101 research outputs found

    Synthesis of New Methoxy Actived Mono and Bis-indole Compounds

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    An indole hydrazone has successfully been synthesized employing Schiff base reaction conditions starting from 4,6-dimethoxy-2,3-diphenylindole-7-carbaldehyde with hydrazine hydrate. The reaction of this compound with acetone yielded indole based imine compound. The structure of targeted compound was identified by mass and 1H spectroscopy along with single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. Also, bromination of bis-indole with N-bromo succinimide was produced corresponding bromo bis-indol derivative

    Synthesis of novel BIS-indole systems

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    The primary aim of this project was to synthesize novel 2,2′- and 7,7′-linked bis-indole systems from methoxy activated indoles, and investigate their ability to undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions at C7 and C2 respectively. As an integral part of achieving this aim, the development of a new series of methoxy activated indole precursors was investigated. The construction of hydrazine bridged 2,2′- and 7,7′-linked bis-indoles was achieved from 2- and 7-glyoxylchlorides and 2- and 7- trichloroacetylindoles respectively. An efficient method was developed for the preparation of 7,7′-bis-indoles containing an oxadiazole derived spacer unit via the cyclodehydration of 7,7′- hydrazide linked bis-indoles. The preparation of a series of monomeric 1,3,4-thiadiazoles was also successfully achieved via the cyclodehydration of 2- and 7-thiosemicarbazides. Some of these 7,7′-hydrazine bridged bis-indoles showed promising antibacterial activity against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Based on these interesting biological results, some novel 7-carbohydrazides and 7-carboxamides were prepared in order to determine the effect of other substituents at the C7 position. A 7-aminomethylindole was synthesised by the reduction of the corresponding 7-cyanoindole and used as a functional precursor to prepare a range of 7,7′-bis-indoles Also, the reduction of 7-nitroethyl indoles led to the formation of 7-tryptamine analogues. These were used to generate amide and imine linked 7,7′-bis-indoles and for the construction of imine linked macrocycles, which were subsequently reduced to the corresponding amine linked macrocycles. 7-Bromoindoles are key intermediates for the synthesis of biindolyl systems. However, all attempts to synthesize 7-bromoindoles failed, but interestingly led to the generation of unexpected compounds such as 4,6-dimethoxybenzotriazole. This led to the subsequent investigation of the C7 reactivity of this system by exploring reactions such as formylation, acylation and acid catalysed dimerization. The synthesis of 7-oxotryptamines was accomplished via hydrogenation of the corresponding 7-acyl cyanides. 7-Oxotryptamines were subsequently reacted with 7-trichloroacetyindoles to form amide linked bis-indoles, which were converted to the oxazole linked bis-indoles. Some monomeric 7-methyloxazoles were also prepared from the 7-keto amides via cyclodehydration. However, the synthesis of 7-hydroxy tryptamine was unsuccessful and led to the formation of a dimer and an alcohol

    Eğitim ve Bilim Dergisinde Yayınlanan Araştırmaların Eğilimleri: İçerik Analizi

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    The aim of this study is to perform a content analysis of the articles published in TED Education and Science Journal and in this way to define the trends of the articles published in the journal. In the study, a total of 492 articles selected by purposive sampling method were analyzed. For the selection of articles, it was considered that the articles were of the articles published in issues between 2007 and 2013 when the issue of the journal was scanned by SSCI. “Publishing Classification Form” was used for the analysis of the articles determined within this scope. By making content analysis, articles were analyzed to include the aspects such as defining information about the identity of the article, its field, its subject, method, data collection tools, sampling, data analysis methods, and discussions and recommendations. The obtained data was interpreted in a manner based on the percentage and frequency and they were also represented with tables and graphics. Based on the obtained data it was found out that more publications are made by scientists working in larger and great universities like Hacettepe, Ankara and Gazi University. Furthermore, it was identified that most of the publications are on fields such as educational programs and teaching, educational administration, mathematics and science education. In the study where publications based on quantitative and descriptive survey researches were identified as the most common publication type, it was found that attitude, perception, and personality tests were used as data collection tool. It was seen that the studies concentrated in the sampling range of 301-1000 persons at the undergraduate level. For the analysis of data it was found that descriptive analysis were made more commonly and Anova and T-test analysis were also used in the studies intensively. Publication trend of TED Education and Science Journal, and its framework to contribute scientific studies will be developed by following history, profile and trends of the publication based on the present analysis.Bu çalışmanın amacı TED Eğitim ve Bilim dergisinde yayınlanan makalelerin içerik analizini yapmak, bu yolla dergide yayınlanan makalelerin eğilimlerini belirlemektir. Çalışmada amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi ile toplam 492 makale seçilerek analiz edilmiştir. Makalelerin seçiminde derginin SSCI tarafından dizinlendiği sayının yayınlandığı yıl olan 2007 yılı ile 2013 yılları arasındaki sayılarda yayınlanmış makaleler olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda tespit edilen makalelerin analizi için “Yayın Sınıflama Formu” kullanılmıştır. Makaleler içerik analizi yapılarak, makalenin kimliği hak-kında tanımlayıcı bilgi, disiplin alanı, makalenin konusu, yöntemi, veri toplama araçları, örneklemi, veri analiz yöntemleri, tartışma ve öneriler boyutlarını kapsayacak şekilde incelenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler, yüzde ve frekansa dayalı bir şekilde yorumlanmış, tablo ve grafiklerle de verilerin gösterimine yer verilmiştir. Elde edilen verilere dayalı olarak en fazla yayının Hacettepe, Ankara ve Gazi üniversitesi gibi büyük ve daha gelişmiş üniversitelerde görev yapan bilim insanları tarafından yapıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Yine en fazla yayının, eğitim programları ve öğretimi, eğitim yönetimi, matematik eğitimi ve fen bilimleri eğitimi alanlarında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Nicel ve betimsel taramaya dayalı araştırmaların en fazla yayın olarak tespit edildiği çalışmada daha çok tutum, algı ve kişilik testlerinin veri toplama aracı olarak kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Örneklem düzeyi olarak lisans düzeyinde ve 301-1000 kişilik bir örneklem aralığında çalışmaların yoğunlaştığı görülmüştür. Verilerin analizinde ise daha çok betimsel analizlerin yapıldığı, anova ve t-testi analizlerinin çalışmalarda yoğun bir şekilde kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Mevcut analizlerden yola çıkılarak yayın geçmişi, profili ve eğilimleri izlenerek TED Eğitim ve Bilim Dergisinin yayın yönelimi ve bilimsel çalışmalara katkı sağlama çerçevesi geliştirilmeye çalışılacaktır

    Synthesis of a 7-(aminomethyl)indole and related bis-indole derivatives

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    A 7-(aminomethyl) indole is a useful precursor to form a new range of unsymmetrical and symmetrical 3-substituted amide-, imine-, and amine-linked 7,7'-bis-indoles. The reduction of an imine linked bis-indole leads to formation of the corresponding amine-linked bis-indole.University of New South Wales; Turkish GovernmentTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK)We thank the University of New South Wales and the Turkish Government for their financial support

    Validity and reliability study of Emotional Literacy ScaleDuygusal Okuryazarlık Ölçeğinin geçerlilik ve güvenirlik çalışması

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    The aim of this study is to develop a scale regarding emotional literacy. Within the context of said intentions, totally 267 students who are demographically different and attending different levels of classes, 182 of which are girls and the other 87 are boys, were contacted. For construct validity of scale, Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied to the scale and three factor construct was finally revealed. Then, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied to the construct determined. As a result of CFA, adaptive values of Emotional Literacy Scale (ELS) are as follows: X2, 3.47; RMSEA, .06; CFI, .98; GFI, .95; NFI, .97; IFI, .99; RFI, .96 and AGFI, .93. In addition to CFA, Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficients based on item analysis were scrutinized in order to detect reliability level of points yielded by ELS. Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı, duygusal okuryazarlıkla ilgili bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Bu amaçlar bağlamında, farklı demografik özelliklere sahip ve farklı sınıf düzeylerinde olan 182 kız ve 87 erkek olmak üzere toplam 269 öğrenciye ulaşılmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliliği için ölçeğe Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi (AFA) uygulanmış ve sonucunda üç faktörlü yapı açığa çıkmıştır. Daha sonra, belirlenen yapıya Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) yapılmıştır. Öncelikli olarak yapılan DFA sonucunda Duygusal Okuryazarlık Ölçeğinin (DOYÖ)uyum değerleri:X2, 3.47; RMSEA, .06; CFI,.98; GFI, .95;NFI, .97; IFI, .99; RFI, .96 ve AGFI, .93’tür. DFA’ya ek olarak, DOYÖ’nden elde edilen puanların ne derece güvenilir olduğunu değerlendirmek için madde analizine dayalı olarak hesaplanan Cronbach alfa iç-tutarlılık katsayılarına bakılmıştır

    Selective particle control in suspensions using multi-wavelength resonators : Towards acoustophoresis on centimeter scale

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    Particulate suspensions occur in many different industrial activities, for example in food, biomedical and pharmaceutical industries. These suspensions usually need a treatment step to separate valuable particles from the wet process streams or purify the streams. Such treatments may be needed at any stage during the process. Many technologies exist to perform such treatments. A relatively recent technology is acoustophoresis. Acoustophoresis is widely and successfully used in biomedical applications on microscale. For biomedical applications, such as blood cell separation for diagnosis, microscale has a size advantage as it reduces the required sample size, typically in the order of mL. For other applications, however, when the volumes to be treated are larger, for instance in the order of L h-1, selective particle separation from suspensions on centimeter scale can be a viable option. This thesis investigated and laid down the path towards realizing selective particle separation on centimeter scale

    Halka şeklinde bir akustik levitasyon sisteminin tasarımı ve uygulanması.

