26 research outputs found

    A testnevelés és sport speciális pedagógiai eszközei a szociális tanulási készség fejlesztésében

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    A fizikai aktivitás a gyerekek személyiségének teljes fiziológiai és pszichológiai rendszerére hatással van. Fontos szerepet tölt be nemcsak a gyermekek, de felnőttek közötti kapcsolatok kialakításában is, emiatt kommunikatív hatású, közösségteremtő erő. Ha az adott gyermek a mozgástevékenységben ügyesen megoldja a feladatokat, akkor kompetensnek érzi magát, élvezheti a közössége támogatását, magabiztosabb lesz, nem zárkózik el az újabb és újabb kihívásoktól, ez pedig ösztönzőleg hat a környezetére is. A fizikai aktivitás hat az értelmi fejlődésre, hiszen a mozgásokban a gyermek teljes személyiségével, így értelmi képességeivel együtt vesz részt. A rendszeres testmozgás hatására az idegsejtek szerteágazóbbakká válnak, több kapcsolatot építenek ki, ez hosszú távon is pozitívan befolyásolja a tanulási képességeket és készségeket, valamint javítja a memóriát

    Motoričke sposobnosti i spremnost za školu djece s posebnim potrebama

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    From the day a person is born motor development is very important. There are different phases of motor development, and if some of the phases are omitted, the child will probably have difficulties in physical, social and psychological development. Physical activity is positively related to academic achievement (Coe, Pivarnik, Womack, Reeves, & Malina, 2006), cognitive functioning (Ellemberg, 2010) and physical and general self-validation (Crocker, Kowalski, & Hadd, 2008). Unfortunately, not every child has an opportunity for healthy motor development. Furthermore, the majority of disadvantaged children start school with social, cultural and educational disadvantages. The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between typically developed children and disadvantaged children in the first grade of elementary school in the areas of school readiness and motor abilities. A battery of 7 school-readiness tests (DIFER) and 7 motor tests was administered to a sample of 19 disadvantaged children (M=7.56, SD=0.87) and 25 typically developed children (M=7.53, SD=0.35). Significant differences (F=5.43; P≤0.05) between the groups were observed in both areas. The disadvantaged children were falling considerably behind their peers. In those preschool and primary school institutions where the disadvantaged children from lower social status are enrolled in large numbers, a straightforward form of motor skills development ought to be implemented. A developmental programme would provide further help for preparing disadvantaged children for academic learning.Motorički razvoj u kojem postoje različite faze vrlo je važan. Posljedica nepostojanja različitih faza vjerojatno bi bili problemi u fizičkom, socijalnom i psihološkom razvoju. Fizička aktivnost pozitivno je povezana s akademskim postignućem (Coe, Pivarnik, Womack, Reeves & Malina, 2006.), kognitivnim funkcioniranjem (Ellemberg, 2010.), fizičkim i općim samovrednovanjem (Crocker, Kowalski & Hadd, 2008.). Nažalost, nema svako dijete mogućnost za zdravi motorni razvoj. Štoviše, većina djece s posebnim potrebama započinje školovanje s posebnim socijalnim, kulturnim i obrazovnim potrebama. Cilj je ove studije ocijeniti razlike između normalno razvijene djece iz prvoga razreda osnovne škole i djece s posebnim potrebama u područjima spremnosti za školu i motornih sposobnosti. Baterija 7 testova spremnosti za školu (DIFER) i 7 motornih testova provedena je na uzorku od 19 djece s posebnim potrebama (M = 7,56; SD = 0,87) i 25 normalno razvijene djece (M = 7,53; SD = 0,35). Značajne razlike (F = 5,43; P ≤ 0,05) među skupinama uočene su u oba područja; djeca s posebnim potrebama značajno su zaostajala za vršnjacima iz većinske skupine. U predškolskim i osnovnoškolskim ustanovama u kojima su u velikom broju upisana djeca s posebnim potrebama iz nižega socijalnog sloja treba primijeniti neposredni oblik razvoja motornih vještina. Razvojni program pružio bi daljnju pomoć za pripremu djece s posebnim potrebama za akademsko postignuće

    Odnos između sastava tijela i HRQOL kod djece u osnovnoj školi

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    The dramatic rise in the prevalence of obesity in developed and in developing countries has become a major health care concern. There is an increasing recognition of the relationship between health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and obesity in the pediatric population. Subjective experience of one’s own health, and how children see their own lives is also very important. Children with an increased amount of body fat have a negative perception of the HRQOL, unlike those who have a normal amount of body fat. A total of 181 children participated in this study (mean age 7.71 ±0.29 years, 88 girls). For the assessment of the body composition the InBody 230 device was used, while for the assessment of HRQOL the proxy version of KIDSCREEN-27 questionnaire was used. The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between the body composition and the HRQOL in children of primary school age. The analysis of the results showed that the BMI is in significant negative correlation with the two dimensions of HRQOL in boys (Psychological Well-being and School), while in girls there is no statistically significant relationship. The correlation between the Percentage of Body Fat (PBF) and HRQOL is significant and negative in boys in 4 dimensions (Physical Well-being, Psychological Well-being, Social Support & Peers, School), while in girls it is negative and significant only in one dimension (Physical Well-being). The results indicate that there are changes in the body composition of children, such as the increased BMI and BFP, reduced HRQOL, i.e. obesity is in inverse relationship to HRQOL.Dinamičan porast prevalencije pretilosti u razvijenim zemljama i onima u razvoju postao je glavna briga zdravstvene zaštite. Postoji veća značajnost odnosa između kvalitete života u vezi sa zdravljem (HRQOL) i pretilosti pedijatrijske populacije. Subjektivan dojam i dojam vlastitog zdravlja i dječjeg viđenja vlastitog života također su vrlo važni. Djeca s povećanom količinom masne mase imaju negativnu percepciju o HRQOL za razliku od djece koja imaju normalnu količinu tjelesne masti. U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 181 dijete (prosječne dobi 7.71 (0.29) godina, 88 djevojčica). Za procjenu sastava tijela koristio se InBody 230 uređaj, a za procjenu HRQOL koristila se proxy verzija KIDSCREEN-27 upitnika. Cilj studije bio je istražiti odnose između sastava tijela i HRQOL na djecu u osnovnoškolskoj dobi. Analiza rezultata je pokazala kako je ITM u značajnoj negativnoj korelaciji s dvije dimenzije HRQOL kod dječaka (psihološka dobrobit i škola), a da kod djevojčica ne postoji statistička veza. Korelacije između postotaka masnog tkiva (PMT) i HRQOL značajne su i negativne kod dječaka u 4 dimenzije (tjelesno blagostanje, psihičko blagostanje, socijalna podrška i vršnjaci, škola), a kod djevojčica je negativan i značajan samo u jednoj dimenziji (tjelesno blagostanje). Rezultati pokazuju da postoje promjene u sastavu tijela djece, kao što su ITM i PMT smanjene HRQOL, odnosno da je pretilost u obrnuto proporcionalnom inverznom odnosu s HRQOL-om


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    Vital information can be obtained on the relationship between duration and intensity of physical activity and body composition. Knowing the intensity and duration of physical activity children are participating in during a typical day can potentially give insight to the increase of childhood obesity in both the United States and Hungary. The purpose of this study was to analyze the duration and intensity of physical activity of American (n=91) and Hungarian (n=119) 10 -14yearold healthy boys and girls. They received Actigraph GT3X+ accelerometers collecting data continuously for 3 days of a typical school week (Monday-Wednesday). Height and weight were measured and body mass index was calculated. Activity counts were separated into moderate (~3.5 Mets), vigorous (~5 Mets) and vigorous+ (~8 Mets) activity levels using the recommended cut off points provided by Actigraph. Independent t-tests were used to determine significant differences.The American children performed significantly more activity daily compared to Hungarian children but the American children had a significantly higher BMI. The results raise questions about American diet and amount of physical activity recommended daily)


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    The project was designed to collect data about junior football players using complex instrumental measurements. Agility is the ability to move easily and quickly; it infers rapid onset, sudden stops and changes in direction. The execution of these requires complex skill set. In modern football, this factor is considered the most important one in terms of efficiency. Several previous studies have, with no significant results, tried to find a link between individual skills and agility. In the present research we were looking for answers to what factors influence agility among junior football players.According to the of the movement-structure analysis of these tests, it is possible, that separately they do not cover the whole scale of movement patterns which could be present during a match. Because of this, we promoted two new variables: There are the "Agility without ball" and the "Agility with ball". This test of movement structure contains all the components which could be expected of the players during a match, such as changes of direction, dribbles, using the dominant and subdominant leg separately and optionally.In modern football, agility is an extremely complex skill, and the exact structure of its performance components is hard to define. The factors influencing players' agility should be emphasized and methodically developed in youth training in the light of future efficiency

    Molekuláris mechanizmusok vizsgálata a vestibularis rendszer fejlődése, regenerációja és plaszticitása során = Investigation of molecular mechanisms in the development, regeneration and plasticity of vestibular system

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    Csirkeembriók gerincvelőjében és agytörzsében kimutattuk, hogy a neuronok körüli, extracellularis matrixban (ECM) gazdag perineuronalis háló (PNN) az embrionális életben megjelenik, míg az emlősökben csak postnatalisan alakul ki. Ez arra utal, hogy a fészekhagyó madaraknál a kikeléskor megfigyelhető, koordinált mozgás hátterében álló neuronhálózat már az embrionális korban stabilizálódik. Leírtuk az ECM molekulák heterogén megoszlását a PNN-ben a vestibularis magokban, a kisagyban és a szemmozgató agyidegi magokban. A molekuláris heterogenitás magyarázhatja a neuronok eltérő viselkedését a regenerációs és a plaszticitási folyamataiban. A PNN békában csak hyaluronsavat (HA) tartalmaz, míg patkányban chondroitin szulfát proteoglycant (CSPG) is, ami összefüggésben lehet az alacsonyabbrendű élőlények idegrendszerének jelentős regenerációs képességével. A n. VIII. átvágása után kimutattuk, hogy a béka vestibularis magjaiban a HA, patkányban pedig a HA és a CSPG változása időbeli egyezést mutat kompenzációs folyamatokkal. A vestibularis rendszerhez tartozó neuronhálózatokban kimutattuk a vestibularis afferensek monoszinaptikus kapcsolatait és a neuronhálózatokban résztvevő motoneuronok közötti dendrodendritikus és dendroszomatikus kontaktusokat. Ezek a kapcsolatok képezhetik a morfológiai alapját a vestibularis ingerlést követő válaszok gyors és pontos kivitelezésének. Kvantitatív analízissel a patkány nucleus cochlearis dorsalisában azonosítottuk az óriás és a piramis sejteket. | Distribution pattern of extracellular matrix (ECM) showed that the perineuronal net (PNN), condensation of ECM around the neurons, appears in the spinal cord and brainstem of chicken embryos, contrary to the mammalian species. This finding suggests the early stabilization of neuronal circuit underlying the posture and gaze in the precocial birds. The heterogeneous molecular composition of ECM in the PNN of the vestibular nuclei, cerebellum and eye moving motoneurons may be responsible for the different degree of plasticity and regeneration of various parts of the central nervous system (CNS). The hyaluronan-rich and chondroitin sulfat proteoglycan-free PNN of the frog may be associated with the regeneration and plasticity of the frog CNS. Unilateral lesion of eighth cranial nerve is accompanied by the modification of ECM expression in the vestibular nuclei complex of the frog and rat. It was shown that the vestibular fibers establish monosynaptic contacts with the motoneurons of vestibular neuronal circuit. The dendrodendritic and dendrosomatic contacts between the motoneurons of vestibular neuronal circuits did not show any morphological specialization; the long membrane appositions may provide electrotonic interactions and subserve the morphological substrates of co-activation, synchronization and timing of muscle contraction upon body displacement. Giant and pyramidal cells of the dorsal cochlear nucleus were identified by using quantitative analysis of neurons

    Dongaláb-specifikus életminőség-kérdőív magyar adaptációja = Hungarian validation of the Clubfoot Disease-Specific Instrument

