26 research outputs found

    Modifikasi Silika Mesopori MCM-48 dengan Gugus Tiol untuk Adsorpsi Ion Logam Ag(I)

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    A research of silica mesoporous MCM-48 modified by using 3-MPTMS has been conducted. MCM-48 and its modification (MCM-48-SH) can be used to overcome environmental contamination by heavy metals. Adsorption of Ag(I) ion by MCM-48 and MCM-48-SH was studied with variation of contact time, temperature, and concentration of Ag(I) ion. X-Ray Difraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) were used to characterize MCM-48 and MCM-48-SH. Langmuir and Freundlich models were used to study the adsorption isotherm of Ag(I) by MCM-48 and MCM-48-SH. The result showed that adsorption of Ag(I) by MCM-48 is suitable with Langmuir and Freundlich models. The adsorption capacity of Ag(I) by MCM-48 according to Langmuir model is 45.66 mg/g and 9.3562 mg/g with Freundlich model. The adsorption capacity of Ag(I) by MCM-48-SH is 294.1176 mg/g for Langmuir model and 49.11 mg/g for Freundlich model

    Mesoporous Silica MCM-48 as Chloramphenicol Adsorbent

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    This study is aimed to determine the potential use of MCM-48 to adsorb chloramphenicol pollution. Chloramphenicol adsorption was conducted at various times contact and concentration. Adsorption isotherm was studied by comparing Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm. The results showed that chloramphenicol adsorption was suited to Freundlich isotherm with an optimum contact time of 80 minutes&nbsp

    Application of Rice Field Snails (Pila ampullacea) Extract as an Alternative Substitute for Protein Sources in Export-Quality Catfish Feed (Clarias sp.)

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    The freshwater fishery commodity that ranks at the top in total production in Indonesia, and its high domestic consumption, is catfish (Clarias sp.). One of the efforts to provide alternative feeds is by using rice field snails (Pila ampullacea) due to their high protein content. This study aims to determine the content of P. ampullacea feed and its application as an alternative protein source in export-quality Clarias sp. The feed was prepared by combining P.ampullacea flour, rice bran, and corn flour in a ratio of 3:1:1. Analysis of water content was conducted using the weight reduction method, ash content using the ashing method, protein content using the Kjeldahl method, and fat content using the soxhletation method. The analysis results showed that P. ampullacea had water content of 7.97%, ash content of 10.36%, protein content of 50.17%, and fat content of 4.16%. Meanwhile, the P.ampullacea feed had water content of 10.49%, ash content of 8.26%, protein content of 48.74%, and fat content of 3.6%. The results indicated that the application of P.ampullacea to Clarias sp. led to an increase in protein and fat content every week, the levels found in the commercial feed used

    Sintesis p-tert-butilkaliks[4]arena-tetra-n-(etilglisil)asetamida untuk Digunakan Sebagai Pengemban Ion pada Pemisahan Ion-Ion Logam Berat dengan Transpor Membran Cair

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    ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian sintesis p-tert-butilkaliks[4]arena-tetra-N-(etilglisil)-asetamida untuk digunakan sebagai pengemban ion pada pemisahan ion logam berat dengan transpor membran cair. Senyawa pengemban ion tersebut disintesis dari p-t-butilkaliks[4]arena dengan N-etilglisilasetamida. Senyawa N-etilglisil-asetamida diperoleh dari hasil reaksi antara asam 2-kloroasetat dengan SOCl2 yang diteruskan dengan penambahan HCl.H-Gly-OEt. Senyawa p-t-butil-kaliks[4]arena-tetra-N-(etilglisil)asetamida berupa kristal berwarna coklat kekuningan (75%), t.l.70 ºC, larut dalam kloroform, dan tidak larut dalam air dan n-heksana. Kata Kunci: sintesis, pengemban ion, p-t-butilkaliks[4]arena-tetra-N-(etilglisil)asetamida ABSTRACT Synthesis of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-tetra-N-(ethylglycil)acetamide which will used as ion carrier in separation heavy metal ions by liquid membrane transport has been conducted. The compound was synthesized from p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene and N-glycilacetamide. The N-glycilactamide compound was prepared by reaction of 2-cloroacetic acid with thionyl chloride followed by amidation with HCl.H-Gly-OEt. By this method it was obtained p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-tetra-N-(ethylglycil)-acetamide compound as yellowish brown crystal (75%), m.p. 70 ºC, soluble in chloroform, and insoluble in both water and n-hexane. Keyword: synthesis ion, p-tert-butilkaliks[4]arena-tetra-N-(etilglisil)asetamid

