2,596 research outputs found

    Kursus Pra-Nikah: Konsep dan Implementasinya (Studi Komparatif antara BP4 KUA Kecamatan Pontianak Timur dengan GKKB Jemaat Pontianak).

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    Pre-Marriage Training: The Concept and Its Implementation (Comparative Study between BP4 KUA and GKKB Congregation in the Eastern District of Pontianak). This study compared the practices of pre-married Training conducted in KUA and in the GKKB Congregation in the Eastern District of Pontianak. This study is a field research using descriptive-comparative analysis. The goal is to see the similarities and the differences between the two practices that can be utilized for further study. The study finds out that the pre-marital courses, either that was conducted at KUA—known as Suscatin—or that was carried out in the GKKB Church—termed as Pre-Marriage Consultation—are not different in principle. The difference is only on technical matters. The two institutions, in fact, have similar goal of encouraging, preparing, dan guiding the prospective husband and wife to be able to establish harmonious household

    Model Pembelajaran React Untuk Mata Pelajaran IPA

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    Instructional model REACT, which is a learning method that relates the lesson taught to the student\u27s daily life, as well as trains them to work in groups to exchange their knowledge. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of contextual learning method model REACT on the science learning outcomes. This research is a part of a quasi-experimental research. The result of learning outcomes analysis of the experimental class and the control class showed that the score of tcount was 5.213 and the probability was 0.000. Because the probability score showed 0.000 < 0.005, then H0 was rejected. So, it could be concluded that there were significant differences between the learning achievement of the control class and the experiment one. It was known tcount score was 5.213 while ttable was 1.691. Then, based on this data, the t-test was carried out in two sides with the accepted H0 between (-1.691) and (1.691). Based on these results, it can be concluded that the hypothesis (H0) which states “there is no effect on the use of contextual learning methods model REACT on the science learning achievement of fourth-grade students at SDN Malang” was rejected. It could also be concluded that there is an effect of the use of contextual learning methods model REACT on the science learning achievement of fourth-grade students

    Pengaruh Variasi Mengajar Guru Dan Lingkungan Belajar Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa

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    The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the effect of the teacher teaching variation on the Student Learning Motivation in the XI Grade of State Vocational High School 1 of Banyudono In Academic Year 2012/2013, (2) the effect of the learning environment on the Student Learning Motivation in the XI Grade of State Vocational High School 1 of Banyudono In Academic Year 2012/2013, and (3) the effect of the teacher teaching variation and learning environment simultaneously on the Student Learning Motivation in the XI Grade of State Vocational High School 1 of Banyudono In Academic Year 2012/2013.This research used the descriptive quantitative research method. The population of the research was all of XI graders of State Vocational High School 1 of Banyudono in Academic Year 2012/2013 as many as 287. The sample was taken using proportional random sampling consisting of 72 students. Method of collecting data used. Meanwhile, technique of analyzing data used was multiple regression analysis with the analysis of the prerequisite test normality, linearity, and independence test.The results of the research are as follows: (1) there is a significant effect of teacher teaching variation on the student learning motivation in the XI Grade of State Vocational High School 1 of Banyudono In Academic Year 2012/2013. It could be seen from the rcount &gt; rtable value or 0.502 &gt; 0.232 at significance level of 5%. The relative contribution of 41.99% and effective contribution of 20.97%. (2) there is a significant effect of learning environment on the student learning motivation in the XI Grade of State Vocational High School 1 of Banyudono In Academic Year 2012/2013. It could be seen from the rcount &gt; rtable value or 0.574 &gt; 0.232 at significance level of 5%. The relative contribution of 58.01% and effective contribution of 28.98%. (3) there is a significant effect of teacher teaching variation and learning environment simultaneously on the Student Learning Motivation in the XI Grade of State Vocational High School 1 of Banyudono In Academic Year 2012/2013, because Fcount &gt; Ftable or 34.429 &gt; 3.13 at significance level of 5%.The statistical analysis shows that the regression equation is Ŷ= -33.763 + 0.582 X1 + 0,516X2, so that it could be concluded that the student learning motivation (Y) will increase or decrease by 0.581 for each increase or decrease of one unit teacher teaching variation (X1) and by 0.516 for that of one unit learning environment (X2)

    Aurora 3d Presentation Dalam Pembelajaran Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Di Kelas IX SMPN 24 Banjarmasin

