93 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with the problems of energy saving and environmental aspects (water consumption, drift emission, noise level) of cooling systems using mechanical draft wet cooling towers. Graphs have been developed to represent correlation between cooling performance, size of cooling towers, and fan power requirement for the most common operating range. Tracing of distinct cold water temperature is shown, below which reduction of fan power is advisable. Generalized charts are presented to provide values on cooling tower evaporation loss and make-up water demand

    Környezeti tényezők hatása egyes laktobacillusok biogén amin és bakteriocin bioszintézisére = Effect of environmental factors on biogenic amine and bacteriocin biosynthesis of certain lactobacilli

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    Három autentikus laktobacillus törzs, Lb.plantarum 2142, Lb. casei subsp.casei 2750 ,és Lb. curvatus 2770, szaporodását és bakteriocin termelét vizsgáltuk a tápköözeg összetétel függvényében. Mindhárom esetben MRS tápközegben volt a legjobb szaporodás, de a pepton víz+ YE illetve pepton víz + y e3 glükóz-on is számottevő növekedés következett be. A növényi alapú tápoldtok közül TJ-on kisebb növekedés lépett fel mint cékla-illetve csicsókalén. A gátlóhatást vizsgálva ateszt mikroorganizmusokkal (baktérium, élesztő és penész) szembeni aktivitás termelő törzs függő. Egyazon törzs esetén a tápközeg összetételnek is hatása van, de a gátló aktivitás nem mutat összefüggést az adott táplén észlelt szaporodással ,ami arra mutat, hogy a bakteriocin termelés nem szaporodáshoz kötött, a stacioner azakszban lép fel.A biogén aminszintézist elsődlegesen a hozzáférhető szabad aminósav koncentráció, az aminósav dekarboxiláz (ADC) és az amonóoxidáz(AO) befolyásolja. Peptid kötésben levő aminósav szubsztrázum esetén a proteáz aktivitás a meghatározó. MRS tápközegben a legnagyobb proteáz aktivitású törzs termelt legnagyobb amin-koncentrációt. Mind az ADC mind az AOerős szubsztrát koncentráció függést mutat 0-1 mg/ml, ill. 0-0,004 mg/ml tartományban. A H2O2 szintézis a vizsgált törzsek estén jelentősen eltér, MRS-n szporítoot sejtek közül az Lb.2142, mig TJ. a 2770 volt legaktívabb.A képződött 0.03 mM H2Os nem okozott sejtkárosodást. | We investigated in case of 3 authentic lactobacilli (Lb. plantarum 2142, Lb. casei subsp. casei 2750 and Lb. curvatus 2770) the influence of medium composition on growth and bacteriocin production.For growth MRS was the best, but pepton water + YE andpepton water+YE3glucose resulted also considerabel growth. Among the plant-based media TJ resulted lower groth than red beet and Jerusalem artichoke juices. Inhibitory activity aginst test microorganisma (bacteria, yeaste, moulds) is dependent on the producer strain. in case of the same Lb. the medium composition has also influence, but inhibitory activity shows no correlation with growth rate in the same substrate, this means that bacteriocin sínthesis is not growth phase dependent it occurs in the stationary phase. Biogenic amins production is mainly influenced by the free amino acid present, the amino acid decarboxylae ADC) and aminooxidase8AO) activities. Whe n amino acid is peptide bound, the proteinase activity is rate limiting. In MRS medium highest amine content was detected by higheat protease activity Lb. strain. Both ADC and AO are highliy sutrate conc. dependent in the range of 0-1mg/ml and 0-0.004 mg/ml resp. H2O2 production of the strains is highly different, among MRS grown cells Lb.2142, while on TJ Lb. 2770 where most active producers. The synthesized concnetration 0.03mM did'nt result cell damage of the producer Lb.214

    A körülmények hatalma : a réz meglepő redoxireakciói

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    Mucocele of the appendix: An unusual cause of lower abdominal pain in a patient with ulcerative colitis

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    The authors report the case of a 60-year-old male patient. In November 2001 he developed intestinal symptoms of bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. Colononoscopy and biopsy established the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis (proctosigmoiditis). The disease activity was moderate at the beginning. No significant laboratory alterations were found (including CEA, CA19-9), and mesalazine was started orally. He was in remission until November 2003, when he was admitted to our Outpatient Clinic for upper and right lower abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. Colonoscopy found proctosigmoiditis with a moderate activity, gastroscopy revealed chronic gastritis, laboratory data was normal. Treatment was amended with mesalazine clysma and methylprednisolone (16 mg) orally. Symptoms ameliorated; however, right lower abdominal pain persisted. US and CT examination demonstrated a pericecal cystic mass (11 cm x 3.5 cm). At first pericecal abscess was suspected, as the previous US examination (6 mo earlier) had revealed normal findings. Fine needle aspiration was performed. Cytology confirmed the diagnosis of mucocele. The patient underwent partial cecum resection and extirpation of the mucocele. He recovered well and the final histology revealed a cystadenoma of the appendix. Follow up was started. The patient is now free of symptoms. Although primary adenocarcinoma of the appendix is uncommon, the authors emphasize that preoperative diagnosis of an underlying malignancy in a mucocele is important for patient management; however, it is difficult on imaging studies

    Study on the Lithiation Reaction of 3-Diisopropylcarbamoyl-N-pivaloylphenylethylamine

