23 research outputs found

    Long-Term Optical Observations Of Two Lmxbs: Uw Crb (=Ms 1603+260) And V1408 Aql (=4U 1957+115)

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    We present new optical photometry of two low-mass X-ray binary stars, UW CrB (MS 1603+260) and V1408 Aql (4U 1957+115). UW CrB is an eclipsing binary and we refine its eclipse ephemeris and measure an upper limit to the rate of change of its orbital period, vertical bar P vertical bar < 4.2 x 10(-11) (unitless). The light curve of UW CrB shows optical counterparts of type I X-ray bursts. We tabulate the times, orbital phases, and fluences of 33 bursts and show that the optical flux in the bursts comes primarily from the accretion disk, not from the secondary star. The new observations are consistent with a model in which the accretion disk in UW CrB is asymmetric and precesses in the prograde direction with a period of similar to 5.5 days. The light curve of V1408 Aql has a low-amplitude modulation at its 9.33 hr orbital period. The modulation remained a nearly pure sine curve in the new data as it was in 1984 and 2008, but its mean amplitude was lower, 18% against 23% in the earlier data. A model in which the orbital modulation is caused by the varying aspect of the heated face of the secondary star continues to give an excellent fit to the light curve. We derive a much improved orbital ephemeris for the system.NSF 0958783Astronom

    The puzzling story of flare inactive ultra fast rotating M dwarfs. I. Exploring their magnetic fields

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    Stars which are rapidly rotating are expected to show high levels of activity according to the activity-rotation relation. However, previous TESS studies have found Ultra Fast Rotating (UFR) M dwarfs with periods less than one day displaying low levels of flaring activity. As a result, in this study, we utilize VLT/FORS2 spectropolarimetric data of ten M dwarf UFR stars between spectral types ∼M2 - M6 all with Prot &amp;lt; 1, to detect the presence of a magnetic field. We divide our sample into rotation period bins of equal size, with one star having many more flares in the TESS lightcurve than the other. We also provide an analysis of the long-term variability within our sample usingTESS lightcurves taken during Cycles 1 and 3 (up to three years apart). We identify 605 flares from our sample which have energies between 2.0× 1031 and 5.4× 1034 erg. Although we find no significance difference in the flare rate between the Cycles, two of our targets display changes in their lightcurve morphology, potentially caused by a difference in the spot distribution. Overall, we find five stars (50 per cent) in our sample have a detectable magnetic field with strengths ∼1–2 kG. Of these five, four were the more flare active stars within the period bins with one being the less flare active star. It would appear the magnetic field strength may not be the answer to the lack of flaring activity and supersaturation or magnetic field configuration may play a role. However, it is clear the relationship between rotation and activity is more complex than a steady decrease over time

    The puzzling story of flare inactive ultra fast rotating M dwarfs. II. Searching for radial velocity variations

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    Observations made using TESS revealed a sample of low mass stars which show a periodic modulation on a period &amp;lt;0.2 d. Surprisingly many of these Ultra Fast Rotating (UFR) stars showed no evidence of flare activity which would be expected from such rapidly rotating stars. We present results from a spectroscopic survey of UFRs using the Nordic Optical Telescope to search for radial velocity variations which could reveal evidence for binarity. Our sample of 29 sources have a photometric period between 0.1-0.2d, cover spectral classes of M0-4V, and show no evidence for flares. We detect only one source with clear radial velocity shifts, with another two having Gaia RUWE values which suggests they are binaries. Further observations reveal the former star possibly contains a brown dwarf companion with a mass of M2&amp;gt;58 MJup and probability P(M2&amp;lt;90 MJup) = 50%. There is no evidence for the companion in our spectra, strengthening the case for a brown dwarf companion. We also examine the folded TESS light curves of all our targets, finding at least two are eclipsing binaries and one which has been contaminated by a spatially nearby δ Sct star. We estimate that around 1/4 of our targets may have been contaminated by short period variable stars. However, the majority of our targets are consistent with being single, low mass stars whose variability is due to starspots. We outline the possible reasons why they are not flare active despite being such rapid rotators

    Evidence of magnetic accretion in an SW Sex star: discovery of variable circular polarization in LS Pegasi

