85 research outputs found

    Onko mikrobilääkkeiden käytöllä ja mikrobilääkeresistenssillä selvä yhteys?

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    Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Campylobacter jejuni Isolates in Travelers Returning to Finland: Association of Ciprofloxacin Resistance to Travel Destination

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    Ciprofloxacin resistance was analyzed in 354 Campylobacter jejuni isolates collected during two study periods (1995–1997 and 1998–2000) from travelers returning to Finland. The increase in resistance between the two periods was significant among all isolates (40% vs. 60%; p<0.01), as well as among those from Asia alone (45% vs. 72%; p<0.01)

    Reduced Fluoroquinolone Susceptibility in Salmonella enterica Isolates from Travelers, Finland

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    We tested the fluoroquinolone susceptibility of 499 Salmonella enterica isolates collected from travelers returning to Finland during 2003–2007. Among isolates from travelers to Thailand and Malaysia, reduced fluoroquinolone susceptibility decreased from 65% to 22% (p = 0.002). All isolates showing nonclassical quinolone resistance were from travelers to these 2 countries

    Nationellt handlingsprogram mot antimikrobiell resistens 2017–2021

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    Antimikrobiella läkemedel, dit antibiotika hör, är en av de mest betydelsefulla medicinska uppfinningarna. Mikrober som blir resistenta, alltså motståndskraftiga mot antimikrobiella läkemedel, är ett hot mot människors och djurs hälsa överallt i världen. Därför lyftes bekämpning av resistens fram som det fjärde hälsotemat genom tiderna i föredragningslistan vid FN:s generalförsamling hösten 2016. Bekämpning av resistens måste ske i form av samarbete på alla nivåer i hela samhället. I bekämpningsarbetet ska människor, djur, livsmedel och miljön beaktas. Vikt ska fästas vid konstaterande av resistenta mikrober, förebyggande av spridning och bekämpning av infektioner och dessutom ska det säkerställas att antimikrobiella läkemedel används korrekt och ansvarsfullt vid behandling av människor och djur. I Finland används inte antimikrobiella läkemedel inom växtproduktionen, men ute i världen är situationen en annan. Därför ska även användning av antimikrobiella läkemedel inom växtproduktionen beaktas som en faktor som ökar resistensen. Resistensövervakningen mäter bekämpningsåtgärdernas effektivitet och konstaterar nya hot. Antimikrobiell resistens är ett globalt gränsöverskridande hälsohot som kräver kontinuerlig beredskap och bibehållande av en god bekämpningsnivå. Man måste kunna reagera snabbt på nya hot. I det här handlingsprogrammet beskrivs nuläget i Finland i fråga om bekämpning av antimikrobiell resistens. Åtgärdsförslagen fokuserar på korrigering av upptäckta brister och innehåller förslag på åtgärder som i fortsättningen kan användas för att stärka olika delområden av bekämpningen av antimikrobiell resistens

    Bakteerien lääkeherkkyystilanne Suomessa vuonna 2007

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    Mikrobilääkeresistenssin torjunnan kansallinen toimintaohjelma 2017–2021

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    Mikrobilääkkeet eli antibiootit ovat yksi lääketieteen merkittävimmistä keksinnöistä. Mikrobien muuttuminen resistenteiksi eli vastustuskykyisiksi mikrobilääkkeille uhkaa ih misten ja eläinten terveyttä kaikkialla maailmassa. Tästä syystä resistenssin torjunta nos tettiin kautta aikojen neljäntenä terveysaiheena YK:n yleiskokouksen asialistalle syksyllä 2016. Resistenssin torjuntaa on tehtävä poikkihallinnollisessa yhteistyössä kaikilla tasoilla koko yhteiskunnassa. Torjuntatyössä on otettava huomioon ihmiset, eläimet, elintarvikkeet ja ympäristö. Huo miota on kiinnitettävä resistenttien mikrobien tunnistamiseen, leviämisen ehkäisyyn, infektioiden torjuntaan ja lisäksi on varmistettava mikrobilääkkeiden oikea ja vastuullinen käyt tö ihmisten ja eläinten hoidossa. Kasvintuotannossa ei Suomessa käytetä mikrobilääkkeitä, mutta maailmalla tilanne on toinen. Siksi myös kasvintuotannon mikrobilääkekäyttö on huomioitava resistenssiä lisäävänä tekijänä. Mikrobilääkeresistenssin seurannalla mitataan torjuntatoimien tehokkuutta ja todetaan uudet uha

    Overview of Optical Digital Measuring Challenges and Technologies in Laser Welded Components in EV Battery Module Design and Manufacturing

