246 research outputs found

    Occurrence of double-stranded RNA species in champignon and their relation to Mushroom Virus X symptoms

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    Mycoviruses are known to infect fungi of different habitats and life style. Some of them, like the Mushroom Virus X (MVX) complex, cause abnormal development of fruiting bodies and severe yield losses in mushroom cultivation. Most mycoviruses have a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genome, therefore dsRNA-detection is frequently used as a first step to identify virus infection. In relation with MVX 23 dsRNAs species have been described, occurring in variable number and combination in diseased mushrooms. The aim of our experiments was to find out whether dsRNA-immunoblotting can be used to detect dsRNA in small samples of cultivated A. bisporus varieties and of wild growing Agaricus species. We found that by immunoblotting, the same dsRNA species were detected in apparently healthy cultivated champignon fruiting bodies and in MVX-infected reference samples, respectively, as by conventional CF11 chromatography, but for immunoblotting a much smaller sample size was needed. In two out of three deformed fruit bodies of cultivated A. bisporus from Hungary we detected a 4.1 kbp dsRNA species which was also present in the MVX infected reference samples. Diverse and variable dsRNA patterns were observed in apparently healthy samples of 12 wild growing Agaricus species, indicating that extreme care should be taken when non-cultivated Agaricus is used for breeding new varieties. Non-sterile cultures and environmental mushroom specimens are fairly often mixed with parasitic and endofungal organisms, therefore, we also tested fungi isolated from mushroom cultures. Here again, 1–7 dsRNA species were found in extracts of Trichoderma and Dactylium isolates and of Mycogone-infected sporophores. Our results demonstrate clearly that dsRNAs from very different origins can be present in cultivated champignon and support the view that the MVX symptom-associated dsRNAs are probably of polyphyletic origin and do not represent one defined virus

    Probing topological order with R\'enyi entropy

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    We present an analytical study of the quantum phase transition between the topologically ordered toric-code-model ground state and the disordered spin-polarized state. The phase transition is induced by applying an external magnetic field, and the variation in topological order is detected via two non-local quantities: the Wilson loop and the topological Renyi entropy of order 2. By exploiting an equivalence with the transverse-field Ising model and considering two different variants of the problem, we investigate the field dependence of these quantities by means of an exact treatment in the exactly solvable variant and complementary perturbation theories around the limits of zero and infinite fields in both variants. We find strong evidence that the phase transition point between topological order and disorder is marked by a discontinuity in the topological Renyi entropy and that the two phases around the phase transition point are characterized by its different constant values. Our results therefore indicate that the topological Renyi entropy is a proper topological invariant: its allowed values are discrete and can be used to distinguish between different phases of matter.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, published version with structural changes onl

    Chaos and stability in a two-parameter family of convex billiard tables

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    We study, by numerical simulations and semi-rigorous arguments, a two-parameter family of convex, two-dimensional billiard tables, generalizing the one-parameter class of oval billiards of Benettin--Strelcyn [Phys. Rev. A 17, 773 (1978)]. We observe interesting dynamical phenomena when the billiard tables are continuously deformed from the integrable circular billiard to different versions of completely-chaotic stadia. In particular, we conjecture that a new class of ergodic billiard tables is obtained in certain regions of the two-dimensional parameter space, when the billiards are close to skewed stadia. We provide heuristic arguments supporting this conjecture, and give numerical confirmation using the powerful method of Lyapunov-weighted dynamics.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures. Submitted for publication. Supplementary video available at http://sistemas.fciencias.unam.mx/~dsanders

    Random Matrices and the Convergence of Partition Function Zeros in Finite Density QCD

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    We apply the Glasgow method for lattice QCD at finite chemical potential to a schematic random matrix model (RMM). In this method the zeros of the partition function are obtained by averaging the coefficients of its expansion in powers of the chemical potential. In this paper we investigate the phase structure by means of Glasgow averaging and demonstrate that the method converges to the correct analytically known result. We conclude that the statistics needed for complete convergence grows exponentially with the size of the system, in our case, the dimension of the Dirac matrix. The use of an unquenched ensemble at Ό=0\mu=0 does not give an improvement over a quenched ensemble. We elucidate the phenomenon of a faster convergence of certain zeros of the partition function. The imprecision affecting the coefficients of the polynomial in the chemical potential can be interpeted as the appearance of a spurious phase. This phase dominates in the regions where the exact partition function is exponentially small, introducing additional phase boundaries, and hiding part of the true ones. The zeros along the surviving parts of the true boundaries remain unaffected.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, typos correcte

    Experimental determination of the 3^3He(α\alpha,γ\gamma)7^7Be reaction cross section above the 7^7Be proton separation threshold

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    The 3^3He(α\alpha,Îł\gamma)7^7Be reaction plays a major role both in the BBN producing the majority of the primordial 7^7Li, and in the pp-chain, where it is the branching point. As a few-nucleon system, this reaction is often used to validate ab-initio theoretical calculations and/or test R-matrix theory and code implementations. For the latter, experimental data in an extended energy range is of crucial importance to test the fit and extrapolation capabilities of the different codes. The 3^3He(α\alpha,Îł\gamma)7^7Be reaction cross section has been measured by several groups up to the first resonance (Ec.m.≈3E_{c.m.} \approx 3 MeV) in the reaction. However, only one dataset exists above the 7^7Be proton separation threshold measured in a narrow energy range (Ec.m.=4.0−4.4E_{c.m.} = 4.0-4.4 MeV). In this work we extend the available experimental capture cross section database to the energy range of known 7^7Be levels. The activation method was used. The experiment was performed using a thin-window gas cell with two high-purity Al foils as entrance and exit windows. The activity of the 7^7Be nuclei implanted in the exit/catcher foil was measured by detecting the yield of the emitted Îł\gamma~rays using shielded high-purity germanium detectors. New experimental 3^3He(α\alpha,Îł\gamma)7^7Be reaction cross section data were obtained for the first time in the Ec.m.=4.3−8.3E_{c.m.}=4.3-8.3 MeV energy region. The new dataset with about 0.2 MeV step covers the energy range of known levels and particle separation thresholds. No prominent structures are observer around the 7^7Be levels. The reaction cross section is slowly increasing with increasing energy. Above the 6^6Li+p1+p_1 threshold, a decrease starts in the cross section trend. The overall structure of the cross section suggest a broad resonance peaking around Ex=7.5E_x=7.5 MeV 7^7Be excitation energy, with a width of 8 MeV.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Book reviews

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    Foods, nutrients and food ingredients with authorised EU health claims. M.J. SADLER (Ed.). Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier, Cambridge, UK, Waltham, US, Kidlington, UK, Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition: Number 263, 2014 ISBN 978-0-85709-842-9 (print), ISBN 978-0-85709-848-1 (e-book), 397 page

    Measurements of Gd 152 (p,Îł) Tb 153 and Gd 152 (p,n) Tb 152 reaction cross sections for the astrophysical Îł process

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    The total cross sections for the Gd152(p,Îł)Tb153 and Gd152(p,n)152Tb reactions have been measured by the activation method at effective center-of-mass energies 3.47≀Ec.m.eff≀7.94 MeV and 4.96≀Ec.m.eff≀7.94 MeV, respectively. The targets were prepared by evaporation of 30.6% isotopically enriched Gd152 oxide on aluminum backing foils, and bombarded with proton beams provided by a cyclotron accelerator. The cross sections were deduced from the observed Îł-ray activity, which was detected off-line by an HPGe detector in a low background environment. The results are presented and compared with predictions of statistical model calculations. This comparison supports a modified optical proton+Gd152 potential suggested earlier.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