    BIOSORPSI Cd2+ OLEH Nannochloropsis salina DALAM MEDIUM CONWY

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    Penelitian tentang biosorpsi Cd2+ oleh Nannochloropsis salina dalam larutan Medium Conwy telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan memanfaatkan mikroalga N. salina sebagai biosorben untuk polutan Cd2+ di perairan. Pada penelitian ini pemaparan Cd2+ dengan variasi konsentrasi 5, 10, dan 15 ppm yang dilakukan di awal masa pertumbuhan N. salina dalam Medium Conwy pada salinitas 30 "???," aerasi dan pencahayaan kontinyu, serta suhu ruangan 20 oC. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA) dan Forrier Transformation Infra Red (FT-IR). Waktu optimum pertumbuhan N. salina sebagai kontrol diperoleh pada hari ke-10, sementara pertumbuhan N. salina yang dipapar ion logam menunjukkan jumlah populasi N. salina berbanding terbalik dengan konsentrasi Cd2+ yang dipaparkan. Efesiensi penjerapan maksimum Cd2+ oleh N. salina terjadi pada kultur yang terpapar 10 ppm yaitu 59,70 %. Gugus fungsi yang terlibat dalam proses biosorpsi Cd2+ oleh N. salina adalah gugus O-H, C-N dan C-O


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    Penelitian mengenai pemanfaatan Nannochloropsis salina sebagai biosorben untuk mengatasi pencemaran Ni2+ telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pola pertumbuhan N. salina pada medium yang tercemar Ni2+, menentukan efisiensi penjerapan Ni2+ oleh N. salina, dan menentukan gugus fungsi yang terlibat dalam penjerapan Ni2+ oleh N. salina. Pada penelitian ini, pemaparan Ni2+ dilakukan di awal pertumbuhan N. salina. Pertumbuhan N. salina diamati setiap hari dengan cara menghitung jumlah populasi N. salina. Konsentrasi Ni2+ dalam filtrat ditentukan dengan menggunakan SSA. Gugus fungsi yang terlibat dalam penjerapan diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan FT-IR. Pola pertumbuhan N. salina pada medium yang tercemar Ni2+ berbeda dengan pola pertumbuhan N. salina pada medium tanpa dicemari Ni2+. Efisiensi penjerapan berbanding terbalik dengan konsentrasi logam yang dipaparkan pada medium pertumbuhan N. salina. Efisiensi penjerapan maksimum Ni2+ 5 ppm oleh N. salina sebesar 64,80 %, Ni2+ 10 ppm sebesar 46,80 %, dan Ni2+ 15 ppm sebesar 34,40 %. Gugus fungsi yang berperan dalam proses penjerapan Ni2+ oleh N. salina adalah gugus karboksil

    Proses Transesterifikasi Biji Minyak Jarak dengan Bantuan Enzim Lipase sebagai Penghasil Biodiesel

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    The investigation was carried out to prevent the scarce of fosil based fuel. In this investigation used seed of castor oil plan (Jathropha curcas L.) as natural row material to make castor oils and converted to biodiesel so that it's friendly to the biological environment. Castor oils produced by extraction process with soxhletation methods used n-hexane solvent. The result of extraction then converted to biodiesel by transesterification process at optimum temperature 40o C with methanol and catalyzed with lipase enzyme. Free fatty acid analysis and total fat analysis was done to the result product, and then biodiesel converted value as 88.67% gotten. Some characteristics analysis of biodiesel castor oils like density, viscosity, pouring point, flaming point, and caloric value according ASTM D6751. The result of investigation showed castor oils biodiesel can be used as diesel fuel

    Mesoporous Silica MCM-48 as Chloramphenicol Adsorbent

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    This study is aimed to determine the potential use of MCM-48 to adsorb chloramphenicol pollution. Chloramphenicol adsorption was conducted at various times contact and concentration. Adsorption isotherm was studied by comparing Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm. The results showed that chloramphenicol adsorption was suited to Freundlich isotherm with an optimum contact time of 80 minutes

    Adsorption of Tetracycline Hydrochloride from Solutions Using Mesoporous Silica, MCM-48

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    Mesoporous silica with cubic structure (MCM-48) was synthesized using Ludox HS40 as silica source and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as a template. MCM-48 was used to adsorb the antibiotic of tetracycline hydrochloride. An X-ray diffractometer observed the x-ray diffraction pattern of MCM-48 and functional groups observed by a Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer. Parameters used to study adsorption were contact time and concentration. The pseudo-second-order was the kinetic order that fitted well with the adsorption of tetracycline HCl. The adsorption of tetracycline HCl on MCM-48 followed the Freundlich isotherm with the adsorption capacity of 0.98 mg/g

    Application of Rice Field Snails (Pila ampullacea) Extract as an Alternative Substitute for Protein Sources in Export-Quality Catfish Feed (Clarias sp.)

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    The freshwater fishery commodity that ranks at the top in total production in Indonesia, and its high domestic consumption, is catfish (Clarias sp.). One of the efforts to provide alternative feeds is by using rice field snails (Pila ampullacea) due to their high protein content. This study aims to determine the content of P. ampullacea feed and its application as an alternative protein source in export-quality Clarias sp. The feed was prepared by combining P.ampullacea flour, rice bran, and corn flour in a ratio of 3:1:1. Analysis of water content was conducted using the weight reduction method, ash content using the ashing method, protein content using the Kjeldahl method, and fat content using the soxhletation method. The analysis results showed that P. ampullacea had water content of 7.97%, ash content of 10.36%, protein content of 50.17%, and fat content of 4.16%. Meanwhile, the P.ampullacea feed had water content of 10.49%, ash content of 8.26%, protein content of 48.74%, and fat content of 3.6%. The results indicated that the application of P.ampullacea to Clarias sp. led to an increase in protein and fat content every week, the levels found in the commercial feed used