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    We report on the discovery of variable circular polarization in the SW Sex star LS Pegasi. The observed modulation has an amplitude of ~0.3 % and a period of 29.6 minutes, which we assume as the spin period of the magnetic white dwarf. We also detected periodic flaring in the blue wing of Hbeta, with a period of 33.5 minutes. The difference between both frequencies is just the orbital frequency, so we relate the 33.5-min modulation to the beat between the orbital and spin period. We propose a new accretion scenario in SW Sex stars, based on the shock of the disk-overflown gas stream against the white dwarf's magnetosphere, which extends to the corotation radius. From this geometry, we estimate a magnetic field strength of B(1) ~ 5-15 MG. Our results indicate that magnetic accretion plays an important role in SW Sex stars and we suggest that these systems are probably Intermediate Polars with the highest mass accretion rates.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters. LaTeX, 14 pages, 3 PostScript figure

    Circular polarimetry of suspect wind-accreting magnetic pre-polars

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    We present results from a circular polarimetric survey of candidate detached magnetic white dwarf - M dwarf binaries obtained using the Nordic Optical Telescope, La Palma. We obtained phase resolved spectropolarimetry and imaging polarimetry of seven systems, five of which show clearly variable circular polarisation. The data indicate that these targets have white dwarfs with magnetic field strengths >80 MG. Our study reveals that cyclotron emission can dominate the optical luminosity at wavelengths corresponding to the cyclotron emission harmonics, even in systems where the white dwarfs are only wind-accreting. This implies that a very significant fraction of the stellar wind of the companion star is captured by the magnetic white dwarf reducing the magnetic braking in pre-cataclysmic variables (CVs). Furthermore, the polarimetric confirmation of several detached, wind-accreting magnetic systems provides observational constraints on the models of magnetic CV evolution and white dwarf magnetic field generation. We also find that the white dwarf magnetic field configuration in at least two of these systems appears to be very complex

    Optical counterpart of HLX-1 during the 2010 outburst

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    We studied the optical counterpart of the intermediate-mass black hole candidate HLX-1 in ESO 243-49. We used a set of Very Large Telescope imaging observations from 2010 November, integrated by Swift X-ray data from the same epoch. We measured standard Vega brightnesses U = 23.89 +/- 0.18 mag, B = 25.19 +/- 0.30 mag, V = 24.79 +/- 0.34 mag and R = 24.71 +/- 0.40 mag. Therefore, the source was ~1 mag fainter in each band than in a set of Hubble Space Telescope images taken a couple of months earlier, when the X-ray flux was a factor of 2 higher. We conclude that during the 2010 September observations, the optical counterpart was dominated by emission from an irradiated disk (which responds to the varying X-ray luminosity), rather than by a star cluster around the black hole (which would not change). We modelled the Comptonized, irradiated X-ray spectrum of the disk, and found that the optical luminosity and colours in the 2010 November data are still consistent with emission from the irradiated disk, with a characteristic outer radius r_{out} ~ 2800 r_{in} ~ 10^{13} cm and a reprocessing fraction ~ 2 x 10^{-3}. The optical colours are also consistent with a stellar population with age <~ 6 Myr (at solar metallicity) and mass ~ 10^4 M_{sun}; this is only an upper limit to the mass, if there is also a significant contribution from an irradiated disk. We strongly rule out the presence of a young super-star-cluster, which would be too bright. An old globular cluster might be associated with HLX-1, as long as its mass <~ 2 x 10^6 M_{sun} for an age of 10 Gyr, but it cannot significantly contribute to the observed very blue and variable optical/UV emission.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS on Nov 28; 11 pages, 1.3 MB. v2: same paper, same price, now 20% more authors

    The long term optical behaviour of helium accreting AM CVn binaries

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    We present the results of a two and a half year optical photometric monitoring programme covering 16 AM CVn binaries using the Liverpool Telescope on La Palma. We detected outbursts in seven systems, one of which (SDSS J0129) was seen in outburst for the first time. Our study coupled with existing data shows that ~1/3 of these helium-rich accreting compact binaries show outbursts. The orbital period of the outbursting systems lie in the range 24-44 mins and is remarkably consistent with disk-instability predictions. The characteristics of the outbursts seem to be broadly correlated with their orbital period (and hence mass transfer rate). Systems which have short periods (<30 min) tend to exhibit outbursts lasting 1--2 weeks and often show a distinct `dip' in flux shortly after the on-set of the burst. We explore the nature of these dips which are also seen in the near-UV. The longer period bursters show higher amplitude events (5 mag) that can last several months. We have made simulations to estimate how many outbursts we are likely to have missed.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA