111 research outputs found

    A study of radiative heat transfer from a spherical layer

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    The problem of radiative heat transfer from a spherical layer of absorbing-emitting gas has been studied. First, the medium is assumed to be gray and then nongray. A thorough survey of literature from fields other than heat transfer, such as astrophysics and neutron transport has been made to stimulate further interest in this important area. To gain some insight into the effect of various parameters on the heat transfer, simple physical situations involving isothermal medium are considered. Comparison of the results obtained for the flux from the spherical and planar layers reveal that the curvature becomes increasingly important as the inner to outer optical radii ratio decreases. The study of a particular nonisothermal case shows that the temperature variations are important and cannot be neglected. In the study of the nongray problem, a simplified rectangular model for the spectral absorption coefficient is first considered. The expressions developed for the simplified rectangular model turns out to be similar to the expressions for the gray analysis. With a small amount of additional computational time one can obtain the results for the simplified rectangular model. Carbon monoxide example is studied in order to illustrate how the rectangular model can be used to analyze radiative heat transfer in a nongray gas. The results of this example reveals that the influence of the \u27windows\u27 is quite profound, thus exposing the limitations of the gray analysis. In order to determine the effect of line or band shape on the radiative transfer, five different models for the absorption coefficient representing the rectangular, triangular, Doppler, exponential and Lorentz profiles are considered. The results obtained for the dimensionless flux reveal that the rectangular profile has the smallest numerical value of all the profiles. The effect of the wings of the Doppler, exponential and Lorentz profiles is evident only for large values of optical thickness. The limiting cases of the functions on which the expressions for the local radiative flux (both from gray and nongray medium) depends are also studied. All the results (except for carbon monoxide example) reported graphically as well as in tabular form in this study are obtained using double precision --Abstract, pages ii-iii

    To Draw or Not to Draw: Recognizing Stroke-Hover Intent in Gesture-Free Bare-Hand Mid-Air Drawing Tasks

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    Over the past several decades, technological advancements have introduced new modes of communication with the computers, introducing a shift from traditional mouse and keyboard interfaces. While touch based interactions are abundantly being used today, latest developments in computer vision, body tracking stereo cameras, and augmented and virtual reality have now enabled communicating with the computers using spatial input in the physical 3D space. These techniques are now being integrated into several design critical tasks like sketching, modeling, etc. through sophisticated methodologies and use of specialized instrumented devices. One of the prime challenges in design research is to make this spatial interaction with the computer as intuitive as possible for the users. Drawing curves in mid-air with fingers, is a fundamental task with applications to 3D sketching, geometric modeling, handwriting recognition, and authentication. Sketching in general, is a crucial mode for effective idea communication between designers. Mid-air curve input is typically accomplished through instrumented controllers, specific hand postures, or pre-defined hand gestures, in presence of depth and motion sensing cameras. The user may use any of these modalities to express the intention to start or stop sketching. However, apart from suffering with issues like lack of robustness, the use of such gestures, specific postures, or the necessity of instrumented controllers for design specific tasks further result in an additional cognitive load on the user. To address the problems associated with different mid-air curve input modalities, the presented research discusses the design, development, and evaluation of data driven models for intent recognition in non-instrumented, gesture-free, bare-hand mid-air drawing tasks. The research is motivated by a behavioral study that demonstrates the need for such an approach due to the lack of robustness and intuitiveness while using hand postures and instrumented devices. The main objective is to study how users move during mid-air sketching, develop qualitative insights regarding such movements, and consequently implement a computational approach to determine when the user intends to draw in mid-air without the use of an explicit mechanism (such as an instrumented controller or a specified hand-posture). By recording the user’s hand trajectory, the idea is to simply classify this point as either hover or stroke. The resulting model allows for the classification of points on the user’s spatial trajectory. Drawing inspiration from the way users sketch in mid-air, this research first specifies the necessity for an alternate approach for processing bare hand mid-air curves in a continuous fashion. Further, this research presents a novel drawing intent recognition work flow for every recorded drawing point, using three different approaches. We begin with recording mid-air drawing data and developing a classification model based on the extracted geometric properties of the recorded data. The main goal behind developing this model is to identify drawing intent from critical geometric and temporal features. In the second approach, we explore the variations in prediction quality of the model by improving the dimensionality of data used as mid-air curve input. Finally, in the third approach, we seek to understand the drawing intention from mid-air curves using sophisticated dimensionality reduction neural networks such as autoencoders. Finally, the broad level implications of this research are discussed, with potential development areas in the design and research of mid-air interactions