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    Software Aurora 3D Presentation yang merupakan media pembelajaran interaktif yang diadaptasi dari software sebelumnya yaitu Microsoft Power Point. Hanya saja, Aurora 3D Presentation menyajikan kemudahan dalam penggunaan animasi presentasi baik dua atau tiga dimensi. Aurora 3D Presentation dipilih dikarenakan software yang berbasis presenatsi dan tidak terlalu mengurangi peranan guru dalam proses pembelajaran, selain itu software ini memiliki fitur-fitur tiga dimensi yang mudah digunakan serta mendukung materi yang akan diajarkan atau diteliti yaitu bangun ruang sisi lengkung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar antara pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif Aurora 3D Presentation dan model pembelajaran konvensional pada materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung di Kelas IX SMPN 24 Banjarmasin tahun pelajaran 2014/2015.Penelitian kali ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan jenis penelitian lapangan dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kelas IX.A, IX.B, IX.C, IX.D, IX.E, dan IX.B SMPN 24 Banjarmasin yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok atau dua kelas. Yaitu kelas eksperimen (kelompok uji coba) dan kelas kontrol (kelompok kendali) yang ditentukan melalui teknik Sample Random Sampling sehingga diperoleh kelas eksperimen adalah kelas IX.C dan kelas kontrol adalah kelas IX.A. Pada kedua kelas tersebut akan diberikan tes kemampuan awal, pre test, dan post test.Berdasarkan uji t pada hasil belajar siswa melalui post test, diperoleh harga thitung = 2.185dan ttabel = 2.000. Karena -ttabel ≤ thitung ≤ ttabel, maka Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak, kemudian disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran interaktif Aurora 3D Presentation dan model pembelajaran konvensional pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung di kelas IX SMPN 24 Banjarmasin tahun pelajaran 2014/2015

    Hubungan Faktor Penularan Dengan Kejadian Malaria Pada Pekerj a Migrasi Yang Berasal Dari Kecamatan Lengkong Kabupaten Sukabumi

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    . Lengkong sub-district is malaria-endemic areas with a high morbidity. In the past three years, there is a decrease in the number of malaria cas es, but the number of imported malaria cases has increased significantly from the migration of workers return ing from ma­laria-endemic areas outside Java. Epidemiological studies have been conducted with the aim of knowing the transmission factors associated with malaria incidence in the population of Lengkong, Sukabumi who ever migrated. Research conducted in the Cilangkap and Langkapjaya Village held in November 2011. The type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional study design. The study population is the all of community that perform mi­grate in 2011 and at the time of the study was in the villages. The data was collected by in­terviewing with respondents about the des ti nation of migration, length of stay in the area of migration, the use of chemoprophylaxis before leaving for migration, history of malaria at before, the health seeking, installation of wire netting on ventilation of house, the use of bed nets, and also the incidence of malaria as long as migration and at period of one month after discharge. The collected data is analyzed to determine relationship of each independent var­iable with the dependent variable. The results obtained from 100 respondents, 97% migra­tion to malaria-endemic areas, length of stay was 96% in &gt; 1 month, 55% did not use chem­oprophylaxis, 57% had been sick with malaria at before, 69% seeking health to non health officer, 100% did not use bed nets, and house without wire netting, and also 26% had been exposed wit malaria. Bivariate analysis shows, the use of chemoprophylaxis, previous histo­ry of malaria and sought health treatment are factor associated with the incidence of malar­ia on labor migration

    Diagnostik Klinis Malaria Di Kabupaten Musi Rawas Sumatera Selatan

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    . Almost 80% of the populations in Indonesia live in malaria endemie areas. Until now, AMI was reported to lower high white the MDG target of AMI up to 5 per 10,000 pop­ulation in 2015. This study aims to formulate the cardinal sign of clinical malaria in Musi Rawas district. Two hundred and eleven samples were taken based on the inclusive case se­lection criteria include fever&gt; 38°C, chills, sweating and headaches and muscle pain and an enlarged spleen in four health center with AMI&gt; 10,000. There was no significant associa­tion between the occurrence of clinical symptoms of malaria, but after the regression analy­sis obtained the cardinal sign of clinical diagnosis of malaria is fever&gt; 38°C accompanied the headache, chills, cold sweat and nausea and age &lt;39 years with OR 11.3. Clinical diag­nosis is confirmed by the cardinal sign of fever &gt; 38°C accompanied the headache, chills, sweating, muscle pain and age &lt;39 years

    Pengolahan Data Terintegrasi Bidan Praktek Mandiri Berbasis E-kms (Kartu Menuju Sehat)

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    Perlu adanya peningkatan mekanisme data dan informasi yang terintegrasi untuk pengolahan data Balita pada bidan praktek mandiri yang dibawah naungan puskesmas sebagai pihak pemerintah, pelaporan dan pendataan pasien Balita serta gizi yang dilakukan oleh BPM (Bidan Praktek Mandiri) kepada pihak Puskesmas bermanfaat untuk mengetahui secara pasti data Balita dan perkembangannya, perancangan prototype e-KMS (Kartu Menuju Sehat) menggunakan pemodelan UML (Unified Modeling Language) dengan desain penelitian Case Study Research pada lokasi Kecamatan Kalideres. Adanya e-KMS memberikan informasi kondisi Balita secara akurat yang terdiri dari data gizi, data lengkap Balita, data Imunisasi, dan grafik pertumbuhan berat badan . E-KMS pada BPM dan Puskesmas memberikan nilai tambah untuk pemantauan data Balita dan kondisi gizi secara lebih baik, dan terintegrasinya informasi antar BPM dengan Puskesmas, Sistem prototype E-KMS sepenuhnya belum dapat dijalankan pada BPM, selain perlu adanya penambahan Infrastruktur Hardware Puskesmas dan BPM
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