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    In standing wave acoustic levitation technique, a standing wave is obtained between a source and a reflector. Particles can be attracted towards pressure nodes in standing waves owing to the spring action. Hence, particles can be suspended in air. This operation can be performed on continuous structures as well as in several numbers of axes. In this study an annular acoustic levitation set-up is designed and built. The set-up consists of two langevin type piezoelectric transducers, two waveguides, an annular plate, an annular concave reflector, supporting structures, a signal generator and a power amplifier. The transducers are activated by harmonic signals generated by a signal generator and amplified by an amplifier to excite the waveguides. The waveguides amplify the vibration amplitude and in turn, excite the annular plate to a bending mode at a certain frequency. As the plate vibrates in bending mode, it excites the air and generates sound waves. Several types of bending modes of the plate are simulated and evaluated. With the right positioning of the reflector plate, standing waves are formed between the annular vibrating plate and the reflector plate. At the pressure nodes of the standing wave, it is demonstrated that small particles can be suspended in air.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Evaluation of remote and on-site branch audits in banks by AHP method

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    Teknolojinin gelişmesi ve yaşanan Covid-19 salgını ile birlikte uzaktan çalışma yöntemlerinin önemi ve kullanımı artmıştır. Banka iç denetim birimleri de sağladığı birçok avantaj nedeniyle yerinde denetimden uzaktan denetim uygulamalarına geçiş yapmaktadırlar. Ancak uzaktan denetimin eksiklik ve üstünlüklerinin birlikte ele alınması gerekir. Bu çalışmada; bankaların “geleneksel yerinde şube denetim uygulamaları” ile “uzaktan şube denetim uygulamaları” AHP (Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci) yöntemi kullanılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Konuyla ilgili literatür taraması ve uzman denetçi görüşleri sonucunda sekiz kriter belirlenmiş ve banka iç denetim birimlerinde görev yapan tecrübeli denetçilerden oluşan uzman grubundan bu kriterleri ve alternatifleri değerlendirmesi istenmiştir. Böylece uzaktan ve yerinde şube denetiminin birbirine göre üstün ve zayıf yönleri tespit edilmiştir. Buna göre banka şubesi denetimlerinde; maliyet tasarrufu, zaman tasarrufu, yönetimsel kolaylık ve esneklik açısından “uzaktan şube denetimi”, denetim kapsamı, rapor kalitesi, denetlenen birimlere etkisi ve iletişim kriterleri açısından ise “yerinde şube denetimi” öne çıkmaktadır. Denetçi motivasyonu açısından ise uzaktan denetim ile yerinde denetim arasında anlamlı bir fark tespit edilememiştir.With the development of technology and the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance and use of remote working methods has increased. Bank's internal audit units are also switching from on-site auditing to remote auditing applications due to the many advantages of remote auditing. However, the disadvantages and advantages of remote control should be considered together. In this study, "Traditional on-site branch audit practices" and "remote branch audit practices" of banks were compared using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method. As a result of the literature review and expert auditor opinions on the subject, eight criteria were determined and the expert group consisting of experienced auditors working in the internal audit units of the bank was asked to evaluate these criteria and alternatives. Thus, the superior and weak aspects of remote and on-site branch audits have been determined. Accordingly, in bank branch audits, “remote branch audit” stands out in terms of cost savings, time savings, administrative convenience and flexibility, while “on-site branch audit” stands out in terms of audit scope, report quality, impact on the audited units and communication criteria. In terms of auditor motivation, there was no significant difference between remote auditing and on-site auditing


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    Standing wave acoustic levitation technique utilizes a standing wave formed between a sound source and a reflector. Nodes of the standing wave act as linear springs to attract the particles towards the pressure nodes, thus particles can be suspended or levitated in air. Theoretically, any material in any state can be levitated using this technique. However, in practice, the attempts to levitate materials are limited to those mostly of regular shape. A common type is air-filled closed form shell structures. These types of structures are often encountered as the likes of drug capsules. In this study, standing wave acoustic levitation of air-filled materials is performed. A number of hollow shapes in several sizes are manufactured on three-dimensional printers. The standing wave field in the presence of air-filled materials is predicted by computer simulations through finite element software for both a single- axis set-up and an annular set-up where levitation experiments are carried out. The prospect of levitating air-filled materials in a standing wave acoustic levitation set-up is evaluated and demonstrated