52 research outputs found

    Transitivity System in Bangke Oros Text and Its' Relevancy Toward Indonesian Teaching and Learning at Senior High School

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    This research is aimed at describing transitivity system in Bangke Oros text, the value within the text, and its' relevancy toward Indonesian teaching and learning at senior high school. Data were gathered using library research using reading and note taking technique. Data were mainly taken from Bangke Oros.  It was analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative approach. The analysis is done using identification technique and formal and informal method. The result is (1) transitivity system on the text of Bangke Oros covered three functions. They are process, participant, and circumstance. In according with the functions, the process is dominated by realization process. The participants consist of participant I and II. Participant the one who involved and participant II is dominated by identity dominate me. Circumstance is dominated by location. (2) The values in Bangke Oros text consisted of creating, the power of God, defenselessness, awareness, and obedience. (3) its' relevancy is focused on the suitability of the text of Bangke Oros into teaching and learning material and application of transitivity system in Indonesian teaching and learning

    Analisis Perbedaan Antara Kurikulum Ktsp Dan Kurikulum 2013

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    A curiculum as a teaching program of one of the instutions may have changed in accodance with the need of the society. In Indonesia, the government under the administration of the Ministry of National Education has made the changes of curriculum for several times, such as, KTSP 2006 (unit lesson-based curriculum) and Kurikulum berbasis karakter2013 (character-based curriculum).These changes are aimed at developing the quality of education in this country. This writing discusses the differences between KTSP 2006 and Kurikulum berbasis karakter 2013. Through the discussion, it is found that there are some differences between both of these curriculum in many aspects in lessons focused, methods applied, students\u27 achievement scale, and teaching learning goals

    Distribusi dan Pemetaan Varian-Varian Bahasa Sasak di Kabupaten Dompu dan Bima

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    Adanya pemukiman-pemukiman Sasak dalam rentang waktu yang cukup lama di tengah-tengah komunitas Mbojo akan berdampak pada situasi kebahasaan pada kedua bahasa komunitas tersebut. Keadaan seperti itu akan menyebabkan kontak bahasa yang akan menimbulkan saling memengaruhi/saling meminjam satu sama lain. Variasi-variasi lingual akan menyebabkan perbedaan bahasa yang bersangkutan secara geografis dengan bahasa asalnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat deskripsi yang lengkap tentang: variasi-variasi bahasa Sasak, hubungan kekerabatan antarvarian bahasa tersebut, dan sebaran geografisnya di Kabupaten Dompu dan Bima

    Alternative Control of Insect Pests in Vegetable Plants Using Local Wisdom Approach

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    This research aimed to determine the local wisdom of the community of Lembah Seulawah Sub-district, Aceh Besar, Indonesia of controlling insect pests in vegetable plants. In addition, the study intended to examine the impact of using paper as a mechanical trap for insect pests in vegetable plants. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this research. The qualitative data were obtained through interviews with farmers, whereas the quantitative data were collected from an experiment. Thirty randomly-selected respondents were interviewed and then the qualitative and quantitative data processing was performed. The results showed that they still use plant-based materials as insecticides which constitute the local wisdom of controlling insect pests in vegetable plants. The plants used as insecticides were, among others, garlic (Allium satifum), castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis), lemongrass, neem seeds, and thorny amaranth as the trap plants

    Kesalahan Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia pada Surat Kabar di Kabupaten Sumbawa

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    Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah kesalahan penggunaan kaidah ejaan, diksi, dan kalimat bahasa Indonesia pada koran di Kabupaten Sumbawa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia pada surat kabar di Kabupaten Sumbawa. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan dianalisis dengan metode komparatif interpretatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahasa Indonesia pada koran di Kabupaten Sumbawa sudah cukup baik dari aspek ejaan, diksi, dan kalimat. Namun, masih terdapat beberapa kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan ketiga aspek tersebut. Dari segi ejaan, kesalahan yang ditemukan di antaranya kesalahan penulisan huruf kapital, pemakaian tanda hubung (-), pemakaian kata depan, dan pemakaian tanda baca. Dari segi penggunaan kata, kesalahan yang ditemukan di antaranya penggunaan kata asing yang tidak mengikuti kaidah penulisan kata asing. Dari segi kalimat, kesalahan yang ditemukan di antaranya adalah terdapat beberapa kalimat yang struktur kalimatnya belum lengkap

    Kajian Awal Penentuan Daerah Prospek Panas Bumi di Gunung Bur Ni Telong Berdasarkan Analisis Data DEM SRTM dan Citra Landsat 8

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    Research for a preliminary study of Bur Ni Telong, geothermal area, Bener Meriah district using remote sensing techniques has been done. The aims of the research were to determine the morphological condition based on the fault and fracture (FFD) map from the interpreted digital elevation model (DEM) shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) and to know the vegetation density and surface temperature distribution using Landsat 8 image. The DEM SRTM data were analyzed using the lineament pattern which related to faults and fractures. The vegetation density was calculated using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) transformation. The estimated surface temperature was used to locate temperature anomaly. Referring to the geographical map, the dense class area include Silih Nara-Ketol-Peulimbang to Peudada, Juli to Sawang, and Bandar area. The fault and fracture dominantly have directions in East-West and Northwest-Southeast. While based on NDVI map we conclude that the area is covered by dense vegetation, dominated by intermediate to dense of vegetation. The LST map shows the location of maximum surface temperature values are in agreement with residential areas and uncovered areas, as in the areas of Simpang Tiga Redelong and Takengon. Some geothermal manifestations are located in sparse to intermediate vegetation areas with high temperature

    Halaman Muka

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