167 research outputs found

    Supply Chain & Logistics of the Ottoman Army (1300-1566)

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    The Ottoman Empire developed from a frontier principality to become the most powerful empire in the world by 1566. It conquered lands and countries in three continents, covering and area of approximately 978,000 square miles at time of Süleyman the Magnificent. The most significant conquest, without a doubt, was the capture of Constantinople in 1453 by Mehmet the Conqueror, which marked the end of the Eastern Roman Empire. Historians characterize this event as the end of middle ages. Many historians agree that the Ottomans’ success depended to a large extent on their ability to amply supply provisions and weapons to their soldiers. They also provided plentiful food for their animals which were the main transport means. In other words, although soldiers, Janissaries and cavalry, won battles, the supply chain and logistics of the Ottoman Army made it possible. To the best of the knowledge of the author of this manuscript, there is very little research on how militaries of the middle Ages supplied and logistically supported their soldiers and animals. This paper provides an example of how one of those militaries accomplished it. This research is based on published books and articles by prominent historians and covers the period of 1300 to 1566. It concludes that the basic principles used by the Ottoman Army for their supply chain and logistical activities are still valid today and used by excellent modern supply and logistics systems

    A Constitutive Material Model For Restrained Reinforced Concrete Columns in Case of Fire Part I

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    DergiPark: 370299tujesIn the eighties increased basic research was carried out in SFB (SonderForschungsBereich: a special fire research activity for structural elements in Braunschweig Technical University, 1971-1986) in order to clarify the discrepancies between calculation and measurement of restrained compression elements in case of fire. The work was particularly focused on the description of a universal material model for the concrete under elevated temperatures that could be applied successfully to estimate the relaxation response of restrained compression col-umns in fire. In the literature, various material models for structural concrete can be found. In many cases, how-ever, the verification of such models lacks for the case of fire, especially when a mechanical restraining or caused by the entire structural interaction of the carrying system is present.In the eighties increased basic research was carried out in SFB (SonderForschungsBereich: a special fire research activity for structural elements in Braunschweig Technical University, 1971-1986) in order to clarify the discrepancies between calculation and measurement of restrained compression elements in case of fire. The work was particularly focused on the description of a universal material model for the concrete under elevated temperatures that could be applied successfully to estimate the relaxation response of restrained compression col-umns in fire. In the literature, various material models for structural concrete can be found. In many cases, how-ever, the verification of such models lacks for the case of fire, especially when a mechanical restraining or caused by the entire structural interaction of the carrying system is present

    Betonarme Çerçeveler Üzerine Yangın Deneyleri Ve Sonuçların Analizi

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    DergiPark: 245894trakyafbdGenellikle bir yapının yangın davranışı, bu yapıyı oluşturan yapı elemanlarının bireysel yangın davranışına göre değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, betonarme çerçeve taşıyıcı sistemlerin yangın davranışı teorik ve deneysel olarak analiz edilmiştir.Traditionally the response to fire of a building will be estimated on the base of the fire resis¬tance of its individual structural members. The paper presented deals with the fire resistance of a symmetrical half of a concrete framework as an integrated part of entire structural system, and derives results from experimental and theoretical investigations for fire en¬gineering design

    Yangın Durumunda Makro Beton Numunelerde Meydana Gelen Termo-Mekanik Gerilmelerin Beton Dayanımına Etkisi

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    DergiPark: 396675tujesReolojik araştırma çalışmaları, yangın durumunda, malzemedavranışını belirlemek için küçük boyutlu numuneler kullanmakta ve deneysonuçlarından yapı elemanlarının yangın davranışını belirlemede kullanılacakmalzeme davranış kanunlarını saptamaktadır. Bununla beraber, bilindiği üzere,beton makro elemanlarda ısı ve kütle taşınımları önemli ölçüde farklı fazlardameydana gelmektedir. Küçük numunelerden elde edilmiş olan deney sonuçlarının,yapı elemanlarına tatbikinin geçerliliği, şimdiye kadar araştırılmamış bir fenomenteşkil etmektedir. Böyle bir araştırma çalışması ilk defa SFB ye ait (ÖzelAraştırma Alanı : Braunschweig Teknik Üniversitesi’nde yapı elemanlarının yangındavranışı üzerine özel araştırma aktivitesi) A ve B3 alt araştırma projelerininyakın çalışması sonucunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ortaya konanreolojik araştırma sonuçları, beton yapı elemanlarının gerçekçi yangın durumunubelirlemede yeni bir araştırma kavramına öncelik edebilir. İleride amacayönelik araştırma çalışmalarında yangın durumunda yapı elemanlarının gerçekdavranışını, basit matematik-reolojik bağıntılarla belirlemek mümkün olacaktır.Rheological research works investigate for firecase the material behavior of small specimens and derive from the test resultsmaterial laws to determine the behavior of structural elements due to fireexposure. However, as it is known, the heat and mass transport processes cansignificantly happen in different phases in macro concrete elements. Besides,in case of a fire, different heating rates occur in the cross section ofstructural elements. The validity of the transferred test results from smalltest specimens to the material behavior of structural elements indicates aphenomenon, which has not been investigated up to now. Such a research work hasbeen done for the first time through close cooperation of subprojects A and B3of SFB (Sonder-ForschungsBereich: A special fire research activity for structuralelements in Braunschweig Technical University, 1971-1986). The results of therheological investigations presented in this paper can lead to a new researchconception about the determination of realistic fire behavior of concretestructures. By means of further purposive research work, it will be possible toreproduce the structural behavior in case of fire with simple but realistic mathematic-rheologicalrelationships

