratic phase modulations the power spectrum of the scattered light exhibits narrowing of the central peak due to the modified decay rates. For strong phase modulations side lobes appear symmetrically around the central peak reflecting additional oscillation frequencies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Sun in transition? Persistence of near-surface structural changes through Cycle 24

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    We examine the frequency shifts in low-degree helioseismic modes from the Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON) covering the period from 1985 - 2016, and compare them with a number of global activity proxies well as a latitudinally-resolved magnetic index. As well as looking at frequency shifts in different frequency bands, we look at a parametrization of the shift as a cubic function of frequency. While the shifts in the medium- and highfrequency bands are very well correlated with all of the activity indices (with the best correlation being with the 10.7 cm radio flux), we confirm earlier findings that there appears to have been a change in the frequency response to activity during solar cycle 23, and the low frequency shifts are less correlated with activity in the last two cycles than they were in Cycle 22. At the same time, the more recent cycles show a slight increase in their sensitivity to activity levels at medium and higher frequencies, perhaps because a greater proportion of activity is composed of weaker or more ephemeral regions. This lends weight to the speculation that a fundamental change in the nature of the solar dynamo may be in progress.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by MNRAS 24 May 201

    Equatorial X-rays and their effect on the lower mesosphere

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    On the night of May 23/24, 1975, a sequence of rocket and balloon experiments was launched from Chilca Base, Peru (12.5 deg S, 76.8 deg W, magnetic dip = - 0.7 deg). Detailed analysis and comparisons of the data yielded the first direct measurement of lower mesospheric response to a galactic X-ray source. This result could only have been determined at the equator, where cosmic ray background effects are minimal. The objective of the experiments was to seek out the equatorial energetic electron belt, sporadically reported to contain fluxes near auroral levels, measure the bremsstrahlung radiation produced by this particle belt, and determine the influence of this radiation on the middle atmosphere. High altitude rocket payloads (Nike Tomahawk 18.170 and 18.171) were launched to probe the thermosphere during and following the anticipated downward drift period. Each carried an on-axis X-ray scintillation detector and Geiger Mueller energetic electron detectors. Magnetometers and lunar sensors were used to determine payload aspect

    The Effect of Low Levels of Diethylstilbestrol and Plant Estrogens Upon Performance of Fattening Lambs

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    The excellent feeding properties of good quality legume hay and certain vegetable oil meals have long been recognized by the livestock producer. The observed feeding values of these feedstuffs cannot be attributed entirely to their classical nutrient compositions. It has been long suspected that they contain unidentified .factors that are stimulatory to growth

    The Effect of Diethylstilbestrol on the Digestibility of Dry Matter and Nitrogen and on Nitrogen Retention in Lambs

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    Although the usefulness of orally administered diethylstilbestrol (stilbestrol) in increasing weight gains and feed efficiency of fattening cattle has been established, little is known concerning the mechanism by which it exerts its beneficial effect. Two possible modes of action may exist. First, the stilbestrol may have some effect on the rumen microorganisms which might cause an increased digestion of feed in the rumen. Brooks et al. (1954) have shown that stilbestrol increased the digestibility of cellulose in the artificial rumen. They also obtained increased cellulose and protein digestion in sheep when stilbestrol was fed. However the levels fed the sheep were considerably above the mg. per lamb per day reported to be effective with lambs (Hale et al. 1955). Sykes et al. (1956) reported an increase in crude fiber digestibility and a decrease in protein digestibility with lactating cows when stilbestrol was fed. Digestibility of the dry matter of the ration tended to be improved but the differences were not statistically significant. Erwin et al. (1956) reported stilbestroI had no effect on digestibility of dry matter, crude fiber, crude protein or ether extract with steers. Secondly, the orally fed stilbestrol may exert some action on the metabolism of the animal\u27s tissue which is thought to occur when the stilbestrol is implanted (Clegg and Cole, 19 54). It has been shown that implanted stilbestrol increased nitrogen retention but had no effect on ration digestibility (Jordan 1953: Whitehair et al. 1953). Bell et al. (1955) found that orally fed stilbestrol increased nitrogen retention in lambs. Presumably this action is brought about by the absorbed stilbestrol acting similar to that on the implanted stilbestrol. The objectives of this report were to study the effects of different levels of stilbestrol upon the digestibility of dry matter and crude protein and on nitrogen retention with wether lambs

    Conductance Fluctuations of Generic Billiards: Fractal or Isolated?

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    We study the signatures of a classical mixed phase space for open quantum systems. We find the scaling of the break time up to which quantum mechanics mimics the classical staying probability and derive the distribution of resonance widths. Based on these results we explain why for mixed systems two types of conductance fluctuat ions were found: quantum mechanics divides the hierarchically structured chaotic component of phase space into two parts - one yields fractal conductance fluctuations while the other causes isolated resonances. In general, both types appear together, but on different energy scales.Comment: restructured and new figure