21 research outputs found

    Hava taşımacılığında taşıyanın hukuki sorumluluğu ve hava yük senedi

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi47980

    Responsibility of the carrier in air transportation and air cargo

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    YÖK Tez ID: 126267ÖZET Havacılık 19. yy' m son yıllarında gelişmeye başlamış bir alandır. Şu anda halen dünyada en hızlı ve baş döndürücü çalışmalar havacılıkta yaşanmaktadır. Bu baş döndürücü gelişmeye hukuk bilimi de katılmış ve her döneminde elinden geldiğince yeni gelişmeleri ve bunların insanlar üzerindeki hukuksal etkilerini düzenlemiştir. Hava trafiğinin gittikçe artan durumu ve özellikle 1914-1918 yılları arasındaki Birinci Dünya Savaşı tüm devletlerin dikkatini bu konu üzerine çekmiş, hava hukuku esasları Birinci Dünya Savaşından sonra hızlı ve ciddi gelişmeler göstermiştir. Bu konuda halen yürürlükte de olan uluslar arası sözleşme 43 devletin temsilcilerinin katılımı ile Varşova'da imzalanmış, değiştirilen protokol 28 Eylül 1955 tarihinde imzalanmış, 30 devletin onayı ile 1 Ağustos 1963 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiştir. Türkiye sözleşme ve protokolü 29 Ağustos 1977 tarihinde Bakanlar Kurulu karan ile onaylamış, gerekli formalitelerin tamamlanması ile 23 Haziran 1978 tarihinde Varşova Sözleşmesi Türkiye'de yürürlüğe girmiştir. Hava Hususi Hukukunun iç hukuku ilgilendiren kısmında ise milli mevzuat geçerlidir. Türkiye'de hava hususi hukuk ilişkileri 1983 tarihli Türk Sivil Havacılık Kanunu hükümlerine tabidir. Kanun gerek akdi, gerek akit dışı ilişkiyi düzenlemektedir. Varşova/Lahey Konvansiyonu metnine göz atıldığında bir takım eksiklikler göze çarpmaktadır. Konvansiyonda; taşıyıcı, hava aracı, taşıma sözleşmesi, taşıyıcının adamları gibi ortak ve önemli kavramlara yer verilmemiştir. Türk sivil havacılığında meydana gelebilecek sorunları çözmek amacıyla 2920 Sayılı Türk Sivil Havacılık Kanunun (TSHK) düzenlenmiştir. 2920 Sayılı Türk Sivil Havacılık Kanununda bazen Türk Ticaret Konunu ve Borçlar Kanununa atıfta bulunmuştur. Hem Varşova Sözleşmesinde hem de 2920 Sayılı Türk Sivil Havacılık Kanununda birtakım ufak eksiklikler mevcut olup, bazı düzenlemeler getirilerek eksikliklerin giderilmesi gerekmektedir. -1-ABSTRACT Aviation started to develop at the end of the 19th century. In the 21st century, it is so fast and amazing developing area in scientific world that law also involved to this development to harmonize human and aviation activities. During the World War I (1914-1918) all the countries paid attention to growing air traffics, for this reason, the basis of the aviation laws were developed fast and seriously after the World War I. The International agreement on this subject was signed in Varshaw by the involvement of 43 countries. The changes on that agreement were also signed by 30 countries in September 28, 1955, and applications were started in August 1, 1963. Turkish senate of ministers approved the protocol, and the agreement in August 29, 1977. After completing the required bureaucracy the Varshaw Agreement became valid in June 23, 1978. The National Laws are valid in the Aviation Private Law, where it is related with the National Laws. In Turkey, The Air Private Law must fit to Turkish Civil Aviation Law. This law adjusts not only the relations with agreement but also the the relations out of the agreement. There are some deficiencies when the text of Varshaw/Lahey agreement is went through. In the agreement, the subjects related with the freight forwarders, air vehicle, carrier contracts, and forwarder' s men are not considered. In order to solve the problems may occur in Turkish Civil Aviation, Turkish Civil Aviation Law was prepared. In Turkish Civil Aviation Law, Turkish Commercial Law and Debts Law are sometimes referenced. There are few deficiencies in both Varshaw Agreement and Turkish Civil Aviation Laws, and they require some adjustments so as to be completed

    Managerial Perception and Organizational Identity: A Comparative Analysis

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    In this study, the effect of transformational leadership and procedural justice on manager trust and sustainable organizational identity is analyzed, also including the role of mediation on manager trust. First, we analyzed what the effect of transformational leadership and procedural justice on trust in the organization and sustainable organizational identity is. Secondly, we examined the mediator effect on organizational trust, in addition to the effects of transformational leadership and procedural justice on sustainable organizational identity. The sample of the study consists of 558 subjects from Turkey, 106 subjects from Azerbaijan, and 95 subjects from Kyrgyzstan—a total of 759 subjects. To analyze the collected data, we used correlation analysis, regression analyses, and ANOVA testing. For these analyses, we used the SPSS statistical software. The results indicate that transformational leadership and procedural justice positively and significantly affect manager trust. Moreover, manager trust has a positive and significant impact on creating a sustainable organizational identity. The results of the regression analyses further show that in the relationship between transformational leadership and procedural justice with sustainable organizational identity, there is a full effect of mediation on the perception of manager trust. Moreover, there is an indirect relationship among transformational leadership and procedural justice with creating a sustainable organizational identity, and this relationship is established through the perception of manager trust. The results of the study suggest that an efficient way to increase the trust of managers by employees is to increase procedural justice and to follow a transformational leadership style in the workplace. Moreover, it is expected that corporations following these strategies can sustain their organizational identity

    Creating Commitment, Trust and Satisfaction for a Brand: What is the Role of Switching Costs in Mobile Phone Market?

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    9th International Strategic Management Conference -- JUN 27-29, 2013 -- Riga, LATVIAWOS: 000346088300054The purpose of this study was to explore the role of switching costs in the relationship between satisfaction, trust, and commitment for a brand. Data analyzed in this study were collected via questionaires from real consumers (n=457). Our research model emphasizes associations among switching costs, satisfaction, trust and commitment for a brand. Our study provides compelling evidence for future work to gain further insight into switching costs, satisfaction, trust, and commitment for a brand and includes several implications for management practice and future research. Switching costs have positively effect the relationships between satisfaction, trust and commitment for a brand. This empirical study provides a new approach to understand the effects of switching costs on the relationships between satisfaction, trust, and commitment for a brand.Int Strateg Management & Managers Asso