    Biyokimyasal sistemlerin stokastik modellemesi ile filtreleme ve yumuşatma algoritmaları.

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    Deterministic modeling approach is the traditional way of analyzing the dynamical behavior of a reaction network. However, this approach ignores the discrete and stochastic nature of biochemical processes. In this study, modeling approaches, stochastic simulation algorithms and their relationships to each other are investigated. Then, stochastic and deterministic modeling approaches are applied to biological systems, Lotka-Volterra prey-predator model, Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics and JACK-STAT signaling pathway. Also, numerical solutions for ODE system and realizations obtained through stochastic simulation algorithms are compared. In general, it is not possible to assess all elements of the state vector of biochemical systems. Hence, some statistical models are used to obtain the best estimation. Filtering and smoothing distributions can be obtained via Bayes’ rule. However, as an alternative to approximate these distributions Monte Carlo methods might be used. In the second part, bootstrap particle filter algorithm is derived and applied to birthdeath process. Estimated probability distribution functions are compared according to number of particles used.Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Applied Mathematics. Scientific Computing

    Yapılarda Betonarme Kolonların Tabii Yangınlarda Davranış Durumları, Bölüm I

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    DergiPark: 491069tujesStructural fire design is concerned mainly with the avoidance of structural failure or damage so that the fires are to be controlled at an initial stage. The present paper is aimed at investigating the structural behavior in bending of reinforced concrete columns RFC in an enclosure exposed to real ventilation controlled fires, i.e. fires with a heating and a cooling phase and presents methods for determining the fire resistance of RFCs exposed to a real fire. The results show that the prolonged heating of the reinforcing steel may cause to failure in the cooling phase of the fire. Beside in a separte research work boundary fire loads of reinforced concrete columns for an enclosure are determined beyond which no failure can be expected or fire resistance is much greater than ISO834 in case of a real fire (s. Ref. Part II).?Yapılar üzerine olan yangın tasarımı esas olarak, yapı elemanın göçmesini ve zarar görmesini önleyerek yapının başlangıç fazında denetim altında tutulmasını  sağlamaktır. Sunulan bu çalışma, betonarme kolonların ventilasyon denetimli tabii bir yangın etkimesi durumunda, örneğin ısınma ve soğuma fazlarını içeren bir yangın gelişimi içim, II. Mertebe teorisini kullanarak, yangın davranışlarını ve dayanımlarını belirlemek olacaktır. Araştırma sonuçları beton donatılarında maksimum sıcaklığın soğuma fazının başlamasından sonra, (hatta saatler sonra) meydana gelebileceğini ve bu durumun da yapı elemanında gecikmiş bir göçmeye neden olabileceğini göstermiştir. Donatının uzun süreli ısınması yangının soğuma fazında yapı elemanının göçmesini sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle kapalı bir hacimde betonarme kolonların sınır yangın yükleri Bölüm II'de saptanmış olup bu sınırın dışında kalan yangınlarda, yapı elemanlarının yangın direnci ISO834 yangınına göre daha büyük olmakta ve hatta bir göçme riski içermemektedir.

    Social Perception of the Green Roofs in Contribution to Urban Sustainability: Istanbul

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    As a solution to the rapid urbanization problem, green roof applications in urban centers have gained popularity. This study aims to investigate the green roof awareness of the casual users of Zorlu Center located in Besiktas, Istanbul. The social perception of the green roof, which is defined as an urban balcony, -by its architect, located in an intensively used area, has been handled as a case study. Perception enables people to critique, interpret, distinguish, and analyze their environment according to their core values ​​to adapt to the environment. In this study, the perception has been associated with socio-demographic characteristics such as age, education, and attitudes. A field survey, designed to measure the impact of the green roof, was conducted with the 100 users of Zorlu Center. The most significant result of this study is that most of the participants are aware of the need to develop green roofs in Istanbul. This study shows that the commercial environment in the urban area, which has green elements such as the green roof, helps to renew and revitalize the city. It has been found that the green roof application of Zorlu Center attracted the users from the settlements in its close vicinity. The people came to Zorlu Center, especially to this green area, for leisure time activities. The green roof application of Zorlu Center has positively affected the users in terms of physical and mental health. Also, it has been found that green roof applications have a contribution to sustainable urban development, especially in high-density city centers, considering the positive effects on the city silhouette and urban quality of life. Keywords: Green roofs, shopping centers, perception, urban sustainability DOI: 10.7176/DCS/10-4-08 Publication date: April 30th 202

