2,744 research outputs found

    A phenomenological exploration of the lived experience of being ‘bi-rooted’ / ‘poly-rooted’, the reciprocal relations between those roots and their impact upon the sense of self

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    This dissertation is a phenomenological exploration of the lived experience of being a bi-rooted migrant. An exploration of the experience of voluntarily relocating to a foreign country while keeping strong bonds and continuous contact with the country of origin, and of laying down new roots in the new country of residence; the experience of living with two sets of roots. This research questions how, or whether, the multiple aspects of such a lived experience might be successfully transcended, simultaneously experienced, or might be seen as a constant internal split. It explores the differences in the characteristics, the texture and the quality of the roots that one develops in a country of origin and the changing characteristics of those roots laid down in the new country; exploring the dialogue and tension that may occur between them and their impact on the sense of Self. It discusses the existential framework that accompanies the relocation process into a foreign country; the anxiety that it engenders, and the opportunity to confront existential issues such as choices, responsibility, meaning, freedom and value, and the awakening of self-consciousness that may ensue. The research concludes that rather than being experienced as a concentric concept with a central anchor around which the whole construct of Self occurs, living with double roots is experienced as an open and dynamic interconnected construct, continually becoming, and reflecting in the Self while simultaneously shaping a new perspective of life

    Global Trade Models and Economic Policy Analyses: Relevance, Risks and Repercussions for Africa

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    Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models are widely used for trade policy analyses and recommendations. Simulation results from these models have also been used as a basis for offering advice to African countries on what positions to take in multilateral trade negotiations. There is however increasing discomfort with the use of these models for policy recommendations, especially in Africa. In this paper we compare the results of several CGE studies that examined the impact of potential Doha Round reforms on Africa and demonstrate that the results differ drastically both in terms of magnitude and direction. Part of the discrepancies in results can be explained by differences in database, model structure, and choice of parameters. Others are, however, difficult to explain because several studies either do not report key assumptions made or do not provide a clear description of how their framework differs from those in the literature. We also show that the modelling approach and the database used in most CGE studies do not take account of key features of African economies that have serious implications for the impact of trade reforms on Africa. Finally, we outline potential consequences of the misuse of CGE models for policy evaluation and suggest pitfalls to avoid if CGE model results are to be taken seriously by policy makers in Africa.Trade Reforms; CGE Models; Doha Round; Africa

    Financing Development in Africa: Trends, Issues and Challenges

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    Access to finance is critical to successful development in Africa. This paper presents recent trends in various aspects of development finance and provides a critical assessment of the costs of meeting the Millennium Development Goals in the region. It also examines recent proposals for financing the MDGs. Furthermore, it examines the key international commitments made to Africa as well as the extent to which donors have fulfilled these commitments. Finally, it examines issues and challenges arising from recent initiatives on aid and debt.Development; Finance; MDGs; Africa; Trends

    Konflik Antara Al-‘urf (Hukum Adat) Dan Hukum Islam Di Indonesia

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    Ada kesalahpahaman terkait dengan statemen bahwa hukum Islam dalam hal ini syariat menolak keberadaan nilai-nilai lokal (hukum adat) pada sebuah komunitas dalam batas geografi tertentu. Paradigma itu tentu saja keliru mengingat sebagian ajaran-ajaran dalam Islam justru merupakan adopsi, adaptasi, reformasi, inovasi dari tradisi, kebiasaan atau hukum adat bangsa Arab sendiri. Dalam konteks keindonesiaan, munculnya teori Receptie yang diinisiasi oleh Snouck Hurgronje mendegradasi pengamalan hukum Islam yang harus diresepsi terlebih dahulu oleh hukum adat. Teori iblis ini kemudian menjadi senjata politik dengan program devide et imperayang ingin membenturkan kaum adat dengan ulama yang mewakili pembela hukum Islam, dengan maksud ingin menjauhkan umat Islam dari hukum agamany