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A veleszületett strukturális dongaláb a leggyakoribb veleszületett lábdeformitás. Eredményesnek mondható kezelése ellenére is az érintett oldalon a lábszár atrophiájával, a láb hosszkülönbségével, funkcionális elmaradásával és esetleges fájdalmával kell számolnunk. Számos nemzetközi kutatás foglalkozik a dongalábbal élők életminőségének vizsgálatával, ennek ellenére hazánkban még nem történt ilyen felmérés. A betegalapú értékelést használják a kezelés eredményességének megállapításához, illetve a hagyományos és a Ponseti-féle kezelési módszer összehasonlításához. Célkitűzés: A szerzők célja a dongaláb esetén nemzetközileg legismertebb speciális életminőség-kérdőív, a 10 tételből és két alskálából (elégedettség, funkció) álló „Clubfoot Disease-Specific Instrument” (a továbbiakban: „Dongaláb Specifikus Mérőeszköz”) használatának engedélyeztetése, illetve szülői és gyermekváltozatának hazai adaptálása, majd a belső és külső validitás vizsgálata. Módszer: A kérdőíveket 75 fő (44 fiú, 28 lány) töltötte ki három korcsoporti megoszlásban (12 év alattiak, 12–17,99 év közöttiek és 18 év felettiek); átlagéletkor: 12,45 év (2–44 év). Mérőeszközök: a „Dongaláb Specifikus Mérőeszköz” magyar nyelvű (korcsoportnak megfelelő) változatai; az általános életminőség mérésére az EQ-5D-3L magyar nyelvű verziója. Eredmények: A „Dongaláb Specifikus Mérőeszköz” gyermek- és szülői változata megfelelő belső validitással rendelkezik (szülői: 0,872, gyermek: 0,923), illetve az egyes tételei és az EQ-5D-3L dimenziói között közepes és erős korrelációs értékek jellemzik az összefüggéseket a meglévő szignifikáns kapcsolatok mellett. Következtetés: A mérőeszköz hazai adaptálása sikeresnek mondható, amely hozzájárult a dongalábbal élő betegek életminőségének megismeréséhez, és lehetőséget nyújt a gyakorlatban a kezelés eredményességének megítélésére. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(31): 1269–1277. | Abstract: Introduction: Congenital structural clubfoot is the most common congenital deformity of the foot. Despite successful treatment, the affected side may present signs of athrophy, differences in length, functional maldevelopment and in some cases it may also result in pain. Although several international studies have been investigating the quality of life of individuals with clubfoot, no research has been done in Hungary. Patient-based assessment is used for the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment and for the comparison of the traditional versus the Ponseti method. Aim: To gain permission for the use of the internationally most well-known Clubfoot Disease-Specific Instrument (hereafter: ‘Clubfoot Specific Questionnaire’) consisting of 10 items and two subscales, and furthermore, to adapt its parent and child-version for Hungary and to carry out the internal and external validity testing of the measure. Method: The Questionnaire was completed by 75 individuals (44 boys, 28 girls) belonging to three age groups (under age 12, aged 12–17.99 years and those aged above 18); the mean age was 12.45 years (range: 2–44 years). The measures used: the Hungarian version of the ‘Clubfoot Specific Questionnaire’ (adapted versions for the given age groups), and the Hungarian version of EQ-5D-3L to measure the general quality of life. Results: Both the parent- and the child-version of the ‘Clubfoot Specific Questionnaire’ showed adequate internal validity (parent-version: 0.872, child-version: 0.923); the individual items showed medium to strong correlations with the EQ-5D-3L dimensions besides the existing significant connections. Conclusion: The Hungarian adaptation of the measure proved to be successful. The validated questionnaire provides a further tool for the assessment of the quality of life of individuals with clubfoot and also for the evaluation of the success rate of therapies. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(31): 1269–1277


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    Besides pleasant taste, the potential health benefits of cocoa and chocolate products have been known for many years. Formerly accepted as a medicine, chocolate nowadays among consumers represents everyday delicacy primarily associated with caries, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. However, recent studies indicate the potential role of chocolate in cardiovascular diseases prevention and benefits linked to lower body mass index (BMI). The presented study aims to examine adolescents’ habits regarding chocolate, sweets, salty snacks and fast food consumption as well as corresponding products intake frequency and relate them with BMI. The study population encompassed 525 participants attending elementary and high schools in the province of Vojvodina, Serbia, from which 42.5% were boys and 57.5% girls. The risk for overweight and participants’ nutritional status were determined through BMI assessment. The majority of participants had normal range nutritional status (70.5%) followed by overweight (19.8%) and obese (7.6%). Increased number of overweight and obese nutritional statuses was recorded among boys compared to girls. Results revealed that fruits as a snack are most frequently consumed between meals, followed by salty snacks and sweets, regardless of the participants’ nutritional status. The highest share of sweets consumption between meals was noticed among participants with obese nutritional status (15%). Furthermore, more than 40% of participants with overweight and normal range nutritional status do not consume chocolate at all, while 2.5% of participants with obese nutritional status stated that they consume chocolate on a daily basis