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    Ensuring the precision and repeatability of component assembly in the production of electric vehicle (EV) battery modules requires fast and accurate measuring methods. The durability of EV battery packs depends on the quality of welded connections, therefore exact positioning of the module components is critical for ensuring safety in exploitation. Laser welding is a non-contact process capable of welding dissimilar materials with high precision, for that reason it has become the preferred joining method in battery production. In high volume manufacturing, one of the main production challenges is reducing the time required for assessment of dimensional and geometrical accuracy prior to joining. This paper reviews the challenges of EV battery design and manufacturing and discusses commercially available scanner-based measurement systems suitable for fabrication of battery pack components. Versatility of novel metrological systems creates new opportunities for increasing the production speed, quality and safety of EV battery modules</p

    Diagnostic efficacy and tolerability of molded plastic nasopharyngeal swab (FinSwab) compared to flocked nylon swab in detection of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses

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    The supply of testing equipment is vital in controlling the spread of SARS-CoV-2. We compared the diagnostic efficacy and tolerability of molded plastic (FinSwab; Valukumpu, Finland) versus flocked nylon (FLOQSwab; Copan, Italy) nasopharyngeal swabs in a clinical setting. Adults (n = 112) with suspected symptomatic COVID-19 infection underwent nasopharyngeal sampling with FinSwab and FLOQSwab from the same nostril at a drive-in coronavirus testing station. In a subset of 36 patients the samples were collected in a randomized order to evaluate the discomfort associated with sampling. SARS-CoV-2 and 16 other respiratory viruses, as well as human β-actin mRNA were analyzed by using reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) assays. Among the 112 patients (mean age, 38 [standard deviation (SD), 14] years) β-actin mRNA was found in all samples. There was no difference in the β-actin mRNA cycle threshold (CT) values between FinSwab (mean, 22.3; SD, 3.61) and FLOQSwab (mean, 22.1; SD, 3.50; P = 0.46) swabs. There were 31 virus-positive cases (26 rhinovirus, 4 SARS-CoV-2, and 1 coronavirus-OC43), 24 of which were positive in both swabs; 3 rhinovirus positives were only found in the FinSwab, and similarly 4 rhinovirus positives were only found in the FLOQSwab. Rhinovirus CT values were similar between swab types. Of the 36 patients, 22 (61%) tolerated the sampling with the FinSwab better than with the FLOQSwab (P = 0.065). The molded plastic nasopharyngeal swab (FinSwab) was comparable to the standard flocked swab in terms of efficacy for respiratory virus detection and tolerability of sampling.IMPORTANCE We demonstrate that a molded plastic swab is a valid alternative to conventional brush-like swabs in collection of a nasopharyngeal sample for virus diagnostics.</p

    The Finnish New Variant of Chlamydia trachomatis with a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 23S rRNA Target Escapes Detection by the Aptima Combo 2 Test

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    In 2019, more than 200 cases of Chlamydia trachomatis negative/equivocal by the Aptima Combo 2 assay (AC2, target: 23S rRNA) with slightly elevated relative light units (RLUs), but positive by the Aptima Chlamydia trachomatis assay (ACT, target: 16S rRNA) have been detected in Finland To identify the cause of the AC2 CT false-negative specimens, we sequenced parts of the CT 23S rRNA gene in 40 specimens that were AC2 negative/equivocal but ACT positive. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; C1515T in the C. trachomatis 23S rRNA gene) was revealed in 39 AC2/ACT discordant specimens. No decrease in the number of mandatorily notified C. trachomatis cases was observed nationally in Finland in 2010–2019. When RLUs obtained for AC2 negative specimens were retrospectively evaluated in 2011–2019, a continuous increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 10–19 was observed since 2014, and a slight increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 20–84 in 2017–2019, indicating that the Finnish new variant of C. trachomatis might have been spreading nationally for several years. This emphasizes that careful surveillance of epidemiology, positivity rate and test performance are mandatory to detect any changes affecting detection of infections

    The Finnish New Variant of Chlamydia trachomatis with a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 23S rRNA Target Escapes Detection by the Aptima Combo 2 Test

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    In 2019, more than 200 cases of Chlamydia trachomatis negative/equivocal by the Aptima Combo 2 assay (AC2, target: 23S rRNA) with slightly elevated relative light units (RLUs), but positive by the Aptima Chlamydia trachomatis assay (ACT, target: 16S rRNA) have been detected in Finland To identify the cause of the AC2 CT false-negative specimens, we sequenced parts of the CT 23S rRNA gene in 40 specimens that were AC2 negative/equivocal but ACT positive. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; C1515T in the C. trachomatis 23S rRNA gene) was revealed in 39 AC2/ACT discordant specimens. No decrease in the number of mandatorily notified C. trachomatis cases was observed nationally in Finland in 2010–2019. When RLUs obtained for AC2 negative specimens were retrospectively evaluated in 2011–2019, a continuous increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 10–19 was observed since 2014, and a slight increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 20–84 in 2017–2019, indicating that the Finnish new variant of C. trachomatis might have been spreading nationally for several years. This emphasizes that careful surveillance of epidemiology, positivity rate and test performance are mandatory to detect any changes affecting detection of infections
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