    Multi-phase-field analysis of short-range forces between diffuse interfaces

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    We characterize both analytically and numerically short-range forces between spatially diffuse interfaces in multi-phase-field models of polycrystalline materials. During late-stage solidification, crystal-melt interfaces may attract or repel each other depending on the degree of misorientation between impinging grains, temperature, composition, and stress. To characterize this interaction, we map the multi-phase-field equations for stationary interfaces to a multi-dimensional classical mechanical scattering problem. From the solution of this problem, we derive asymptotic forms for short-range forces between interfaces for distances larger than the interface thickness. The results show that forces are always attractive for traditional models where each phase-field represents the phase fraction of a given grain. Those predictions are validated by numerical computations of forces for all distances. Based on insights from the scattering problem, we propose a new multi-phase-field formulation that can describe both attractive and repulsive forces in real systems. This model is then used to investigate the influence of solute addition and a uniaxial stress perpendicular to the interface. Solute addition leads to bistability of different interfacial equilibrium states, with the temperature range of bistability increasing with strength of partitioning. Stress in turn, is shown to be equivalent to a temperature change through a standard Clausius-Clapeyron relation. The implications of those results for understanding grain boundary premelting are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figure

    Governance and New Mode of Governing: Indonesia as a Metaphor

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    Changes in global development policy orientation that put the community (society) rather than the state as its main target has been raised various debates about how to create a better society for development processes. This paper critically discuss the discourse of governance as an instrument of regulation in the new development model through some conceptual apparatus such as social capital, participation and deliberative democracy. Through a post-foundationalist approaches and studies of post-Suharto Indonesia, this paper examined the operation of governance discourse. The main thesis is that the absence of the dimension of power in governance has ignored the political configuration and even failed to notice the various interests in society

    Family Care Unit dalam Penanganan Permasalahan Keluarga

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan program Family Care Unit atau FCU dalam menangani permasalahan keluarga. FCU adalah unit pelayanan kesejahteraan sosial terpadu bagi keluarga di tingkat desa/kelurahan. Keberadaan FCU ini dimaksudkan untuk membangun keterpaduan yang sinergis dalam pemberdayaan keluarga berbasis Potensi dan Sumber Kesejahteraan Sosial (PSKS). Tujuannya adalah meningkatnya koordinasi, kerja sama, dan keterpaduan yang sinergis dalam upaya pemberdayaan keluarga berbasis PSKS; meningkatnya taraf hidup dan kesejahteraan keluarga; menumbuh-kembangkan tanggung jawab sosial, kepedulian dan kesetiakawanan sosial Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Deli Serdang Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Metode penelitian ini dengan Mixed Method, yaitu dominan less dominan kuantitaf, sehingga dapat mengukur tingkat efektivitas dari program FCU dalam menangani masalah keluarga. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pelaksana program, pengurus FCU sebagai Potensi dan Sumber Kesejahteraan Sosial (PSKS), Lembaga Konsultasi Kesejahteraan Keluarga (LK3), Dinas Sosial Kabupaten, dunia USAha, tokoh masyarakat, keluarga pionir, dan penerima manfaat yaitu keluarga plasma. Indikator penelitian meliputi program FCU, kelembagaan dan kemitraan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepedulian lembaga sosial di kelurahan cukup baik, namun sinergitas dalam penanganan kasus belum optimal. FCU berjalan dengan baik, karena mendorong kegiatan yang sudah ada di kelurahan menjadi lebih baik. Oleh karena itu FCU dapat diterapkan di kelurahan dengan melibatkan stakeholder yang ada serta perlu ada pendampingan yang intensif

    “Pergeseran Budaya Siber & Visual di Sektor Pariwisata Indonesia” Respon Kementerian Pariwisata Menghadapi era Tourism 4.0 Melalui Peran Komunitas Milenial & Pengembangan Destinasi Digital

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    Munculnya era tourism 4.0, merupakan dampak dari revolusi industri 4.0 di sektor pariwisata. Era ini ditandai dengan adanya kemudahan akses atas informasi melalui media digital. Era tourism 4.0 juga menjadi penyebab munculnya fenomena pergeseran budaya siber dan visual pada wisatawan Indonesia, khususnya generasi milenial. Merespon hal tersebut, Kemenpar selaku leading sector pariwisata Indonesia, mengeluarkan dua kebijakan aplikatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjadikan kebijakan tersebut sebagai lesson learned bagaimana Kemenpar beradaptasi untuk menyesuaikan dan menjangkau wisatawan milenial. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini menjelaskan pentingnya kebijakan Kemenpar dalam menggagas GENPI sebagai komunitas milenial yang mempromosikan parwisata Indonesia dan kebijakan untuk mengembangkan destinasi wisata berkonsep “kekinian” melalui pendekatan digital

    Perbedaan Kualitas Dan Pertumbuhan Benih Edamame Varietas Ryoko Yang Diproduksi Di Ketinggian Tempat Yang Berbeda Di Lampung