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    This research aims to describe the character development of students through the Al-Qur'an tadarus program along with supporting and inhibiting factors. At the beginning of the observation at MTs Negeri 4 Sragen there was a Al-Qur'an tadarus program carried out in class, leading this activity was the teacher who taught starting from a predetermined letter. This Tadarus Al-Qur'an is carried out from Monday to Saturday together in each class, directed by the teacher before the start of the lesson. In carrying out reading the Koran, there are students who have not focused on reading, talk to their classmates, some are busy themselves, and so on. This research uses qualitative research with a descriptive phenomenological approach. The data sources obtained were the head of the curriculum, Qur'an hadith teachers, and moral aqidah teachers. Data analysis techniques use data reduction (investigating data), data display (data presentation), and data verification (drawing conclusions). validity of research data using source triangulation and technical triangulation. The process of developing student character through the Al-Qur'an tadarus program at MTs Negeri 4 Sragen has been going well, it can be seen from the habituation carried out by the school, including Al-Qur'an tadarus which can foster a personality that likes reading and discipline. Every morning at MTs Negeri 4 Sragen, they carry out Al-Qur'an tadarus activities before the start of lessons. Judging from some children today, reading the Al-Qur'an is not as good as makhroj and tajwid, but there are some children who are quite good at reading it. This is driven by the children themselves who stay at home playing on their cell phones more than reading the Koran with self-awareness and discipline. Therefore, schools organize Al-Qur'an reading activities to help students develop character by encouraging them to read the Al-Qur'an regularly and have the ability to read when they graduate


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    The Muhammadiyah Student Association is an autonomous organization that provides cadre contributions to the Muhammadiyah Association. IMM, The Islamic student movement, operates in the field of religious, social, and student affairs. This research aims to describe and determine the role of the Muhammadiyah Student Association in forming the character of commissariat student Muhammad Abduh at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. In anticipating and improving the character of children, one of them is through character education in schools (formal education). Character or personality education must be socialized, counseling, and intensive from an early age in all groups of the nation's life. The organization is also a series of activity processes that must be carried out to increase the relevance of all sources and aspects that ensure the success of the first management process by observing functions and movements in order to achieve predetermined goals. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection methods through several techniques, namely literature or references, both journals and books. From the results of observation, interviews, and documentation, there are results that the character formation of students at the Muhammad Abduh commissariat begins with teaching the basic Tricometency ideology, namely intellectualism, religiosity, and humanity. So that it can form sensitive students. Forming character through habits or routines in IMM. Apart from that, it is also through activities such as the honesty canteen, social service, orphanage, the splendor of Ramadhan, tarjih school, and the blessing of Ramadha


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    This article discusses the management program management program in shaping student morals that runs at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta. Student management is an important aspect of the entire process of student management. Activities that are planned and endeavored as well as continuous coaching of the entire process of students so that students have morals. To the entire process of students so that students have good morals. The purpose of writing this article is to find out about the student affairs program in raising student achievement at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta. This article uses research with qualitative methods, as well as a field study approach approach with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. Documentation and data analysis in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Conclusion drawing. The results of this study, that the habituation of positive things and positive things and karimah character in the school environment is realized by the strategy of strategies such as smiles, greetings, greetings, politeness and courtesy, habituation of worship, as well as the appearance process in the school environment. Worship, as well as the performance process in shaping morals, is always monitored and evaluated. and evaluation

    The Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Fostering Students' Morals at State Vocational High School 1 Banyudono

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    Personality is a crucial factor for the success of students in the learning process. Instilling good habits from an early age is very important for students. Teachers play a significant role in schools, especially Islamic Education (PAI) teachers, who are educators directly responsible for moral development and the inculcation of legal norms concerning right and wrong, as well as responsibility. This study aims to determine the roles, methods, supporting factors, and obstacles faced by PAI teachers in shaping the personalities of students at SMKN 01 Banyudono Boyolali. The approach used is qualitative, employing case study research methods through data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study conclude that PAI teachers play an essential role in the moral development of students at SMKN 1 Banyudono, primarily as educators, guides, habituators, and implementers of religious activities. Efforts made by PAI teachers to cultivate students' morals include encouraging the habit of reciting "basmallah" at the beginning of learning activities, saying "hamdallah" at the end, starting lessons by reciting Asma’ul Husna, maintaining classroom cleanliness, assigning additional tasks to memorize prayer recitations, promoting Quranic literacy, guiding and setting an example for students to perform congregational prayers, and actively participating in the execution of religious activities

    AGC of a multi sources power system with natural choice of power plants

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    This paper presents an application of optimal control theory in multi sources power system by considering natural choice of power plants participating in automatic generation control (AGC) scheme. However, for successful operation of large power system, the natural choices of generation suitable for AGC system are hydro and thermal power plants since gas and nuclear power plants are rarely participates in the AGC scheme. Therefore, this work presents design and implementation of proportional integral (PI) structured optimal AGC controller in the presence of hydro and thermal power plants by using state vector feedback control theory. Moreover, various case studies are identified to obtain: (i) Cost aspects of physical realization of optimal AGC controller, (ii) Closed loop system stability margin through patterns of eigenvalues and (iii) System dynamic performance. Further, results have shown that when optimal AGC scheme is implemented in power system, the dynamic performance of power system is outstanding over those obtained with genetic algorithms (GAs) tuned PI structured AGC controller. Besides, with optimal AGC controller, cheaper cost of control structure, increased in system closed loop stability margin and outstanding dynamic performance of power system have been found when lessening in hydro generation is replaced by generation from thermal power plants for various case studies under investigation

    Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Mendidik Karakter Disiplin Peserta Didik di SMP Negeri 3 Purwodadi

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    Menciptakan kedisiplinan yang baik diawali dengan mengelola diri sendiri, khususnya bagi para pelajar. Ketidakdisiplinan siswa berdampak kepada jalannya pembelajaran yangsangat megganggu, sehingga perlu perannya guru untuk menanganinya. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keterkaitan Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam mengembangkan karakter disiplin peserta didik serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat yang mempebgaruhi peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam saat membina perilaku disiplin di SMP Negeri 3 Purwodadi. Metode Penelitian yang dipakai adalah studi lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek yang terlibat yaitu Kepala Sekolah, Guru pendidikan agama Islam dan peserta didik. Adapun dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti memanfaatkan tiga metode pengumpulan data yakni, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Temuan dari penelitian ini mencakup, 1) guru memegang peranan penting untuk membina karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik dilaksanakan dengan memberlakukan hukuman untuk peserta didik yang terlambat saat kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung, memberi hukuman untuk peserta didik yang tidak taat aturan, meningkatkan karakter disiplin peserta didik dengan aktivitas pengawasan ibadah siswa di sekolah. 2) Faktor yang mempengaruhi antara lain; faktor yang mendukung asalnya dari bantuan organisasi sekolah dan faktor yang menghambat yakni; lingkungan keluarga, sarana prasarana yang telah tersedia disekolah, dan kesadaran masing-masing peserta didik mengenai pendidikan karakter disiplin

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Metode Mūḥāwārōḥ Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbahasa Arab Siswa Kelas X-Mia 3 Di Man 1 Karanganyar Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020

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    MAN 1 Karanganyar is one of the Islamic educational institutions that upholds Arabic as an attraction to the community. In learning, choosing the right method will make it easier for students to learn Arabic. The use of the mukhawaroh method in learning is one of the efforts to improve students' Arabic language skills. This study aims to analyze the use of the mukhwaroh method in learning Arabic and determine whether or not there is an effect of using the mukhwaroh method on the Arabic language skills of students in class X MIA 3 MAN 1 Karanganyar. This research is a classroom action research (Classroom Action Research). Classroom Action Research (CAR) is research conducted by teachers in their own classrooms through self-reflection, with the aim of improving their performance as teachers, so that student learning outcomes increase. Sources of data used in this study is student learning outcomes from each cycle. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis method used is descriptive analytic method. The results showed that the use of the mukhawaroh method in learning Arabic was carried out in two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. In its implementation in cycle 1 the use of the mukhawaroh method was still not optimal, so improvements were needed in cycle 2. students speak Arabic and meet the classical target of 75% of students must achieve the KKM score. The results of the practice test conducted online through the Zoom Meeting application, out of 36 students, there are 28 students or 78% who have succeeded in achieving the KKM score, and 8 students or 22% of students who still have not succeeded in achieving the KKM score. The class average reaches 77 and classically, has succeeded in exceeding the class passing indicator limit of 92%. Based on the analysis of student learning outcomes from each cycle, it was found that there was a positive effect of the use of the mukhawaroh method on the level of students' Arabic skills as much as 8.4%, where the use of the mukhawaroh method in cycle 2 had the highest increase among other types

    Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membentuk Karakter Islami Peserta Didik di SMPN 1 Kedawung Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023

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    This study aims to describe the Islamic Religious Education Teacher's Strategy in Forming Students' Islamic Character, the supporting and inhibiting factors in forming the Islamic character of students at SMPN 1 Kedawung Sragen. This type of research is field research with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects were Islamic Religious Education teachers, school principals and students. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using an interactive method which has three components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data validity technique in this study uses triangulation techniques which are divided into two types, namely source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results of this study indicate that 1) The strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in shaping students' Islamic character is carried out by providing exemplary students, giving advice to students, practicing habituation, telling stories, giving punishments and gifts, monitoring midday prayers, discuss with parents or guardians of students. 2) Supporting factors in shaping the Islamic character of students are adequate facilities and infrastructure to support the learning process, as well as the cohesiveness of the spiritual team at SMPN 1 Kedawung. 3) The inhibiting factors in forming the Islamic character of students are the lack of personal awareness, parents, community and social environment, social media, lack of teacher cohesiveness, and inadequate mosques