    The Coordination Of Actors In Urban Regeneration Projects: Fikirtepe, Istanbul, Turkey

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    It is necessary for urban regeneration projects to be carried out successfully in coordination with other actors. During the process of realising regeneration, many actors and strategically-given decision play a crucial role. The ways how actors/factors are involved in the process, the relationships founded among them and investigating the methods followed during the process constitute the content of this study. The purpose of this study is to develop an approach with regard to the coordination established between actors/factors that participated during the regeneration process. This study covers the regeneration activities realised in Fikirtepe and its surrounding area, and it aims to solve the relationships among the actors during the time of planning and applications by using the semi-structured technique, one of the qualitative research methods, and detailed interviews. Thanks to the data gained from the effectiveness of the detailed interview of the actors have been determined.  By the help of the findings obtained from Fikirtepe region, the relationships and coordination among the actors have been revealed and a new approach has been created (and suggested) concerning the effectiveness and coordination

    Elma (Gala) Dilimlerinin Kurutulmasına Mikrodalga Enerjisinin Etkileri

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    In this work, the drying behaviors of apple slices with 2, 4, and 6mm thickness were investigated in a microwave conveyor dryer.The effects of different microwave power levels (1050 W, 1500 W and 2100 W) and conveyor speeds (0.175, 0.210 ve 0.245 m/min) on drying time, color changing and energy consumption have been investigated. The results show that drying time and energyconsumption decreases considerably with increasing microwave power and with decreasing conveyor speed. Then, the mathematicalmodels were fitted to the experimental data. According to the results, the Page Model was found to best explain thin layer dryingbehavior of the apple slices as compared to the other models. Fick’s diffusion model was applied to calculate the effective diffusivities.The effective diffusivity values were found between 1.1916×10?8 m2/s and 2.7540×10?7 m2/s. The activation energies were calculated as156.65, 40.18 and 17.90 W/g for samples thickness of 2, 4 and 6 mm, respectively. At the end of the drying process, minimum energyconsumption for 2mm at 0.175 m/min conveyor speed and 2100 W power is calculated as 1.34 kWh. From the results of colour quality,the colour criteria nearest the those of apple slices occurred at 1050 W and 0.210 m/min.Bu çalışmada 2, 4 ve 6mm olarak dilimlenmiş elmanın mikrodalga kurutucuda kuruma davranışı araştırılmıştır. Mikrodalga gücünün (1050 W, 1500 W ve 2100 W) ve konveyör bant hızının (0.175, 0.210 ve 0.245 m/dk) kuruma zamanına, renk değişimine ve enerji tüketimine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre kuruma zamanı ve enerji tüketiminin mikrodalga gücü ve konveyör bant hızının artmasıyla azaldığı görülmüştür. Daha sonra deneysel sonuçlar matematiksel modellere uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlara göre Page model diğer modeller ile karşılaştırıldığında en uygun model olarak tespit edilmiştir. Fick difüzyon modeli de difüzyon katsayısının tespitinde kullanılarak 1.1916×10?8 m2 /s ve 2.7540×10?7 m2 /s aralığında difüzyon katsayılarının değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Aktivasyon enerjisi de 2, 4 ve 6 mm dilimler için sırasıyla 156.65, 40.18 ve 17.90 W/g olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kurutma prosesinin sonucunda 2mm dilim kalınlığındaki elma için 0.175 m/dk konveyör hızında ve 2100 W gücünde minimum enerji tüketimi 1.34 kWh olarak hesaplanmıştır. Renk kalitesine bakıldığında da taze elmaya en yakın değer 1050 W ve 0.210 m/dk değerlerinde görülmüştür

    Betonarme Kolonların Yangın Dayanımının Saptanması İçin Pratik Bir Hesap Yöntemi

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    DergiPark: 231061tujesIn this paper a practical method for the determination of the fire resistance time of the uniaxially stressed reinforced concrete columns, which does not need the sophisticated computer aid, has been introducedBu çalışmada, tek eksenli eğilmeye maruz betonarme kolonların yangın dayanımının hesabında, detaylı bilgisayar desteğigerektirmeyen bir yöntem tanıtılmıştır. Burada tanıtılacak olan yöntem ile yangın durumu için betonarme kolonların yangınadayanım süresi basit bir işlem ile belirlenebilmektedir. Hesap işlemleri virtüel iş yöntemini kullanmaktadır