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    As a continuation of our earlier studies on the lithiation-based synthesis of 8-methoxy-, 8-fluoro- and 8-chloro-3,4-dihydroisoquinoline, a similar approach was investigated for the preparation of the 8-diisopropylcarbamoyl congener. The corresponding N-pivaloyl phenylethylamine key intermediate was prepared via four new bifunctional intermediates in high overall yield. Lithiation of this intermediate followed by quenching with dimethylformamide led to a mixture: beside the desired compound containing the formyl moiety in the common ortho position of the two aromatic substituents, the isomer formylated in the other ortho position of the carbamoyl moiety was surprisingly obtained as the major product. The crude mixture could finally be transformed under acidic conditions to the target compound, 8-diisopropylcarbamoyl-substituted 3,4-dihydroisoquinoline, albeit in a low yield

    Rising plasma nociceptin level during development of HCC: A case report

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    AIM: Although liver cirrhosis is a predisposing factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), relatively few reports are available on HCC in primary biliary cirrhosis. High plasma nociceptin (N/OFQ) level has been shown in Wilson disease and in patients with acute and chronic pain. METHODS: We report a follow-up case of HCC, which developed in a patient with primary biliary cirrhosis. The tumor appeared 18 years after the diagnosis of PBC and led to death within two years. Alfa fetoprotein and serum nociceptin levels were monitored before and during the development of HCC. Nociceptin content was also measured in the tumor tissue. RESULTS: The importance and the curiosity of the presented case was the novel finding of the progressive elevation of plasma nociceptin level up to 17-fold (172 pg/mL) above the baseline (9.2 +/- 1.8 pg/mL) parallel with the elevation of alpha fetoprotein (from 13 ng/mL up to 3 480 ng/mL) during tumor development. Nociceptin content was more than 15-fold higher in the neoplastic tissue (0.16 pg/mg) than that in the tumor-free liver tissue samples (0.01 pg/mg) taken during the autopsy. CONCLUSION: Results are in concordance with our previous observation that a very high plasma nociceptin level may be considered as an indicator for hepatocellular carcinoma

    Feedback-based approach in teaching medical interviewing

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    Educational feedback is a facilitating tool in improving medical interviewing skills through simulation practices. The simulated patient (SP) programme at the University of Pécs Medical School aims to provide efficient help for educators and students alike in language for medical purposes, communication and clinical courses. The constructivist feedback methodological approach ensures that students in history taking classes learn from role-playing in simulated scenarios and the feedback offered from the simulated patient. Effective assessment includes the learners’ own reflection and the patients’ non-judgmental observation on perceived interpersonal communication skills, observed professional misconduct, students’ ability to cope in emotionally challenging situations, and suggestions for improvement. Giving feedback has to be offered regularly to enable improvement in medical communication and nurture self-confidence. Our questionnaire survey of the students who attended history taking courses involved both self-reflection and instructor feedback based on their performance during simulated scenarios. The results of the study demonstrated substantial developments in relationship-building skills and self-confidence for students in post-course clinical practice

    Genetikai tényezők a hypopituitarsmus kialakulásában. A transzkripciós faktorok szerepe az agyalapimirígy-elégtelenség hátterében

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    Absztrakt: A hypothalamohypophysealis rendszer fejlődési rendellenességei klinikai megjelenésükben sokszínű hypophysiselégtelenséggel járhatnak. Ezen fejlődési rendellenességek jelentős részét a hypophysis organogenezisét szabályozó transzkripciós faktorok genetikai hibái okozhatják. Az agyalapi mirigy fejlődésének korai szakaszában expresszálódó transzkripciós faktorokat kódoló gének mutációi olyan összetett fejlődési rendellenességekhez vezethetnek, amelyekben a hypopituitarismushoz egyéb központi idegrendszeri malformációk is társulnak. Az organogenezis későbbi szakaszát szabályozó transzkripciós faktorok genetikai eltérései jellemzően többszörös, ritkán izolált agyalapi mirigy hormonhiányt okoznak extrahypophysealis manifesztáció nélkül. A hypophysistranszkripciós faktorok genetikai defektusainak azonosítása segítséget adhat a hormonhiányok előrejelzésében és az érintett családtagok szűrésében. Egyes hypophysistranszkripciós faktorok expressziója felnőttkorban is kimutatható, aminek fontos klinikai jelentősége van a hypophysisadenomák WHO által ajánlott új rendszerű, ezen faktorok expresszióját is figyelembe vevő osztályozásában. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(7): 278–284. | Abstract: Developmental disorders affecting the hypothalamic-pituitary system can result in pituitary hormone deficiency showing a diverse clinical presentation. A significant majority of these disorders are closely linked to defects in transcription factor genes which play a major role in pituitary development. Those affecting the early phase of organogenesis typically lead to complex conditions affecting the pituitary as well as structures in the central nervous system. Transcription factors involved in the late phase can result in combined but rarely isolated pituitary hormone deficiency without extra-pituitary manifestation. Identifying the defects in these pituitary transcription factor genes may provide a useful tool in predicting disease progression as well as screening family members. Several pituitary transcription factors can be detected in the adult gland as well which is strongly emphasized in the World Health Organization’s most recent guideline for pituitary tumor classification. Our review summarizes the current essential knowledge relevant for clinical endocrinologists. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(7): 278–284