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    Nurman Abdul Hakim: Perbedaan Kualitas dan Pertumbuhan Benih Edamame Varietas Ryoko… Volume 13, Nomor 1, Januari 2013 9 1, 2, and 3 weeks, it is seen that the seeds produced in the Highlands of generating plant weights heavier than seed produced in the lowlands. Keywords: : seeds edamame, altitude place, seed qualityThis research aims to know the difference in the quality of the seeds and the growth of the edamame is augmented at an altitude of different places. In addition, to find out whether the height effect on physiological properties of the seed varieties edamame Ryoko. Planting edamame made in May – August 2012 simultaneously in two locations: in the Highlands (West Lampung, Sekincau) and in the lowlands (the practice of Lampung State Polytechnic). Edamame seeds that are produced in both places are then tested in the laboratory of food crops. and in Lampung State Polytechnic. Seed quality testing is done using the complete randomized design and is repeated 5 times. The observations showed that seed produced in the Highlands (West Lampung, Sekincau) looks greener than seed produced in the lowlands (Lampung State of Polytechnic). When compared on the basis of the size of the seed, then it looks also that seed produced in the Highlands, are smaller. Weight of 100 seeds of grain produced in the Highlands of lighter (26.8 g) than the seed resulting from the lowlands (36.4 g). The test results obtained through the analysis of statistics that the percentage of seed sprouts power resulting from the planting in high places better (79%) than from planting in lowlands (73.2%). Look also that the seed resulting from the planting of high-yield abnormal smaller sprouts (16%) than are generated in a low place (22.4%). The results of testing the levels of protein and fat which is done in the laboratory of Agricultural Technology Lampung State Polytechnic obtained that protein levels are the second seeds at the height of the place is no different, which is around 36%. While the fat content of seeds produced in the Highlands of 13.8%, lower than the seeds that are produced in the lowlands which amounted to 15.8%. The observations of plant height at the age of 1, 2, and 3 weeks, looks that seed produced on the highlands produces plant growth higher than seed produced in the lowlands. The results of observation of the number of leaves of plants at the age of 1, 2, and 3 weeks, it looks that the seed resulting in the Highlands and the lowlands produced the same number of leaves on the plant young edamame. Result observation of plant age on edamame weights o


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan sikap percaya diri terhadap keterampilan dribbling dalam permainan sepakbola di ekstrakulikuler MAN 2 Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan sampel penelitian yang diambil berjumlah 20 siswa. Desain penelitian ini mengunakan korelasional ditujukan untuk mencari hubungan antara dua variabel yaitu percaya diri dan keterampilan dribbling. Dengan instrumen yang digunakan adalah observasi GPAI (game performance assessment instrumen), dan pemberian angket (kuesioner) dan dokumentasi penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis koefisien korelasi (pearson product moment) bahwa siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakulikuler sepakbola menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang sangat rendah antara sikap percaya diri terhadap keterampilan dribbling sebesar 0,011 dan dari penemuan penelitian sikap percaya diri memiliki persentase 82,76% dan untuk persentase keterampilan dribbling 82,44%. Maka dapat disimpulkan hasil ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan sikap percaya diri terhadap keterampilan dribbling dalam permainan sepakbola siswa ekstrakulikuler di MAN 2 Bandung. Rekomendasi untuk peneliti selanjutnya bukan saja meneliti dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri tetapi juga meningkatkan keterampilan dribbling dalam permainan sepakbola untuk dapat menciptakan siswa yang mampu mengendalikan diri pada saat bermain.;---The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of confident attitude towards skills dribbling in the game football in extracurricular MAN 2 Bandung. The method used in this study is descriptive the sample taken is students which follow extracurricular which amounts to 20 students. Design this research use research correlational addressed to seek the relationship between two variables without any attempt to affect these variables. The instrument is observation GPAI (game performance assessment instrumen), and give of Questionnaire and research documentation. Based on the results of these research show that students who take extracurricular to their very low correlation between a confident attitude towards dribbling skills amounted to 0,011 and from research finding a confident attitude has percentage of 82,76 % and 82,44 % percentage of dribbling skills. It can be concluded this result show there is a relation of confidence attitude towards dribbling skills on the game of football extracurricular in MAN 2 Bandung. The recommendation for next research not only research and increase confident but too increase of dribbling skills in the game football to for sould create student that competent control self in the game